Paizo Games General /pgg/ (Pathfinder & Starfinder)
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What do we have to do to fix the rift that's grown in the heart of /pgg/?
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Paizo Games General /pgg/ (Pathfinder & Starfinder)
Entmoot Edition:
What do we have to do to fix the rift that's grown in the heart of /pgg/?
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First for Weasle damge
>What do we have to do to fix the rift that's grown in the heart of /pgg/?
Stay chill and respect each other.
What kind of monsters would you like to see in a Halloween themed game, /pgg/? Besides the cliches.
Mithral Fusing Full Plates
>What kind of monsters would you like to see in a Halloween themed game, /pgg/? Besides the cliches.
Tow words: living candy.
Skeletons, werewolves, vampires, zombies, ghosts.
Skeleton werewolves. Vampire ghosts. Skeleton ghosts.
Vampire skeleton ghosts.
can i ask newfag pathfinder questions in this general
pls dont bully
Yeah, go ahead. Answering them will be a welcome change from the usual bullshit we get up to around here.
>can i ask newfag pathfinder questions in this general
>pls dont bully
This I cannot guarantee.
Just remember to do some basic reading if you're going to answer the painfully obvious stuff
Here's a link to it in case you didn't spring for the core rulebook.
Like candy elementals, or animated object: candy?
Already got those mate.
Ask away user. Just be patient, a lot of these kids have autism.
Sure, as long as you're not asking 'how do I build x class' in which case
Fuck off, we have a Starfinder thread here: You don't need to be autistic and make it a unified general, faggot.
ive got a human swashbuckler that i need to level up to level 9 from 4 for the sake of joining a narrative; i feel like i dont have as many feats as i should. how many feats should i have? says i get bonus combat feats in the players handbook
How hot would a tiefling prefer his/her meals?
>Like candy elementals, or animated object: candy?
I was thinking animated objects, but elementals could be fun too. Listen to your heart, user.
How about you fuck off? We've decided to have a general Pazio thread a long fucking time ago.
Cotton candy elementals, please.
Like we said last time, you can do your shitposting, we'll keep running /pgg/ like usual and there's nothing all your shitposting can do to stop it.
>we decided
Who is we
No, fuck you. There's a perfectly good thread for a separate game there, but you have to jam your autistic needs into the thread anyway. Fuck off, we've had votes that we don't want your kind here.
Speak for yourself, spaz. /pgg/ won.
That depends on your class. All characters get a feat at ever odd levels. Some classes get bonus feats on top of that.
The fucking people who visit this thread. Multiple people over multiple threads.
You know, like how we've been having /pgg/ threads for fucking weeks now.
>we've had votes
Are you fucking retarded or blind or both? It's been /pgg/ for ever now.
What, says you? Go on, give me a link to these so-called "polls" that "prove" you won.
There's a specific phrase in Spanish for how I feel about this.
You get bonus combat feats from Swashbuckler, one feat per odd-numbered hit die, and others as applicable if you get them from your race. You get a bonus feat from human, of course.
I'm so sorry.
how many should i have by now as a level 9 human swashbuckler
Says the fact that we've had /pgg/ for weeks on end and only one idiot trying to keep /pfg/.
Assuming no archetypes
2 bonus feats from class
1 bonus feat from being humie
5 feats from levels
How does gothic pinata constructs that let loose 1d4-2 swarms of animated candy every time they're hit sound?
Also, caramel oozes?
thank you for this,
so i should enter this scenario with this guy having 8 feats in total?
long story short my buddy asked me to take a level 4 template and make it level 9 and participate in this pirate storyline because he thinks i do funny voices and wanted to make sure this character sheet is proper
Yeah, 8 feats.
What jobs work best for races with darkvision and cold/fire resistence?
Space mining
Mining. It will save an absolute fortune on lighting costs. I think this was actually canon in Sargava- that the mining companies there predominantly hire darkvision-equipped races in order to save money and reduce risks of explosion when mining.
