how would modern day Earth fair/react if a Necron Tomb Fleet invaded right now?
How would modern day Earth fair/react if a Necron Tomb Fleet invaded right now?
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>slow moving phalanxes of infantry
They'll get stopped by Razor wire and bombed to shit by our superior air force and artillery.
Die horribly. If any faction invaded modern day Earth we would lose. T'au would be the most polite about it.
>Superior air force and artillery.
Someone doesn't know about the pastries.
If you read the most basic lore about the Necrons, then you would know that the phalanxes of Necrons are proceeded by scarabs swarms that clear the way by eating everything in their path. Organic or non-organic, all is broken down and turned into energy and constructs for the Necron war effort.
And don't say bombing the scarabs will work. Saturated bombardment by star ships take a long while to clear scarab swarms since they reproduce at a rapid rate by eating ANYTHING within range (think replicators). They are known to clear forests in blink of an eye.
Then there are the Necrons themselves. Here is a direct quote "Few walls are thick enough, and few batteries of cannon are heavy enough, to stop the Necrons once they are moving in full force".
In all honesty we would probably surrender to the tau and get absorbed into their empire before we ever just got exterminated.
Would our small arms even be able to touch them? we gotta be on par with the orks as far as ballistics go just less Gorky or Morky.
a lot of our anti-tank weapons would have no problem killing them but they probaby just laugh at our small arms fire.
Modern day firearms are equivalent to stubbers.
The razor wire is a joke when some guy thought razor wire would stop demons
This user knows his shit.
We'd be able to take out a few, but we're ultimately fucked.
A Black Templar once said that bolters are generally ineffective against Necrons because they can withstand a lot of punishment from them and even when they are brought down by them, the Necrons would simply get up as good as new.
How do bolters stack up to modern Earth weaponry,
forget our state of the art F-22 raptors or F-15 eagles
the necron air/space force is the end all be all of voidcombat even by 40k standards, even tau and eldar would dare not engage them 1 on 1
a missile could damage one, artillery might damage a few, but reanimation protocolsensure they wont be down for long
not to mention BS like wraiths, deathmarks, and flayed ones simply killing the artillery to say nothing of the overlord and his lychguard simply laughing off anything other than a nuclear missile
I am behind on my memes. Is there any source I could get for this?
It's from the octarius war, when kharn and his butt buddies
>Charges head first into a intergalactic meatgrinder between the ultimates in Jobbing and making nothing from something.
>state of the art
You vastly underestimate ranged warfare in the 21st century.
>anything other than a nuclear strike
and then once we've dispensed 1/22,8000th of our nuclear arsenal? What then? How much laughter is there?
How does 40k stuff react to nukes? I mean really. I've been reading into 40k lore for years now and I can not imagine what fluff reason they can work up to justify forgoing the obvious choice of nuking the enemy on part of every faction. Also, why are they not firing nukes in space torpedo battles?
rule of cool
The torpedoes used in space battles are supposed to have a yield in excess of nuclear missiles, but it depends on the writer, sometimes a torpedo will just hurt a ship a little and sometimes it's a matter of 'if a fusion torpedo hits your Cruiser it's crippled.'
Orbital bombardment also theoretically has a similar yield to nuclear warheads, just more concentrated in terms of Lance-fire, or you just throw a Macrocannon round at it and fuck the general area it's pointed at.
Also rule of cool. Nobody in 40k, not even the Tau, fights remotely competently for the technology they have access to because GW doesn't know shit, or purposely forgoes including realistic military stratagems for the resources they possess.
Going by numbers GW have in the past given us relating to weapons or speed etc... We win somewhat easily
Going off actual lore and feats, necrons roll over us with minimum effort
Some guy was ranting about how razorwire would stop daemons and make them easy kills since they have no guns
Other anons pointed out theyre magic, can leap over it, can warp reality, probably animate the razor wire, melt it or walk straight through it with little effort, but he was pretty adamant nothing can pass through razorwire, not even reality warping daemonic energy beings from a fictional sci fi game
this number do not exist
>You just got word that a Dark Eldar slaver fleet just teleported into orbit of Earth
What do
not even the dark eldar are as degenerate as the west coast. just send them one critical theory feminist professor as an envoy and watch their society crumble.
