Reminder that no matter how much money you make in crypto, do NOT become like this absolute faggot.
Reminder that no matter how much money you make in crypto, do NOT become like this absolute faggot
what a faggot indeed
holy shit
he must be purged
hes not wrong tho
isnt this that fucking loser that made all his money shilling bitconnect then went and bought some gold bars?
>Not having the entire mattress made out of hundred dollar bills
What a poor fag
Smart as fuck you ask me
cringe af
>that entire picture
Holy shit he deserves to die
Not even jealous or anything, he just fucking needs to die a painful and slow death
It's just that kid who bought BTC very early, hold and now thinks he is a genius
What's wrong with his nose though, the holes are like vertical lines
Holy shit he's an untermensch
Itt triggered poorfags
Why is he pretending to be a nigger? Is this supposed to be cool?
checked and keked
Looks and behaves like a 14 year old's idea of 'cool'
What a douche
Not even a poorfag
He's just a huge faggot who's extremely easy to hate
If he didn't have the gun/sunglasses it'd be fine.
He should use some to buy gym membership. Those shapeless arms probably couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag.
>he doesn't sleep on a bed of pure gold
BZC's platform is finished, it's like one of the only 20 crypto's that has a finished platform.
Go buy your "We promise it'll be done by 2025" coin.
holy christ. just how small does your dick have to be to behave this way?
He just posted this
How retarded is this kid? Why does he think he's some kind of genius?
Remember to stay humble gents
dude is trolling everyone and you're falling for it
Gas him now
I don't think he's trolling, he genuinely believes it
>being 5 feet 6
>acting like some unholy combination between a prepschool white boy and a nigger
I won't lie and say I'm not envious of his alleged wealth, but it's not worth being him.
He's right tho
holy shit, this triggers the banker
Kek. He can't be THAT fucking dumb. This must be trolling.
He's jerking himself off. This is what jerkoffs do. Remember: he's not impervious to a nice 12 gauge round full of buckshot to the chest, even though he thinks he is. In fact, I'd do it for free!
guy looks like the average hipster i see in my city
they are legit like clones
they all act the same too lmao
Seems like your average 15yo mentally, except he got lucky with finance.
He bought and held BTC in 2012 and suddenly he believes he's a genius and a finance expert.
looks like this nigga went crazy cashing out on bitflur hahahahaa
ITT: Jealous retards
go directly to jail
fuck this retard
Looks like he photoshopped a photo of him "hanging out" with his instagram celebrity Chad "friend" too
That guy has like $6M and he's behaving like a smug billionaire.
That's not even enough to get into top 1% of Americans by wealth.
Looks as though he forged Taylor Swift's autograph to make it seem like she sent him her personalized CD, too
Why is this dude wearing a suit and tie when all he does is holding BTC? I've made similar gains and I'm sitting here in my fucking underwear
Because he's a colossal faggot
>why is this guy wearing a suit
Reviewbrah is classy, humble, and easy to like though
is this the green donuts kid?
>tfw you can't sleep on a pile of Bitcoin
What kind of retard would believe otherwise? USD is a dead altcoin.
he's a big goy
Tfw 50k portfolio but still feel like it's all fake
you're just as much of a faggot as he is for saying stuff like this
which souless fucking city do you live in where "hipsters" look like that? Charlotte? Indianapolis?
Daily reminder that people who get rich quick go broke because they never developed skills to run a business or how to make money.
jesus christ
>no trigger discipline
It's probably an airsoft gun
>tfw you can, but you'd be sleeping on a hard drive so it would be 0/10 on the comfy scale
Thanks for posting reviewbrah. His smile has calmed my rage
and thus the antichrist was born
i'm keying every lambo i see on eht eoff chance it's one of his
>not recognizing billionaire mindset genius
But it's true tho. He should be shot for his fashion sense alone.
All the normalfags need to see a person like Eric Finman sleeping in a bed of money before "maybe i should buy bitcoin" even pops into their brains. He's doing PR to these dumb normieniggers.
>brag to everyone about how rich and smart you are
>tell everyone and prove that you have 6 million dollars in Bitcoin
>still can only pull a 4/10 indian to pose with you
He just fools big time
But it is true even when retarded
US would be superpower again
No hes the kid who bought btc when he was 12 with his grandmas money because his brother told him so. He's acting like a retard because he's homeschooled
>prove them wrong.
top kek
>biz being this triggered by a rich toddler acting his age
honestly who cares about bullshit like this
>w-what a faggot he doesnt even d-deserve it he thinks he's a genius but he's n-not i'll be a b-better millionaire watch mommy you'll s-see...
how the fuck is he (((verified))) ?
>Caring about fashion that much
So you also suck cock on top if being a jealous poorfag
Every kike is verified on twitter
He's not wrong. All the hate directed toward this guy is mostly from people being jelly of his gains. Not saying he's not a faggot.
you faggots are jealous
It's funny how he's implying the money comes from being in the drug game instead of bleeding edge digital currency.
Crypto got it's first use case in the drug trade. What's your point?
If the government invested that early there is no way it would have grown at the same rate.
>about 5k on that picture in cash
wow I'm so impressed
He might be a faggot, but he deserves it. The actual mad faggots ITT are the losers for not even knowing about bitcoin back then.
where can i get a pair of those shades?
Fucking kek at all you faggot neckbeards in this thread. Stay fucking poor you salty ass bitches.
People who got reach very fast usually do not have any manners
Why does he have no sheets or pillow covers?
Was this whole scheme concocted whilst doing laundry?
when will manlets learn?
thats from the coke bags he has been snorting you fool
Go to sleep Erik, it's past your bedtime.
He was completely failure at life until his grandma give him $1000, his older brother told him to buy Bitcoin and when he sold a society or something was enough lucky enough to accept Bitcoin as payment.
He won his blind bet, but he's still a retard.
Not really, besides he's not selling the drugs, just invested in a currency. That's like investing in Apple and saying you're a thug because drugdealers prefer iPhones.
He is a faggot, regardless of money.
pretty sure there are anons on Veeky Forums that made more than him
wait, doesn't he only have one million? does he know that there are youtubers who have much more than that and are not autistic about like him