D&D 5th Edition General Discussion
>Unearthed Arcana: Revised Class Options:
>Feedback Questionnaires:
>/5eg/ Mega Trove:
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D&D 5th Edition General Discussion
>Unearthed Arcana: Revised Class Options:
>Feedback Questionnaires:
>/5eg/ Mega Trove:
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Terrain are valid target.
What are the chances the Mega Trove'll get the Roll20 top-down maps of Castle Ravenloft now that Curse of Strahd is out on their marketplace?
Would you fuck a tiefling girl?
Anyone have any experience with the Hexblade Warlock? How does the flavor work when you are not a Pact of the Blade? Is it fun?
More importantly, would the Tiefling girl fuck me?
Is Flame Blade any good if I expect multiple fights within the 10 minute?
I know it scales like shit, but at level 3-4 dealing 3d6 damage each round seems alright.
How would you rule divine sense?
Able to detect good and evil?
Stop rolling for stats
Stop taking feats
Stop multiclassing
Stop creating threads with no questions
Stop shitting on warlocks
Very slim since it doesn't even have all the UAs let alone shit you have to pay for. And the original mega was deleted because of a Cease and Desist from roll20, to rub salt on the wound.
>race-mixing with tieflings
Do you want your children to be demons?
Rolled 2, 5, 1, 6, 4, 3, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6, 3, 1, 2, 5, 5, 3, 6 = 75 (18d6)
Don't tell me what to do
3d6 down the line boys
It's pretty fun, don't worry about people ranting about the Smites because you have spells anyway.
I suggest pure-CHA Sword and Board for Bladelocks.
If you go Chain or Tome, it can be interesting. You could be serving a famous Wizard's staff, a divinely made Doomsday weapon or even a great Warlord's sword but you just channel magic through it.
You could even go very metaphorical with what a "Weapon" is.
I'm thinking of rolling a variant human and taking levels in wizard and sorcerer because fuck warlocks!
Don't be daft, you can get the UAs from WoTC's own site for free, and all the other roll20 tokens & assets are in the trove. It'll happen, it'll just take time.
Rolled 3, 6, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6, 6, 6, 2, 2, 4, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 3, 5, 1, 2, 2, 1, 5 = 83 (24d6)
No deal! 4d6 drop the lowest!
>Stop rolling for stats
>Stop creating threads with no questions
>Stop shitting on warlocks
I agree with these.
Rolled 4, 4, 4, 3, 6, 5, 4, 5, 4, 6, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 2, 5 = 69 (18d6)
Rolling for my new character
What is missing from the trove that you would normally pay for? All the adventures + core books are in there. What more do you want?
>4d6 drop the lowest
Fucking bitch can't do 3d6
Feats are fine, V-humans are the issue.
Agreed Multiclassing is inbalanced and a tool to let powergamers ruin everything
Warlocks suck and are the worst designed mechanically in 5e, literally the most boring shit in the world.
Theurge or loremaster? which one is better?
b-but I like warlocks! More than sorcerers that's for sure!
I prefer 4d6 gives some leeway.
STR: 13
DEX: 17
CON: 12
INT: 7
WIS: 13
CHA: 9
Ranger or Inquisitive Rogue Incoming!
Lore Master is the poster child for badly designed, overpowered UA. Theurge is pretty strong but probably fine
Thematically and flavor I agree, but their mechanics and design limitations ruin them.
> Theurge
> fine
It's still a better Cleric than a Cleric.
They should just give everyone a free feat at first level.
And stop being autistic.
Yeah but it's not nearly as ass clenching as 3d6 down the line
Str 8
Dex 13
Con 17
Int 15
Wis 8
Cha 14
I wish I could switch that int and strength and be a fighter.
>8, 13, 17, 15, 8, 14
It's a... cleric?
> stop multiclassing
what if my character concept can only be reach with multiclass? Half arcane caster for one, can only be done via multiclass
>Its pretty fun
Good to hear! Any innovation recommendations?
>I suggest pure-CHA Sword and Board
For those bladelocks how high do you usually get your dex?
I plan on trying out an Inquisitive Rogue/Hexblade soon, but I'm not sure how high my DEX should be.
This is your patron, the strongest katana ever made.
Forgotten Realms is the default setting for 5e, but it seems super boring. Where are the interesting parts of the setting?
