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Would you ever play a game set in Asia?
>5th editons cliffnotes
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>Would you ever play a game set in Asia?
Sure, as long as it uses the normal rules and not Kuei-Jin and such.
>Would you ever play a game set in Asia?
Asia sounds pretty boring. American games only plz.
Read a W:tF actual play set in Hong Kong once, seemed pretty cool.
Thousand Years of Night is out.
hand it over then nigga
Post it!
I don't have it, I'm just saying it's out. I'm not even going to buy it, I'm not running a Vampire game.
Sacred cows likely to see slaughtering block in 5e:
>daughters of cacophony
>sabbat as playable faction
>paths of enlightement
>golconda being achievable by PCs
>potential for crossovers
>Thousand Years of Night
Judging from the Table of Contents on Drivethru, it includes crossover material or advice for every major splat except for Werewolf.
Did woofs do something to offend the Vampire developers or are they never in the same league as an elder?
Will tell you when I get there.
So I want to run a Sabbat Game for my new group who mostly do D&D shit. So beyond how to start, with a shovel to the skull and them waking up recalling unlive burial and tearing their way out of the ground and destroying some other poor fuckers in a frenzy, i'm stumped on where to start.
Has anyone tried running a WoD/CofD game using another system? I don't mean Pathfinder or some shit, but probably something generic (Fate, Gurps, etc.) As it is I really like the setting but having used the mechanics I don't think they align very well with the thematic philosophy of the game (I think this is less true in the newest edition, but still).
You are probably right. Fuck you, nuWW.
Also, where can I get the M20 Book of Secrets?
>i'm stumped on where to start.
Once upon time, a Sabbat pack happened upon Girl Scout camp...
Extra fun: the pact is composed of Nosferatus, Samedis and Gargoyles.
In all likelihood, it's either a matter of wordcount or the Werewolf dev being too busy.
Perhaps the freelancer who wrote werewolf part decided not to be a cuck and asked for fair salary.
Are the Elder Disciplines any good?
>fair salary
>the concept of a salary at all, let alone fair
>the tabletop writing industry
Oh you sweet summer child.
(VIGOR •••••, DOMINATE ••)
Such strength as Kindred of many centuries has exceeds the
boundaries of his own flesh and bones, begging to be unleashed
on the unsuspecting mortal world. Through the twin irresistible
forces of his physique and personality, his will imposes itself
on the world effortlessly.
This Devotion costs 4 Experiences to learn.
Cost: 5 Vitae
Dice Pool: None
Action: Reflexive
Duration: Scene
For the duration, the vampire may perform feats of raw
strength at a distance by simply exuding force with his gestures.
He can push, pull, throw, or lift any object within (Blood
Chapter Three: What We've Learned Along the Way 77
Potency x 10) yards/meters that he normally could without touching it, so long as he can perceive it, and can make Brawl attacks the same way. No fine manipulation is possible, but he can use his Vigor Discipline to increase his Strength as normal for the purposes of this Devotion. He still must have at least one hand free to direct this force. The vampire may not use this power at anything less than his full strength — he can’t gently slide a bookcase aside, deposit a person lightly onto the ground, or pull his punches.
Just finished a Lost game set in Tokyo, was fun having my oni thug break faces in.
Also, would be interested playing a game set in India.
Nice, stupid super powers that don't really do anything are my favorite.
I have you covered
The vampire touches her target, causing minute vibrations so
fast as to be imperceptible. In seconds, her victim ignites, while
her Resilience protects her from the same fate.
This Devotion costs 4 Experiences to learn.
Cost: 6 Vitae
Requirement: The vampire must touch her target.
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Athletics + Celerity - Stamina
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The vampire sets herself on fire.
Failure: The vampire’s victim feels an uncomfortable heat,
but does not combust.
Success: The vampire’s victim catches fire at the torch level
for both size and heat (see Vampire: The Requiem Second
Edition, p. 103). For each success rolled beyond the result of the
victim’s resistance roll, move either the size or intensity of the
flame up on the chart by one. The flames burn for a number
of turns equal to the vampire’s Blood Potency, but the victim
can try to extinguish them sooner by taking instant actions to
smother them or put them out with water or a fire extinguisher.