They're beefed up gyrojet weapons from 30 or so years ago
>tfw the Dark Eldar all the degeneracy in the world and leave
Our souls aren't even worth consuming they already belong to Slaanesh.
using nukes on infantry is not a good sign for winning this battle
not to mention that they will survive a nuclear blast better than your own men, and they will claim the scorched land quicker than you can
you may also provoke them into using their pylons, which they always construct more of, and counter-nuke all your installations
Congrats, you're air force and artillery killed them, they don't die when they are killed though.
necron warriors can, and often do, take perfectly entrenched defenses by sheer weight of force
their basic weapons are armor piercing, each of them is as hard as tank, and no matter how many you destroy they will return in greater number
and once your artillery is revealed they will ble blasted by croissants, dont bother with AA modern AA would be useless, or be assaulted by wraiths, or even a monolith delivering a second front deep into your forces crushing you like a hammer and anvil
normally, if your foe is capable of FTL, and consider physics a suggestion at best, odds are you can never beat them, no matter how clever you think you are
The most amusing thing to me is that even if the daemons might have been slowed by it heres what would happen
>Bloodthirster sees Razor Wire blocking it's path as it charges the fortifications
>Swings it's FUCKING HELLBLADE in an arc, vaporizing the puny razorwire
>continues his charge without being slowed at all
He didn't even go for the far more practical option, landmines. I mean they'd blow up the first wave... of probably about a thousand or so, but that's more than razorwire would do.
frag mines wouldnt do much
something similar to krak, like an AT mine, might do the job, but they are much heavier and more cumbersome, limitin either the size or density of the minefield, which makes them poor at stopping them
not to mention they would simply power through and ignore the losses, and close in to close combat, allowing lesser demons or cultists to set the mines off for them
When it comes to problems faced by armies without guns, you'd think "bombers" would rank higher than "razor wire" on the list.
if that would be true Necrons wouldn't die from massed bolter fire. And they do, especially since their save got downgraded to 4+ and heavy bolters rip them apart (I don't know shit about Necrons in 8th)
We would all be dead.
No ifs, cans, or buts.
On par with a 20mm autocannon mixed up with a a 40mm grenade give or take.
But how could they destory Abraham tank? US stronk.
They shoot it. With a space-magic gun.
nuh uh Abraham is the best tank ever. Your cuck bots are gonna get destroyed. All this without f35 THE INVISIBLE plane.
They shoot the f35 too. With a different space-magic gun, this one more suited for air then ground.
Can't shoot f35 if they can't see it. They can't see it. Their space-cuck guns are vastly inferior to the ar-15 system.
Nah senpai, space-magic, we're only arguably babies first steps space, we haven't even so much as touched Magic for Dummies in that department. We're absolutely boned.
they're rocket assisted rounds not gyrojets. they still poses a conventional charge that fires it out of the gun, rocket fires in flight. Basically it overcomes the flaws of gyrojets, so theres no minimum range and the rocket motor gives them a flatter straighter trajectory and means stopping power increases with range. they're very effective weapons.
Earth strategies are not suited for 40k warfare, they could open multiple fronts,encircle or take out ours lines or critical infrastructure in a few seconds thought teleport,orbital drops or bombardment, we have nothing to deal with that.
Okay, we start tossing nukes in their directions. Nukes = plasma, which they're not immune to.
Also, they have robotic bodies, right? Robots can be hacked. Since our understanding of information systems is miles above anyone in 40k, because everything about 40k, including the players (especially the players), but also the lore is FUCKING RETARDED, we get someone who took like 2 semesters of C++ to defeat the entire Necron invasian by being a l33t haxX0rz and taking over their bodies.
Now the USA has gauss weapons, teleportation, replication technology, and reactionless FTL, and we win everything forever.
They have living metal bodies, they aren't robots, beside the fact that necrons don't leave their wifi open, their programming would be utterly incomprehensible to us, aside from that they don't run on programming as their souls have been transplanted in the living metal by their gods.
Stop fucking watching independence day
>necrons run on c++
40k is already a full retard setting and you still managed to top it.
Please point out, in the lore, that their computer systems are incomprehensible to humans.
