Alright Veeky Forums, I got time to kill and I figured I could use it to whip up some spies.
So, go ahead and roll a d100
Alright Veeky Forums, I got time to kill and I figured I could use it to whip up some spies.
So, go ahead and roll a d100
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Sure, what the hell, I'm game.
Rolled 31 (1d100)
Alright, criminal, pick your perk.
Criminal Past for me please.
Alright, now you can roll 5d10+30 for each stat. Or pick from an array of 65, 60, 55, 50.
Either way, assign values to your four attributes.
50, 55, 65, 60.
Seems like an ok set.
Rolled 37 (1d100)
let's get it on
Now roll 2d100 for your primary and secondary skill.
Rolled 56, 45 = 101 (2d100)
Fingers crossed for detective.
Diplomat origin for 002. Pick your perk and roll or pick attributes
Well, at least you have some advanced skills. Pick your pilot specialty.
Next we need 2 descriptors of your agent.
Rolled 67, 83 = 150 (2d100)
People Skills
I'm thinking a bit of a moron but amazing at sweet talking people, a real sleazy type
let's try this
Let's go with Air focus.
And for descriptors... Cunning and empathetic. He's a smart guy, quick on his feet, and he likes to get his job done without hurting anyone else. The empathy thing ties into his criminal past.
I hope this works, I don't actually know what system we're using
Here are the potential specialties for technicians. It sounds like you've got your descriptors already.
Next we go shopping. I'll post the gear in a minute.
All agents start with a semi-auto pistol, spare mag, and an operative pack containing:
A wristwatch,
An earpiece commlink (1 mile radius),
An encrypted cell phone (to call other operatives or back to Command),
A special ID card,
An ID reader which validates the ID cards.
You have 6 requisition to pick stuff for your first kit. Kits may be swapped between missions.
What system is this?
Motorcycle, Simple cover identity, and a silencer.
With everything else that seems like the sort of quiet/fast getaway setup an agent keen on thievery and quiet would be using.
Hopefully we get a chance up pick up a stungun/taser combo later on.
Covert Ops. It's a d100 system where you roll under your score or attributes to do stuff. I like it because there's a lot of charts and a safehouse building mechanic.
Last up is your derived stats.
Oh, and you can make a Logic check to see if you start with a second language you speak fluently. Just roll a d100 and see if you get under your LOG score.
I pick +10 in surveilance / spying tech, if that's possible. need to get that blackmail material somehow
surveilance pack, plastic explosive, stun gun
Rolled 70 (1d100)
Derived for the theif
25 BP
Bones... 206?
Rank 1
DP (hehehehehe) 0
DR None currently
Ranged weapon damage 2d+2
Hope that looks alright. Rolling for a second language. Definitely going to look up this system though, it seems like fun. Is it easy on newbies?
Fuck, five over.
Ah well, he just wasn't a high class super criminal I suppose.
Bones are the notFate Points for the system. You get 3 in chargen and they let you do things like let you pick your origin or start with more requisitions.
It is pretty damn easy, but it's rock simple. I don't know if I can recommend it to someone who wants in-depth stats and such for different kinds of guns and such.
Alright, anons. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to roll your mission objectives
Thanks my dude, I'm trying to get some friends and my fiance into gaming but they're not really into the standard fantasy setting, maybe this will be more their style.
Rolled 64 (1d100)
Rollin for the theif's mission
27 BP
Bones ehhh... all of them I guess?
Rank 1
DP 0
DR None
Ranged weapon damage 2d+2
But spying ain't easy. Just what kind of madman are you up against?
Rolled 3 (1d100)
Rolled 1 (1d99)
rollin for diplomat
And what kind of power is this celebrity going to use to stop you?
Rolled 54 (1d100)
Lordy there are a lot of tables, I'm loving this. Fingers crossed for a Rona Thorne expy
Rolled 76, 9 = 85 (2d100)
There sure are. Let's see how many special henchmen are at her disposal.
