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Have you ever (or do you want to but haven't) upgraded the components of your board games? Which ones? What made you want to upgrade that game?
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Have you ever (or do you want to but haven't) upgraded the components of your board games? Which ones? What made you want to upgrade that game?
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>Upgradan gaems
Usually, only upgrade I really do is foamcore inserts. Other than that, I upgraded my eldritch horror with nifty transparent colored dice (because the dice were cheap, and you need a bucket of them so each player having a set is convenient) and I added a bunch of plastic brains (from a really shitty game, Mmm... Brains) to zombie dice because fuck scoresheets.
I also painted a bunch of my games, but my painting is so shit that's almost a downgrade.
A /bgg/ that actually has /bgg/ in the title, now this is something I can get behind
>upgrading components
I get these for terra mystica.
Other than those I have MDF inserts for Caverna and Lords of Waterdeep.
Speaking od upgrading, does anyone edge the cardboard chits in their games?
Only when there's a real bad component choice that has been easy to fix. Something like replacing 1830's paper money with poker chips is pretty low effort.
In the words of another member of my gaming group, it's the good game that Monopoly should have been.
But in my opinion, they're really not that similar. The basis of Merchant of Venus is flying your spaceship around the board, meeting new civilizations, trading goods and ferrying passengers between them, and upgrading your ship to do it all better. Other than having roll-and-move (though, with a web that can be traveled in any direction rather than linear/circular board, 3+ d6, and the ability to place dice that might not have been so hot for movement sum on navigation or upgrades for benefits it's far less irritating than many uses of the mechanic) with an economic flair there's fairly little connection.
Where Merchant of Venus actually shines is in having to both plan ahead and adapt to manage a functional trade route , and the fact that markets will fluctuate (Sale prices change between three values, the availability of goods for purchase is limited and renews only gradually so if you try to ship the same thing over and over you might hit a wall), making it feel really meaty in its economics. What's more, there are a lot of avenues to the profit that will ultimately determine the winner: you can just try to haul as much shit to someone who wants it as possible rinse repeat, same loop rain or shine, or you could chase high market values and hope you don't get outraced. You can also develop infrastructure, or even run freeking missions or laser pirates off the board for renown. Some of that is money now, some is money over time, and some won't count until endgame scoring but it all adds up.
Frankly it's a hard game to classify; It's not really your typical ameritrash since you're not going to be directly blowing other players up and taking their stuff or anything like that, but it's got too much dice play/board play to be a euro. It's way too heavy to be a "family game" but I know some people freeking hate roll-and-move (and normally I'm one of them, it took a lot of balancing to make it work here). But I enjoy it well enough and it's one of a very few really 'epic' games that I own, the kind that take a long time but really feel like they deserve it.
Advantage of the FFG edition that I have: It has both the updated game, which is what I've played most and is fairly streamlined, and the components and flip side of the board for a faithful recreation of the first edition which features a lot more of the fiddly goodness like establishing factories or demand over and above the normal market flux. Kinda cool if you want to kill most of an afternoon but are sick of TI3's Politics and Combat being the go-to marathon.
I replaced the red cubes in my copy of Love Letter with plastic heart beads, because red cubes are laaaaame.
>I added a bunch of plastic brains (from a really shitty game, Mmm... Brains) to zombie dice because fuck scoresheets.
Yeah, I keep thinking I need to order a bunch of the little pink brains from BGG to go with my copy of Zombie dice too.
> Have you ever upgraded the components of your board games?
Not the components in this case, but how they're organized...
And how they're stored. This makes things so much easier both during and after game play.
Fucking this.
>forget to check your title one fucking time and everyone's ready to cut your liver out
Well at least maybe this time the shitposting won't be euro vs ameritrash or ks shilling related.
Did it for Elder Sign and Flash Point, but the sharpie slipped a couple times on my Flash Point POIs so I stopped doing it.
I made an insert for my Diplomacy game and I also 3D printed and painted some ships and tanks to use instead of the cardboard pieces that came with the game. After working on a insert for Neuroshima Hex but I haven't worked on it in a while because I've been busy, I need to finish that
>Well at least maybe this time the shitposting won't be euro vs ameritrash or ks shilling related.
