Ideas for a multicultural/racial empire that has uncommon and evil races?

Looking for pics, stories, whatever to give me ideas on describing an empire for a D&D 5e campaign. I've already made one up for a crow and his daughter but I'm having some trouble picturing and processing how other races would mesh at least peacefully together. I just figured children because I'm a sucker for cute things and I love sappy shit.

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Wait right here I'll be back in a little bit okay OP?

I'm making a similar thing in my setting.

Albeit, still racism everywhere. Gobbos are pretty much Dindus.

So I have to give you a bump, China


Dammit I meant Drow not crow. Damn phone.

Well that's obvious.

For better or for worse

Races only mesh "peacefully" (there is always conflict it's just not always violent and in this case peaceful means non violent conflict) In large trade/conquering empires (Rome, America. ETC) with an abundance of resources. thats how. make of that what you will

What about having key trade routes?

That's part of it I suppose, honestly the empire would only really have racial mixture/meshing in major cities. the countries? More of less racially segregated usually not enforced just the groups would keep to themselves and form their own internal communities


The Gobbos in my setting usually live in the mountains, as, while that particular Empire ("The Meritocracy" as it were) is pretty multiracial, Gobbos can only be save amongst their own kind, or in the cities, though maybe not even then.

Could be a thing where a ton of them come down from the mountains and hold up a trade route demanding better protection or something. Enter the PCs and boom, got a small adventure for them

Al-Qadim from, like, 2E D&D did this pretty OK.

Basically: Heavily legalistic, pantheon without racial links (largely), lots of work put into cities for cohabitation, emphasis on national/regional identity.

In my own game there are 12 races. allied into two major factions engaged in conflict. The allied races are more culturally lax. the human empire most of all. but the dwarves, elves, Minotaurs and centaurs all keep to themselves mostly. The more bestial races (orcs, goblins, kobolds, lamia giant) pretty much don't mix EXCEPT for allying to hold off the allied races

>Ideas for a multicultural/racial empire

The same way all such empires came about

Someone conquered someone else, and then incorporated the conquered people into their society as full citizens

A few campaigns and a few decades and bam, that minor Orc empire has become a major land empire incorporating the allied forces of all the monsters in the world and you have World of Warcraft

its a far flung kingdom at the edge of the known world

few other than brave trade caravans willing to brave the journey their

the sights they see are beyond believable, claiming to see races they have never seen, and in huge number
walking skeletons, giant men, winged men, dark elves out in broad daylight, things which are normally legend are now commonplace

for some reason a lot of hidden arcana was unearthed here

I'm a DM of a home brew system. Every race in the city is sentient but much like real life races and ethnicities they are predisposed. Hence-forth stereotypes.

Elves are predisposed to a higher state of being and a favor of traditions
Orcs are strong and stubborn
Goblins are whores and lecherous

etc, etc. This makes racism both common and mutually understandable. It's rude to call an elf a "Pointy Eared Whore" but when a human-centric group comes around it's often not challenged. For in times where bandits block roads and demons can shift into the world. A world without proper medicine but healers gallore people don't have time for SJW bullshit.

>Goblins are whores and lecherous

To each other or to other races as well. I can imagine goblin-human relationships to be an open secret in such a world.

racial crossing for sex isn't the best thing to be accused of but your friends would only lightly tease about fucking a goblin.

However of course each race has their own sexual draws and disadvantages. So it's common place for it to happen, but mixed race kids are looked down upon heavily.

As per your first question goblins are by nature more elastic when it comes to their vaginas so goblin females are very popular prizes for bandits and make a killing as whores. Males however get that stamina boost that some chicks are into. So to answer your question, both. They're just all around horndogs and cash in on their larger sexual bonuses.

I've made it so Dwarves and Orcs are distantly related.

I've also made Mountain Dwarves evil as all fuck. So evil that a ton of then fucked off from their mountainous homeland into the Hills, becoming Hill Dwarves.

Am I doin it rite?

Yeah that's pretty decent! I've never heard of that being a thing but it makes sense since they're both mountian dwellers!

But have you thought out their other things in life? Societies, food, culture, sex, mortality, etc?

Yes indeed, albeit Orcs in my setting don't inhabit the mountains. Orcs are simple in their culture, as they're a mishmash of Not!Vikings and Cimmerians ala Conan the Barbarian. They share a god with the dwarves.

The Mountain/Hill Dwarf thing is a tad more complex, as there were two deities that all dwarves worshiped at one time: A Goddess of Bling-Bling and Good times, and Grim Mountain god whos smiths weapons (and throws the ones he doesn't like into the world of mortals).

