>group has been binging meguca and cures
>asking me about running a magical girl campaign
>I'm a gigantic yurifag
I'm pretty sure this is that magical realm thing you guys never shut up about, send help
>group has been binging meguca and cures
>asking me about running a magical girl campaign
>I'm a gigantic yurifag
I'm pretty sure this is that magical realm thing you guys never shut up about, send help
Other urls found in this thread:
Magical realm isn't the inclusion of any erotic content whatsoever. It's only when it's included to the detriment of the enjoyment of the group. Honestly, it doesn't really deserve a special term since forcing anything into a game to the detriment of the groups enjoyment is shitty GMing anyway.
I'm in some magical girl games, and they're great fun. You just need to sit down with your group and establish the tone you're aiming for. Ultra pure, subtext only, moderate to mild yuri or full on lesbian superheroes. Whatever you choose is fine, as long as everyone is comfortable with it.
Just do it already you fucking dyke-loving faggot.
Try and subtley find out if it's also their magical realm.
Run game.
Question life choices at 3am on a Thursday with nothing for company but a half drunk bottle of bourbon.
coobie says do it.
Let me preface this by saying I don't usually browse Veeky Forums
I understand the appeal of roleplaying in fantasy, cyberpunk, etc, settings, but are you telling me you like to roleplay as magical little girls? Help me understand the appeal of this. Are you transexual or something?
So you're saying that roleplaying as magical girls is wrong, when you can roleplay as a transsexual Slaalesni Cultist or a Slave of some Elder God or Aliens of varying types?
As long as it's not ERP I see nothing wrong with it.
There's nothing weird about wanting to roleplay as the opposite gender in general.
In specific, mahou shoujo has a great blend of action, mystery and social/relationship focused stuff which can work very well for a game. The GM can tie it all together with a central story and mystery, alternating between intense, action oriented scenes and more cool out slice of life stuff to give it a really great sense of pacing.
Plus, have you watched some of that stuff? At least in the shows aimed at more mature audiences, the fight scenes can get fucking awesome.
Why is there anything wrong with ERP if it's confined to a group of mutually consenting adults who don't rub it in other people's faces?
ERP is fine. ERP as underaged girls is not. That's basically how most pedos get off.
Ahh, right. I hadn't understood it was a specific statement in context, my bad.
Where do you think you are? r/anime?
Just be sure to wear your favorite plug to game.
If a pedo gets off on fantasy rather than reality, isn't that a good thing for everyone?
> get asked to run a magic girl game
Run a Symphogear game for them instead. With the jarring tone shifts and everything. Just drown them in insanity.
I'm in a game based on Nanoha at the moment. Magical girl starfleet is a pretty fucking great basis for a game.
>Not wanting to befriend people through superior firepower
I think you're the transexual user.
>Magical girl starfleet
I need pictures of Worf in a dress.
Run a meguca X-com game, and thank me later.
God, the fight scenes in those movies are so fucking good. Completely replaces the first series in my eyes, although the movie and series of A's are different enough that both are worth watching, especially for the intentional differences between them. I do love the conceit that the movies are actual, in universe movies. Our characters in the game I'm in have actually watched them IC- My PC is a massive Nanoha fangirl.
You are a man of taste.
Symphogear isn't magic girl Starfleet. If anything... I think Symphogear might actually be magical girl Lovecraft.
Stop laughing, I'm serious.
Have you noticed that EVERYONE that actually knows how any of the relic tech works inevitably goes insane and ends up becoming a threat to the whole world? Knowledge is fucking dangerous in Symphogear.
Yeah, 'Magical Girl Starfleet' is Nanoha. It's literally how the TSAB operates.
The closest might actually be this guy. He's awesome, but he gets very little screen time or real fights.
As a man of fellow patrician taste, you may be interested in the fact that there will be another season of symphogear, in the coming season.
You might be interested to know there's a new movie coming out in the coming season or 2 that takes place back when fate and nanoha were still kids. Apparently its mostly original.
Indeed, with a confirmed season after that as well!
I wonder which gear(s) they will kill. The cast is getting too big. Someone has to die or retire soon, especially if they want to introduce new people.
New Nanoha movie? Hell yes. Thanks for the tip off.
I actually really like how the big fuckoff end of the world threat at the end of any given season of Symphogear, even if it is stopped, ends up playing a B plot role in the season that follows.
Like blowing off a chunk of the moon having lasting consequences, or Docter Ver just completely stealing the show in season 3 with his plot device arm.
If i know magical girl anime, and i have no idea if i do or not, they may pull a nanoha and switch to an entirely new cast at some point, with the old cast playing supporting roles as mentors and shit, with hibiki acting as the new genjuro of sorts.
I'd watch it. Frankly, i'd watch anything that has chris in it, but thats neither here nor there.
No problem user.
>As a man of fellow patrician taste, you may be interested in the fact that there will be another season of symphogear, in the coming season.
>tfw I've only finished one season
Don't worry, they are not long. You can watch a whole season in an afternoon, if you have time to kill.
It gets weirder and crazier from where you are.
But it's ten in the evening!
And I have to catch up on Naruto!
No time like the present user. Take a few days, next season starts in just a few weeks.
An average anime season only spans around 4 hours without including the OP and ED. you could have it done in less than a week
Don't be a pleb. No one needs to catch up on naruto.
Fiiiiine, I'll do it tomorrow.
