So whats Veeky Forums opinion on Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2 edition?
A buch of my friends were thinking of getting into roleplaying and I offered to GM them.
They are into Warhammer Lore and stuff (more into 40k but I must admit I'm not that much of an expert in 40k myself) so I thought WHFRPG could be fun, thoughts?
Warhammer Roleplay
It's pretty great.
What premade campaign would you recommend me?
Or should I make one myself?
It is my first time GM-(ing...?)
It's a very fun sysyem, lethal and gritty, easy to learn and DM for. There is a metric fuck load of fan content and the community tends to be dedicated and helpful. It isn't without some weaknesses - in particular, some weapons (especially from OWA) and combat styles need some tweaking to be viable. I just ran a game for about a year with some adjustments to these and some other quibbling matters, and if you're interested I'll post them here once I've got access to my PC in a few hours.
The tl;dr of combat weaknesses is that two handers suck, guns are underpowered, and bows level off in effectiveness mid to late game. I found most of this easy to fix.
I really like it, wish my group would play more than once a month due to conflicting work schedules. Hoping that 4th edition turns out good so our GM or some other nearby picks it up.
BTW looking at the rules, arent the halberds just a better spear/two hander? No penalties and you can just switch between combat modes, am I missing something?
Some weapons will straight up be better than others, given best quality one handers most will pick an axe due to impact quality.
Honestly any of the official ones are fun. I'm partial to A Brutal Finish (I think it's called) from Realms of Sorcery. It involves a wine festival, spontaneous combustion, organized crime, and arson.
That's pretty much the case, yeah. Personally I tweaked them a bit to make it so they're still flexible but not so obviously better, and tweaked the traits for best quality two handers so they offer unique advantages over taking a halberd. It ends up coming down to flexibility vs. specialization, which worked for my group.
Personally, I gave best hand axes Impact and Tiring in my houserules for just that reason - they were far and away the best weapon in the game before, but even nerfed they still perform quite well.
Well, that sounds like fun...
I do this too.
I also remove slow for best two handed swords but make them do only SB damage
Best warhammers make the enemy roll against stun everytime they hit the head, even if you don't have the strike to stun skill
Best great warhammers ignore 2 armor points, but only against plate
I guess you could give halberds something like tiring?
I mean they are supposed to be larger and heavier than any regular spear/2h
Two handers being underpower is something GW does in all its games, look at Mordheim or even the tabletop itself only Elves (due to ASF) or Dwarfes (due to low initiative to begin with) were worth with 2h
For me, when used like a great axe they're 1d10+(1.5*SB) Impact, Slow. But when used as a spear they're just 1d10+(SB) Fast. I find this let's them be a jack of all trades among the two handers but a master of none.
In general, all my two-handed do 1d10+(1.5*SB) Impact, Slow unless adjusted by being Best quality. Obviously this makes them much more damaging when they hit, but I felt and play bore out that Slow helped keep this from getting out of hand, while the lack of a free parry was fairer check now than it had been before. Basically it gives a PC a choice - do you want to roll defensively with sword and board, or rely on killing quick with a bigger weapon? I noticed two-handed were now favored by the heavily armored, which made fair sense.
I'm going to be playtesting a new house rule when my next game starts that one of my players came up with, which allows for more worthwhile two-weapon fighting. Basically, you can make a free attack if you're dual wielding melee weapons, but only if you have the Ambidextrous talent or the weapon is Balanced. Additionally, you must attack with both weapons, not just the one you prefer. Attacking an extra time also eliminates your free parry that round. We'll see how it plays.
Guide to enjoying WHRP:
Get a copy of WFRP1e. Proceed to substitute any later editions' lore and setting background with 1e.
Replace mechanics with system of choice if wanted.
Zweihander or WHFRP?
I've not played zweihander yet, but it's a fan made WFRP 2-alike, with updoots. That means the mechanics are probably either solid or VERY bad. I welcome anyone who had actually played to chime in.
>either solid or VERY bad
I've read the beta, and honestly can't remember anything about it. So it's neither, I guess.
Probably mostly the same system, then. I'll have to get off my lazy ass and look, but I expect that they did, at least, tweak weapons.
Eh, never liked the gods of law or dorf magicians.
2e era skaven and vamps are way better.
Make sure to have a rat catcher
>never liked the gods of law
t. Khorne