What does Veeky Forums think of the Squats? What would Veeky Forums have done better?
What does Veeky Forums think of the Squats? What would Veeky Forums have done better?
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They have the attractive theme necessary to develop a fanbase and player base, but any combat role schtick that is associated with them naturally is already taken. Heavy artillery gunline? Guard. Hard-as-nails troops? Space Marines. Vikings in space? Space Wolves.
>tfw you will never see the Squats & the Space Wolves try to out-Viking each other the same way the Necrons & Thousand Sons try to out-Egyptian each other
>Hard-as-nails troops? Space Marines. Vikings in space? Space Wolves.
Thing about the Space Marines is that they've got enough different sort of Chapters to fill just about any combat role stereotype.
They used to be about bikes and trikes too, doing crazy turns to swing their rear facing guns at the enemy as they drove away. The trouble is that the continual simplification of the rules meant that there's no way their actual cool schtick could be well represented in the game - when vehicles can move like infantry, then the cool things about how their vehicles move and shoot can't be a thing.
You could almost conjure up an army schtick from that though actually - I'm thinking a more elite form of dark eldar without so much fly keyword. Bikes swarming your opponent as a huge combat trike swings in front of the enemy and dwarven terminators hop out ready to charge.
But user, where do all the Slayers & gyrocopters fall in?
The cyborg slayers deepstrike out of the gyrocopter bombers, of course.
Squats need to now be called Squatters. A nomadic race space swashbuckling, shotgun wielding, hillbillies. In their long exile they have become a nimble and dexterous race in the zero-g environments they often find themselves. In every dark and low crevice of the Imperium you can now find Squatter mines and they a common feature next to Scavvy bands and various indigenous underachievers.
The Squatters greatest contribution to civilization is the continued use of the shotgun. As miners they find this weapon most suits tunnel fighting and as exiles they love to use shotguns as propulsion when in the void. Squatters are indeed the reason this antiquated but useful weapon has survived for countless millennia.
Squatters can come back but need to be hillbilly truckers bent on revenge.
I remember 1d4chan did a fandex of the Squats. They gave them new weapons & some based off old ones.
Problem with squats is they overlap with almost everything other imperium forces already have.
Solution is to make them a race of mercenaries. Any faction can buy then, they've got units to cover every niche (tanks, arty, heavy infantry, bikes etc etc) and they're 20% less cost-efficient than equivalent factions' specialised troops.
Boom. Orks can take snipers, daemons can compensate for shitty shooting, Tau get some melee options, at a slight price.
That really does seem to be the price of simple rules, there's little space to really expand if you're trying to keep it simple. A look at the 4th ed tau codex and a look at their current index has them at a world apart. And some armies were reliant on removed rules, admech formerly had a unique crazy rule for every unit, and the fun came from trying to make a functional army out of weird specialists. Now all that's gone and they don't really have any gimmick at all. Here's hoping the codices start bloating the system out again.
Dwarves are shit because if you change much about them, they're no longer dwarves.
Meanwhile, elves are for more flexable in their lore, which is why people have come up with hundreds of types of elves and hardly a dozen types of dwarves.
>because if you change much about them, they're no longer dwarves
But why would you want to change anything? It ain't broke so don't fix it.
Well, it looks like Games Workshop's had an idea. We just need to wait for them to release a Codex for them in 40k, rather than just Age of Shitmar.
chaos dwarves would fit easily
you also dont need to worry about making them completely different from other factions. they are literally just short humans in 40k so they can be an imperium army thats something of a mix between guard and ad mec
>Tomb Kings gone
>Squats are in
Strange world we're in
Have to admit, this is the first new AoS army that I actually like. Great aesthetic.
How can you say no to this? He has a top hat! And a monocle!
Does he have a beard under that beard?
Steampunk was never cool, and in fact it has been blatantly uncool for at least the past decade.
just too point out briefly i emailed black library and suggested they joined tau, they agreed it was the most logical
It's cool, just done to death.
They were dumb, and I'm glad they're gone. I don't understand their appeal: Like, do people say they're fans just to be contrarian? It's like the whole Malal thing, which I'm happy not to see again.
They represented a time when fun was allowed in 40k. Perhaps the setting is better off without them. But, the rules are in a perfect place right now, where the infantry can move slow and the bikes fast. That is what i'd do with them, make a huge split between fast hammer and slow anvil.
But user, there are already Chaos Squats.
AoS. Tomb Kings & Brets are still legally playable but they aren't making more. Weird as according to what I've heard, they're both top tier armies.
another cool abhuman
don't like how independent from the imperium they seemed to have been
>what are White Scars
That looks like utter shit.
Replace them with the Demiurge Brotherhood as an ally for the Tau. They are space miners/traders, with a gameplay style similar to a mix of the Guard and Space Marines.
I kinda dug their OG design. Really advanced Space Dwarves who were absolute bros with the Imperium and Mankind only, who kept all their tech up to date while the Mechanicus got angry and horded all their knowledge. Plus the idea of the Imperium having advanced tech seemed to trigger some xenosfags so that's a nice little bonus.
The Squats are a part of the Imperium in the loosest sense. Even the mechanicus doesn't get the same wiggleroom as them. It was a result of the Squats bringing the Great Crusade to a temporary stop & Emperor deciding that allegiance would be better than conquest.