Veeky Forums we need to learn how to get real nuts again

Veeky Forums we need to learn how to get real nuts again.

We need to make a setting, but not one with some big complex backstory to start out with, no fancy shmancy philosophy. We just need one simple idea and to go wild with it.

We need a skeleton setting. Main race is sentient skeletons. They're spooky and they like to rattle their bones. No other rules, go.

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Antagonist race of literal muscleman meatheads

Their war has been going on for a thousand years.

Skeleton society propagates itself how? Liberating new Skellies from bodies or by rattling each others bones to make little baby Skellies?

Both. They take skeletons from the living, freeing them from their meat prisoners, and also reproduce through intense bone rattling. The skeleton kingdom is overpopulated and it is doing harm to them, but they just can't stop their quest for bones.

And so they create space craft, to propagate bones through the stars
FTL yay or nay?

They reproduce by budding, sometimes skeletons will grow a literal boner on their pelvis and it will detach itself from the skeleton when it grows to 5-7 inches in lenght.
Then the boner will take the shape of a skull and become conscious and intelligent (that's why you have many immature animated skulls in fiction, they are mentally mature but still very young skeletons children)
They will grow the rest of their skeletons in decade and half but are mainly active before adulthood as skulls and when they get arms to crawl on the ground.

I would say nay. The skeletons have plenty of time to wait. They probably pull a Necrons thing and just hang out in space coffins or tombs until they land on a new planet to bone. FTL is for the meatheads who's weak flesh can't handle the dangers of time.

Does good calcium increase the budding rates of skeletons?

The skeleton god is a matrioska brain made out of trillions of interlinked lich skulls placed in orbit around the sun and siphoning its magical energy.

Of course!

There is a faction of skeletons who enhance their skelebodies with genetically altered bones or through use of cybernetics. How would wide skeletonry view them?
Cyborg skeletons probably reproduce through CLANGCLANGCLANGCLANG instead of RATTLERATTLE

The greatest honor a leader of skeletons can receive is to have their skull taken off and fired into space to join the matrioshka skull.

There's never a short supply of bones but skeletons have to find and gather them. They send bone hunters and bone merchants to acquire any and all bones. Dead animals are defleshed and harvested for their bones. There are grave robbers who specifically take the bones of the dead to trade with skeletons on a bone black market.

The more bone mass a bone construct has the greater its magic power. However, skeletons also know that power can neuter itself when it loses form and function. Furthermore, bones only animate when they are properly connected. A pile of bones is still nothing more than a pile of bones.

The cyberskellies are disliked by many pure boned skeletons because they see their use of metal as an insult towards the power of traditional skeletal structure. The skeleton kingdom accepts them though, as they still lead to the creation and further development of skeletonkind.

>Most non-skeleton empires fear and hate the skeletons for obvious reasons
>But the skeletons are such a huge force in thiss galaxy that are constantly looking for bones and are willing to pay top dollar for them if need be
>The Bone Trade is a major part of the economy

Skeletons can recover from all injuries short of too much skull damage, they will even regrow lost bones (and even reject too damaged one) but it can take years for the biggest ones so mutilating yourself or other skeletons is not a viable way to get bones even if forced mutilation and slavers "farmers" exist.

Skeletons are like dwarves in that many of them live in underground cities and mines. As they build out their cities, they intentionally try to get under the graves of the dead to steal their skeletons right from under them.

The skeletons retain some of the memories of the bones previous owners. As such, bones of skilled warriors, archwizards, or master thieves are worth their weight in gold.

The skeletons, whether taken from the living or produced, are their own beings separate from any soul. The ghosts of those former living people still exist, and they don't like their skeletons walking around on their own.

Skeleton animals are just as sentient as humanoid skeletons. In fact, one of the lichmind's most trusted lieutenants is a skeleton crocodile

Some kingdoms systematically grind bones into a fine powder as disposal. Bone grinder is a trade, a guilded trade at that.

Necromancers are valued for their abilities to enslave, dispel, or even properly communicate with skeletons. They are not considered evil on general principle. You don't have a real kingdom unless you have a court necromancer on your council.

Did meatmen form around skeletons or were skeletons freed from the meat?

That's the question they've been waring over for a thousand years.

>A photo of Finn Skellibones, the first ambassador between the Skeleton Kingdom and the Merman Kingdom.