Henchs are higher tier bad guys like Jaws.
so I have to disable some device created by an extremely rich scientist, huh?
Rolled 88 (1d100)
Rolled 31 (1d100)
>4 Henchmen
>My thief doesn't want to hurt people
Oh god dammit.
Dang, up against a regular Dead Cell.
Well, where to, agent?
Rolled 87 (1d100)
Rolled 61 (1d100)
diplomat roll, hoping for something interesting
There's a shitload more charts, but let's wrap this up.
Beginning operation:
Rolled 2 (1d100)
Holy shit this is radical.
Well, at least I'll have twinks to keep me company.
This thought makes me happy.
There is so much goddamn stuff here. It's the reason I actually bought the book. It's easier to make modern campaigns with some stuff like this on hand.
Rolled 62 (1d100)
this will be the last one for the diplomat, gotta go now
someone can take over if more is required
And here's my favorite bit: base building stuff
Rolled 38 (1d100)
Bring it oooooon
Alright, celebrity with custom military hardware and a crack squad of mini-bosses, but what's her endgame?
Rolled 25 (1d100)
Can it get worse for our hero?
>end of technology
And how big is this organization you're up against, agent?
Rolled 98 (1d100)
Jesus Christ, user. Never gamble.
Well, because you're so fucked, we'll send your operative to a training center before throwing the agent to the wolves. Roll a d10.
I'll admit, this isn't looking super good.
But they won't be expecting one dude with a pistol and a moped, so I have the upper hand, right?
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Please god, please.
Pick from the perks in Brussels.
>Maybe they have some languages as a colonial holdover?
Fuck, lets go with... French I guess, they used to be pretty big around there.
COINTEL contact seems like the most useful given how fucked I seem to be.
And let's go with Family Member in MERK, they seem like they'd be the most inclined to send help.
Forgive me for not speaking clearly, you get 1 option. Just the one of the three bullet points.
Oh... shit.
I'll keep that COINTEL contact.
Well, that's it for our spy type guy. I recommend checking out the rest of the book for inspiration and charts.
Godspeed, agent.
Seems like I'll need it.
This was fun though, thanks user, I'll definitely be playing with this system in the future!
Rolled 41 (1d100)
Let's goooo.
Okay, wheelman, what's your perk?
If my understanding of Trusted is, 'Six more points to get a Vehicle/Upgrade', I want that.
If not, Wheelman.
Yeah, when you go shopping you get 6 points just for vehicles and vehicle mods.
That's the one, then!
Alright pick your attributes And roll your skills
Rolled 96, 73 = 169 (2d100)
55, 65, 60, 50
And skills are!
Sneaking and shooting. A solid foundation for any operative.
Now we need some descriptors for your driver turned agent.
We're ambitious, but we are also nuts paranoid, even about people in our organization.
And now you go shopping. Don't forget that you start with the pistol and operative pack.
Alright, for the Trusted bonus points, I'm going to take a Motorycle and give it Speedster. That's five.
I'll also get a Simple cover, and a Smokescreen for my bike. They'll never catch me!
Okay, now you calculate your derived stats and roll Logic to see if you know another language.
Derived for Drive
BP: 26
MOV: 9
Bones: 3
Rank: 1
DP: 0
DR: None
Score: I don't know what a soldier score would mean.
Damage: 2d+2 +2 bonus
Score: 0, I guess?
Damage: No weapon +0 bonus
LOG is at a 60!
Rolled 46 (1d100)
I fucked up the roll.
Calculating soldier score with and add +10 for it being your secondary skill.
Roll a d100 and if it's under 60, you learn another language.
So I would be
BP: 26
MOV: 9
Bones: 3
Rank: 1
DP: 0
DR: None
Score: 42
Damage: 2d+2 +2 bonus
Score: 26
Damage: No weapon +0 bonus
And I rolled and failed to get a language.
46 is under 60, user. You'd get one.
Rolled 85 (1d100)
Lets go
Thill-Seeker you would have to be half-mad to be in on this operation