So Veeky Forums how do you think CA did bringing the New World to life?
So Veeky Forums how do you think CA did bringing the New World to life?
>No kroak it's some red goof.
>Krok is cool I guess.
>No Imrik = shit.
>Teclis and Tyrion are neat but LAME.
>No tower of Hoeth.
>Lizardmen temples are sci-fi and less gold.
>No druchii.
>stupid vortex shit probably from 9th edition.
Looks like a lot of faggotry but I'll probably get it anyway.
>Lord Mazdamundi
>Red goof
>not knowing Mazamundi
>not knowing druchii are in
>not knowing about the vortex being in there since at least 4th
>tfw almost everything you say is wrong
vortex wasn't a thing in 6th.
neither was that red faggot.
It's all newfluff shit.
>first appearance: Warhammer Armies: High Elves (4th Edition)
>first appearance: Warhammer Rulebook (3rd Edition)
Have you ever considered killing yourself?
>liking newfluff
>literally what killed whf
have you?
Nigger, I started in 6th with Lizardmen and Mazdamundi was mentioned in the lore and sorely missed on the table.
...Are you actually trying to argue that 3rd Edition fluff is this buzzword you hate, faggot? The edition released in fucking 87?
Mazda is as old as lizardmen you turbofag
I welcome all new lore. CA has proven they respect the fluff, so I don't mind the additions they make. Like a lost Dwarf colony in Lustria, and Isabella having a hardon for Beastmen.
Neither of those things were a thing until newfluff retards killed the game.
So yes.
Stegadon slann was a may to push one of the most overpriced conversions around and you ate it up like a retard.
And people wonder why Warhammer died. Oldfag cancers like you.
He's falseflagging, you retard.
The level of abject stupidity in what you are saying is fucking astounding, dude. Those things were literally in the fluff going back to the motherfucking 80's. There is not a single way that you can prove your argument because it is entirely just buzzword-spamming shittery. If you are going to try to bait a thread, at least have some form of evidence or argument that you can use in order to keep it going.
As is, everything you are saying is bullshit and can be easily proven just by looking at books.
Nah, Oldfags are the ones shitting on him for not knowing the Geomancer King and the existence of the Vortex that has been in the books for 30 years. He's just troll looking for (You)'s.
Post proofs nigger.
i want some dogs of war and new units for old armies.
also Gotrek & Felix Hero when !
>Lizardmen temples are sci-fi and less gold.
>Not realizing they've always been scifi space ports and laboratories for experimentation
That was retconned for being retarded in the late 80s.
Play again.
Post proofs faggot.
Burden of evidence is on you for perpetuating cancerfluff you newfan retard.
Besides making the vortex a giant space whirlwind is creatively bankrupt.
Have you guys considered not giving obvious trolls (You)s? Just don't fucking respond to the bait.
I still want to know why there's no White Tower and why Imrik the most powerful of the princes isn't in the game.
The modern lore is a mix of both. It is assumed that the outer stonework was created by the the Lizardmen but inside there is Slann architecture and equipment.
The game has floating temples so you're obviously wrong.
>sees bait
>gives responses instead of ignoring it or at least turning it into something fun
How is what I've said wrong exactly.
I said it's a mix of both. Try reading the original source books instead of getting all your information from total war, which is just CA interpretation of it.
>is assumed that the outer stonework was created by the the Lizardmen
>inside there is Slann architecture
That's wrong.
>Temples float.
Never seen floating temples in warhammer. Must be newfluff.
Well they were in 8th edition and in the ET that's how they escaped, so yes they were.
Again I don't know how them floating somehow contradicts that the Lizardmen created the outer Aztec inspired stonework.
Because the outer temples are floating when they were always depicted previously as ruined aztec buildings. Even good condition temples never had floating statues.
>>liking newfluff
>fluff depicted is some 15 years old now
user, I absolutely hate ET and Smegmar fluff but this game is so far not showing either of those.
Guess again sweetie.
Stop replying to the bait.
Lets rather talk about the fact that dogs of war are in at least as rogue armies.
And that vampire coast is in at least as a Vampire counts recolour and that it actually seems like there are a lot of different factions to fight in lustria.
It looks nice too, i wonder if they include stuff like the plains of culchan that are less jungly tho. They do appear to have the copper desert.
>posting retarded newfluff pictures to try and argue that it's not retarded newfluff
You are literally retarded.
no u fag lel
Looks really good. Next campaign overview will have Naggaroth and the Southlands.
Also seeing Pirazzo's Lost Legion and Skeggi was really good as well. Both of them could end up as dlc with Dogs of War or Norsca.
I don't care if you think it's retard, all I care about is proving that you're wrong.
That picture is clearly from a later edition so you played yourself cuz.