>This campaign will feature adult themes and light erotica
/tgmg/ That GM Thread
>light erotica
Fucking perverts, there's a fetish for everything now.
>This thread will contain pointless arguing and stupid bullshit that never happens
You must pretty much be That Guy to choose to be a GM.
>this campaign will feature realistic consequences to the PCs' actions
>This campaign will be run over Roll20/Skype/IRC/Other with text only, no voice or webcams.
>Not knowing how to joke around and have fun
>this online campaign requires skype and webcams
>Evil is the 'active' philisophical force in this game setting. Good is only definable insofar as how far you're willing to go to oppose evil.
>Mfw he actually uses this to justify Paladins falling for not being psychos.
>This campaign will feature political themes inspired by real-world issues and events.
>in this campaign your characters have to be genuinely invested in protecting X and opposing Y
You rolled a 1. You stab yourself, LMAO
>There won't be any handholding. Everyone needs to read the rules beforehand and commit to 2 hours every week.
>I'm trying to do something more than a simple dungeon crawl
Thats a legitimate as fuck expectation though. You must be the cocksucker on his phone every session and the guy that complains that he can't follow this "stupid ass story" at all because none of the plot points make any sense.
christ its awful and it happens more than youd like
>check out r20 listing
>seems ok
>slowly realize the main goddess is a thinly-veiled furry anthro porngirl
>it's a korean anime plot
> Oh dear, this combat is dragging out way longer than planned, it's well past midnight, and some of the players are saying they need to leave in a few minutes
Legit somebody rolled a 1 and was knocked unconscious for 1d6 minutes. A minute is 10 rounds of combat. I had words with the GM.
>Choose to be GM
Its never a choice user, no other cunt is selfless enough to sacrifice their fun in playing to enable everyone else to have fun.
>light erotica
ok I get Micheal Bay has too many lens flares but I don't think he'd fuck one
>has a DMPC
Really? I honestly enjoy GM'ing.
Whoof. Was worried someone wouldn't take that bait.
I'd fuck a photon-based life form.
The only thing wrong with this is waiting for responses and not really knowing whether or not somebody is invested in the game. For characterization, it's the best.
I don't want to hear your nasally voice and see your greasy face, I want to hear Korboklok the Barbarian's mighty roar and see the sweat dripping off his muscular frame.
The only people who prefer completely silent text-only gaming are people who are jerking off with one hand or just want something to multitask with while also watching anime and brushing MLP dolls.
What a fag. I love GM'ing. GM'ing is SOOOOO much more fun than being a player.
Whatever wimbles your jimbles, chum. Most people aren't method-actors or have even taken an improv class, and that shit ain't immersive.
Maybe people who can't roleplay without a massive crutch shouldn't be roleplaying.
Suitcase, I'll fucking find you and beat the shit out of you if that's you.
You are a faggot.
Maybe. And maybe your mother should have swallowed. Here's your final (You). Try not to spend it all in one place.
Maybe different types of role players enjoy different methods of role-playing.
My girlfriend quit roleplaying after her character was graphically mind-raped and tortured to death in an apocalypse game, she was forced to cut one of her own fingers off or else my character would be killed (our characters were together in the game, too). Then my character was shot in the head anyway. We'd been captured and split off from the rest of the group who were planning to rescue us, so the GM made them go into another room while he roleplayed it out. So yeah, she had to cut off her own fingers which was explained in extreme detail. She looked extremely uncomfortable and I told the dude to tone it down, but he called me a pussy and told me this was what happens when there are no police. She was then violently raped and tortured for information, until she finally failed her Willpower rolls and gave up everything. Then they shot her, thankfully. That character was dead and we both went home in silence and I sent an email saying we weren't coming back.
It was her second session of RPGs, and her last as it turns out.
Sounds pretty shitty. My condolences.
>This happened
You were playing a fucking post-apocalyptic game. You WERE a pussy and she was equally a pussy. Your girlfriend is THAT GUY.
as fake as this is. I can still believe based on that one faggot with the girl getting her spine cut, that there are people who are this edgy.
You got what you signed up for. Quit being such a little bitch.
>when you're proven right almost fucking immediately after posting
It's like pottery.
>My girlfriend
>our characters were together in the game, too
That Guy detected.