Each instant action spent combating the fire reduces it in size
by one level on the chart. If it burns for more than one turn, it
can ignite flammable objects in the victim’s vicinity.
Exceptional Success: The vampire enjoys the benefits of a
larger and/or hotter flame, as above.
>Dramatic Failure: The vampire sets herself on fire.
If I ever failed the roll I'd take the beat every time.
Any interesting Protean devotions, user?
VIGOR •••)
The Gangrel who lets his Beast run in wild places and sleeps in graves of loose earth for centuries comes to know the patience and endurance of the natural world, which far outstrip those of even the oldest Kindred. Millennia of wind and weather may erode the mountain, but they’ll never bring it crashing down. With this Devotion, the vampire becomes the stone itself.
This Devotion costs 5 Experiences to learn.
Cost: 3 Vitae, plus 3 per additional turn
Dice Pool: Stamina + Survival + Protean
Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The vampire convulses with the pain of an uncontrolled change, transforming into a motionless statue in a contorted pose. She can’t move, act, or speak until her next turn, and must roll to resist frenzy when the effect wears off.
Failure: No transformation takes place.
Success: The vampire transforms her body into animate stone, which lasts until she stops paying 3 Vitae per turn. For the duration, she benefits from all active effects of Resilience and Vigor each turn without additional Vitae expenditure, and adds her Protean dots to her effective Resilience. All her unarmed attacks deal lethal damage. If she takes lethal damage in her rightmost Health box, she may reflexively activate Unmarked Grave at no cost regardless of the material’s Durability.
Exceptional Success: The vampire also becomes immune to the Knocked Down Tilt for the duration.
There is also one that lets you turn into mustard gas
>Oh, don't worry user, VtES is chill, there's no nasty combos like you have in M:tG
>Thousand Years of Night
>crossover material or advice for every major splat except for Werewolf.
Woofs always get screwed.
>unacceptable Vampire Privilege
Material on other splats in antagonist section is mostly story and ST advice anyway
Woofs don't make good story material?
>werewolf tears...
A Thousand Years of Shite
I want the vampiric powers that kills mages
Vamps and Woofs are forever friends
>I want the vampiric powers that kills mages
I believe Metaplot Armor(tm) was only available in old WOD Masquerade.
>Vamps and Woofs are forever friends
Vamps are never really friends with anyone, even other vampires.
>the undead can never be trusted
True. Antagonists section describes some sort of creature called Inamorata that appears to vampire as his loved one and if drinks her blood he goes crazy
what does the crossover section say regarding Vamps and Mages?
Without even having read ATYoN, I have no doubt it provides further evidence of the need to eradicate all vampires. They are a pox on humanity.
>be buddies with a mage
>call for help if faced with a vampire infestation
>be thankful for mage supremacy
Innamorata (with 2 n) is an Italian word to describe a female person that is in love.
Surely they have fantasy on WW.
Ech nothing particularly interesting. Surprisingly it focuses on Tremere and such and idea of stealing vampire souls for power and immortality
doobie boop
Some mages find Vampires to be something mundane science can't explain. So some are known to try to dissect vampires to see what makes them tic, take their vitae to further fuel their powers and even steal the power of elders that are in torpor.
>Because vampires, with their mortal and sleeper allies, could wipe out mages
Nope. In an all out Crossover war. Mages win.
whoa :O does it explicitly mention the Arcana interacting with the Vampires?
Something like "Death 4 can steal vitae and turn it into mana" or something like that?
Whole crossover section is one page per splat mate. And half of it is fluff piece
The first time I saw Dominic, he was a boy of three, chubbycheeked
and quiet, his dark eyes following my every move as
I doted on his mother. I saw him often as he grew, and as he
was a smart child, one day he asked me how it was that he grew
older and his mother grew grayer, but I never seemed to change.
He went away to school, his world travels financed by the coin
his mother earned running my household and minding my affairs
during the day. I intended to name Dominic her successor, but
he never returned home, instead remaining abroad to study.
When next I saw him, a man in his late thirties, I spied the glow
of a mage’s nimbus about him, and wondered what the sudden
narrowing of his eyes meant when he looked at me.
He should be well into his nineties now, but doesn’t look a
day over forty. I can no longer see his aura. I’ve heard whispers
about him, how people around him tend to go missing. Or
how, when they’re found, they’re shells of their former selves.