Then, my next argument is going to be that they're incomprehensible to 40k humans, who, as we established are all fucking retarded.
A modern computer scientist would be able to create a cross-platform virus (those exist, btw) that will fuck their shit up, or as I said, just hijack their control systems. Since souls aren't a thing that exists, they're now slaves to us, rather than the C'tan, and we win forever.
Face it, your 40k universe is retarded, and YOU'RE retarded if you think a universe of retards can stand up to someone non-retarded. That's the whole premise of retardation, after all.
m8 you are fucking retarded, humans don't even understand their language, it's them communicating in low gothic when they want something.
For a man who sure loves to talk about how other things are retarded, you sure do know fuck all about hacking.
>we need a common language to understand computer systems
>instead of looking at stuff that controls actuators, power supply, etc
Sure thing buddy.
This is why nobody likes your 40k idiots. Because when people correctly point out the flaws in your stupid setting, your butthole clenches and you start screeching autistically, and shitting all around you as you defend your sacred cow.
We'd be screwed over very badly. There always is the possibility they might take some of us for personal servants like in the World Engine, but otherwise we'd probably all die.
>ywn become a pariah since they're not a thing anymore
>ywn be carried on the back of a flayed one while screaming eternally in pain
Man you sure dense, maybe we could use you to compete with the Necrons super armor.
You can't fucking hack a computer system when you don't even know what language the computers speak, hacking requires knowledge about the programs and if the most basic things about it are beyond you, you can't do shit.
Just because you saw them hack aliens in Independence Day doesn't mean that's how it'll actually work.
Kinda this, the Nuclear option is pointless because even if vaporized they can still come back or phase back to the tombship to be repaired in a few minutes and teleported back to the battle field.
Targeting a Necron ship is also literally impossible to prevent this constant cycle too because a light Necron cruiser was enough to avoid the entire fleet defense of the Sol system in 40k.
Utterly fucked. Depending on the dynasty, they might even decide to dick with out sun until it flared up just enough to cook us off the planet, they could slam the moon down on us, or they could use any other insane doomsday weapon they have.
I dont think nukes would help us any. Even if they opted for an infantry invasion, they arrive in an instant, are near-unkillable, and their flesh-eating friends would demoralize us entirely.
Lore =/= Fluff
Yeah Necrons can be downed by bolter fire but it requires a lot of it and it doesn't hurt them fast enough to counter their self-repair.
8th is actually more closely representative of how they work, unless you cause the whole unit to phase out they will comeback from anything you shoot at them (including Titan killing weapons).
At the risk of angering the HEY guys I don't see how we could defend against any of the 40k factions. Unless they were very careless the first we'd even know about it would be all our satellites going off line followed by major cities and strategic targets going boom from orbital attack. The war would be effectively over before we saw any infantry
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On the Imperial side of that I believed that the moments they weren't nuking shit to oblivion was when they needed salvage. Most of their tech is so old and forgotten that to lose such tech would hurt far more than the casualties needed in lesser warfare. Like on a planet with a STC or whatever you want to send as much military might as you can when you could just blow everything from orbit. You lose access to the machines that make the machines and you are shit outta luck because you can't make those anymore and it cripples war effort. Therefore the times and fluff we get to see are the parts where we can't blow everything up and we see a grimdark march of foot soldiers to take back what is lost in a grind house of futuristic military might. This is just how I see Warhammer 40k in the little I may know.
Do you understand that after you strip away all the fancy religious and machine spirit dressing actual Tech priests and computer scientists are scary competent in programming shit?
Imperial computers can resist attacks from scrap code which is literally made of demonic computer viruses, and Necron science is so advanced it appears to be magic to guys that actually have to deal often with magic.
Not to mention the retardation of trying to hack the computers of a race that invented AI before our race crawled out of the mud.
>what is binary
They aren't, because they've all been stagnated and haven't done any innovation or actual research.
Sorry 40kfags, logic and non-retardation win again.
It's more like orbital defenses are so great that it's infeasible to bring the big guns or have large ships close enough to the surface for effective support.
I always imagine the fights are all about defending or sabotaging the planetary defense systems to prevent exterminatus, if there aren't any assets you can recover anyway.