Oozes in general.
Candy mimics that are actually off-brand candy bars.
Pumpkin dragon with candy breath attack.
Gobstopper with 30 AC.
Isn't Darkvision black-and-white? I've never mined, but that seems like it would pose a problem, though textures might work for discerning rock from what you're mining. I dunno.
>GM running a Gestalt game with Hero points
>has Anti-hero give 5 total feats over the course of leveling
>decide to go FEAT CITY
>human Fighter/Warpriest
>human FCB
>total 36 feats over the course of leveling
I am the feat god
Public bath house and saunas worker.
Post your current character's theme song and their class.
Should have taken Brawler so you can swap them over and over again.
Phantom Thief Rogue/Avenger Vigilante gets you more feats.
Avowed, Elemental Pact (Water)
>High AC
Did you mean a ton of DR?
Mining near volcanoes
Fighter (Viking)
Yes. Thank you. Precisely.
>Mesmerist (Fey Trickster)
Do you think Starfinder could sub in for cyberpunk games?
Also have we got any ship rules yet?
So if an animal companion's bite has grab, that means they get a free grapple check, right? So what happens if you give it Hamatula Strike as a feat (of course you'd need Dirty Fighting and Improved Grapple first)?
Could the bite trigger a grapple check, and then if the succeeds could Hamatula Strike be used to turn it into a pin?
>Do you think Starfinder could sub in for cyberpunk games?
Easily, it's already halfway to the cyberpunk aesthetic already.
ask over here friendo >
Sorry, missed the bit about human swashbuckler.
So you get 5 feats from your 9 levels. Also 1 bonus feat at level 1 for being human. Finally you get a bonus combat feat for every 4 swashbuckler levels you have (that's 2 in your case).
I need some help. /pgg/
>Decide to run a homebrew setting, never done it before, warn the players that it's my first real time
>They don't give me much to work with in terms of character background, except for one guy who sketches out his home country on a map, details the nobility, and draws a few maps
>Players have no motivation to do anything, and sit in town forever, then argue amongst themselves
>Discover that, four sessions in, actually building a setting is a way larger investment in time then I have/can do
I'm thinking of just dumping the setting and using Golarion instead of struggling to come up with stuff- I'm apparently not as creative as I thought. I've hesitated so far because of the one player who put in a bunch of work, but not having a real framework aside from plagarizing is a pain.
We haven't gotten far in yet, and the players really haven't left the one town. I could easily insert it into the setting, and transplant the country/etc into wherever. Thoughts?
I've only recently started branching into 3rd party content.
What are the generally good ones and what are they popular for?
Path of War, popular for making non-spellcasters fun to play and giving them lots of variety and options both in and out of combat.
this is the /pgg/ thread, for starfinder stuff. This also has 22 unique IPs, while the other one has 11.
Any mentions on bullet weapons? All I've heard about so far has been space lasers and there's something aesthetically pleasing about bullets over laseres.
Fuck off, stop trying to force your solo crusade of "hurr /pgg/ is a thing" on the rest of us.
A more detailed setting isn't terrible, but I'd go with Faerun over Golarion.
Dreamscarred Press, Forest Fire Studios, Drop Dead Studio (Spheres of Power at least), Stuff from N.Jolly who I don't recall who he works for and hopefully someone will correct me
If you don't like Golarion, porting them to a 3.5 setting is pretty easy as well, with a few exceptions of course, though I doubt any of you wants to play planescape.
Renaming the most similar country to that player's backstory is pretty simple and honestly, until you give the players a world map, they could be just about anywhere and you can move areas around without them noticing.
