I been interested in a setting like MM Battle Network. Cyberpunk but it feels comfy instead of being dystopian.
It saves some cyberpunk elements or subverts others, technology has penetrated everywhere but it has only improved society. suburban instead of dark cities. You get the gist
Has anyone run a game in a setting like this or knows any fiction with such setting beside MMBN?
I been interested in a setting like MM Battle Network. Cyberpunk but it feels comfy instead of being dystopian
Other urls found in this thread:
What drives the conflict in a "comfy" setting?
>What drives the conflict in a "comfy" setting?
Generally interpersonal conflict.
Goofy and inoffensive villains
Unrelatable bad guys.
>Goofy and Inoffensive
>Mr. Match was burning houses down as cover for hunting for a program inside residential heating systems.
>Maddy was going to blow up a bus full of people just as a distraction to get away when caught scamming people.
>Arashi tries to kidnap a young rich girl and hold her ransom, and gets blown the fuck up by his superior when he fails.
>Speedy Dave tries to blow up a dam and flood a valley of people for destroying the nature around the area.
>Freezeman locks up environmental control programs world wide and causes natural disasters globally.
>Dusk is a fucking assassin.
Goofy, maybe, but inoffensive they were not.
Inoffensive in the sense that none of them ever had a confirmed kill
Crystal Chronicles was comfy, and it's central conflict was a cosmic horror that thrives around suffering having all the air poisoned.
Dunno If It counts but you know them anike take on advanced internet? Like in Summer Wars for example. Basically an alternative world full of bright colored dots dancing in a warm whiteness, floating islands of wonder, music and colorful avatars.
I did a Ryuutama game in a world like that. Our biggest conflict was about finding a missing guy who was trying to get a revenge on a top gamer for "cheating".
Lots of dealing with people of all characters, getting hunted by mysterious "hacker bots" and finally confronting a top "super armor dx" player on this side of the internet.
Also, rumors of the deep web but they never really had a chance to explore that one
The same corrupt megacorperations as regular cyberpunk, only there is less focus on extreme poverty caused by them.
i believe the term is cyberbright
So, basically Vaporwave the RPG.
So, I'm not the right namefag for this, but Strikefag has suggested... yeah, Strike! as a good method to emulate the MMBN system. Personally, I really only see it if you're the guy that really, REALLY, enjoyed the liberation missions from BN5.
Me, personally? I'd go with Savage Worlds with Superpowers or any other Capeshit RPG.
After that... I would really like to see someone develop a Skirmish Wargame that uses a customizable deck of cards in place of a dice mechanics system.
>namefagging in Veeky Forums
Fuck off, attentionewhore
No thanks. People like you give me exactly the sort of attention I want by replying and telling me you're upset that I'm namefagging. I can't help but savor the sheer Irony of the situation and exactly how much stupidity goes in to you putting yourself in this situation.
>card based skirmish wargame
You may want to look into Z-G, which combines CCG with modular robot figures. Was a fun game, especially once you had some of the cards for upgraded gear and environmental effects.
Bump I guess
>people tell you to fuck off because you're a namefag
>you namefag so people will tell you to fuck off
Either way, kill yourself
I tried that already. It just ruined Autoerotic Asphyxiation for me. Twice.
I just appreciate that you have a simple name I can autofilter from now on, you stupid idiot.
Now you're just being insulting... It's MONUMENTAL idiot, not stupid idiot. I work hard to be as dumb as I am and I deserve to be treated as such.
Google leads me to makeup brands
A villain which never gets burned in as super evil. Like you hear about evil acts but you never actually see anything extreme. Like yeah this dude's been cracking security codes and causing a ton of financial issues but the worst you see is some run down areas and not the homeless people and dudes hanging themselves.
Or he burned out an orphanage but all the kids are ok or in the hospital getting better, you get to sort out how he did it or some shit.
eh i only really heard it on here.
Well too bad, still i want to make something out of it
This is something I'm interested in, as well. Consider also Jet Grind Radio, which I think is in this same proto-genre. I think this might be one of those primarily-aesthetic genres that don't really translate to everything perfectly.
The Big Hero 6 movie might also count.
go play nintendo games then
shit thread
cyberbright is the opposite of cyberpunk, in the sense that technology has improved the overall standard of living everywhere. crime and corruption still exists, but it its kept on top of for the most part.
come to think of it the original megaman was like this. everything was fine until wily was a jelly dick.