Dominic visited a few months ago. I discovered his mother’s
ledger open on her long-abandoned desk, pages torn out. They
held the names of my colleagues. The name of my childe. I’ve
not heard from her in weeks.
A friend of mine in the Lancea et Sanctum looked into him,
and came back to me with a single word. One that makes my
cold blood go even colder: Tremere.
>Avatar is the guiding force that drives you toward enlightenment. Arete is the mage's actual power. With Manifest Avatar/Avatar Companion, your Avatar might be your sworn nemesis. You would still be able to cast magick fine.
>But would someone else using your body? Because you didn't actually address anything said.
Dominate 5 doesn't work on supernaturals, period. If the Mage is mundanely or magically persuaded to do something, he could use his magick just fine.
The basic assumption that the Avatar could cockblock a mage from casting without actually abandoning him is ridiculous.
And all of those specific simulations of the Spheres can/will eventually be outdone by superior improvisations and inherent tweaking capabilities.
user, mages are mortals, it was confirmed even by DaveB some threads ago.
Please change the cliffnotes to the actual pre-alpha link for the next threads.
I would suggest giving them a mentor with a bit of authority who gives them a shot to prove themselves. E.g. there's a Toreador that's causing Sabbat trouble by pulling strings in the mortal world, she is hosting a small and posh gallery opening downtown at this address. If you make it, I'll show you the ropes.
If they do, he sees a bit of potential in them and slowly starts talking grand scheme of things and such.
Dave has no power here
So the Seers would win in a global war in two days according to DaveB.
Why are they so lazy?
Guess that's an edition difference issue, then. V20 specifies mages as supernatural creatures.
Dominate 5 speaks of a "Mortal" target
Mages are mortal in all sense of the word.
If you want to interpret it in a way that makes them not mortal, you are free to do so, but that's not the objective truth, we can blame it on the doubtful definition.
Humans can still be supernatural. Mages in Ascension are arguably more human than their Awakening counterparts.
This was a question on "what happens if Sleepers don't trigger Paradox."
>Vampires cannot possess one another in this fashion, as even the weakest Kindred’s mind is strong enough to resist such straightforward mental dominance. Only through a blood bond can one vampire control another to this degree. Supernatural creatures also cannot be possessed in this way, although ghouls that have drunk from the vampire using Possession can.
This actually sounds like a cool setup for a game, if you take some liberties with it: Play as underground Cabals of resistance fighters, struggling to get by and take back anything they can from the Seers
Maybe give the Oracles have a bigger play in keeping the Exarchs busy so everything doesn't just get fucked immediately
The hardest parts would be justifying any hope left to keep people fighting, but hey, its a World of Darkness after all
Which edition is this?
Remember that time when LaCroix used Dominate on you?
Yeah, writers can never agree on anything.
>A friend of mine in the Lancea et Sanctum looked into him,
>and came back to me with a single word. One that makes my
>cold blood go even colder: Tremere.
Damn, those mages are real assholes...
But when he used Dominate on you that was a lower power, not the Rank 5 one
What i find weird is that said tremere was around for quite some time(elder mentions he should be 90 now) and he was staying around the area if he kept running into each other. How did no mage in the local consilia noticed
he doesn't possess you? He gives you a command, which is something that works theoretically with every creature with a rational brain
Kindred of the East can make for fun games, so yes. Played a wu that worked in Chongquing and tried (without much success) to monitor the influx of other supernaturals
my group uses a homebrew system for our game. It works well but we have a really good dynamic so are less reliant on rules and stats and prefer to just tell a story together. GURPS would probably work the best because I agree that the mechanics of CoD and WoD are not great. In fact I think CoD is worse
mages have never been sups.
Gurps. Kek, gtfo.
How does that make you feel? Humans being more powerful than actual monsters?
page number now or stfu
you are perfectly welcome to be wrong
p380 v20
>Since mages are mortal, they often
hide in plain sight, conducting their business daily until they are ready to take on the Kindred.
People spewing false info should hang themselves.
it took like 2 seconds to txt search mage and check facts....
mortal =! nonsupernatural. It just means you can die.
normie in life
batman in their spare time
mages yeah
Doesn't >Supernatural creatures also cannot be possessed in this way, although ghouls that have drunk from the vampire using Possession can.
pretty directly state that even ghouls count as supernatural creatures? Ghouls, who can go back to being totally mortal if they don't get their fix.