What caused the Dwarf race to be divided wasd the ruling class dropped the worhip of the Bling-bling goddess in favour of a Blood Goddess, which lead to a lot of...well, people getting hurt. They kept the Mountain God, however, so now instead of industry for profit, good times and a better market, it is industry for bloodshed, slavery and horrible shit

I did plan on other races going about their business being more common the deeper you went in the empire, also with it being more common in cities than towns. Most of it would come down to it expanding and how long the territory has been a part of the empire. I'm just having trouble showing the how and the reasonings.

well yeah because understanding how and why is to understand basic biology and history and cultral economic meshing. most people are to stupid to understand it let alone be able to explain it to others. Fuck I've been studying it for a few years and I still have trouble breaking down the hows and why s for IRL stuff let alone fantasy shit

I have it set so that Orc morality is based on whatever benefits the family/clan/tribe. So a band of Orcs would turn to farming if they thought they would benefit from that more than becoming bandits. This leads to many kingdoms actually hiring whole Orc tribes to serve as a combination military and cheap labor. Basically it goes 'We'll give you whatever you need just let us boss you around.' Orcs see this as a steady supply of food, housing and supplies so mostly agree.

Do you want actual evil races, or 'evil standard' races that have been refluffed to whatever you please?

For example, orcs and humans. If you go the still evil route, then play up the necessary evil route, either in the past or present. Neither species would care about killing each other too much of a plague of mushroom zombies was sweeping across the lands. Just have them slowly realize that they need combined arms over time and so they start working together. Cultures bleed together over time, and even after the threat is gone there's a small number of people on each side that have 'gone native'. Just scale it up for as many rival empires/species as needed, or have it as a regional thing. Borderlands have orcs, mountain camps have duergar, etc.

If you want 'perceived evil but not actual evil', and using orcs and humans again, just make it a not!European feudal culture vs a not!Japanese shogunate thing. Neither are bad, just too different to coexist. However, there's still enough non-hostile contact that traders and emissaries are present in each, and have carved out tiny neighborhoods.

Also, assuming that you're talking about one of D&D's established settings or something on a similar scale of high-fantasy, think about the planes. If the people at large know that there are an infinite number of rape-torture-murder planes out there, like the Abyss, having a green neighbor might not be so intolerable.

I like that, multi-god worship is always downhill when the gods are jealous. In my dnd we have a Pantheon that doesn't mind sharing. Then other shit that does. Orc Not!Vikings sounds pretty lit, I've always seen the Skyrim Orcs as the best option but vikings fits well. I like your ideas my dude.

As for Vikings though, do they go around and rape cities leaving behind half orc spawn? If so how are those children treated? Are they abandoned at birth or raised against the parent's wishes.

Dude, I hella like that. Good thread we got going on here.

Japanese Orcs? I've got the Not!Japan set up for high elves in specific places, but as they go west their culture bleeds more European as it fits to the rest of the world.

In one setting I like there was a human empire that ended up with Giants and Dark Elves(kind of) in its empire.

IIRC the dark elves were exiles from a catastrophe and traded with the humans for food early on once they arrived on the mainland.
Later on the humans formed an empire, an ambitious emperor went into the dark elf forest and manage to get taught some magic, used a charm spell on the giant king and annexed their kingdom, tried the same with the nearby dwarf kingdom but it didn't work on them.

One imperial dynasty was heavily influenced by the dark elves, while another went so far to ban dark elves from the imperial city.

Okay, make a world with two or three main continents with a sea in the middle.
Fill that sea with islands.
Make those islands a confederacy of some sort if you want your empire to be unified.
Bam, multicultural empire that makes sense.

I see

Nice rescue bump desu senpai

(((multicultural))) you say, fellow goyim?

Thanks desu-chan. I fucking love that picture btw it's art.

This guy is smart oh my god I love him xDDDDD

Miscegenation in humans is exceptionally rare, even in today's pro-mulatto culture. Everyone will (correctly) see the pairing of orc and human as unnatural. Historically, the large multicultural empires did not have any significantly higher rate of miscegenation than other human societies.

The way that you mesh cultures peacefully is by submitting them before some powerful reigning culture, but that just leads to alienation and hostility for everyone involved in the process. 3 generations hence, you might have a stable monoculture, but until then people will see both their proximity to other cultures and the slow destruction of their own culture as very bad.

My favorite? Monstertown. A loose conglomeration, with multiple urban cores, of the various bad guy races, ruled by a council that would be called corrupt if it weren't the norm among these people. They're together because it works better for them, either because they can resist the good guys better, because they can thrive in an otherwise hostile environment, or to mazimize their economic potential. Probably a lot of people are simply doing it because they've always done it, ever since some strongman leaders decided this was the course of action for their people.

