This meme graph is spot on. Holy fuck.
This is Literally the "Return to Normal"
Other urls found in this thread:
dont have a good feeling about it
it's been spot on every fucking time
because it isn't useful for prediction at all it's just a rough way of analyzing something after the fact
fuck off
better sell you btc now
Every single time
can someone update it with the bulltrap we are in right now?
im making easy gains on stupid calls.
not even a trader.
I will buy in the despair phase.
********HALT FROM SAMOSA MAKAMORO***********
thanks for your concern, now fuck off
graph looked like that at 3k too
mfw still waiting in tether
I'm gonna write jokes and earn fucking money doing nothing with BZC faggot, what are you guys doing? Kek.
and at 11k. Also at 800
TA beiing done on an unregulated market with no key indicators. Nice meme this board is fucking dead.
If true then why is it going so high? I'm waiting to get back in. If it went down because we are in a bubble, then what's the point of the bubble in the first place if we are almost where we were at two days ago?
Is it just greed, people trying make the money back they lost?
cash the fuck out
We get it, you sold your coins you weak handed fag
If the chart is accurate then sell it at 17500 if you want to profit from "return to normal."
But it ain't gonna happen, folks. People post this shit every time the price goes down 40%.
Actually the dynamics are much different this time. The ships going down. You are in a Digital Hindenburg and you don't even realize it's starting to smolder.
buy at 7k
i read a nice article a while back where the author said bitcoin is moving at such a high speed that normal patterns that would take in real life months play out in a day
you can not apply normal patterns to btc because
every party is accepted(stupid+smart money)
there is no end of trading(24/7)
btc is not representativ of just a single currency/product
right now as you can see from the market movements btc represents a whole ecosystem or you could say it represents the economic development of the internet as a platform
try applying development prediction graphs to a countrys economics is only possible after the fact
Wanna bet on this newbie? This is probably your second or first crash amirite? Your weak hands are not appreciated and you don't deserve the gains crypto has to offer. I agree with you btw, bitcoin is dying. I am 85% ether currently
Are you people retarded or delusional?
The signs are obvious. It will not break 20k for another 3 years.
>someone was so salty about missing a good stock that they made this graph
Someone post the image
Bitcoin yes. Who fucking cares. Everyone here hates that shitcoin.
if you where so certain of you predictiv models why arent you in lambo land yet?
>because it isn't useful for prediction at all it's just a rough way of analyzing something after the fact
yeah but I feel like this time, it's such a pure game, such a pure bubble with so many actors all influencing each other, that the shape will absolutely follow the ideal. it's going to be 8.5k by NYE.
literally the entire market is tied to it fucko. when it goes down everything goes down with it.
its actually the bear trap
You FUDDers have been doing this since it crashed from every ATH. Fuck off!
if you don't believe me, put the charts of all your coins up next to it and see what they did during the recent dip. They all fucking mirror BTC almost exactly. It absolutely matters what BTC does because the market will follow it.
hurr durrr so hold through a crash instead of selling and rebuying because MUH HODL MEMEZ DURRR
If it goes back to 19k, I'm going on bitmex and shorting the fuck out of it. 100x leverage
It's been posted that every time, newfag.
Nigger, I already sold at the top and bought more LTC when it crashed down. I have 0 BTC in my portfolio, but the whole market moves with it, so might as well make more of a profit in ETH, LTC and the rest of the alts.
Holding throughout a crash is the most cucked behavior observed in a Veeky Forums brainlet.
do it on livestream with at least 20 trades, i dare you
>People actually believe the stealth phase was 8 years long and the next two stages take places over 3-4 months
Funny. I made money yesterday. Pick better coins faggot. Eth will take over as reserve.
This is a good way to get burned.
Awesome, so I can buy more BTC at less than $1000???
>Funny. I made money yesterday.
everybody made money yesterday dipshit
trying to time the market is not investing, it's gambling
>It will not break 20k for another 3 years.
You have no fucking clue of what's gonna happen in the next 3 years. Stop trying to predict the future.
.t nervous BTC holder
Yeah if you ignore the zero correlation between those two graphs they're practically identical
Can't help but laugh. Back in may when we were at $2000. Some guy remarked with incredulity "who the hell is buying at this level?". He was answered ironically "Smart money". That post got allot of kek responses but now we can see that they actually were the smart money.
The problem with that graph is it seems that institutional money has only now just begun to enter in a meaningful amount. This last spike was the Normie Invasion, not hedge funds.
i want to see your face next month very much :)
how you gonna eat your words
Very true, but institutional investors are looking at the graph and pausing right now.
>They expect it to drop.
Money is sitting on the side and this next pump will be fucking huge, but it's gonna crash again.
>How many times doe we have to do this until people get it.
lmfao "meme graph"? either thats a really good joke or ur a fucking pleb.
>1million normies bought 100$ dollars worth of Bitcoin
>worldwide adoption
bubble is not busting until we see an average Joe putting his whole salary into Bitcoin for months