Why would ANY of our kind let a mortal ride them? I was making my way back to my cave, when I saw something like tapestry related. Is this some new fetish from the /d/ragons?
Meanwhile on dragon Veeky Forums
I love mortals, small things are cute.
Still, i mostly just like watching them in their natural state these days, i was devastated when my last mortal died.
It's sometimes the most practical way to carry yours when you're going to be doing a lot of flying. Leashes don't work for that--they tend to snap their necks.
Besides, I've seen mortals carry their young around much like that.
I mean, the bridle and harness are a bit much. But I guess some metallics like making the mortals comfortable. It's not like a bit or rein is going to actually control a dragon that doesn't want to be controlled.
Metallics are fucking weird though.
>chromatics will never know the joy of seeing hordes of cute tiny mortals excitedly shouting a shortened version of their name
I feel bad for you desu senpaitachi
>excitedly shouting a shortened version of their name
I'll never understand why Faggotrosius burned down his own kingdom. It was quite an impressive parade before he went berserk.
>Not meeting a human who loves killing humans even more than you do.
>Not teaming up with him to kill even more humans.
>Not watching as he kills more humans with a sword than you ever thought possible.
>Not letting him watch you kill even more humans with your flaming death bringing breath.
>Not slowly falling into a pure and honest love over the course of your adventure as you two depopulate a continent.
You don't deserve this happiness.
It's annoying. I don't even let them, they just keep managing to jump up there somehow, and that shouldn't even be possible.
And then they just keep stabbing me with these little knives and it's always in that one spot you just can't reach...aggravating as hell.
What, does he not like meatballs?
Say what you will about this shit fest but it was unironically one of the best romances in video games.
Not much of a pet-person are you?
I let my pet ride me for hours.
If that isn't a human polymorphed as a lizard and you aren't a dragon you can fuck right off
Well I've carried mortals in my claws before, but they wouldn't do well on my back. Between the hide and spines, no place to really settle in. Even then, I couldn't ever really see myself letting anybody survive trying to use me like a mount.
Normally I spend my time hidden among them as a blind storyteller, trading information and history and tales and expanding my global influence and it occurs to me that this is more of a metaphor for what they think is "getting high". Oh it is so cute that they think they are "expanding their consciousness" with hallucinogens and mood altering herbs.
From the thumbnail, I thought the dragon was Meatwad.
Oh hey. Was afraid /dtg/ had died, but, Lo and behold, I am scrying it once more. Very happy to see it still lives.
Oh, I carry around Plenty of Humans all the time!
In my belly
Registering yourself as a ferrying service gets you a 10% tax deduction, a worthwile investment.
I'm fucking tired of those guys who keep coming here and whining about black dragons.
I bet they're insecure bitches with tiny hoards.
>le straight edge fase :^)
Why can't you faggots for once enter a thread dedicated to a bit of fun and not push your retarded agendas? Did you see anyone else enter and "cleverly" insert their views on politicians, drugs, the state of the world or similar? No, it's a fucking thread where people pretend to be dragons for laughs.
If I just posted myself with my pet on me you would have just taken it as another mounted dragon pic! Phenomenal Arcane Power, but I can only do so much, Dranon!
Goddamn I thought I was the only one, thank you.
It mostly to make wingless minion like this.
Nah, let's create some rings of power and have them given to their leaders. The problem will take care of itself.
I vote that whenever we're already going to be flying near one of their shitholes, we grab a big rock and drop it on them from very high up.
And ruin a perfectly good food source?
user, think! the mortals are all such a delectable treat... and you would smash hundreds? Would you raze a farm filled with your favorite cattle?
That is the quickest I have ever seen vore enter a thread like this. Well done.
Question is, do those humies ever come back out again?
They already wall themselves off a lot. Doesn't keep them out of anywhere.
They get mad when you climb over them, though. I'm sorry, if you didn't want me to climb over the wall, you should've made it bigger than me and not filled it with tasty treats.
Admittedly, they usually do.
Not Dragon Hunters or "Mighty Slayers!!", no, they become... permenant residents.
But Nothing scares a human more than [spoilers] Being disarmed and swallowed whole. I keep the reedeemable ones in my storage stomach, and if they learned their lesson, they get to come back out. [/spoilers]
A bit like a big snack bowl, eh?
I screwed up the spoiler.
It's great. And then they try to fight but they've just given themselves such a tiny amount of space to move around in and it's hilarious. Why do they even bother?
But user, isn't it normal for solid snakes to be rode by females?
They have this concept that those walls will keep other things out, but they never realize until it's too late that it is perfect for keeping them In...
