Would a setting based off of a hypothetical yellowstone eruption be interesting?
Would a setting based off of a hypothetical yellowstone eruption be interesting?
Anything can be interesting user, it depends on how you execute it. The main question is where and when the focus of the setting would be.
Somewhere in the USA or Canada, shortly after the eruption, dealing with the rapid breakdown of society and the environment? That would lend itself well to a disaster movie kind of story, small groups of ordinary people suddenly fighting to survive as the world falls apart around them.
If you wait longer you have a kind of post-apocalyptic scenario in the United States. Masked scavengers scratching a living in cities half-buried in ash, raider gangs driving around on snowmobiles, that kind of thing. People settling in and learning to live with it.
Elsewhere in the world might see a breakdown of international order as countries fight for increasingly scarce resources. It could make a pretty tense setting, as the situation grows slowly worse and people realize there isn't enough food left to support the global population and start to get desperate.
Check out Ashland on /k/
I'm pretty sure that's where he came from. /k/ has been wanting Veeky Forums involvement with it for a while now.
Why is everyone talking about this?
Is this yellowstone guy new?
It's because yellowstone got hit by a bunch of earthquakes
>Notice me Veeky Forums, notice me.
You can take any post-apocalyptic setting and tie it into the eruptions.
>mfw I was involved in that
>mfw patroling the Ashlands in ashpat camo
>mfw T.E.F Cavscout
Can we get the copypasta of the stories? I loved that half of mine got screencapped.
Posting Texas Expeditionary Force
>Ride out from the Lone Fort State
>Running oil in exchange for information/Cali-slaves
>Eyeing the Ash folds in the Colorado
>Patterns indicate Indie in the area
>Ready for the attack to come
>Whole convoy is empty, real convoy landed two weeks ago
>Volunteer for bait-convoy
>Riding out on Harley Davidson's and Indian's on snow tires
>Two mile back, T.E.F droptroops ready to ambush the ambushes
>Been in ash 18 months now
>Six month overdue to report
>Radio still dead due to Cali's EMP fields
>Mission accomplished 5 months ago
>Mojave Cult-Spy terminated and info-dump purged
>Resorting to paroling the area, maps, info, trade routes and power factions
>Will be another 6 month before I see the Wall of the Lone Fort State
Not /k/
Im mostly interested in the old world seeing as NATO no longer exist, russias greatest threat is gone,south korea is now wide open, and a bunch of US soldiers are all over the place with no government to hold the down
>US soldiers are all over the place with no government to hold the down
Soldiers have, and always have, held the Government in place.
would anyone want to play it after the eruption actually happens?
So Europe has another min ice age?
Is there a reason we don't want that? I like the idea.
Yes, though it really depends on your execution.
I'd figure the midwest would do better than that map implies. I don't think ash itself would be that big of an issue and we would be able to ride out earthquakes without issue.
I can't think of one. I browse both, though I haven't been on /k/ for a few weeks.
You don't understand the magnitude of ash your dealing with
The midwest was shit already imagine it covered in all that fucking ash
>I don't think ash itself would be that big of an issue
user we are talking ash 1-3 feet deep throughout most of the Midwest. EVERYTHING green will die. The Dust Bowl will look like a dirtdevil by comparison.
>huge magnitude of ash
>1-3 ft of ash
>everything green in that area will die
Well if it's that bad in the "outer" ashlands then I'd figure it would be bad enough that next to no one else would be surviving in the US in general. Maybe the east coast would have more, due to winds and the Appalachians keeping ash away. Not so with the southern portions like Texas.
>midwest was shit
Well that's a weird way to spell "eastern and western seaboards".
Texas becomes the Lone Fort State, building a giant wall with the Texas Expeditionary Force marching out of it's wall.
I remeber that thread. I came up with some decent ideas in it.
Post them. I want to see some of my pasta.