Help making character

I'm creating a character that's a dual spear wielding warrior. And that's all I've got, I'm having so much trouble coming up with backstory or anything more than the ability to stab stuff.

I'm not sure if it's because I think the concept is boring, or if it's cause I have no investment in the game since the GM is gonna cancel after one session.

The games called Anima and you can do just about anything with your character.

Please help?

You steal people's money to finance your battle against the BBEG.

You're in a real hurry.

A weapon isn't a character any more than what they ate for lunch. It's just a detail.

Exactly, that's why I need help.I've never had trouble with characters in the past, throwing together a cool story and set of skills is simple.

Your grandfather, an accomplished warrior, kept ridiculing you when you were 5, saying you have no business swinging around swords. Being a 5-year-old hothead ,you ran away to the nearby forest. Still angry, you picked up a long stick and started whacking the nearby tree. When it snapped into two, you threw one part.

You whacked your grandfather with a stick. With a smile, he gave you a spear.

Self bump

Put all your points in Style.

"Help me make a character. All I've got is he ate a cheeseburger today"

Yea no. Put some effort in your posts.

all you've got is "good at stabbing"

so start there

who taught you how to stab good? tell me about that person

Tharistan emberlock, Prince of necromancy

Prince of the kingdom of seelie, capital of kaalidan. Groomed to be the next king, he was trained by his father until the age of 12. Once an heir reaches of age he is initiated into the family's power.

At 12 they go into the castles dungeon to meet "grandfather" the first king of Steele, a powerful lich who made himself a lich only to teach the later kings, all for the good if the kingdom.

Tharistan was taught the ways of necromancy and fighting, but in order to be worthy of the mantle of the king he has to complete a heroic quest to gain the respect of the people.

There I wrote that up on the spot from the idea of necromancer. It's not hard for me to do that, only when it comes to this guy I'm trying to make now. Nothing comes to mind.

Enough effort for ya?

Alright, perhaps his
- father/grandfather, I like what said

- lord he swore him self to as a kid

- maybe he and his friend learned together while growing up, they both had a knack for it

Haha this guy gets it

Special abilities with ki
- attack 6 times per turn
- debuff with supernatural states
-camouflage attack

-aggravate damage
-life drain
- freeze

When I hit a roadblock like this, I just work backwards. He dual-wields spears, of all things. What's the story behind that? Or if you have a name for this spearman, what's the story behind his name? Might help you frame the bigger picture if you flesh out some small details first.

OP, I play a lot of Anime. Do this!

bump. Even if this doesn't fit my character ill lurk to get some ideas for a character of my own.

Name of Spear 1 This is a treasure someone you love gave you before you left on your journey, a memory of someone you fight to return to.

Nickname of Spear 2 (You don't know the real name because it belonged to C)

How did you get Spear 1?

You received Spear 2 A) as a reward for a good deed B) in the aftermath of a tragedy as a reminder

C is the name of A) a hero who died and to whom you promised an important oath B) the villain you swore an oath to defeat

What is the oath you swore?

is that who i think it is? how and why?

probably not worth mentioning but we're all on the same page about how using two spears would be a terrible idea right? It's not something you read about in history, for good reason: it's on the order of people running into battle dual-wielding whips, or with axes taped to their feet.

That's not necessarily to say you shouldn't do it, especially if it's a super-cinematic D&D- or shonen-style thing, but I would hope the concept at least acknowledged how odd the style is.

>why two spears is a bad idea, if you give a shit:
You need two hands to lever with if you're going to maneuver a 10-foot pole with any sort of dexterity. You also have longer range with two hands because you're not forced to hold it at the balance point (as a one-hander would). Two-handed spears are so agile that you really gain nothing by holding two and losing everything.

>inb4 hoplites and other 1-handed spear-and-shield users.
Hoplite used short spears (sharpened sticks, really), and relied on their shields for blocking. They were also formation fighters so they didn't really have to worry as much about weapon maneuverability as a skirmishing adventurer would.

Obviously, one's a longspear and the other's a shortspear, allowing you to have reach AND close in fighting.