We have a call for 'New and different shit-posting'. Seconded. All in favor of a new flavor of shit-posting say 'Aye'. ;)
To start the new shit-posting:
Why aren't you fags board gaming more often? In fact, why are you board gaming more than you sleep? It's the only way you'll ever 'Git Gud' at your chosen board game. Sleep is like breathing - it's a crutch for the weak of mind and body.
>why are you board gaming more than you sleep?
why *aren't* you board gaming more than you sleep?
> RE: One Deck Dungeon from previous thread...
Yeah, I'm thinking about snagging this one too. It's a hell of a lot less expensive than 'To Many Bones'.
>Have you ever upgraded the components of your games ?
I'm painting my Descent 2 figs at the moment. I made the Heroes and Masters Monsters and working on the Minions now.nothing fancy, juste a base, some ink, light drybrushing and mat varnish.
I just want the game to be pretty and readable.
I want to make a PnP of Splendor some time in the futur and planning on geting some colored acrylics gems instead of the ugly poker chips.
Has anyone seen the new items Miniature Market has put on clearance? On that note, how long do they keep items on clearance? There's some things I'd like to get but I need to wait until my next paycheck to get them
I've been considering getting this to play with my weebier friends - is it any good?
>I want to make a PnP of Splendor some time in the futur and planning on geting some colored acrylics gems instead of the ugly poker chips.
Very interested in doing something similar, let me know how this goes for you
All memes aside this is a good dexterity game.
Ameriburger version is called Wonky. And they released an adult/drinking edition of it in the states. Has anyone tried those?
I think One Deck Dungeon is on TTS and if so I'm prolly gonna try it out there to see how I like it
Where did you get those pieces at? They're pretty neat
Someone was selling them one etsy.
Looks like they aren't for sale anymore though.
>Why aren't you fags board gaming more often?
because everyone else has a life
Hey fa/tg/uys, I was just gifted this little number. What's peoples take on it?
I like it well enough. It looks way more complicated than it is, though, which can make it a little difficult to teach/sell groups on.
Cheers brother, I'll keep that in mind. I've got a freaking list of games I need to play through before I get to this one, but it's good to know that it isn't a game that just got sold on aesthetics.
if you have weeb friends get tanto cuore
As a general rule I'll paint any plastic minifigs that come with a game. Other than that, I've upgraded cardboard tokens to carved wooden ones occasionally.
What are the best trading games?
Like, Catan but without any of the bullshit.
Just trading and player interaction as far as the eye can see.
No stocks/shares tho.
Or Barbarossa
Jaipur for 2 players, Archipelago.
It's better if you just play a set number of rounds without bothering to keep score.
It's also only as fun as your group is.
Chinatown, Genoa, Bohnanza are all good trading games
I think Jaipur is about trading themtically but doesn't actually have player trading as a mechanic. At least I'd expect that since I don't think trading can even work in a 2 player game.
Aight I'll check them out.
Bohnanza is hands-down the best trading game ever made. Incredible depth from simple mechanics. Shame they haven't updated the theme/art despite staying in print for 20 years.
Chinatown is also top-tier. The basic mechanics are very simple, but with the right group you can get into absurdly complex trade negotiations. Also, the open trading aspect means you can't waste time on analysis paralysis, or else other people will trade their good stuff first and you'll be left out in the cold. Great components, too (except for the money cards, but those are easy to replace).
>I think Jaipur is about trading themtically but doesn't actually have player trading as a mechanic. At least I'd expect that since I don't think trading can even work in a 2 player game.
I agree with this
What's a hidden gem in your collection? One that you didn't think you would like or one that surprised you how much you liked it? I think for me it'd have to be Jaipur
None sadly, since import prices fuck me over too much to "risk" purchases.
I do however have one or two interesting locally produced games.
eh, yes and no. In Jaipur you trade back and forth with the trade row in the middle and the other player by proxy. It works a lot better than most people would think. Plus it's dirt cheap.
Got a used first print copy and it's a great deckbuilder. You play a character with different powers on cooldowns and 4 different factions, hop between planets to defuse threats, build embassies. Great artwork too.
2nd printing + expansion KS is live right now, I probably won't back it, but the game does deserve a wider audience.
Archaeology the New Expedition, which is basically Jaipur for more than 2 players.
New Mansions of Madness 2nd ed expansion was announced
When is it coming out?
For any of you who have been thinking about downloading any of the asmodee apps for your phone or tablet, you may want to pull the trigger now since they're currently on sale
How many games in your collection, /bgg/?