Where you trying to prove that you went to the wrong game? Have you seen any post apocalyptic movies or games? Mad Max, Fallout 1-3, Metro. You are an idiot and you shouldn't have brought your girlfriend to a game like that. Please off yourself.
Only time I had one was when a GM cucked my character. It didn't make sense for the NPC and felt like it was literally out of spite. Completely ruined verisimilitude in the game. If I had waifued a whore it'd make sense, but him just doing that left a sour taste in my mouth
Women should make male characters if your GM is a pervert.
>the setting is (insert exotic place here)
>its all stereotypes and misinformation
>clearly hasn't researched anything
I had a GM who tracked every little thing we did, and so we had to be precise in doing things like taking a shit.
Not really a That GM story, but our paladin did shit his pants during a fight because he forgot to tell the GM that his character was going to use the bathroom.
I'm not the guy who brought his girlfriend. But you know even post apocalypse doesn't have to go that overboard edgey right? Fallout doesn't go that overboard, to my knowledge neither does Metro or Mad Max. You can have a oppressive, dark, apocalyptic atmosphere without having to go "Man rape is so dark and edgy! If you don't want rape to describe graphic, brutal rape in an apocalypse you're just not adult and brooding enough!"
I guess you have a point about the rape being edgy. I thought you were bitching about the severing of a finger. I don't think the rape should have been role-played out but you DID know you were going into a game with post-apocalyptic themes and little to no law enforcement. Rape is a realistic thing that would happen in that sort of environment.
Naturally it is, I can concede that, but generally that's better left to a single sentence or even better fade to black. Not everyone is going to be comfortable with it, especially a woman, especially woman who's very new to the hobby. Rape is fine as a plot device/consequence/whatever the fuck just don't overboard edgy like the post described.
Honestly I'd be more annoyed at the DM torturing my character before killing them off, though that's a personal matter of not finding it fun to sit there while the DM describes my character being flayed alive while I roll saves in between making up a new character sheet.
using R20 was your first mistake, I had a game with a female GM who was WAYYYYY to sexual and had a a drow trying to fuck my character session 1. Got kicked out when i found out another player had a cursed gauntlet that demanded he make rolls whenever he saw a female party member for the first time each day. Not sticking around for that bullshit.
I did a few middle-school plays and practiced some shitty impersonations while watching movies. People I play with say they like to have me around because of those shitty voices I give my characters.
I'd say about 1/4 of the people I've played with at least made a reasonable effort when role-playing to change or alter their pitch/speech. If you can't attempt to do at least that much you're just being lazy.
Even the generic Beardfist Mc Thunderbrew "Ach! I'ma d-warf laddie!" is better then Edward Ducane who speaks in a normal voice like a chump.
Nichijou was garbage
>Really? I honestly enjoy GM'ing.
Me too.
>I brought my GF to a game
You're 100% that guy.
You think that would stop the rape?
If this story true at all, you either have the most insuferable edgelords as friends or you and your girlfriend were so annoying that they just used this to force you two out of the game.
Maybe both.
>Trolls, elves, dwarves, swords and sandals.
All my players want, I just want to run shadowrun or DH.
One of the Mad Max movies literally has a scene in it where a woman gets raped by two men at the same time.
If you don't watch a shitty censored/cut version of it you get to see her nips.
Every time your players try to wear sandals, have their feet infected with jigger fleas.
Amen brother, NTR is the worst fetish.
All cucks must die.
This is Veeky Forums someone always takes the bait
>user has been annoying them with his uninterested gf that he dragged along
>they come up with a plan to get her to leave on her own
>they all cheer and high five after user leaves with his gf
>they go back to totally normal non-edgelord gaming after he leaves
Assuming this isn't complete bait, I'm amazed no one at your table or in this thread called out the DM for completely ripping off Heavy Rain.
>8/10, everyone is faggots
>This campaign will be inspired by current day european politics set on June 24th 2016
>post apocalyptic
nice argument
Stealthy, nice
>You show up to the game, but other than the female DM nobody has shown up yet
>She claims everyone else "had something to do" so they'll "be in later"
>She proposes playing a quick one-shot until everyone else gets here
>It's her magical realm
>It's femdom
I prefer that sometimes.
This, I just put on a shitty German accent and spout racist lines about unicorns, works fine for my paladin.
