Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/, Pathfinder, and Starfinder)
Do you ever play full casters any more?
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Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/, Pathfinder, and Starfinder)
Do you ever play full casters any more?
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No, in fact I haven't seen someone make a genuine wizard in years.
Ignore and report shit thread, move to real thread:
>So is an evil act killing an intelligent creature (not just an human) in order to eat it, while eating an already dead one isn't?
>What about livestocks of intelligent creatures?
I would say yes, I mean, we think of cannibalism as evil, but in the grand scheme of things, it can be pretty understandable, under certain circumstances, and I can't see how it would actually be *evil* in a cosmic sense.
Livestock, though? If you keep intelligent creatures as livestock, I can't imagine how that wouldn't be evil. I mean, they're essentially slaves, intended to be killed or otherwise used for sustenance.
Alright, so, that thing I mentioned a couple of threads back, homebrewing a Prestige Gestalt Ruleset? I've been working on it (slowly) for the last couple of days, and it's finally done:
I'd love some feedback. Did I fuck something up? Are any of the instructions clear? Is the formatting shot to hell? I tried to make it look good, but lack of word-wrapping kinda fucked it up and I had to try to do it manually.
>Do you ever play full casters any more?
Honestly I take about zero interest in full casters, even though I really do like casters. I prefer something in-between, like Bloodrager - I just wish that Bloodragers had more spells per day.
I think there's a Magus Archetype with spontaneous casting. I wish I could have something like that, except with Bloodrager/Sorcerer bloodlines and stuff. Or a Paladin or Ranger with casting more like a Bard, even if it would come at the expense of the full BAB.
There should be more Archetypes that does that kind of thing.
Sage, ignore, and report the shitty anime /pfg/-forcing thread.
Real thread:
No, this is the real thread, whether you want it or not. Stop being such a massive fucking autist.
The only thing that should be saged, ignored and reported is you.
You're really obvious, anti-pfg-user.
What did the tag do to you?
I do, actually. I've got four full caster characters right now, and two 4/9 casters.
But honestly that's because I really, really like playing Clerics. Three of those four full casters are cleric.
>Which are designed to be interchangeable
You're not retarded enough to think that's really going to be entirely true, are you? Based on what we know, they're going to be less interchangeable than 3.5 to Pathfinder.
>And secondly, this is fucking Veeky Forums, we're not a turbofast board
These threads are, though.
When Starfinder actually hits, we're really going to need two threads, especially initially.
I'm inclined to agree. The consumption of the already deceased might be Chaotic if you're a shitter about it, but it wouldn't be Evil unless it was part of some demented campaign to upset people by eating their dead loved ones.
>I've got four full caster characters right now, and two 4/9 casters.
Holy shit man, how many games are you playing in? I don't even have one. Goddamn.
How would it be considered Chaotic? As a knee-jerk reaction, I want to agree, but I don't know why, and I can't think of a reason.
I don't, but I enjoy playing 6th-level casters as fullcasters. Occultists as mini-wizards especially!
Reminder that the last time, the weeb shit thread got deleted by the mods. :^)
The mods clearly showed that this kind of weeb shit is not welcome.
Three of those are on indefinite hiatus, in complete fairness, but the rest are running strong!
The hiatus games are probably totally fucked, though, which is sad.
It's a deviation from norms, basically. Chaos is largely defined by that kind of clutch, gut action that flies in the face of the "proper" thing to do.
You're incredibly obvious, /pfg/-forcing 'tard. There are multiple people sick of your bullshit. Fuck off.
Yeah, games going on hiatus is a fucking death-sentence. I don't understand why people always plan for "Oh it's summer, it's time for gaems!" and then when summer comes, people actually get preoccupied with actually doing summer shit, instead of sitting indoors and playing games with me, like proper fucking grognards.
Seriously though, it's kinda mindboggling. They should've learned by now.
Eh, hiatus started because of personal grief, not any kind of scheduling problems. I almost had to unironically bust a cap!
Making a character with a thieving background but righteous intentions to fight for justice. Should I make them a rogue for mechanics and roleplay the rest, or a stalker vigilante?
>Prestige Gestalt Ruleset Homebrew
Really, no-one interested in checking it out, giving feedback? sadface.jpg
I'm not the one who makes threads with /pfg/ in them, pfg-hater-kun.
>I almost had to unironically bust a cap!
Try the real thread, maybe?
You're posting in the wrong thread, fampai.
Not much of a story. Bitch was running around with one of the players. You know how it goes.
>Pathfinder: The Gateway to Infidelity
Averaging HD, BAB, Saves etc seems like a giant headache. I'd suggest just ignoring the prestige class's overlapping features. It'd help martial-with-utility-PC more than caster-with-martial-PC, which is good.
I'd also suggest completely reworking prereqs. The delayed fulfillment method is a decent idea, but locks in a giant portion of character development (often with shit feats) which isn't fun.
That fluffy tail app process looks confusing as hell. What's that all about? Calculus? Jokes?
Pathfinder MAID. I don't get the application either.
Yes because I don't really like any of the lower level Psionic casters.
>Averaging HD, BAB, Saves etc seems like a giant headache
It's really not, though. It's very intuitive, and I think that that is how it should've all been presented like from the beginning.