Ignore this man. Do NOT marathon Symphogear seasons on your first viewing.
Take at least an hour between episodes, and savor the cliffhangers.
Fuck that noise, I got stuff to do.
So do that other stuff between episodes.
Good for him, super awkward for everyone else in the group.
I can't masturbate that much in a week!
Greetings from /m/
I don't know how refined or balanced this is, but
I'll only accept a symphogear game if you have to sing during combat.
Holy shit. Stop being so transphobic you fucking piece of shit!
>Stop being so transphobic
For what reason?
Why contain it?
Loli brothels happen if he doesn't.
But he's a yurifag. Why would he present his (presumably) male characters with a loli brothel if he just wants lesbians.
While i dont care for loli's, I repeat. Why contain it
Loli brothels are for lolis only, therefore pure.
It will manifest in an alternative form that has evolved to adapt to its new environment, like a hentai natural selection.
Like having to roll to repress homolust every now and then.
Just get a sex change and live out your fantasy already, OP.
Yuri is pure too.
play a madoka campaign, but with a twist
everybody is a witch
yuri between abominations only
>muh purest love meme
Transphobic shitbags like you are the reason trannies kill themselves. You should hang yourself, fucking cis scum shit bag!
>Posting best source of yuri loli
I wasn't aware there was a symphogear system.
I have a touhou system that could also apply to this thread, now that i think on it. I dunno how good it is, but hey.
To be fair, that's because touhou is a good source of any porn. Loli, yuri or not.
Is it really magical realm if everyone is into it?
Boy you get on season 2 RIGHT NOW.
Watch an episode or two a day. Even if you want to watch more, and you will because all but one or two episodes will end at the worst possible moment, force yourself to stop and soak it all in.
Oh, and this is the ED. You will learn to recognize the first few notes behind the dialogue and you will come to grow very angry when you hear it
>tfw the opening to the first episode of Season 3
>TFW that one time chris went "Bang!" with a finger gun while transforming
>mfw Shénshòujìng
I hope this doesn't suck. And goddamn I need to finish s2 still
Just as long as you keep things straight
However you choose to go about it, you'd better let me join this perfect group you've got there.
>keep things straight
Do that type of stuff at home!
user, they're watching magical girl anime. The odds are at minimum 50/50 they're on board for yuri shenanigans too, or will even kick-start them themselves.
I watch magical girl anime, and I consider yuri a shit.
It's not an easy life.
Not all Magical Girl Anime has yuri. Look at Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura. Both have Het Romances with the leads.
Hitomi agrees with you.
>"Not all Magical Girl Anime has yuri."
>Picks two examples that have some of the most famous lesbians in Magical Girl Anime
The main thing is whether you keep it cutesy and PG-at-most like the webm you posted.
Do it and they'd probably not care. Or necessarily even notice.
user I don't know how to tell you this...
The best part is the "they're cousins" excuse just made it less acceptable to *everybody* because it was still pretty obvious that they were a thing.
How do we sell the lesbian couple to North American demographic, I know lets add incest!
Most early mahou-shoujo didn't have yuri, but unfortunately I like the later ones, where the cool fights are at.
But will it remain perfect with you in it?
Strangely, it's the PG yuri stuff I absolutely hate.
I'd be up for some honest lesbian porn, but all this "pure" cutesy shit, or the "maybe they're just friends (though they're clearly not)" stuff just drives me up a wall for some reason.
Didi you not see the 'with the leads' in the post? Usagi gets together with Mamoru and Sakura with Syoran.
>Sakura with Syoran
It happened. Tomoyo lost. Get over it.
What a waste of trips. You have no taste at all.
Ouch, way to hurt a man when he's down.
Probably true, sadly.
Don't fuck the noise you'll die
So how gay is Symphogear?
There's a lot of hand-holding between girls, if that tells you anything
Pretty fucking gay if I remember rightly. Two characters are starting to hint at a relationship, two of them are almost inseparable and hold hands all the time and there's your usual "anime girls grope each other for fun" hijinks.
>So how gay is Symphogear?
MC is pretty much already married to another girl and heterosexuality is basically why they're in the whole mess in the first place.
>heterosexuality is basically why they're in the whole mess in the first place.
How so?
Basically S1 villain wanted God's dick
I've had the first series downloaded for ages but never watched it. Looks like tonight's the night.
Pretty gay. Especially the main character, but the main character's yuri relationship is ironically possible one of the best superhero girlfriend relationships I have ever seen.
Hibiki and Miku live in the same apartment/dorm at their school. Okay, not super weird.
They have two separate beds. They sleep in the same one anyway, except when they are fighting. So thats pretty gay.
When Hibiki ends up overtaken by a kind of rage-based mind control artifact, the entire cast starts yelling words of encouragement to try and bolster her spirit and snap her out of it. This has precisely zero effect.
Miku says ONE WORD and Hibiki's head snaps around like a dog hearing a whistle.
They do the Peter Parker "I have to hide that I'm a superhero" thing for a little while, but after everything gets revealed out in the open the relationship settles into a niche of "Hibiki's job is to save the world, Miku's job is to save Hibiki" which I frankly fucking love because it turns what in many other shows would be a frustratingly bland waste of screentime into a solid contribution to the show.
Fug that's pretty gay
Gay enough for this to happen.
Yeah. They are practically married.
I thought Hibiki had no idea Miku was gay for her.