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/jc/, how good are your planning abilities?
382 replies last thread... is /jc/ dying?
If you keep enough plans going at once, then even if 99% of them fail you can just claim they were actually part of the 1% that did work.
Not many people are on at this time.
There is, but the difference is a square is used for measurements and a triangle is just for ding sounds.
>He doesn't remember when threads would last a day and a half instead of just 15 or so like now.
Granted there was also a time when we had 2-3 threads a day, but hey.
Which vampires best deserve a hug?
We got a bit, a tiny bit, smarter so that we wait to post a new thread when shitstorms start.
Is pic related you?
So, if I wanted to create my own Ebon dragon companion, where should I start? Not the actual Ebon Dragon, because I want a manipulative cocky backstabbing disappearing shadow dragon, but not one that will backstab me. Or stab me in anyway.
Xanatos Gambits are your friends. That way your plans succeed even if they fail. Especially if they fail.
Shadow realm and get a red eyes black dragon companion.
The jump for this doesn't have any planning perks though.
Get a Kami companion in Kamigawa, and give it the Dragon, Shadows, and Swamp (for black mana) Symbolic Links.
Then add imports in jumps with shadow options to taste. Probably not Infernals, because Fiends would eventually take too much after Ebby himself.
That would explain why Bleach and Naruto went downhill towards the end, Kishikuboda was busy focusing on One Piece.
Well honed by now to know that no plan survives first contact with actual problems, unless said planner brute forces causality. The wise mastermind studies, strategises, steers-and improvises where necessary. Actual plans tend to get in the way when you least want them to.
Counterpoint: Having too many plans runs the risk of them planning at cross purposes, such that your secret ninja league assassinate your men in black under the shapeshifting president demon you planted in the White House two days and three proxies ago's orders-because HE mistook them for the actual people you were conspiring against.
Eli from Let the Right One In (not a jump)
Acquire a mini-Ebon Dragon in Infernals, then import him as a demon or god of lies/pride/treachery/obfuscation in Marvel, but not before becoming mastering the D in Duel Monsters.
Its summer so threads don't last as long. There's more threads getting made, so it bumps the threads past their bump limit off faster.
Seras aka Police Girl. She has big boobs so she'll be a blast to hug.
Are there any planning perks that scale in effectiveness with how long you plan?
Worm sort of has one in Compounded Calculation, though that's more scaling with the complexity of your plan
This is a bad plan. Trust me I know all about bad plans
You could use Real Eater on The Left Hand from DA:I to turn it into a scaling planning ability for whatever it is you need it for, since The Left Hand is already a scaling planning Perk that works on scheming, you could change it from plotting into something like designing.
>Counterpoint: Having too many plans runs the risk of them planning at cross purposes, such that your secret ninja league assassinate your men in black under the shapeshifting president demon you planted in the White House two days and three proxies ago's orders-because HE mistook them for the actual people you were conspiring against.
Pic related.
The simple solution would be getting a companion with an unbreakable bond or other form of loyalty. For example an imported operator form Mega Man Battle Network or a Certain Scientific Railgun Misaka. Then import them as an Infernal and get them to learn Ebon Dragon Cosmic Principle. This would result in them becoming an Ebon Dragon clone that unlike the original has a concept of loyalty and trustworthiness. Just one that's probably limited to the jumper.
If you don't think the unbreakable bond will be enough you could just create custom charms that have the side effect of decreasing their chances of betraying you.
However the amusing option is to companion the actual Ebon Dragon, but not the one from Exalted. No you want the one from the Old World of Darkness (which might be the far future of Exalted) that happens to be not as pointless spiteful. This would work best if done before taking Exalted. Why? Because having a possibly from the future not as pointlessly spiiteful free version of the Ebon Dragon showing up in Exalted would be hilarious.
Alternatively get a dragon companion, have them learn magic that's good for stealth and infiltration, and have them learn plotting and planning skills.
I would like to say that I'm good at super complex multi-layered plans, and I've probably got enough perks so that is the case, but in practice I prefer to just form several different half-baked plan at once and then see if any of them fly.
When I'm actually serious, my "plans" tend to be extremely direct and resemble enough of a hammer that they can barely be called plans.
Counter-counterpoint: That's what makes it hilarious!
Hail, Tzeentch!
If I remember right, oWoD Ebon Dragon is more like a mostly benevolent protector deity who cursed his followers for being monstrous cunts (which just encouraged them to continue course because it's the WoD.)
The WoD is only the future of Exalted in 1st Edition, and the Ebon Dragon wasn't pointless spiteful there.
So, they're either both not pointlessly spiteful, or they have nothing to do with one another. Depending on which edition's lore you're going with.