Be careful though, if you try gobbling up the entire population in one raid, you will get MASSIVE indigestion.
Made that mistake once, never again. I take at least two raids now.
You know how some human deviants enjoy having dragons take their wives? This is basically that, only reversed. It needs to die.
Humans are great, excpet trannies who taste like shit. I just kill those disgusting creatures on sight on general principles alone.
Best part is, most Flavor is external, so Even the ones I let go, I still get to taste.
Been a while since i visited /dragon/. Last time I was here my human companion and I dove into the void to fight off the end of the world and with the help of a necromancer managed to put it off for a while at the cost of both of us losing a tremendous amount of power.
I finally found out Metagamer's true name since I decided to try out being a Truenamer in this life. He calls himself AAAA. I asked him why and he said "i had to fill out the field as fast as possible so i could get started."
How are you folks doing? Anyone want to go get carried through the plane of law/mechanus? AAAA and I are gonna be farming for mechanical cogs, dont need any gold that might drop.
Could use some Cogs and gears. Want to upgrade my Hidden wall system.
>Tell humans I own the land
>Get metal sticks shoved at me
>Tell humans I own the land and show them a piece of paper while mentioning legal action
>They pay me to play in the dirt
Humans are stupid and annoying, but they are really good at getting shiny rocks out of the ground. Why haven't you all done this yet?
Nice. AAAA is working on trying to develop an ICBM spell and he wants to try to clone missiles by using summoning magic to summon them and have them self destruct. He says they shouldnt die by their own blast because summoned creatures return to their plane after they fall in combat. No idea if thats true or not though, i do know however being a truenamer sucks and I cant wait to reset into a new life. At least i still have my dragon form and fiery breath.
Because I keep eating their stuff and blowing things up, because that's fucking fun.
Sometimes one climbs up on me while shouting threats, but I just can't be bothered to stop what I'm doing to flick them off. They end up going for a ride if they're persistent, but it's not like they'll ever pierce through my scales anyway.
>Even one one billionth of any measurement on par with us
Get out
Has anybody else here been painting some of their scales strange colors and summoning demons to spread rumors that they're weak points?
Because I've had a good three dozen knights try to stab me in the painted scale and break their swords. Shit's hilarious.
Mods are asleep post hatchlings
That's fucking beautiful, user.
You can't post HP here!
>A human will never love you enough to literally start the apocalypse in order to free you from being sealed away in suffering.
Just because their typical body count in one mission was more than most game characters earn in their lifetime it doesn't mean that they deserved that. They only killed bad guys, and a couple of children. Nevermind that nearly all of the bad guys were brainwashed. That's unimportant.
What was this?
I see you, friend.
True love triumphs over all adversity.
He was talking about an ending to the game where our two loving heroes were slain by the forces of evil.
drakengard thread? drakengard thread.
I think part of what made their love so touching was how blatantly evil they, or at least Caim, were.
The games themselves? I don't think about three people are enough to justify derailing the thread that completely. The romance between a man and his dragon waifu? That's understandable.
Drag-on Dragoon thread!
Angel wasn't any better, she just had the moral not-quite-so-low ground because dragons are expected to kill people.
But yes, it's the #1 video game romance. I love how it's not a sexual love, but more of a familial bond that they forged by murdering tens of thousands.
>I love how it's not a sexual love, but more of a familial bond that they forged by murdering tens of thousands.
Again, PURE. It was nothing but honest and pure love for one another. It captured that feeling that we all wish we cold experience with our waifu. That wholesome warm feeling that comes with the thought of starting a family with the one you care for above all else. It was nothing but the emotional personification of perfection.
>that feel when you dream about snuggling with a dragon
I didnt want to wake up :(
I'm sorry? I don't know, that's weird mate.
What do we make of this specimen? Mortals turning dragon, why in my day we'd never allow for such a thing!
She is very charming though...
Maybe. But i still like it.
>captcha : pick out the cars
>all mountains
As long as she obeys the draconic customs and supports the dragonkind in Nighon, I won't mind her origin. Also, she was rumored to be prophet of The Dragon Father, wasn't she?
Pfft. She went off and mated with this dope, I don't think her heart is really in with the dragons. Although judging by some of you in this thread I'm starting to wonder what "draconic customs" even means anymore.
Do you guys ever get that depressing feeli g that these threads arent ever as fun as they used to be? This is like /n/ level action right now.
This is Veeky Forums, not the most socially adjusted place. Measuring draconity by this place isn't your best bet...
I would definitely let a human mount me.