>actual Tech priests
Cawl is the only competent tech priest in the entire setting. Memes about AdMech being some retarded cargo cult only capable of stroking their robo dicks to rusted toasters are literally true now.
upload a computer virus into their mothership
>They aren't, because they've all been stagnated and haven't done any innovation or actual research.
Are you talking about Necrons or Humans? Because for Necrons that's blatantly false, their entire scientific caste is based about who can invent the thing that can fuck physics in the most esoteric way.
And for humans they still start from a 20.000 years lead. They can have stagnated all you want and can have lost 9/10 of what was public domain in the Dark Age of Technology and they still have a thousand year lead in computer science.
We all ignore the Necron threat to preach about some other bullshit, like who has the #1 pop song right now on the billboards, or why men can't be raped or how a third world country is bad because X or how Y can cause cancer or something.
I think Necrons specifically would probably just shut down our grid and walk up to the front door without is putting up any meaningful resistance.
Then depending on the Overlord we are either euthanized, enslaved, uplifted or he simply plants a flag and says the planet is his then leaves forever.
>My lord, the flag we planted on this planet years ago seem to..have changed. It no longer displays your name proudly.
>What does it say now?
>"I suck gaynigger dicks"
>he simply plants a flag and says the planet is his then leaves forever.
Hey Bill, remember that time we were conquered by robots?
If it is Trazyn the Earth would be torn apart as he looks for the Ark of the Covenant and other stuff for his collection.
>Gary was here, Ash is a loser.
We don't even know if they use binary and that isn't the only language you need to know. If you try to run a program that crashes a Java based system on a Python one. This gets worse when the other side has a completely unknown programming language that has literally no relation to anything we have. How are you going to create a virus when you don't even know what word they use to run a program?
Your plan has basic structural issues with it before we even get into how you can even think on delivering your virus? They're base is fucking multi-kilometers below ground labyrinth we have no clue of the layout or whats what in it, have 0 way of infiltrating since we don't have anyone that can pretend to be a Necron the way the US can get a Chinese American to spy on China to physically get to their systems.
As long as one God Emperor fearing man or yes, even woman, stands, non retardation will NEVER win!
All hail Lord Guilliman! All hail the Imperium! All hail the Emperor!
Exactly. Each fight is a ticking clock to doomsday for a planet that has too many enemy forces and the relevance of the planet as far as production cannot be salvaged. If the planet is important enough that exterminatus cannot be done for other reasons then the enemy forces have a chance at victory and crippling those they attack which is why targets must be carefully picked (i.e. Cadia). If someone attacks a less valuable Imperial planet it can just be nuked/blasted to barren wasteland but that's not a story. Each fight we see is just the bloody poetry preceding ultimate annihilation. This is what we get to see of the universe.
we can barley understand programming languages from 20 years ago written by humans
much less space pharaoh programming written by people millions of years in the past and millions of years more advanced than anything we have
there is no guarantee that it would even use normal electronics that we would be able to understand without inventing some new form if physucs
>what is binary
What is encryption, you dense cunt?
The war would take a day. We can't even deal woth towlies and pajama warriors, much less space invaders.
Most troops on Earth are in handy color coded military bases which can be destroyed from orbit, as well as our fleets and airbases.
Now you have the "in-field" troops, low numbers compared to war time and spreadout across cities and countryside in the forms of police, sheriffs, and terrorists.
Monoliths drop into the hearts of major cities, giving them a few seconds to react and the police to shoot ARs and pistols at them before millions of scarabs and wraiths pour out and kill everyone before a single actual warrior is deployed.
Now that 60+% of the world is dead the Necron's pause their first advance, deploying hypersonic Scythe aircraft to hunt down enemy planes remaining and discover where rural hardpoints are. Now the cities become breachheads for skimmers full of warriors, anhilation barges and Doomsday Arks (all of which also fly.)
These issue forth in millions to hunt enemy positions discovered previously, using lightning guns to pull aircraft from the sky and death rays that are better than rpgs at armor penetration. Flayed ones and destroyers unaffiliated with the dynasty now appear like horror movie monsters, hunting down rural civilians and mutilating them in front of their loved ones. Deathmarks murder the hiding heads of government, teleporting into their compounds and killing all inside.
It is over.