>completely reworking prereqs.
That would be a fairly huge job, and very specific, far from just applying a minor alternative ruleset. General rules shouldn't go in and detail individual aspects. At that point, you might as well remake the prestige classes.
No I'm not. I'm not autistic and butthurt.
>It's really not, though. It's very intuitive, and I think that that is how it should've all been presented like from the beginning.
If you're doing it on a computer, sure. If you're sticking to a single pair of classes, sure. But anything past that gets into summing giant lists of fractions. It's not hard math by objective standards, but by D&D math standards it's a nightmare.
Sorry to hear that. Also, all of my wtf.
The real thread has literally triple the replies of this piece of shit. Please stop.
Nah, it's cool. Turns out she was just kinda stewing in weird antagonism that she had just concealed for seven years.
So it all worked out, I guess.
>If you're doing it on a computer, sure.
(X+Y)/2. Calculator? Sure, but extremely, extremely basic.
>summing giant lists of fractions.
No, you just add whatever you gained on lvlup to your total. Summing up giant lists of fractions, wtf?
That doesn't make sense. This is the real thread, regardless of your threwdspamming and samefagging.
Stop being so fucking autistic.
The real thread has over 150% the IP's of this one. You're in the minority, thus you're the autist.
If you start at level one and never check anybody's math, sure.
I hope you don't do either of those things.
But what if you cannibalize as a matter of principle? Reminds me of some race that always ate their dead to venerate them and never waste (their world was insanely harsh).
Do these threads have any purpose any more?
There's nothing major to toy around with until Starfinder hits in August (and then we'll split up threads to avoid confusion).
All the quality posters are doing their discussion in the Discord(s).
These threads are just shitposters and Discord regulars who want to say shit without ruining their reputation, aren't they?
Then it isn't Chaotic for you, I suppose. You're acting in furtherance of cultural norms to systemically reinforce a group of people's order.
I suppose that makes it Lawful, which means the act itself doesn't have an alignment character on that Axis either, really!
Same thing, really, though, you just go through it and advance manually. You have to do the same today, cross-referencing levels and classes taken and compare them. Working with individual numbers is even easier, since you know what they gain each level without checking. It's always 0,5, 0,75 or 1 BAB, and it's always 1/2 or 1/3 Save.
This thread has over 150% IP than this thread, and minority equals autism?'re retarded for real, aren't you?
>This thread has over 150% IP than this thread,
Shit b8, m8. This is the cancer thread. The other thread is the real thread.
>All the quality posters are doing their discussion in the Discord(s).
Judging by these threads, there are no quality posters in the Discord(s). I wish they'd just stick their shit somewhere far from Veeky Forums. Go to or some other cancerous shithole, like Giant in the Playground.
This thread was first, and there's nothing in it to be upset over, other than your own shitposting. It's pretty pathetic, that someone can take such personal offence on an anonymous imgboard, over literally fucking nothing. I bet you're a real fag.
>personal offence
Lol wut.
I just find it ridiculous that some autists are still clinging to this thread when the other thread has more than double the IP's of this one by now.
>New players welcome
B-but i want to belong
>'the real thread'
>busy whining about ensoulment apps and celeb shit again
Yeah nah, weebshit can stay.
There is a Linnorm Kings game starting sometime in July! You should prepare for that!
Some of it sounds cool, and I must say I can see the potential of having a bunch of poppets, but I'm annoyed they made Poppet Familiar into a feat. I hate the idea of changing familiar unless necessary, and I can't see any of my characters disposing of a present familiar just to pick up a "better" one.
Any more info on that? I'm the same guy that was looking for Linnorm shit when the potential GM was mulling it over. Considering applying with some kind of frosty bloodrager if I can work something cool out.
Honestly the people (person?) whining about weebshit and crying over someone including /pfg/ in the OP appears to be much the same people that's shitposting relentlessly about apps, discord drama and namefaggot celebshit.
Just the chargen method, and that it would be in a region terrorized by heathen savages and other monsters, and ruled by a weak and aging king.
>DOES REGENERATION ON TROLLS, WEREWOLVES, ETC restore a missing limb if its say, incinerated or destroyed outright?
Over a long time, yes, but not in a way that is meaningful to combat or the immediate future. Fire is specifically usefl since it stops basic regeneration, and if something is incinerated outright, that limb is SOL.
I am still picking out regions I like. I think Kalva is a cool and definite feature, but Icemark is so barren of life I don't feel like its a good place to drop a bunch of PCs, at least not from the get-go.
Well what IS the chargen method?
Do we know what timezone the GM is in? Just for reference to guess what can be expected as reasonable time slots.
What I had from before was...
Starting Level 3
25 PB
2 Traits, 1 Campaign Trait (homebrew)
Background Skills
Feat Tax Rules
PoW allowed
Core and Uncommon races allowed
>Icemark is so barren of life I don't feel like its a good place to drop a bunch of PCs
Fuck that, there's lots of fun to be had just surviving in a cave for 8 months, exploring the surrounding area, fighting off monsters that want a den, or shit like that.
Even finding a ruin while looking for firewood.
Nine hours into the fucking past, so unlikely I'd be able to join or apply, but I hope it gets off the ground and that we get to hear about it.