>Jaipur is currently the most expensive game they have, even over Pandemic and Splendor
The meme is real.
I really want to buy Dominion because I like the art a lot, but the second edition hasn't been translated in German yet.
I'd also have preferred if it had victory point tokens like the life point tokens in Star Realms. There also doesn't seem to be much player interaction. Is that true, even with expansions?
I like Jaipur, I've won everytime I've played it. All about dem camelz
One game big.
Second edition isnt too different and why not just get the english version. Also what the hell are you smoking, the art isnt nice at all, some of it is okay, but a lot of it is just terrible. Player interaction is limited, there are some cards that hurt other players but I wouldnt say its really a combat focussed game.
>Check the steam link
>No results were found
Keep going little user, you'll make it some day.
>Second edition isnt too different
But the bigger fonts sound nice.
>and why not just get the english version.
It's, like, 2.5x times as expensive.
Me and my friends keep playing the Dark Souls board game. It's really fun!
>because everyone else has a life
> life...
Oh no you don't! Don't you go around using those four letter words with me mister!
< "life" - all the shit that gets in the way of things you actually enjoy...>
It's an interesting asymmetric strategy game. I just picked up a copy recently myself. Just haven't had a chance to play it yet.
Damn you! I'm trying not to be tempted by any more KS games - and Helionox isn't making that goal easy.
>>But the bigger fonts sound nice.
I found the font on my first edition not to be a problem.
Steamforged intern, pls
Maybe they've been playing nothing but Monopoly and Munchkin for years on end. You never know...
Trying to figure out which worker placement game to get.
Lords of waterdeep seems like the "entry tier" one but it also seems kind of boring.
The more complex ones seem interesting but usually sprawl a ton and my table is modest.
Archipielago seems excellent but seems like it has too many mechanics as to test if worker placement is something my group would enjoy.
I'm leaning towards Champions of Midgard, but I'm not too fond of the dice rolling.
Caylus is still excellent and would be my first choice.
Either Agricola or Caverna will be a completely fine choice. The focus is a bit different, but the game is similar enough.
Keyflower is great.
Viticulture always feels such light game to play, but it has a whole lot of meat. The theme can be not that interesting to some though.
Tzolkin has some mechanics in the "wheels" that make it feel somehow fresher than many other worker placements.
Dominant Species if you're aren't a weak babby
Lords of Waterdeep is shit
Hey fa/tg/uys of the /bgg/, what do you think of this game, is it just a meme?
LoW is indeed babby tier. It's good as a gateway, but it's a game where there are no truly bad moves and every action is perfectly balanced. 4 gold is 2 carrots is 1 beetroot, and that's everywhere - buildings, quests, intrigue. It's really hard to screw up for new players, but at the same time it's pretty unsatisfying.
Haven't played CoM or Archipelago so no input there.
Personally, for a pure worker placement, I'd go with Agricola. It has a shitton of replayability with all the cards (at least the pre-2016 version) and can get pretty cutthroat with an experienced group. Also the theme actually works and leads to plenty of jokes, which is damn rare for a euro. It does sprawl quite a bit though. I feel your pain since I have a tiny table as well. Consider investing in a shitty Ikea coffee table to extend the playing room a bit, most board games will be hell if you lack space.
> everyone's made up their minds about this game and I'm still waiting for mine to arrive down in buttfuck New Zealand
> tg-appropriate_mfw.jpg
Thanks for the replies, will check out the suggestions.
Great game. Great components. Looks great. Get the Extended Edition if you can.
I like LoW, but only with the expansions. It's to simple otherwise.
Champions of Midguard is a good game. I wouldn't be mad if you brought it to the table.
Agricola and Caverna are also good games, but maybe not as your first worker placement. Especially Agricola. It can be punishing to newbs.
It's mediocre. Not bad, but there's many better games. Don't buy it unless you HAVE to have a Dark Souls game.
>One game big.
Speaking of 'One Big Game', it looks like CSI is still trying to off-load copies of Empires: Galactic Rebellion, and 'The Daedalus Sentence' at 1/3 of their original asking prices.
Number in stock: 20+ (each) Ouch...
A friend brought over Sirlin's new-ish Codex game tonight, my first direct exposure to the game.
It feels like a Sirlin's game. A mostly successful attempt to remix long-standing mechanics into something a little more interesting and a lot more rigorously playtested, that comes out with it's soul a little bit thinner for the effort.
