I see all these Space Marine and Imperial Guard creation threads, but none for the other factions. I would like to start changing that.
>Roll 1d10 for Kabal age
I see all these Space Marine and Imperial Guard creation threads, but none for the other factions. I would like to start changing that.
>Roll 1d10 for Kabal age
Other urls found in this thread:
Rolled 8 (1d10)
Rolled 9 (1d10)
>5-8 Old (2,500 - 5,000 years old)
So our Kabal has stabbed enough backs to survive longer than a century, now to find out who was the Stabbiest.
>Roll 1d10 for the current Archon
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Dark Eldar? Do you mean Drukhari Aeldari?
Archon name- Fo'ar Trips
>1-2 Member of pre-Fall nobility
So the guy at the top is some real hot shit. A badass that survived the Fall and thrived. Now to find out the mark all these years have left on his mind.
>Roll 1d10 for our Archons personality.
Rolled 4 (1d10)
>Flamboyant: "I was really hoping the mon-keigh would bring out some of those... what are they called?... ah yes, Titans. Their weapons make the most delightful hues when they fire. Oh well." -Rococo, Archon of the Splintered Statuary Kabal
The only thing the Archon loves more than his fancy outfits are dramatic displays of destruction and carnage, with himself as the centerpiece.
>Roll 1d12 for the Kabals origin
Rolled 7 (1d12)
Rolled 3 (1d12)
>flamboyant pre-fall
i'm already getting vibes of the last kabal we did which is a good thing
A pre-fall pleasure kult that splintered and established a cabal!
Explains the flamboyance
>7 - Descended from a pre-Fall Pleasure Cult
I get the feeling our Archon made this Kabal to try to relive the "Good Old Days" of the Fall.
>Roll 1d8 for the Kabal Demeanour
Rolled 8 (1d8)
>A Storm Hard Upon You - Habitually makes use of the heaviest Dark Eldar firepower and war machines to devastate even fortified defences.
Apparently our Kabal thinks the Imperium is onto something, eschewing the Dark Eldar usual tactics of GOFAST for just steamrolling over emplacements and nominal siege warfare.
>Roll 1d8 for our Kabals Flaw(s)
Rolled 3 (1d8)
Okay so we have to have a tormentor titan right?
>Kabal Cult - The Kabal practices exotic and extreme rituals, even for the Dark Eldar.
Wow, our boys really are trying to imitate the acts preceding the Fall in micro scale, among other things. Opinions?
>Roll 1d10 for where in hell our Kabal is located
Rolled 10 (1d10)
>wandering through space
>shock and awe
>Wandering through space
>Nomadic so no terrain conditions, so straight to perfered tactics. Give me a d10
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Huge fucking webway portals on the ships, just opens up and an entire armoured brigade drops out.
>Capture Specialists
"All of you and your cherry asses belong to us now."
Now what do we have alot of that our rivals will beat our hides raw for. Throw a d100 at my face to make me feel good.
Rolled 50 (1d100)
add super-rapist to our growing rap sheet
>21-50 Anchorage
We have ourselves an Anchorage in the Materium, be it a lowly supply stash, or a substantial Dark Eldar settlement, we have a permanent safe harbor in Realspace, a priceless commodity in 40k for Dark Eldar, esp. nomadic ones.
Now get me a d10 for our signature weapon.
>Anchorage is a massive pre-fall warship with a giant built in webway gate
mite b cool
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Rolled 8 (1d10)
Blaster? Dark lance? hopefully not splinter, thats a bit too simple for us.
>9 - Trueborn snob pain dealers
I have no idea what this means help
Even so, who are we currently not betraying? Give me a d8 to find out.
Rolled 7 (1d8)
I believe it means that our signature is literally Trueborn with custom made weaponry and gear, all optimized to hell and back to inflict pain. So very fitting with our pre-fall aesthetic.
Rolled 7 (1d8)
I'd assume properly born Deldar nobles. Maybe more Pre-Fall lads?
why do I get the feeling this is simply a pre-fall pleasure cultist and his drinking buddies who simply haven't stopped the booze cruise?
They didn't even notice the fall for a couple of millenium
>A Craftworld Farseer
We are currently working with a Craftworld-born Farseer, probably to get the Craftworld he is part of to look the other way at our DE-brand "Antics" and to harbor our little nomadic fleet if the heat gets to high. Maybe the Farseers family was allied with our merry fleet of murderous junkies pre-Fall.
Now what are goals, nebulous as they can be for Eldar, Dark or otherwise. 1d12
>They didn't even notice the fall for a couple of millenium
"Hey boys lets go back to commoragh to pick up some more medusae nodules..."
"Why are all the old nobles dead????"
"And why does everyone have guns???"
"And more importantly...why are they better than OUR guns!?!?!?!"
Rolled 11 (1d12)
Any thing but 1-3 I am most unhappy about.
>Fearsome Reputation
These pre-Fall Trueborn hope to gain (or regain, as it may be) a Fearsome Reputation among our DE kin, nay the Galaxy, and will fight tooth and nail to get it.
Well that's all the rolling to do, now all that's left is to get all this into a concise list and fluff in between the lines.
>they don't like that these silly MonKiegh think they're hot shit now and forgot about the Eldar Empire
That Farseer is a descendant of our pre-Fall Archon, our alliance is based on joint raids on the Crone Worlds. They get soul-stones, we get perverse artifacts of the Fall that our Cabal is trying to recreate and relive.
