Let's make a solar system Veeky Forums, using a fuckhuge complex system that I'll do my best to pare down on your end.
To start! Let's generate some stellar data, can I get 1d100, 2d10, and a name for our star.
Let's make a solar system Veeky Forums, using a fuckhuge complex system that I'll do my best to pare down on your end.
To start! Let's generate some stellar data, can I get 1d100, 2d10, and a name for our star.
Rolled 14 (1d100)
Rolled 56 (1d100)
The Star is called Kesson
We'll go with this name and
this roll.
Our star, Kesson A will be a Spectral Class K star with a size code of V, can I get a d10 for our spectral classification, and a d10 for our luminosity?
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Very good, Kesson A is now classified as K1V. The K represents the stellar type, the 1 represents the spectral classification (rated from 0 to 9, with 0 being the hottest and 9 the coolest), and size code V, which is where stars spend most of their "lifespan."
It's luminosity is 0.46 compared to our sun, so about half the intensity. It's mass is 0.82 compared to our sun, about 4/5ths as massive. It's surface temperature is 5200 kelvin, and it's radius is 0.9 compared to our sun, so just a bit less radially wide.
Now that that's done, can I get 1d10 for system age, and 2d10 for system abundance?
Bumping, any interest in this at all?
Rolled 8, 4 = 12 (2d10)
It keeps eating my dice.
Yes, there is
Rolled 5, 3, 1 = 9 (3d10)
Rolled 1 (1d6)
Rolled 3 (1d10)
Taking the first d10 of this one for age and
this 2d10 for system abundance.
Weird, dicebot seems to be acting up for some reason.
Good to hear, thanks.
The system is 5 GY (Billions of years) old, this is fairly young, as based on a calculation with our mass and luminosity, Kesson A's lifespan is 18 GY.
The system is abundant in heavy elements, it's essentially just a dice mod for me later.
Now I just need 2d10 for number of planetary orbits. As this goes on there will start to be quite a few calculations for me to do on my end that could lead to slower responses.
Rolled 5, 2 = 7 (2d10)
That gives us 7 potential orbits, and as such, could I get 7d10s?
That's what I'm using alright.
Rolled 5, 7, 1, 6, 1, 1, 9 = 30 (7d10)
Sorry, had to step out for a second, calculating orbit distance now.
Someone wanna give me 7d100s to determine what's in each of the orbits while I do this?
Rolled 31, 53, 66, 63, 84, 96, 92 = 485 (7d100)
And so it is done. We've got several terrestrial planets, which just refers to any non-gas giant non-chunk. We've got a couple of chunks, which are essentially large asteroids. We have a superjovian, which is a gas giant in the middle of transitioning into a brown dwarf, and a gas giant. All are within our star's inner zone, which just means that icy planets won't be likely due to proximity to the star.
Next I need 7d10 to figure out each planet's equatorial radius, from that I'll get the density, mass, gravity, and escape velocity, then we can move onto the life zone.
Rolled 4, 4, 8, 9, 7, 4, 6 = 42 (7d10)
Awesome, keep them coming
Very interested in this, can't contribute atm.
Bump with hope that OP comes back.