As a young child growing up as a savage feral you learned to use anything at your disposal to fend off ferocious animals. Often you would find however that their reach would extend beyond that of your own, and thanks to developing a wild fighting style of your own you became adept at defending yourself against beasts that older hunters rightly feared.

Later you were found by civilized peoples, and they saw that you had it in you to become a great warrior and beast slayer.

>+stab two niggas once
>+stab one nigga twice
>+shields are for pussies
>-shields aint actually for pussies

literally no down sides

>why would a whore goddess posses a whorish mage?

He has a tiny penis and the spears are him compensating for his desire to plunge his stiff rod into flesh.


Would a knight that dual wields a dual shield wielder alongside with a dual sword wielder be invincible?
>perfect defense because of dual shielder
>perfect offense because of dual sworder
>encumbrance is probably a bitch 'cuz carrying two knights+their arms&armor but that is a small price to pay for being fucking invincible killing machine

this except with spears. Done.
That or a simple, started out as a spearmen in some kings army, after that campaign was over he found he quite liked the spear, started dueling for money, found he liked two spears based on a heated bet between him and a foe. Now he uses two spears and turns people into perforated paper. GG.


Get ambidexterous. Enjoy attacks at -10 and being slow.
Maybe invest in gunspear
Thats it.

Use the ORE(reign) random character generator, it works wonders even if you are not playing any ORE game.



user its a game where punching is the best weapon

OP what setting?
Gaia? Custom?
If gaia where in gaia you are playing?

>technomate murs
Fuck it you have powerful ally 2 (wissenchaft) and you are a trainee crow. Your ally name is murs.

its base gaia

Changes to base setting:
- imperium was killed in that one event where people planned to kill imperium
- the inquisition is secretly being led by an avatar of abbadon

Everything else is either unknown to the players or unchanged

>Just pick any story they're all the same cause none of it matters when you're a shitty murderhobo


Then do whatever m8
Just stay away from necromancy.

Gaia is filled with retards doing dumb shit.

Get two Leo rifle spears from the list of impossible weapons with ambidexterity and attack four times in one round with a small penalty like a big cheater

Anima is at the same time super realistic and super unrealistic

Anima is berserk pretending not to be berserk, while on one hand you can 1 hand your buttfuckhueg sword and jump around in full plate like a retard...

Getting hit will cut your arm off.

the system was based off final fantasy, it was about to be licensed until Square pulled out

>Anima is at the same time super realistic and super unrealistic

In a good way. It keeps high-powered martials relevant while simultaneously having "realistic" consequences.

Hahaha oh wow.
Kami WORKED with Enix, and also did art for enix, anima works off rolemaster.

>They were also formation fighters so they didn't really have to worry as much about weapon maneuverability as a skirmishing adventurer would.
Um, no sweetie. For most of their time the hoplites did not practice formations. They were literally untrained levies called to arms. They weren't professional soldiers.

if anima is based on anything it's based on the nasuverse


No, it's Pokemon

t. Summontards

Anima is based on GRORIUS eastern martial arts.

yes those martial arts are 100% accurate, they just dont understand. I'm a master in all of them

>GM is gonna cancel after one session.
Sounds about right. The settings great, but the fighting is a shitshow.

Give him E Rank Luck, then the backstory basically writes itself.

But boxing is obviously the best martial art.

>Not muai thai
Things you enjoy:
Wet noodle attacks.

Basically japanese Asteropaius then?


Deermud dindu nuffin wrong.

He's a good boy just trying to be honourable and sheeit.

>dual spear wielding

cu chulain in a nutshell

1. why not
2. its cool

Guy from the Illiad. Threw two spears at once at Achilles and managed to draw blood (the whole "invulnerable except the heel" thing is never actually mentioned in the Illiad).

Then Achilles wrecked his shit.

E ranked is still 10 times the normal human's luck.

Dual-wielding ain't common at all, and any dude with even moderate combat experience/training is invariably gonna fuck it up, compared to your standard sword or polearm. So make it an esoteric art, something you have to be trained in for years since a young age.
Now your possibilities are narrowed down, perhaps your character is an acolyte or monk in an order, or maybe it's family technique. Your choice.