I like the idea that the Kabals trueborn are as well equipped as some Archons are. So Ghostplate, blasters, power swords, even some the more esoteric stuff, like soul traps and the like. If they meet with other groups, they have a trueborn pretend to be the Archon, without saying it, then mock the visitor when the visitor has played nice to one of the junior lieutenants.
The List is
The Kabal is 2,500 - 5,000 years old (The reason we aren't older is we didn't work out we were a kabal till then. the group predates Commoragh as a circle of friends)
The Archon is a Member of pre-Fall nobility. Hes also a Peacock of the first order, super flamboyant.
We are descended from a pleasure cult and love mechanised warfare, striking from a safe anchorage outside Commoragh, as the party bus travels through space.
We prefer capturing for later as opposed to the thrill of the moment, but why kill people on the field when our specialty is a load of trueborn decked to the gills in fancy gear, torturing people.
We work with a farseer, and we want a fearsome rep, either we had one, or we realised people had forgotten the Eldar Empire.
So how did this boatload of murder-drunks avoid getting soul slurped by Slanny if they didn't notice the fall for a while?
>So how did this boatload of murder-drunks avoid getting soul slurped by Slanny if they didn't notice the fall for a while?
Well when you are out in buttfuck nowhere killing entire populations just to render them down for a single shot of rare alcohol, your soul gets alot of degeneracy to keep it healthy. Also, being far enough away from the birth helped.
Maybe the Archon sees himself as a conductor of an orchestra of firepower, the lead singer in a choir of hailing shurikens and ripping plasma.
I would just like to stray from "le drugs and sex Xd" and actually do something interesting
Maybe the Kabal formed when the Archon realised he needed to get his gangs shit together. He finds out about the fall, realises he could loose everything and now they are extremely vicious even for DEldar, huge parades of captivesdespite only having few actual members. Those member they do have are elite, with expensive custom vehicles. Like if Vects Kabal is the US military, these guys are the SAS.
Think the crafties would part with a wave serpent or two? Do Dark Eldar have titans?
Do dark eldar ask?
How about we use some of those slaves as fodder, full on IG style
To be honest, I'm surprised these sick fucks haven't outright converted to Slaanesh worship.
Deldar have tormentor titans. Huge 4 legged bastions designed to rip other titans apart singlehandedly. I think they are bigger than most Eldar Titans.
Please, Slaanesh is just a fucking wannabe
Sounds like fun
"The Exorcist? How cute that you think that scares me. I will show you a true symphony of death and destruction."
I like the idea that the kabal has all sorts of really cool mech stuff, but barely has enough crew for all of them. Like they are the only Kabal to have Voidravens and Razorwings piloted by Kabalites not former reaver gangers.
Perhaps we can use some captives to operate some mechs, making people kill their family to avoid torture sounds like a good time
Making people kill their families to EARN torture because we've mindfucked them sounds even better
Here's a wild idea
How's about we fuckin pay them so they don't fuck up our high end shit
Source on tormentor titans? Both 40k wikis give nothing.
That could work, how about something like an imperial guard regiment that has some unholy combination of an iron maiden and a corset that tightens every time you kill someone so if they kill/capture enough people they can earn death
And where does torturing them factor into this?
Its fan-made for epic, but its damn good and close to how a Dark Eldar Titan would operate. It has fucking Jumpjets for god sake its a flying titan.
It doesn't you idiot, now get back on the turret or I'm force feeding you live spiders
Thats the spirit!
Okay so if we have a Tormentor Titan or something similar in size, does the Archon convert the front of it into a stage/dias for important meetings? So he can project the technological dominance his Kabal has, while hiding the fact that they are exceptionally low in numbers. Lines of Flyers and Ravagers, barely any transports like raiders, cause we don't have the numbers to fill them.
OOORRRRRRR, the tormentor can be a scale model of himself
So its this. And he only sends pictures of it, instead of himself, then when they arrive, he talks out of the command station, and its face moves in time.
Or it looks like him, due to the holofields being rigged to project him instead of a duplicate.
Yeah that makes far more sense
You know this guy sounds like he knew Balor before the fall. Maybe he's one of Balor's only real "friends" as it were.
Pic related is when their Kabals team up for a slave run/pitched battle.
Could pic related be the design for the titan?
Nope dicks too small
our Archon is flashy. Over the top. He hates it when he isn't the centre of attention. This has far too few spikes, far too few pieces, and the mask is understated. Very wrong.
How about... Some true-ass-shit NoiseMarines weaponry looted or otherwise acquired somewhere/somehow? That could be some cool conversions...
Why would we use such technologically backward gear? We had an argument with some Howling Banshees over what constitutes necessary cruelty, and now we have a new sound system.
Too little dakka
The human ear has a max audible frequency of 20khz a banshee screech probably around that pitch meaning it has a firing rate of 20,000 shots per second and that is a lot of dakka
I never really understood the appeal of the Dark Eldar.
>Beautiful models
>Variety of different army flavours within the faction
>Hilarious eccentricities in the fluff like the narcissistic archon who spread a virus on a planet that made every organism bare his own face / + the tau 'cultural exchange'
>No deep agenda, mostly raiding the galaxy for the lulz
>Space pirates mixed with gladiators mixed with evil genius mad scientists and they happen to be elves too
What is not to like?
So what is the name of the cabal going to be?
I need this and a color scheme star. Just got back into 40k and the list I have planned fits this theme perfectly.
As for name, how about Kabal of the Bloody Phoenix, to reflect the idea that we will bring back the hedonistic glory of the shortly before- fall Eldar Empire.