Turing complete smart contracts

>Turing complete smart contracts

>excellent team

>quantum resistant


>bigger blocks

>it solves the _______ problem

>new website

>emission tail

what are these posts even shilling, WaBi? or is there another frog coin

please dont post until you've lurked for a year, newfag scum

hurr durr how will you newfags make money if you dont spend all day here

>buying into a shitcoin whos sole purpose is founded on removable labels

shiggy diggy

>the true bitcoin

>atomic swaps

Where can I find a Veeky Forums-pepe collection

> satoshi vision

>delegated proof of stake

>Tumble nodes

its not shilling anything
its making fun of all the marketing terms that these shitcoins use

fucks sake

Summer never ends

>it's the chinese ETH