>Acquire a mini-Ebon Dragon in Infernals, then import him as a demon or god of lies/pride/treachery/obfuscation in Marvel, but not before becoming mastering the D in Duel Monsters.
That kinda goes against the whole 'I don't want the actual Ebon Dragon'.
It's very much not the actual Ebon Dragon though, it's a weirdo demon the real thing explicitly doesn't want to be associated with
does anyone have a link to back when people decided to waifu her originally?
What is the point of asking this?
So, since you say it's a bad plan, it must be a good plan, right?
So, since there is no exact date for our entry, has anyone fanwanked that they took Alucard's place on converting Seras into a Vampire?
I want to see it, but am scared to try and trawl through years worth of Veeky Forums posts?
Don't they have the same personality? Maybe it doesn't has the actual 'themes' of EBD in it, but letting it grow into one might not be the best idea if I you want to avoid being eventually betrayed by it.
Iirc, there were threads with that same subject. And it was fairly early. Like back when the first version was released.
What kind of child are you during your pre-Jump background years?
To be (un)fair while that's true their first set of minions were what seem to be super energy vampires. Meanwhile the second set are made by giving them a power that might remove their chance for an even better power up.
I said 'might be' because I wasn't completely sure if it still applied, or if it ever applied beyond 'lets add references because we can'.
Although technically that just means that if the OWoD had Exalted in it's pre-retcon past it would have been the timeline of the first edition version.
They also kind of wouldn't have anything to do with each other directly do to alternate timelines.
Their first set of minions only became vampires when they started torturing, eating mortals, and generally doing everything debased. Idea was that maybe being cursed would convince them to seek repentance, but nope, they just got worse.
A vampire.
Do we have magic/psychic perks that can use communication devices to bypass distance? Like attacking or hypnotizing through a tv screen, or using a crystal ball to cast spells over where you look.
Wasn't it that they were given the ability to absorb chi, a bunch of things telling them "You could use that ability on people", and most of them deciding they should totally do that?
Maybe some cross between magitech and technopathy? Some rules lawyering one the exact definition of 'line of sight'?
There's actually something for exactly that in Gargoyles. That Jump's technomagic perk explicitly gives an example of something like that, casting spells through the radio or something.
Arcane Interface from Storm Hawks and Technosorcery from Gargoyles.
Hey OAA, is Dragon going to be on offer as a race for WoW, or are you sticking with the more "mortal" races?
Besides Sonichu, /co/co/s Bizarre Adventure, Undocumented Features, and Protectors of the Plot Continuum, do we have any other Jumps where the setting is just a mashup of other preexisting settings?
Smash Bros?
Inheritance Cycle.
Dragons are mortal now. Also infertile.
I'm sure a Jumper could fix the infertile bit. There's gotta be a perk for that somewhere.
Receptive doves from greek myth.
The problem with that is that the dragons can only be impregnated by you, not anyone else. So you'd have to fuck every dragon to make them have kids, and then your kids could only breed if you fucked them. See the issue?
QQ's Generic Mind Control jump has Infectious Control, which lets you bake control effects into things, including recordings. They don't even need to watch your show live, so you can do things like make a viral video give viewers the suggestion to call you if they have some desirable trait, and then you hit them with a personalized command through the phone. There is a effectiveness penalty applied, though.
Not infertile. Mortal, yes. We actually save a shit-ton of a blue dragon's recently-born whelps in Azsuna.
Right now, sticking with mortal races. However, I have been debating on adding a Dragonid option to the Racial Modifier (kinda like Titan-Forged in that regard), reflecting how the Dragonmaw Clan, fel orcs, and the other Twilight's Hammer created draconic hybrid beings, as well as the existence of the Dragonspawn.
Well that was fast.
Guess you just now got around to posting bait.
>Not infertile. Mortal, yes. We actually save a shit-ton of a blue dragon's recently-born whelps in Azsuna.
Did you actually play that quest? The entire point of it was that these are the last whelps that will ever be born. They're the Last of the Last.
If I was trying to bait I wouldn't have bothered with spoilers, friendo.
No, because all my kids would have receptive doves as well thanks to discworld genetics. My children would be able to impregnate literally anyone or anything.
So what happens if I'm Demonic-Undead-Titanforged-Drakonid Demon Hunter-Death Knight with Mixed-Heritage?
Well I guess that explains dnd.
What about humans? They can mate with anything in DnD too.
These two facts together are why it's automatically assumed that humans have some level of draconic ancestry. Silver Dragons and Humans really like each other.
So dragon-human relations are like species incest?
Maybe that is why? So many silver dragons screwing humans because they are humanboos. Then again Iirc most sorcerers have red dragon blood somewhere along the line. There is even an entire class devoted to using your red dragon blood to become half/fully dragon.
You get prismatic eyes and hair to reflect your status as a bad OC.