It's a hub of slavery, oppression, and stolen goods from across the world flow through its ports. In other words, a fairly legitimate empire in its own right.

You, sir, are a man of good taste.

Are you saying you wouldn't give a goblin a spin < Don't tell me you wouldn't

Oh ho ho, no sir you have great taste. I'm but an admirer surely you're a savant in the field of such an art.

Eberron already has that; it's called Droaam, and is run by three night hags.

As usual, the best example is Rome.
>Roman humans/elves/[Mary Sue race] conquer evil races
>They're not really into genocide because they're not fucking G*rmans
>They decide to reduce these people to peregrines, non-citizens who do not enjoy the protection of the law and still apply their own customary law to a certain extent, but are expected to pay tribute to the capital and any acts that are deemed dangerous or destabilizing are harshly put down
With this superiority of the conquerors and the inferiority of the conquered established, you already have a reason why intermarriage may be attractive: assuming elves and orcs, for an orc to secure that her children become full citizens, legal marriage with an elf may be attractive. The elves wouldn't even mind this because in their minds it could probably be seen as a step in the process to assimilate the region. The end goal would probably be a group of assimilated half-elves paying tribute to the elven capital. Past that, the goal might even be to simply eliminate the orcish race through constant assimilation.

>surely you're a savant in the field of such an art
I wouldn't go that far, but I have a sizeable collection of such works! Unfortunately the vast majority may be a bit risque for a CHRISTIAN board and are most certainly off topic.

See you on /aco/ call me

>eliminate the orcish race through constant assimilation.
So like that "white genocide" thing the /pol/yps are constantly ranting about but only real this time?
I like it!

Yeah look up the Kalergi plan, then realize that its architect was one of the pioneers of European integration and influenced many of the EU's institutions, and then add to that the fact that the EU claims that Europe "needs"
six million African migrants and is setting up migration centers in Africa to facilitate that.

Then there's also the fact that this is nothing new. The book "Peasants into Frenchmen" by Eugen Weber mentions that during the Third Republic's days,
the French government actively used migration from countries like Italy, Spain and Poland/Russia to break up regional identities because these migrants would be more likely to identify as French than for example Breton or Picard. The result today: about 5 million Frenchmen have Italian ancestry within three generations.
What the French did was on a much smaller scale, the EU is simply doing the same thing on a much grander scale [but with ethnically different migrants that come from cultures that cannot be assimilated due to irreconcilable differences]

Feel free to call me a racist if you want, but at least try googling what I just said.
I don't care about "winning" arguments, I just want you to check things for yourself.

Right off the bat Warcraft obviously for settings with it in bundles.
The best way I'd say is to have them be races of a specifc biome coming together in oodles to make their lives easier and feel the need to defend and control said landscape together. Often the most inhospitable i guess, so either tundra taiga land, or desert/badlands types.

Nothing brings odd folk together than in the defence of a home.

I don't think the "white genocide" thing is "racist", I think it is short-sighted and over-dramatic.
Sure, white people are having kids with nonwhite people and that is being facilitated by immigration policy, I just seriously doubt it will mess up "white culture" or whatever. If anything I figure it will result in a more diverse range of people appreciating their European heritage.

My setting has a multi-racial empire dominating much of the southern continent. The empire is ruled and held together by what northern scholars call Empress Nagas, towering snakewomen with cobra-like features that are driven by a strong natural urge to conquer and dominate. They are frighteningly powerful warriors and rule over an empire of sugjugated races, consisting mostly of humans and lesser nagas. Despite the servitor races vastly outnumbering the Empress Nagas, the empire is held together by a combination of the nagas physical prowess and natural dominance, a semi-religious culture of whorship that emphasizes and rewards duty, loyalty and knowing ones place and most of all external threats, some of them of an existential and horrifying nature.

silly user multicultural is already evil

Whites are being literally being genocided in South Africa, you fucking idiot.

I have seen instances of racial violence directed against white south africans and I am aware of the general political climate. However I have not seen anything indicating that an organized campaign to wipe out or drive off white South Africans has commenced. Can you give me some sourced info on this?

Not him, but...

>According to the group’s founding president, Dr Gregory Stanton, “early warnings of genocide are still deep in South African society, though genocide has not begun”.
While Genocidewatch is hesitant to call it an outright genocide, there is clearly genocidal intent. At any moment it can escalate to Zimbabwe-tier disasters.

And then there's this
that's right! In the most famous African "democracy" the president calls for the confiscation of the land of whites because they're white! Where are the foolish German girls holding up "refugees welcome" signs for them?