What do you mean? Between getting a decent giggle when fucking with adventurers and getting a huge hoard, I haven't really been doing much. But with all the encouraging words of my fellow dragons (i.e. getting called a faggot for various reasons), I have become more active in my pass time. Also it is fun to arrange pranks with others, such as giving the nearest human kingdom's gates sentience and NEET personalities. That shit was great
I prefer to carry my mortals in my mouth. It makes them very uncomfortable.
Share this feel...
Nah. In fact, /dragon/ Existing at all gives me hope that I can scry all sorts of new stuff on this board, given that unique ideas such as this are sticking.
Mortals Get so terrified, it's adorable.
Felt bad because a depressed human straight up fell asleep in there without any struggle, just softly crying.
I let him out a little while later.
Question for /dragon/. Anyone here decide to Mate for life/combine Hoards?
We usually hear about Independent Dragons, but occasionally you'll see life-mates raise an egg or two before shooing the hatchling off to build himself up.
I haven't, but I'm thinking about it, I mean I occasionally stayed to help raise an egg or two, but nothing beyond that. However, now that I've got a really good set up going I am thinking about having a long term relationship, so I am also interested in personal experiences from those who are in a life long relationship.
Mods cast sleep.
Post Wings (The bigger the better).
Be wary one doesn't get the clever idea to wedge something underneath one and stab at the base of it. Scales don't grow back very quickly, and may not grow back at all if the root is damaged.
Behold my shining silver wings!
Don't be so dragocentric, pet or slaves humans mounting you doesn't mean anything.
It's not our fault of those liking humans if you can't have a human on your back without seeing yourself as a horse, stop projecting.
They can be quite handy at times; I have taught a number of squires the finer arts of mounted aerial combat.
So, need some advice on kobolds.
Now, I tend to keep a small group, and I know each of them individually. One of mine has taken to worshiping our gods, begging them to be made a dragon himself. He started taking some kind of rare earth salt they've started concentrating for their divination spells pretty heavily, trying to commune with them. I thought he was crazy, that all of them were, getting stoned out of their minds and hallucinating things. It was funny for a while, even, watching them stagger around, but he's started changing.
I caught him eating my sloughed scales and bits of casting metals - the pieces too small to be worked individually, you know - a few days ago, he had a stockpile of them, and I barely recognized him. His scales looked heavier, rougher, his claws more like talons, his horns were larger, and, well everyone knows that kobolds are barely taller than a human's knee and scrawny like a wet cat? He was almost as big as a human child of ten summers, muscled like a small dwarf, and walked hunched-over, hand to foot. I even think I saw spurs forming on his upper back, like a pair of wings trying to form.
I don't want to kill him, but this is unnerving. I know they're descended from us, but seeing that bloodline connection manifest...
which colour are you
chromatic or metallic
hilarious racism aside this is actually important, I need to know now or I can't help you.
Metallic. I'm reluctant to say more.
Timestamp that shit, or gtfo
Glad to see you survived.
Good news I have unnecrofied the oceans.
Bad news my plan to relocate the undead energy to that paladin kindom hoping the holy energy would cancel it out has instead made a kingdom of undead paladins, death knights and other knightly undead.
I guess it worked?
I cast Bump.
Guys, why the fuck are mortals such giant dicks?
>be me
>ancient gold dragon
>suddenly these 20 fucks just barge into my home
>"dude, I'm tellin you he drops the mount"
>they attack
>try to kill them
>they fucking murder me I turn into a ghost
>a skeleton ghost
>a skost
Zombie goast leave this place.
Scaled_beauty_1337 sent you a picture of her hoard!
Do you want to accept these photos?
(Link to scam in which we take all of your shit and make you even lonelier and buy cool shit for ourselves)
Useful if you have to deal with belligerents of our own kind.
Another dragon tries death from above and your mortal can stab em right easy. Also, shoot arrows upwards.
welcome to undeath
its surprisingly nice
I just hired a bunch of kobolds as my personal task force. Tapestry related is what they look like. Do you think I made a good choice /dragon/?
They seem more competent than most from the get-go. Just keep them in line, and you'll do great.
Also, may I suggest some armor for them? May help keep them alive, good minions are hard to come by.
Doesn't even need to be anything fancy either, just give them some scraps of metal and maybe a little bits of leather. They'll take it as some sort of divine gift and figure out what to do with it. Assuming they just don't put it on a pedestal, that would be counterproductive.
Where else would you put it? Carrying it around in your claws all the time is just a hassle, and I've had far too many accidents when attempting to hold them in my mouth.
Possibly. I'll always be suspicious of kobolds that don't work for free.