Only as much as any human relationship is incest, due to all humans being related on some level.
Hell the human species is one of the most inbred out there because of a relatively recent extinction event that left, I think it was around ten thousand people in the world. About the only animal more inbred is the cheetah because they went through the same thing but didn't spread out so much.
Which is funny, because Red Dragons aren't noted for breeding with mortals very often. Of the Chromatic Dragons, the Blues are described as the ones that get along with mortals best.
And my point is, those whelps were still all born after the Cataclysm, after WoD even if the timeline's right about the time-skip, but that's speculation for another time, meaning that even if they are the 'last of the last,' there was enough of whatever bullshit essence to let them hold out that long that all you need is a concentrated magical effort to look into it.
Also getting real tired of the Deathwing Prophecy bullshit, can't ya tell? The fuck kind of asspull was that that the Aspects were made specifically to fight one of their own in the future that was only possible because said Aspect was made in the first place.
You got a bad case of the Sue-brains.
Hey, maybe you can fix it through something, but my point was just that, by the lore, dragons are all infertile now. I don't like it any more than you that they're killing off the aspects and dragons in general for cheap drama.
Aight, fair enough.
This of course means that they'll fix it eventually, because it would make for a decent questline.
Reminder that if Violet, the Blue-Green, Gold, Silver, and Copper Proto-Dragons had been given an Aspect too, things would be different around here.
That said, Proto-Dragon mount? Those things are still around apparently. Devilsaurs are cool, but these are Devilsaurs with wings.
Oh hey, I forgot one, Silver-Green.
11 Aspects would fix everything!
>"Okay so we just went on an epic quest to restore your fertility, but how do we actually know it worked."
>One human stands up out of the crowd
>"Okay so we just went on an epic quest to restore your fertility, but how do we actually know it worked."
>"Well I mean, we do need to give you your quest reward after all."
My understanding is that they're the last blur whelps from the former Aspect. He's no longer immortal, so he might be infertile now. As a long lived species they're probably only able to have children once in awhile naturally. So their species isn't going to die but they're no longer going to be quite numerous as they were.
Warriors get a Protodrake Class mount. Which imho is a copt out. They should've gotten a Storm Dragon. Those things are awesome.
Why not allow dragon purchasable via Titanforged?
I want a dragon companion now.
Actually, I want Chromie as a companion. Can we have Chromie?
Chromie is cute, CUTE!
There's a perk in Hearts of Iron that literally makes your plans, all of them, more effective the more encompassing and complex they are. The effect basically means that if you plan for the conquest of the world, the plan will always be better than a plan to merely conquer Europe.
Because technically, Titanforged refers to the Aesir and the Vanir, the stone- and metal-crafted soldiers and beings who'd eventually, via curse-of-flesh-shittery, become Dwarves, Vrykul, that kind of thing.
OA previewed a canon companion option a while back, had this listed:
> 300 CP: Now we get above the strength of mortals - Dragons, Elementals, Giants, and Spirits. Beings like Rheastrasza, Baleroc, Princess Theradras, or similar. These are the ones it takes organized groups of strong adventurers to bring down, and are capable of great destruction and change.
So Chromie'd be 300 CP.
What in gods name is that nasty little abomination?
A bronze dragon in gnome form.
Why would it become the worsytpossible race?
If you're referring to the Dragon Disciple prestige class that lets you pick any dragon type to become a half dragon of. It's also kind of really not worth it at all.
I however don't remember anything about a class for becoming an actual dragon, but it does seem like something that could occur.
The fuck you talking about? Gnomes are cute! CUTE!
Any reason not to allow dragons at an appropriately increased price? They're the coolest race.
Maybe it lost a bet?
There's nothing wrong with WoW Gnomes, they're toned down from the Dragonlance version. They're fun.
>Not liking Shortstacks.
Gnomes are cute. Here she is as a Goblin.
>Misplaced all of my cute gnome images
Even if they don't make it in, there's always the Vial of the Sands.
You can't trust gnomes with elder magic.
Just look at Wobblepox and Fizzlebang.
And her name is Chromie? Does she ever get referred to as Chromie the Gnomie?
Yeah, IIRC, that's why humans are so susceptible to the downsides of inbreeding. I think most other species can get away with several extra generations of it than humans can and be better off.
Shortstacks are fine, that's just terrible.
And you, the adventurer, are her homie.
Now here's the funny thing. Chromie's dragon name is Chronormu. -ormu is the masculine suffix for bronze dragons, while -ormi is actually the feminine suffix.
That is correct, yes, we have a ridiculously small gene pool. That's why I always laugh at soft sci-fi that extols humanity for being genetically diverse. No we aren't, Mordin. If we're genetically diverse by the standards of the rest of the galaxy, just...fuck, how inbred are you?