Has anyone bought this yet? I'm trying to figure out if it's worth spending money on. If it's another Secrets of the Covenants I won't bother.
X20 is retarded? those things have never been true in any other edition.
If the Seers and the Exarchs outright win if the Abyss closes, why do the Exarchs want the Seers to maintain the Abyss?
v20 also says " A mage is no
match for a vampire in a straight-up fight, however,
so wizards often lay traps and scheme, much like the
vampires themselves"
who the fuck wrote this?
Probably because closing the Abyss would result in more Mages awakening
V20 pg 135.
>Aside from perceiving emotional states, vampires use Aura Perception to detect supernatural beings. The colors in Kindred auras, while intense, are quite pale; mage halos often flare and crackle with arcane power; the race of shapeshifters has strikingly bright, almost frantic, auras; ghosts have weak auras that flicker fitfully like a dying flame; and faerie creatures’ radiance is shot through with capricious rainbow hues.
V20 pg 236.
>Thereafter, the mirror reflects images of other supernatural creatures’ true forms — werewolves appear in their hulking man-wolf shapes, magi glow in a scintillating nimbus, ghosts become visible (in the mirror), and so on.
M20 pg 330.
>Mages and other supernatural creatures
M20 pg 621.
>mages, vampires, spirits, and other supernatural creatures
Here's the rope, user. You know what to do you, having tied the noose yourself.
they have sup powers. are still mortal.
They wrote that with the perspective that mages were using Discipline rules, not actual Sphere rules.
It's better for crossover so they don't steamroll over everything.
>Aside from perceiving emotional states, vampires use Aura Perception to detect supernatural beings. The colors in Kindred auras, while intense, are quite pale; mage auras often flare and crackle with suppressed power; werebeasts have strikingly bright, almost frantic, halos; ghosts have weak auras that flicker fitfully like a dying flame; and faerie creatures' radiance is shot through with rainbow hues.
Straight from Vampire: the Masquerade Revised. See Mages have always been supernatural beings.
still mortals.
>Mages have always been supernatural beings.
They're humans abusing magic. How are they not supernatural beings?
Mages also have an auric sense about them
More so in Awakening
>What i find weird is that said tremere was around for quite some time(elder mentions he should be 90 now) and he was staying around the area if he kept running into each other. How did no mage in the local consilia noticed
One must always remember that within the context of any other CofD gamelines besides Mage, if mages are to be included, it must be assumed that they are completely and utterly retarded oblivious, otherwise the setting falls apart. When playing Requiem, vampires simply have plot armor.
Also, the Tremere have centuries of experience eluding other mages.
Nobody is saying they're not mortal by default. They grow old and die. But they are supernatural creatures that cannot be possessed by Dominate 5, as per Similarly, mages are supernatural creatures when it comes to Discipline effects that give lower difficulty or let supernatural beings break their effects with Willpower.
They're wrongly assuming that humans can't be supernatural creatures.
The Avatar itself just isn't human.
In both WOD and CofD, mages are totally human, unequivocally supernatural, and absent magical shenanigans, also mortal. This state is also true for minor templates like psychics.
It's amazing how much Masquerade writers will pamper their vampires out of jealousy of the other gamelines.
it's also ironic that the lore behind Masquerade is what caused the metaplot to fall apart, whilst Ascension and Apocalypse mingled quite nicely.
that wasnt hard now was it. I couldnt care less but backing shit up with facts is where its at.
now excuse me while im tying this knot.
Is A Thousand Years of Night as crappy as Secrets of the Covenants?
Is ATYofN even close to an Imperial Mysteries-equivalent for Requiem?
vampire metaplot was fine. demon lore backed it up just nice. mage and werewolf have always been meh.
>A friend of mine in the Lancea et Sanctum looked into him,
>and came back to me with a single word. One that makes my
>cold blood go even colder: Tremere.
Why didn't the Tremere kill the vampire?
Have the Tremere gone soft and cuddly?
Vampires have no souls so why would the Tremere be bothered? Cant eat that shit..
without evening seeing it i can say: