>Playing a Medieval version of Call of Cthulhu.
>Suddenly Vampires
Is my GM a hack?
>Playing a Medieval version of Call of Cthulhu.
>Suddenly Vampires
Is my GM a hack?
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Vampires are literally in Call of Cthulhu.
Darkest Dungeon had plenty of classic dark fantasy stuff aside from the cosmic horror. This is nothing strange when there are also simple necromancers and skelly armies.
>Playing medieval versions of Call of Ctulhu
>Suddenly, paladins and clerics
Are we talking Draculas, or Lovecraftian Vampires?
Well these Vampires appear to be humanoid Mosquitoes
They're flea/mosquito based vampires, so I haven't got a fucking clue.
Sounds pretty fucking Lovecraftian then.
no because.
and especially
Your DM already wans't a hack. Something semi fresh as more monstrous vampires means he might have actually tried. Be glad your DM isn't trying to play WoD while telling you CoC.
Bloodborne was one of the most lovecraft inspired vidya in years and they had vamp thingies in it.
Yes but who gives a fuck?
It's possible for a DM to not be very original but still be incredibly fun. Especially if he puts his own spin on things.
So these guys pretty much.
That said, the dude from The Case of Charles Dexter Ward could count as a "Vampire" as there were reports of people being attacked and drained for their blood. I have a feeling most of the sorcerers who gained their powers through the Black Man of the Woods (read Nyarlthothep) probably have to drink blood to maintain their immortality
I was having a perfectly normal day until I clicked on this.
Now I don't know how to feel.
I've been writing a bunch of stuff with naturally occurring fractal materials that can make you a monomaniacal superhuman cannibal if you get it in your brain, and a thrall to the base pattern the fractal represents. In short, another sort of space vampire
>Is my GM a hack?
not until it gets to:
>Playing Dark Heresy
>Suddenly werewolves, and I don't mean the Space Wolf Chapter variety either.
scary as fuck tho holy shit
The Red Hook guys really know what they're doing design wise.
>that pic
wait what
Lovecraft wrote at least three stories about vampires.
All right the vampires are all very well, but how about that fucking crocodile as a random encounter that caused a near-TPK?
You don't just randomly throw that kind of a giant fucker into the game, you need to at least tell me there's one and give me a chance to prepare or learn to avoid it.
Might as well have just thrown in the fucking Demogorgon or some shit...
It's a boss from Darkest Dungeon DLC.
That's about all they have going for them
yeah :(
Isn't that a lovecraftian theme as well? Being helpless against the odds. Something so powerful and mighty that it could kill you with the flick of a finger? Something you couldn't possibly prepare against, because you didn't even know it existed?
I mean, don't get me wrong, i see where you're coming from. You're playing a PnP after all and these things have common rules for everyone to have fun. But i guess you and your GM are on different pages regarding Cthulhu-like adventures.
He's talking about the new Darkest Dungeon dlc now, I think. Unless his GM straight out copied this as well, which is unlikely, since the dlc only came out like yesterday.
Yeah, the Mensis was disgusting as fuck, fucking gore werewolves and fleshpiles.
>Mignola + Warhammer Fantasy
I should really get round to checking out Darkest Dungeon.
The artstyle and atmosphere are god tier and the sound design, music and especially the narrator are even better. Unfortunately gameplay, although fun, gets very repetitive and grindy quickly. Just remember not to ragequit - no matter how much you think you've just lost, it's probably nothing in the greater scheme of things.
Not actually all that Mignola-y. Go read Ironwolf.