I wouldn`t call that genocide, simply because of the limited scale.

Don´t get me wrong, ending apartheid was a mistake if you ask me. Handing power to the blacks while staying there is like asking to be victimized.

It was just a pirate haven until it got big and organized enough to contend with other political powers. (GW2, Lion's Arch)

"white" "culture"
Keep Yourself Safe, American mutt.
Yes, it was the Jews' fault for living in German lands! They were asking for it!

Who's the artist on this?

>Attempts to exterminate a specific genetic group
>not genocide

>I wouldn`t call that genocide

>moving the goalposts

It's a little easier to find documentation for the process in Zimbabwe, Equestrian.
The "Fast Track Land Reform Program" is well noted even by Human Rights Watch.
The Alamein Farm incident being a prime but not lonely example.
Then again, Mugabe and his butchers were too busy fapping to their blame whitey propaganda to actually run the nation and now it's in shambles.
The Gukurahundi was an example of Black on Black genocide that precursored the Black on White one.
Not saying Rhodesia was a good or decent nation, or that the Anglo regime was better... But even with militarized land redistribution and many nations throwing absurd amounts of money at Mugabe, Zimbabwe's populace either couldn't figure out how to farm, or decided not to, they certainly couldn't self govern.
They evicted the euro despots and replaced them with less competent native despots who didn't even bother to hide their atrocities.
But don't worry, generations and countless international investments from now there will still be no progress and more blame for the foreigners.

Never mind, I found it. It's a Veeky Forums request too, go figure. What a based artist. c:

Two options...
Don't make races monoculture.
The largest nation or movement of a group may be as written in the Monster Manual, but if they are humanoid and sapient, it won't be hard to choose a different path.
Also, consider that there are outlyers in all groups.
Perhaps the when a group of renegade Drow found a place that didn't immediately kill them, they set up an underground railroad for all their fellow dark elves who wanted to escape the Bullshit of Llolth theocratic despotism.
Perhaps some Hobgoblin didn't want to be property of a legion, doomed to wage war for their master's gain and glory. Maybe some deserted... and when they found a place they could be cobblers or masons or architects, they snuck more of their former comrades out.
To be certain, the orthodoxy of these races will despise the inclusive empire. But after enough "monsters" contribute to society, especially against the abominations which want to re-enslave them, others will start to see these individuals as green, gray, or red skinned neighbours rather than as monsters.
Unless the multicultural empire is evil. Then it will exploit it's refugees as slaves while stepping up the Ostracism so there is no where for the new expendable non-persons to turn to.

>As for Vikings though, do they go around and rape cities leaving behind half orc spawn? If so how are those children treated? Are they abandoned at birth or raised against the parent's wishes.

Much like Vikings, there is actually an Orc city-state on the main Continent now, who are....eeeeeeeeehhhhh mostly peaceful. (except that they, y'know, help their cousins when they go raiding, then deny that they do), so Half-Orcs are becoming more and more common.

Since slavery is a pretty big thing in my setting, (with only The Meritocracy outlawing it), Half Orc kids for a very long time were usually raised amongst Orcs exclusively for a time, as they would raid and take slaves (including women, obviously).

Thanks for thinking my ideas are good, m8. Warms me heart, so it does


>Yes, it was the Jews' fault for living in German lands! They were asking for it!
Partially, yes. If you put yourself at the mercy of those who mean you harm it is hard for me to sympathize. Strength is the only protection against victimization. The Israeli jews took that lesson to heart.

As I said, it is a question of scale. If there are sporadic attacks against white farmers and whites in general, it is not a genocide. It becomes a genocide once the attacks become an organized campaign of extermination.

>It can't be genocide unless they fill out the genocide paperwork

>Jimmy down the street starting killing niggers because he overdosed on infographs
>he managed to gun down two black kids outside a 7/11 before getting arrested or killed

>oh fuck a genocide

If it's not systemic, it's not genocide, it's pervasive hate crimes.

That's a one off incident rather than a repeated, sustained and deliberate attack by one group on another divided down genetic lines.