Cyberprep is the term I've heard
lol, party on
Most Digimon media is also solidly in this genre.
Along with Summer Wars, I'd also recommend watching Dennou Coil. Very comfy, but also much more grounded and realistic than Megaman/Digimon type stuff.
I like the idea of boardgame/cardgame style "cyber combat". I'm imagining something kinda like Krosmaster?
People have mentioned interpersonal conflicts, which would probably work well in a PBtA system or something with similar social bond systems.
Another direction to consider is the comfy mystery.
>Takes place in a small town
>Some minor tragedy occured. Maybe a child went missing, or died in a suspicious accident.
>Victim shouldn't have any direct connection to PCs. Bonus points if the victim was a loner.
>Rumors have been spreading about mystsrious cyber circumstances around the tragedy
>1 year later, the PCs discover a major clue that makes the whole tragedy look suspicious
>PCs investigate, while also slowly becoming entangled with various characters and organizations:
>>the depressed best friend of the victim
>>the local cop who thinks the snooping PCs are Up To No Good
>>the semi-benevolant cyber corp and their anti-hacking AIs
>>the symathetic corp employee who wants to surreptitiously help the PCs solve the mystery
>>the rival hackers who want to compete with the PCs for "street cred", but will probably end up converting and helping PC's investigation
>>the oblivious civilians who somehow keep accidentally getting in the way and complicating the PC's plans
>I like the idea of boardgame/cardgame style "cyber combat". I'm imagining something kinda like Krosmaster?
Strike! is basically built for handling this. It's got optional rules for elemental-wheel kind of stuff as well.
It also slots in pretty nicely with PbtA stuff if you use the 2d6 rules, and the character generation supports having a separate "combat" and "skill" character pretty well if you'd want to go the Navi/Operator route.
Friendly bump.
I miss battle network.
bn3 was glorious, it was such a unique card based rpg and insane customization. i loved finding the rockcube buster navicust bug. just fill your folder with airshots and folderback. the closest thing we have to a PeT nowadays is corntana.
Bump because this desperately needs to happen.
Make it happen, lets run a game
So for a system emulating BN/Starforce, would you use physically shuffled cards as battlechips?
Homebrew seems to be in my future.
I wouldn't.
It's fine for the game, but you need to keep in mind that you are going to be playing at a table with 3-4 other people. Do you want them to be arranging folders and trading chips, or playing the game? It's also something that didn't actually translate into the cartoon and is hard to justify IRL.
I think you could do something interesting with cards. Obviously not a 1:1 version of the video game. Maybe decks of ~10 cards per player? If you have some card sleeves it's pretty easy to prototype card-based games.
One cool aspect of a CCG/RPG hybrid is that you could reward the players with new cards for defeating enemies, making new allies, etc.
There is actually a megaman cardgame believe it or not
I checked it before, it's... not great from what I remember.
I recall trying to come up with mechanics foll one that's sort of like Netrunner (not that Netrunner was a thing at that time), except your Virus chips double as attack chips, so you'd still only have 1 deck.
Really? That's the first I've heard of Strike doing stuff like that. I might take a look
Yeah, it's basically what it's best at, grid based gamey combat. MMBN is one of the examples I use for "things you could totally run in Strike!".
I may make a MMBN-like conversion... actually, the urge to do so is rising. It'd be a lot easier than the other projects I'm working on.
There was this mecha fighting game called Custom Robo: Battle Revolution for the Gamecube. It was basically like pokemon with action figure-sized robots that people battle in a Holosseum to resolve their differences instead of fighting.
I dont remember much about the game, except there was a gross lack of robot customization, and after you defeat the bad guy organization, they are mind wiped and reprogrammed as actors assuming the pretend roles of their organization or something like that.
Super dark for a kids game, and it was treated like this was a totally fine thing to due to terrorists/etc.
Custom Robo is a pretty long-standing series. The gamecube one was probably the darkest entry due to being weirdly post apocalyptic.
Custom Robo Arena for the DS is much more bright, and it does the typical school battle tournament setup, though even it does have dark tones with mind control and military robots used by terrorist groups.
As for customization, it's more about part-swapping by picking chassis and weapons rather than being super-detailed, but for a tabletop game you can have a lot more granularity.