Both meatmen and skeletons fear the terrifying skinwraith, a humanoid monster that's thin enough to slide under a door or through a cracked window. They envelop their prey and puppet it around in some horrible attempt at normalcy. Both sides blame the other for the existence of skinwraiths.

Skeletons are bones that refuse to die.
Zombies are flesh that refuses to die.
Ghosts are souls that refuse to die.
Vampires are blood that refuses to die.


Meatmen, obsessed with growing their muscles, try to wrestle the skinwraiths into submission. The skeletons, however, pick select warriors to file their bones down to points in order to slice through skinwraiths if captured.

Each skeleton decides on its own job, based on a list prepared for it by the Skeleton Kore Under Legal Lawmakers. Some even deign to be modified to make their job easier. As such, Public Transport in Necro York is mostly via SkeleVehicles.



Such as the bone train. Would you like to ride the bone train?

whats the general consensus on skeletons that are actually human shaped arthropods that stalk graveyards eating the decaying bodies and preying on foolish adventurers by disguising them selves as bodies?

they could be akin to the vampires of this setting. evolved/transmutated from detrivores and other pests, that slip seamlessly into society just to break open the bones of their victims and eat the marrow. they don't like the sunlight because in broad daylight the fact that they ere actually bugs becomes easier to spot.

The skeletons worship the giant collection of lich skulls in space, but legend says that heretic skeletons (or skeretics) in the darkest, deepest parts of the skeleton cities attempted to create their own skeleton god by collecting as many normal bones as they could of all shapes and sizes and tying them together, forming a nightmarish skeleton spider monster. Mother skeletons tell their skeletonlings to behave or the Skider will steal their bones for its collection.

I got you lad.

I've been working on this idea for a while, I'm giving it to the community freely. but it's hard to give up my baby.

What does the world think of love between fleshies and skeletons?

Can Half-Skeletons be accepted in any society?

many monster such as cyclops exist but they a formed from elephant skeletons, similarly dragons are ancient beasts form from dinosaur bones

How valuable are skeleton eyes on the Bone Market?

sea serpents are actually whale skeles

>Be human.
>Skeletons invade my country and create a city under it.
>Stealing every bone they can get their hands on.
>The government, instead of fending them off, opens trade with them and sells our dead to them.
>The ocean is now filled with bone monsters
>The sky is filled with giant pterodactyl fossils
>The mountains are infested with elephant headed cyclopses
>In desperation me and a small group of freedom fighters contact that meatmen for help
>Country is now in constant war
>The skeletons want our bones and the meatmen want our muscles
>When we die there's a good chance our remaining skin will turn into skinwraiths
Everything is terrible.

rhino skeles are unicorns

spiders are loved and kept as pets by skeles because they eat pesky decomposers and poison meatbags while being completely harmless to skeletons, they also use and trade their silk

milk is considered a delicacy in the underworld so necromancers often trade them for it.

Milk is like fine wine for skeletons.
Skeletons can get addicted to it.

since they have no pesky organs skeletons often carry their young in their ribcages to keep them protected.

During the Human-Skeleton Guerrilla wars, the #1 used warbeast by man were hyenas, due to their natural, bone-crushing instincts.

Skeletons can fuse together in times of danger, creating GIANT SKELETONS that are the combined strength of all of their parts.
These get almost nowhere, because of the squabbling of the legs and arms (and other parts) on where to go.
But in times of danger, when entire skeleton nations combine, these are very powerful indeed.

the hyenas were unable to be tamed and after killing many skeletons as well as humans they formed an independent gnoll faction


Nay. Dont want to make this too complicated.


Skeletons have a natural fear of creatures without bones.

Jellyfish are like the boogyman.

What about other races? I say we have the biggest enemy to Skeletons being Dogs.

I was about to post this, they consider them deathless because their bones don't appera in the afterlife

bearded vulture are also common warbeasts because they are scavengers that eat ONLY bones and skeletons fear them

forgot pic

mummies are considered skeleton/skin wraith hybrids

So far I've seen.

And some other potential ones being ghosts, gnolls, and
whatever this is.


Wasn't there some Tumblr post about them? What if they're actually the world's Dragons, too?