>mfw mute and this is the only way I can play
>it is always full of shitters
>roleplaying one on one with female GM
>it's femdom
Come on user, at that point it's obvious what's going on. You're expected to turn it around or suggest you two, well - LARP the scenario. Or even just ask her out.
I find it easier to multi-task when voice chat is an option. I also type one-handed when jerking it which is slower than usual and speaking is faster than typing anyway. (Although I'm fairly quick at typing.) Your argument is invalid.
Fallout is actually post-post-apocalyptic
You're pretty wrong. There's also shitload of people who are far better at writing/reading the language than speaking/understanding it as they're foreigners.
There's also pretty anxious or uncomfortable folks who just want to have fun without worrying about anything.
Lastly, there's people with shitty, packets-losing connection. Text will be resend till it'll reach the user in most chatting services, but voices come out as garbled or interrupted mess.
Post-post-apocalyptic is still technically post-apocalyptic since it happened after the apocalypse.
Post-apoc doesn't have to happen among ruins. I recall pretty decent stories circling more aroound the topic of rebuilding, people surviving in their enclaves etc.
lucky user. Be sure to tell her you had fun, so it isn't ambiguous.
this. the second one applies to me. I love games but I'm shy so it's hard for me to speak up and project to a whole table. I only do that with a small group of friends once a week. Other than with them I prefer typing.
>tfw not into femdom
Like shit, what do you do if the DM not so subtly wants the D, but you don't want to go into her magical realm?
>Roll a strength check to lift a door
>nat 20 with crazy bonuses to str
>"You lifted the door too good and throw out your back, taking -6 str damage"
it was like that for nearly everything
Wow. You clearly have never played any of the Fallout games.
>tfw mutes are my fetish
w-want to come play at my place user?
w-we can use sign language
Invite her to yours and make sure to show her how much she may like it.
Cute, user.
I assume your sex dungeon isn't very sound-proof yet or you lost your ballgag?
I'm in the process of learning sign language too. One of the girls where I work is really hard of hearing, and most people just speak really loudly in her face so she can hear them, but that sucks for her for obvious reasons. One day I surprised her by signing "hello how are you today" and basic stuff like that and the look on her face was priceless. I still don't know much but she's always excited to sign with me when she visits. It's hella cute. Plus I like being quiet so I enjoy it too.
A playgroup that all share being mute or hard of hearing would be neat. They would all not have a problem with it and just conduct normally using sign, whereas a lot of people you meet up with at your lgs or whatever wouldn't know sign or whatever else would make things difficult.
jesus that's adorable
>light erotica
Illuminate me on this.
Err... No thanks, user. You are probably imagining a meek, submissive boyslut. Which is very different from reality
Unless agreed upon by all participants, rape has no place in tabletop, no matter what setting.
People play RPG to have fun, and what described was anti-fun.
An no amount of mental gymnastics can change that.
It is main DM's duty to ensure that everyone is comfortable and is having fun.
And their DM did literally opposite. If it isn't canonical THAT GUY behavior, I do not know what is.
>It's another "rape is worse than murder" post.
>Me and the other martial dude are in melee combat with a big magical monster which certain degree of intelligence (13 acording to our arcane roll)
>I barely damage him because I miss most of my attacks
>Friend makes two crits removing 90% of monster's HPS
>Monsters still focus fire on me to the point it kills me
>When asked why GM says monster cant distinguish who's the most dangerous opponent so he rolled to see who was going to be hit
This doesn't make sense at all
What the fuck is wrong with you, this is a Christian board!
Well, the argument could be made that damaging a person's psyche and torturing them mentally is worse than simply killing them. Both are obviously bad things to do.
I've met people who have recovered from rape. Actual rape, not the retroactively withdrawing consent due to next day regrets kind.
I've yet to meet someone who has recovered from being murdered.
Well, in tabletop it actually is.
If your character dies, than you just make a new one.
If he gets raped, you must endure some sweaty sperg unleash his magical realm upon you for an hour, which is both boring and uncomfortable.
>i will do an amazing job of gming and npc roleplaying
>i will also engage the players
>now let me get to the part of the pre-written adventure
>let me read aloud word by word the backstory of this particularly uninteresting and nonengaging npc
guys plz dont do this
I know of someone who has