>Brutal Slayer Stalker // Shifter specializing in charging
Dreamscarred Press:
>Psionics, an alternate magic system that is more like a mana bar from a vidya that is generally well-liked. Has some odd fluff and a few corner-case balance issues but you can always tinker with it
>Path of War: (Relatively) fixes the 5ft-step and full-attack routine with base paizo martials by adding in more fun stuff you can do and buffing up fightman classes
Legendary Games
>Legendary (Class) series: Books that contain new, relatively balanced options for classes like Rogue, Swashbuckler, and Kineticist. Notable for often including "Legendary (Class)" fixes that act sort of like patches and tweaks to basic paizo classes
Purple Duck Games
>Kineticists of Poryphyra: A set of books of Kineticist content by N. Jolly, which makes Kineticist even more fun to play
Drop Dead Studios
>Spheres of Power: an alternative "build your own magic" system that encourages specialization and investment, uses points and talents to build your own spells.
I'm certain there are others /pfg/ likes
Jolly has stuff for Purple Duck and Legendary Games. He's also working on Spheres of Power (aka Let's Make Martials Do Things Again Take 2)
>Someone wants to talk starfinder in the PGG/Pathfinder/Starfinder thread.
>Some asshat is trying to split the thread
>Gets told to fuck off because this thread is still on topic and there's more people here
Guess I better insult that guy for not showing up to my thread!
>Dreamscarred press
It also does Akasha (Magic of Incarnum Port)
...Not that anyone remembers this, of course.
Path of War and Psionics from Dreamscarred Press: The former brings the power level and utility of martials up to that of mid level casters while the later is (for the most part) not quite as broken of a magic system as vancian.
Spheres of Power by Drop Dead Studios: Brings down magical power significantly by creating thematic groupings of spells.
The Avowed by Forrestfire Studios: A pretty versatile class with neat ALL DAY features reminiscent of the 3.5 warlock.
N. Jolly's work, primarily the Legendary Kineticist/Rogue/Vigilantes from Legendary Games: Adding features necessary to bring these subpar classes to the table.
Ertw's beguiler: A favored homebrew here, brings the 3.5 beguiler forward into the pathfinder world. Lots of options and lots of fun to play. Lives on the edge of tiers 2 and 3.
Spheres of Power is a huge mess.
You're thinking of Spheres of Might.
I meant Might, but bleh. Point conveyed.
>rogue archetype that totally replaces sneak attack with skill bonuses
Yes, that is correct. Be sure to buff it with those grappling feats!
The space pirate in First Contact has a ballistic pistol, and the Sarcesian Operative has a ballistic sniper rifle. They'll be a thing.
Urban Bloodrager/Mutagenic Mauler
Yeah, that's fair. Faerun is more consistent, but I feel it needs some spice.
Thank ye.
A shellshocked elf Psychic Warrior who went into hiding after THE WAR and lost touch with elf society
Why would you subject cyberpunk to the hell of D20?
Rogue archetype that gets more feats than Fighter!
Mother's Fang Cavalier with Throat Cutter, here I come!
Why is it a paizo games general now? I checked the catalog and Starfinder has its own thread.
Ogg want to know why we not all can get along?
This has me curious, could a phantom thief be built that surpasses a core rogue in combat through sheer gratuitous use of major magic and combat feats?
Throat Slicer, my mistake.
Because d20 is the only thing I can get my friends to play.
I just want some noir cyberpunk for my 1 on 1 games. Rainy cities, bleak days and sinful nights.
I'd play shadowrun but everyone I know hates it.
Your one-man Crusade needs to come to an end. /pfg/ wasn't any better before starfinder- It might actually have been worse. Trying to remove it from the thread is pretty dumb.
>(Bladebound/Kensei) Magus||(Bushi/Vigilante) Stalker
Because its garbage
To be fair, Shadowrun is garbage.
No, because it replaces literally everything besides Weapon Finesse that made the Unchained Rogue pretend to be functional
Its not a one-man crusade.
>says the faggot whose the only person trying to force a split
>all because his dumb animu generals that try to keep them seperate keep getting removed
Have you contemplated chopping your fingers off?
Well I guess it could at least make a decent gestalt partner class
>says the one guy who is the only person who consistantly complains about EACH AND EVERY FUCKING GENERAL
sheesh, you have about as much of a lack of a life as witch hunter