Except they've been in stasis for the vast majority of time, and as such, haven't done any research.
A 20k head start is meaningless. If a college undergrad knows more than a tech-priest, then yes, we're more advanced than the Imperium, ergo, we can figure out their technology.
What is wireless? And if it's not binary, then we can write a binary-to-whatever converter. Also, if it's not binary, they're retarded, and we win by default.
We can if the person is not shit. Just because the average Pajeet is an idiot, doesn't mean actual computer scientists are.
>encyrption is not binary
And then they all shut down as we hack their networks and they all stand there, locked in place, as we send a command to their actuators - stop moving.
>Except they've been in stasis for the vast majority of time, and as such, haven't done any research.
Actually, there are Necron Crypteks that remained awakened.
And by the way, Eldar, Tau, and other advanced races cannot figure out Necron tech.
>And then they all shut down as we hack their networks
Necrons are not run by AI. They are run by Necrontyr minds turned into energy forms. And saying hacking them is just you being a trolly moron. You can't simply as that.
>People are taking this bait seriously
I don't know basic lore and only read memes the post.
I do not know how real world programming works.
Geez boy are you stupid or just assblasted?
is this some sort of magical \k\ matung ritual?
Not sure if retarded, trolling or just super assblasted about his lack of knowledge regarding the real world.
>he think binary is the only option
>he doesn't know about looms
>he doesn't know about new research in computing
Did you started watching computer science crash course or something?
>Pic related
>Robots can be hacked.
Look dude as somebody studying computer programming right now, before even bringing up programming you need to ask the questions-
>Does it run on a similar language like binary or have an understandable language to interface with?
>Do you have any means to directly connect with it, IE an unsecured wifi connection or a USB port?
>What kind of hacking attack do you even plan to perform and how do you plan to deliver it?
Now the answer to all of these of course is fucking no, because Independence Day was a terrible movie and realistically when any alien force invades us we're all going to fucking die on account of lacking orbital supremacy. There's no happy ending in reality when a superior invading force bumps into a bunch of natives using the equivalent of sharpened sticks against muskets.
For the love of god please stop talking about hacking which you all learned from Hollywood. In order to hack a system not only do you need direct access to it, but we need to understand whatever the hell they're using as programming code in order to "speak" with their computers in the first place. Sure we can recognize what power supply is doing what, but we can't do anything about it if we don't even know how to bypass whatever firewall a bunch of ayy lmaos is using.
Do you honestly think Independence Day is an accurate example of how hacking works? Hint, it isn't. Hacking isn't some god-send ability, it's easily defeated by simply not having an accessible system.
Even in Indepence day with the deleted scene they had decades of research regarding the alien computer.
They had decades of prep time and they even admit they luck out regarding the virus thingy.
The Imperium even use chemical computers or mix mash bag of organic parts with super bullshit space science.
Hell even in the novels with lol haxs Inquisitional super hacker tech they have a hard time accessing unprotected civilian computer due to how wildly different each system is
>mfw we just plug a USB with a e-nuke on it into the USB port all necrons have on their back
Dude, that only works against DAEMONS! Sigh...
Necrons require electric fences instead of razor wire, then we get them with our superior air force and artillery, if there is even something left over to kill!
Thank you for posting this, I needed to to cringe hard enough that my jaw broke through my pallet.
I only lasted till the kittens.
You can't wireless upload data to whatever you want unless the person on the other end has explicitly done so going to accept it, and you saying they're retarded and thinking they'll just accept any outside data willy nilly doesn't make it so, especially when you're so fucking dense you don't know the basic issue of trying to hack something when you don't even know their programming language.
And stop fucking saying binary, binary isn't a programming language, binary is like English and each programming language is like making a cipher out of the English language, if you want to crack a cipher based on English you need to know English, but if all you know is English and you have no clue how the cipher works you can't hack shit.
And if they're not using binary how do you find out what it is? Again, one of the key defining traits of Necrons is that they teleport out when they get damaged to any extent, and any units damaged to the extent their teleporters are fucked is probably damaged to the point all data in there is fucked too and you'll be unable to learn shit from it.
>Shut it down while we hack it.
>In a day.
>Hack the Necrons in a day.
>While being shot.
Woooh boy.