As long as we're taking potential animals/races the skeletons fear, we could have a mindflayer/squidman type race. No bones.

instead of tattoos skeletons carve the'r bones
>pic rleated
I like this idea but what if they were hyena/bearded vulture griffins? the true skeleton enemy

I was trying to come up with an idea for a vidya that involved this. I was thinking about it like an MMO with skeltals vs fuccbois in a World of Warcraft fashion. And another as a DayZ ripoff but instead the skeletons just chase after you with trumpets shouting "get back here fuccboi" or something else over the top and ridiculous.

>Skeleton war vs muscleheads
>Capture prisoners
>work them to death in the calcium mines
>raise bones into new skeletons, potentially slave race
>thank mr skeltal doot doot

>hyena/bearded vulture griffins
created by insane meatman wizards as anti-skeleton mounts. Sadly, they also eat meat due to the hyena part, and they're now a huge menace

Skeleton hierarchy is determined by individual bones; the equivalent of being knighted could mean swapping tibia's with a noble. Expect to hear stories of my grandfather's father's phalange passed through skelerations

We've received mixes on how Skeletons reproduce. Have we reached a consensus on how?

Also, maybe Skeletons & Meatmen can be the equivalent of Elves and Dwarves?

Both pairs typically dislike themselves, and fight for years on ridiculous reasons.

Skeletons would be like elves because they are thin and agile. They also have liches who are great at magic, much like Elven Wizards. Meatmen are like dwarves because they are bulkier.

Obviously, humanity thinks that they came first, and all the meat and bone based life forms either evolved from them or were created by dark magic. However, the skeletons believe that they were always the first beings, and that dark magic resulted in them being cursed with flesh and muscle. The meatheads think that skin and bone are punishments for not getting enough gains.

how does one join into this game

I just made a discovery lads


Do Skeletons actually require Magic to function? If theyre hit by some Dispel Magic, would they just fall apart? What about Skeleton Souls? Would Dispel Magic destroy their souls too?. Do Skeletons even have souls? What would stop other races from annihilating skeletons through just making armies of Wizards?

>hyena/bearded vulture griffins

I'd like them to come from eggs (unless they were once living) for no reason other than I think the idea of a skeleton laying an egg is funny

Skinwraiths know the truth, but since nobody but skinwraiths can understand them, the mystery goes unsolved.

maybe the skeleton IS the soul, ever see some one with a personality without a skeleton, didn't think so

the skeleton is the heart of the soul

I propose a smaller faction, a multi race cult who belive that life is suffering and true happiness can only come from true death, the plot to destroy the world and create doomsday devices

>Veeky Forums we need to learn how to get real nuts again.

Dude just go to a grocery store and buy some nuts if you're so worried about it.

I don't know why you people are talking about skeletons and campaign settings. That won't get you any nuts.

yeah how about some kind of transformative active camouflage ooze (sentient of course) that can take over teh skellies of any creature and CONTROL their minds

a skull is sort of like a nut

The only problem is that each of the races has slightly different interpretations of what death actually means. This leads to infighting within the cult.

they are mind control parasite that live inside the skeletons and use their bones like an exoskeleton.
they are also allied with the skinwraiths

They push out the marrow and fill the bones with their ooze bodies, so you might detect an invasion by bits of marrow just lying around.

>they are also allied with the skinwraiths
Seems like an uneasy alliance at best, since both sides want all of the hardbodies for themselves.

>a skull is sort of like a nut

>jar full of tiny skulls
>eating them like candy



guys I love this setting so much, once this thread is gone I promise there WILL BE ANOTHER. Never gonna let this gem disappear

Male skeletons headbutt female skeletons, then build a tiny baby skeleton out of the small bones before rebuilding the female. This is called getting knocked up. Somehow the skeletons don't lose bones from this, but the skeletons only say 'well why don't you lose flesh when YOU make a baby?'

sexual dimorphism?

Gotta get into the bone zone somehow.

Legitimately horrifying.

little bit of architectural inspiration

Same. This is a fun setting and it either needs to be played or expanded on in future threads.

Truly disgusting

The real question is whether this is considered a horror show for the skeletons, some kind of interactive art piece, or a hive mind of skulls that really wants to be a decoration?

I love the hivemind idea, skeletons inhabit living, thinking cities that help upkeep themselves and defend themselves from invaders