And then marketed by a combatative shit-talking moron.
I'd play it again, but the sense that Sirlin himself is somewhere somehiw jacking off a little harder for every person looking at his mechanics is pervasive.
Any love for this gem?
Yeah, they've been putting them up on almost every major sale for ~50% off so far.
They just can't seem to get rid of them.
>Daedalus Sentence
>bad reviews everywhere, mediocre at best
>oversized unnecessary board
>shitty packaging
>EGG quality control
>$150 price tag
Are we surprised this thing doesn't sell?
>And then marketed by a combatative shit-talking moron.
>I'd play it again, but the sense that Sirlin himself is somewhere somehiw jacking off a little harder for every person looking at his mechanics is pervasive.
This is why I still don't own Puzzle Strike, despite it being the deckbuilder that appeals most to me outside Trains
Last quarter of this year
What does the LoW expansion add?
I really want to get it
Is there a good source for foam insert designs?
I really recommend it. Nice card drafting game with an interesting resource and time mechanic, low to moderate levels of player interaction depending on what comes out, beautiful artwork and a few decent expansions.
Has anyone played the terra mystica app? Is it worth the $10 price tag?
I just search on bgg and ask people for their designs
I find worker placement in general to be boring as shit but I absolutely love Argent: The Consortium because it's (hidden) objective-based as opposed to VP-based and interactive as hell, I just bought Archipelago and waiting for it to arrive on Monday as I'm convinced that it's the only other WP game worth owning. Argent murders tables though
Have you looked into Clockwork Wars? I'm interested in that one as it uses WP as a mechanic rather than the focus of the game
Played it once, don't care too much for it
Can't say I care about Sirlin's personality but I can see why people would avoid his games for that reason. I'm curious about how it feels a bit soulless though, care to elaborate on that?
>feels a bit soulless though
This is very likely entirely subjective and my own fault, not the games, but everything almost feels too conservative, a little too whittled down in the name of balance. Even on first read, nothing in the game struck me as scary, too strong, or surprising. I say this is probably a subjective issue on my end because the game wasn't overly long and scaled into the late and endgame quite quickly - but nothing dramatic or unexpected really happened at any point.
So when exactly is the kickstarter for this going to tart?
Is there any website that has pictures of just, components stored in the inserts?
Some are super straightforward but somestimes I have no idea what the designers expect me to put where.
Nice photos, but that is the opposite of what I asked for.
>Trying to figure out which worker placement game to get.
Aside from Agricola, get Robinson Crusoe, if you can. (I think it's out of print in the USA at the moment.)
I'd buy them for like $10.
How long do you think it'll take to become 95% off?
More dudes, more buildings, more boards, and a corruption track which is basically an anti VP-track.
It's a lot of fun. One of the few games my friend who has to play critic constantly had nothing bad to say. It's one of those games that doesn't really do anything particularly new or even have a really intriguing combination of elements or anything. It's just does what it does well. Drafting, hunting for combos, side of luck with a fair amount of luck mitigating tactics. The expansion modules are unnecessary and convolute the experience, but I still recommend them because with just the new cards, you get a shit ton of more possibilities.
>Wonder if Tom ever dislikes any game really
>Find the video where he "apologizes" about vasco da gama
This game is fairly underrated. It's what I always recommend people who try to argue monopoly could still be worth playing because of the deal making.
>Friend 1 was trying to convince friend 2 to get the last pieces they needed to finish friend 1's 6 property and friend 2's 5 property
>Knew this was a bad deal, especially with the money he wanted out of it in addition
>Offered friend 2 the last piece he needed for his 5 property for some chump change and under the condition he build it on this property in specific
>That property was what friend 1 needed to finish his 6, he was completely walled in otherwise
Ah damn, that's unfortunate. I feel the same way with Ashes where there's no dramatic buildups or anything, just slow incremental play. That said, I'm using precon decks due to lack of time, I figure I could netdeck a few constructed decks with the current card pool to get an actual idea of how Ashes is meant to be played and then start deckbuilding. I've read about people going tricolor in Codex and I'm curious about that, though it feels more restrictive in theory than Ashes. Still need to check out Epic, that may scratch the MTG itch of wanting to foil out my Legacy and Commander decks
It's one of the better games I've played to be centered around a draft mechanic, and the engine building can hit some really satisfying moments