Stop fagging up the thread, you retards

fuck off I like this, the one faggot who denied white genocide is getting BTFOed. Good because I'm sick of this board and its pussy left wing bullshit, I remember when people around here weren't constantly virtue signaling and screaming about /pol/


In our setting, there's a multi house collective power unit that exists on a small connective land bridge between two continents. Because of where they sit, trade is insane and there's general prosperity. All land trade routes have to go through it and many Eastern to Western trades often move through it as well (like Panama kinda). There's very little racial tension because there are lots of resources to go around, and that eliminates a lot of the economic racism that's prevalent in poorer areas. Also, cosmopolitanism is lauded as a good thing, because the houses that have tried being exclusive of specific races have seen trade problems. People DO have a bias against Dragonborn though, but that's because they tried to band together and take over the whole place about 30 years ago

Yeah, back before /pol/. Seriously, this isnt the fuckin board for this. Go away. Only you two care.

and yet you're the only one whining an throwing a tantrum on a backwater Korean image board. Go to Reddit then if you can't handle the big boys talking Faggot


>As I said, it is a question of scale

It's literally not. What happened in Srebrenica is also officially considered a genocide. And then there's the concept of cultural genocide, which doesn't even have to include murder. And that's not something I'm pulling out of my ass, but a concept that was thought up after WWII to describe what the Nazis did to the Jews.

Honestly, I think there *is* a big blind spot to anti-white racial violence, despite the fact that a lot of people who shout "white genocide" are exagerating. There are plenty of people who call Israeli treatment of Palestinians "genocide", even though they are objectively wrong, and don't get shouted down in the slightest.

The fact alone that people become hypercritical of the concept "genocide" as soon as white people are claimed to be the victim says enough on its own, really.

>Partially, yes. If you put yourself at the mercy of those who mean you harm it is hard for me to sympathize. Strength is the only protection against victimization. The Israeli jews took that lesson to heart.
They actually DID try to leave. It's just that everybody rejected them so they had to go back to Germany.

Because all surrounding nations had purposefully weakened themselves under the mistaken assumption that eating their own armies would allow them to survive the economic crisis. With no actual defense against Germany, they opted for trying not to piss it off too much.

Frankly, we should have hung our government for treason the moment the bastards returned from England. Everyone talks about the Nazis, the Soviets, the Americans, the Japs. But no-one points the finger at the career politicians who hollowed out European powers to the point where some of them went into WWII with WWI material. They perpetrated this narrative of German superiority and cruelty because they damn well know they're just as guilty as Hitler himself.

It started when a Alexander-like warrior-king figured out combined arms to the extent that he had the insight: 2000 orcs, 2000 elves and 2000 humans beat any 6000 of one race, because it is a more adaptable army in which each every racial weakness is countered by other's strentgh.

A hundred years later, one has a not!Seleucid Empire in which both widespread acceptance and old prejudices struggle together in face of agressive neighbors.

This ^

Well then fuck both of you dumb niggers. Talk Fantasy or get out.

>I am that same dumb

Senpai, did you rename that file just for me...?

Well, in our game, apparently, the Big Empire was started by an early ruler (Paladin) who couldn't bring himsel to slaughter the ofspring left behind from wiping out Orc fortification, so they were brought back to the Imperial Seat, where they were brought up in the ways of human society. As a result, Orcs and Half-Orcs are a regular and accepted part of the demographics of the Empire, many holding trusted places of honor in the military, Church, and government.

Kobolds were recently accepted as Sapient, with legal rights in the Empire. So, people who'd been hanging on to Kobold ears for the vermin bounty were pissed.

You see the occasional Goblin and Hobgoblin in the cities and towns, mostly as beggars (Gobs), and mercenaries or pit fighters (Hobs).

Elves and Half-Elves are also present, but have a bad reputation from a few generations ago when Elves ruled over the region. They don't often go out lone at night because there's a "tradition" of young toughs ganging up on one and beating or even killing them. Still, official relations are cordial enough, with the Emperor have a few Elf-blooded wives and children.

you wish I cared enough about smearing my mental shit on this chink cartoon bored just for you. No I've had that for over a year now

I waste my time writing a post thatactually has something to do with the topic, and as I read down the thread I see /pol/shitters.



They did so with the slavs who were pretty much considered Savages by european standards at that time.

Ive suggested this multiple times already, in my setting it works like a charm.
Puts people off too. You see races that normally only are encountered as monsters roaming about, but they arent just treated as another kind of human either.

Realy puts the players into the idea that they are at a place thats different to the rest of the world.
A place thats the edge, the last bastion of civilization, where you have to adopt the monsters in order to fight them.

Add incestuous monarchs and shitty infrastructure and there you go.
Plus some omnious powerfull enemy lurking just beyond the horizon.

Not a problem I've got this problem where I'm honest 98% of the time. But I like the thought you've put into this. Though the orcs raising their half-orc spawn? That's pretty wild. I lovei it, so do they acquire them by just kidnapping the women? Or do they come back for the children? Make check-up raids so to speak?

For twist make them self created ghettos, formerly medium class craft district gifted to an orc tribe after a peace treaty. All stocked with housing, granaries and trade facilities, turned to shit by the orcs within a decade