Character Art Thread part 2
Part one:
Character Art Thread part 2
Part one:
Other urls found in this thread:
Can I get some Mesoamerican lizardmen?
I'll be running a space campaign soon and could use some character art for the different aliens, both humanoid and otherwise, my players might come across.
Anyone have masked vigilante type characters that fit on a vanilla high fantasy setting?
I asked this near the end of the last thread, suppose I'll ask it again.
Does anyone have a picture of a knight in metal armor and a meso/central american theme? Sort of like what the Aztecs or Maians might have had if they had steel.
Anybody got half sharks/shark people/shark knights ?
lf snake people, snake adoring people, snake totems : snake oriented culture in short
still need a hand finding some military lookin black dudes
Nice thank you !
I've been looking forever for a solid jovial looking halfling ranger.
Pic related is a start but too much frown.
Anyone got pictures of lightly armored knights? Maybe musketeer-like?
leaked McCree skin.
Looking a tad run-down there, friend.
Got any technological primitives? I'm looking for something that can suit a sort of post-post apocalypse sort of campaign.
I need some art that'd feel right for a human male city dweller, somebody well-off as opposed to a street rat... But not like nobility. I know it's specific, but anybody got something that fits the bill?
would be easier if we knew what time/universe we´re talking. have some modern age witcher in the meantime.
So... merchant class?
Also fuck captcha.
My friends!
Try Jimmie Hendrix, he was some kind of ranger.
I'm looking for a feminine-looking robot. Something where you could make a case that there is a person underneath all the metal, can anyone help me?
For a more "urban" kind of city-dweller.
That moster in the left background looks so fucking smug
Cute little ayylmao that might decide to start following one of the players around. Maybe even help them scavenge for machine parts and carry it back to the ship.
Old Man Henderson? Is that you?
How mny wizard levels did you get?
I'm trying to draw my Knight dude out of his armor. I want him to have "travelers clothes"
I'm basically going for a leather doublet/jerkin look, but also kind of tunic looking, where it hangs to mid-thigh/knee. And then a cloak with a hood.
Anyone have any good references for me?
In this art I see Halo, Fallout NV, and Overwatch.
Not a bad combo.
I need some shirtless Orcs, red eyes if possible
can I have some urban mages for my Mage The Ascension campaign, please?
in return i'm gonna try and answer other requests!
define "urban"
like, modern, contemporary? sorry, i meant it like in "urban fantasy". i guess i could've been more clear. :(
Looking for Nordic looking characters, minus the usual viking helmets.
does anyone have any sort of native american/european fantasy hybrid characters?
rather, characters with metal weapons and armor in native american or otherwise tribal aesthetic
i have like a couple
Anyone got men with eyepatches? Particularly seafarers.
Found my next character
Anyone have any Sci Fi vampires?
Anyone have characters for a masquerade?
Can I see some pugilists, unarmed fighters, brawlers, whatever you want to call them? As long as they're not Asian martial artists.