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What edition is this though

Are Sicarian Rustalkers the new Mandrakes?




Glorious 7th of course. What other one is there?

Riddle me this Veeky Forums, we've had about 3 weeks with 8th edition: Are Orks still top tier?

who is this jew

Female space marines would be alright.

How so?

First for fuck the Ultramarines, Xenos must rally with chaos.

The Ultramarines have committed countless atrocities against every member of the galaxy. Let us take our revenge.

>cool model but shit rules
At best they're a suicide berserker unit.

Psychic focus is a poorly made rule that hinders Psychic armies and forbids them from exceeding a certain size.

>fight for the ultramarines
>fight for abaddon the armless
no good horses in this race, man

Here you go. Pstt I think it's a female Commissar.

Fight for yourself, fight for revenge against the evil sons of Guilliman.

>trying this hard to le trigger le /pol/ xd

Anyone know a good recaster for SoB shit? I'm not looking for contact info, btw. I have a bunch.

The one I usually go to doesn't have repressors and his SoB minis are almost as expensive as GWs models.

Z has repressors and $5 minis, but apparently his SoB minis are straight dog shit.

CCoN just had a sale, so I'd like to not wait 6 months for an order.

MI doesn't have any, so I can't even use her.

Alpharius might, actually, but I'm 99% sure he doesn't have repressors.

Against all odds, my Craftworlds shall join in this endeavor.

Death to the humans, at any cost.

kill yourself sperg

Set a course for fuck the ultras navigator.


Only in death does duty end.

do I need any specific glue to base my minis with? Or will normal glue suffice?

So you'll fight in support of humans, to kill humans?

Friend. We have stolen a sun before. I propose we wait for the ultramarines to leave, and then steal ultramar.

We plan to relive Guilliman from worry of his citizens becoming casualties of war.

Some questions about Ork
-Is there ever a reason you wouldn't take a squig hound on a runtherd? Without it I feel like they have gigantic morale issues.
-Is two Painboyz overkill? I think it's would make it easier for the boyz to be more spread out, but still.
-What should I look into for another HQ: Big Mek with KFF or a Weirdboy? I'm thinking a Weirdboy cause I have zero transports.

Screw the bugs, anger rises blood runs war calls!
>only marines that think xenos can be more humane than humans

Are you doing anything gucci to the base? Or just plastic on plastic?

Super glue or good quality plastic glue are best for minis

How is the Corvus Blackstar? I've been thinking of picking one up as my next set.

>tfw dark angels
>don't like ultrasmurfs
>but fuck chaos
How do I work this?

Sorta good but Flyers aren't too great in 8th. Lot easier to kill.

>chaos humans.

>naturally 30 leadership
>morale issues.

So, got a question.

I've heard some LatD stuff is hitting this weekend, but would the old IA stuff(more specifically, the LatD FOC in IA13) still be legal?

Do not question the superior intellect of an Eldar, mon'keigh



IIRC, imperium armies must support the imperium. Only NPC races get a choice.

No. The stats of units drastically changed, and anything from previous editions would not work this edition. For instance, there would be no movement statistics.

Fight fire with fire! Send in the fallen then flip a coin for where the points go. (Mysterious motives.)

Nice try, you Ultramarines were never good at stealth. I don't know why you'd even try going undercover.

As long as you're not trying to proxy anything in a Tourney. GW aint gonna make a SWAT team come through your door.

let smurfs bum you, you're into that shit anyways

That is genius plan to empower Great Enemy and destroy your only ally.

I haven't been able to test it yet and Deathwatch players are few and far between, so I haven't heard much. What I have heard though, is that they are extreme hard for opponents to deal with. This is especially true if you park them within a Watch Master's re-roll bubble, but this is from only one or two sources so I'm unsure of their true abilities in 8th. However, they look badass, like a space F-117 Nighthawk, so regardless of effectiveness, they're always going to be an auto-include for me.

Gretchen don't have mob rule ya dingus

I don't think Chaos is allowed to not fight for Chaos, user.

Damnit. So i have to work with those damn primaris autists.
>implying i get to choose what those totally unrelated heretics do

I love this model but can't find a place for him in any army I run. He just never seems to make an impact, in 7th or 8th.

You could use space marine test subject now though. Patience is good but think of the wonders you'd achieve.

was going to use this stuff

i've only based once before and that was when i was a child at my first time in a GW

What the hell are Chaos Bikers even good for? They just seem like a waste of points to me. Of course, I could be using them completely wrong.

I agree. I'm not clamoring or chomping at the bit for them, but I wouldn't complain either. I'd even consider running an entire chapter of them.

I hope that this doesn't devolve into shitposting.

They're good at being $40 for three models

Hm, well then. I guess I just wait and see.

you just sealed your fate. all eldar are now to be purged on site, no treatys, no armistice, only fire and death

not as good as conscripts doe

For basing minis, simple Elmer's glue will suffice. Just put the glue where you want the terrain to stick on the base, put on some of the grass, shake of the excess, and you're good to go. I wish you luck with your army, user!

my brother plans to use them to intercept melee threats to his psykers, but who know's how it'll work on the table


>chaos not liking chaos

The models aren't even that fucking good. The actual bikers themselves just look awkward, and the bike models dont line up on the edges.
Considering kitbashing ravenwings bc I heard the models are better quality

thanks user, i should have some of that glue lying around
should i use a brush (or the wood end of it) or just like a pointed stick to slather the glue?

Git gud.
T3 W2 is an awesome combination. Too tough to reliably take down with lasguns but still multi-wound means the opponent has to either waste a surprisingly large number of anti-infantry shots on them or waste strong, multi-damage guns like autocannons on them, neither of which is precisely appealing.

And once they reach melee, they're one of the few units that can reliably deal mortal wounds the Mechanicus has. Seriously, on a good roll, a single Chordclaw can inflict 3 mortal wounds. That's 3 dead Rubric Marines or 3 Wounds off whichever big thing you care to name.

They shred through whatever you point them at and if they get killed before they do, that's really your fault for not presenting better distractions.

Not sure, but I think they sit about mid to high now.

Huh, didn't know there's a limit on Smite now.

Overwhelming rate of fire, combi-bolters and two plasma guns on a five-man squad will slaughter most infantry and a fair number of light vehicles.

If you want to use a brush, make sure it's an old one that you don't use to paint with anymore. Otherwise, popsicle sticks seem to work well for spreading the glue.

so.... what's the current feeling towards Power Levels vs Points matches?

Both, superglue are use for clear plastic part (fly base, cockpit,..) also good to strengthen bent part, and fill small gap.

Plasticglue can be a pain in the ass to work with, accident glue on hand lead to fingerprint on model, it melt detail....I don't like GW "nozzle" plastic glue, much prefer the brush-type glue (Mr Cement, Tamiya...)

Nah, Smite is the one exception.

my son really likes power levels... he's 10

Power levels are useless and you may as well just put stuff on the table and balance it that way.

40kg tends to AUTISTICALLY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE whenever Power Points are mentioned. But generally speaking the 40k community seems to be enjoying PP much more for casual games. Since it has a big advantage of allowing games to be set up and finished quite quickly.

My entire gaming group of about 22 people has completely abandoned Matched Points, and we're now only using Power Points. So make of that what you will.

So lets say I got 3 boxes of Sicarians. How many Infiltrators and how many Rustalkers?

In the past, I've used them as vehicle-busters due to mobility. New vehicle rules kinda render that redundant, though. Both of those make sense though.

Should I just amass them into a big unit, or a handful of smaller units?

Points are debatably more balanced. Power level doesnt account for wargear, which can really fuck up balance.

They're shit. The only thing they're good at is being expensive. Hence $40 for 3 models.

I think Power Levels will be interesting for when you want to be lazy in narrative style games or for trying to get people into the hobby by showing them a quick power level game. Other than that, points are still far and away the gold standard.

He's always been a traitor, but worst than the heretic ones.

>He tried to start his own petty empire
>Didn't go to defend Terra
>After the siege, he disbanded the legions
>Even attacked the most loyal chapter (Imperial Fisters) to force them to compliance
>Take a nap
>Wake up
>Make thousands of marines
>Nobody have a legion now but him (and the Dangles, but they're chaos anyway)
>Becomes the de facto Emperor
>Just as planned

We've been doing power level, but fuck man, there's some crazy variance that shows. I played a game against my Dangle friends with my Chaos and he had at least 250pts on me. It was brutally obvious. Not all of them are like that, though. My deldar list is 51PL or 1075pts

thanks again user

Power level are nice for first few games if you and your opponent are at the same level. The problematic nature of it show the more you play, and when you start to meet someone who abuse it, it won't be a very fun game.

No problem, hope you get your army based up and ready to go!

>stolen a sun
>now a solar system

i didn't know that Carmen Sandeigo was still around. how the fuck do you steal a sun anyway?

PL is fantastic for quick friendly game. if there are neckbeards about, then points are the only way to keep them at bay

My local group has been using power ratings to get games together quickly as we learn the new rules. Eventually we'll shift things back to points.

>implying chaos deserves any xenos help
Yeah, I'm sure that they'll be so appreciative of it after the months of "xenos are NPCs, we're the only thing that matters"
Oh, and all the shitposting

Chaos is a cancer upon this board. The slaneeshi's shitposting about their sexual exploits, the khornates acting like a pack of howling /pol/tards, the carnacs defending the atrocious writing and dragging threads into autsic screeching if you disagree, the nurglites with the stupid "papa nurgle" shit, the Tzeentchians with their "just as planned" bullshit. If a thread if getting fucked, it's usually a chaosfags or two's fault. Anyone who can honestly defend thier actions and willingly side with them is pitiful. Imperiumfags can be annoying, but they don't have the track record of chaos. Fuck chaos, I'd sooner side with eldar. My robo-Egyptians are fighting alongside the Imperium.
Anyone who sides with chaos is siding with shitposters and risks bringing upon us another end times.

Power levels are a bad fit for tournaments, in the same way formations were a bad fit for tournaments. It turns into a "who can get the most free shit in" competition.

They are, however, fairly convenient when playing with people who aren't shitnuggets. Each 50 power is usually going to end up at around 1000 points, but will be considerably quicker to set up a list with.

bikes in general are something obsolete in 40k, from a time when the setting was much more metal

You can also use Third Party stick on stuff. Works pretty well. Got enough for a Guard blob for like AUD$9

Pretty much this. We've used them at my LGS to get into the game quickly to learn the new rules. Tourneys will be points, but I foresee a lot of PL casual happening

one nice thing to do is to superglue a few mm of foot-shaped pieces of plasticard to the base before you add basing materials, so that you can form a nice tight bond between your minis and the base and have their feet sitting at 'ground level' as opposed to sunken into the dirt


That's how every game went so far. Every T1 is just a salvo of Hunter killer missiles, and those fuckers do d6 damage, which can easily kill at least 2 tanks, which is a significant amount of PL. Hell, I had a Contemptor die because it was shot with 4 HKMs. That's 10 fucking PL.

They've often been described as horse archers, following that line I'd take two smaller squads, roll them around your opponent's flanks, use them to support any transports you're bringing up, keep them mobile, keep them dynamic, and use their rapid fire.

power levels are kinda unbalanced for certain armies as it bases the number on the entire possible gear options for a certain unit, so armies like Deathwatch and Imperial Guard are unfairly taxed. However, because of this, it does manage to encourage crazy builds to make the most out of the artificially high PL, like a Deathwatch Vanguard Veteran squad all with THs and Plasma Pistols. Overall, I think PLs work better for some armies than others. Hopefully, they balance this somewhat as codexes emerge.

Oddly enough, the new ITC tournaments are talking over about using Combined PP and MP. Where you have simultaneously a Power Points limit, and a Hard-limit.

5 Ruststalkers, 10 Infiltrators. Mortal Wounds may be great, but Infiltrators with Flechette Blasters and Taser Goads are too good to pass up.
If you're not using Power levels, a mix of 7 Ruststalkers, 8 Infiltrators may also be nice.

can you imagine being this upset about a game of toy soldiers


You are wrong my metal brother. The Imperiumfags have stood in the limelight for far too long. Chaos is a cancer, but a necessary ally if we are to take revenge for Damnos.