>8 wis cleric
Clearly I'm some kind of wizard that spent his life running marathons or something
This, but it should be restricted to flavor stuff only
Literally everywhere other than the Sword Coast.
PoLand is best D&D setting though.
>Half arcane caster for one
Refluff paladin, or play an EK
they already do.
Its called your background.
Invocations? Take the +1 Weapon once, the Extra Attack one and the +CHA to damage one. For others, I'm a huge fan of the one with at-will Disguise Self.
For stats I'd recommend 14 DEX, 14 CON and 16 CHA. The rest can be whatever you want.
You should be fine with 14 DEX because Expertise in Stealth is a huge boost for your sneaking. Depending on how tactical your party is One with Shadows is great. The at-will invisibility at level 15 from the newest UA is also good.
I play a game where everyone gets a free RP/utility feat at level 1. Really makes games more fun to have stuff you'd never take like culinarian
Literally anything outside the Sword Coast. Go directly south and you run into Shar (vast sun-baked plains with two-trunked elephantmen in it) and Halrua (an evil hyper-magic empire) and Chult (a jungle peninsula with dinosaurs and shit).
Background "features" are so forgettable they may as well not exist
>8 WIS
No, that would be awful
>Its called your background.
Also this
This is my Warlock
Some are pretty great. Being able to commit minor crimes without being punished, find any den of criminal activity, have a fake identity and so on are all pretty useful.
Number one Hexblade.
Into the trash it goes
1/3 caster != half caster.
Icewind Dale, Thay, snake kingdom, Waterdeep is kind of cool if you include Skullport.
>Play Wizard
>take hermit background
>my discovery is a complete spellbook
>no longer have to blow the DM to give you scrolls as loot to copy spells from again
You have to blow your DM for that discovery in the first place.
> Work with your DM to determine the details of your discovery and its impact on the campaign.
>Pick knight background
>dm rules that while my squire is generally a non combatant he has padded armor and a short sword, and if he is present when a fight is going truly horribly he will try to save you
>tfw he passes his save, crits his first attack roll and kills a Cambion with 5 health left
I want this guy to be a 1st level fighter now
Theyll release them when players stop playing 5e
Semon demons
yeah but at least I only have to do it once instead of begging for scrolls each and every time we come upon a dragon hoard or bandit hideout
Like it says in the damn description.
> implying that isn't a tomelock with shillelagh club
How would you do an "Oath of Arcana" or any attempt to make Paladins arcane? Is Theurge Wizard a good baseline for inspiration?
Chris Perkins rules you can sense good and evil through divine sense. Autists just got btfo.
If there was a mutual attraction, sure.
This is my Warlock, who killed his patron and replicate its power with the power of science.
>Chris Perkins
Has nothing to do with official rules. His homebrew is also crap.
Theurge wizard is literally just a wizard with some borrowed cleric features. so that's definitely not where you want to look. For thematic inspiration and basic concepts take a look at the arcana cleric and the hexblade
What I'd to is I'd tell you to stop making shit homebrew that doesn't fit a class flavour just so you can play your donutsteel gish, how's that sound?
Refluff any other pact because there's no mechanical difference between what's Arcane and what's Divine.
Alternatively Paladin/Sorcerer.
>how's that sound?
Okay, I will right an oath based on Stoicism instead
It's a homebrew that literally invalidates a whole spell, fuck that shit.
Also some other good uses for hermit background:
>play druid
>discovery gives you intimate knowledge of every beast
>no longer have to play the "have you seen this creature" game
>A mysterious bestiary (AKA the monster manual
>no longer have to play the "hit a troll with every element until learn its weak to fire" game
>because if you go right for fire, or try you shield your gaze from the medusa, you are meta gaming
>fuck you Paul, I sure love losing my first character to petrification in every campaign so the party can learn not to look a medusa in the eyes
He's a lead designer and part of the official D&D team. His rulings fly. Only retards and autists rule that you can't sense good and evil.
Stay salty.
Uh... I think you need to re-read Detect Evil and Good. It's basically the same thing. There's no way to tell if someone is evil or good in 5e.
You're thinking of Mearls and Crawford. Perkins is literally just a random guy who makes a Youtube show and some homebrew.
What about this?
>Paladin gets a spellbook, learns two paladin spells/level, can't prepare spells like other paladins do. At 3rd, 5th, 9th, 13th and 17th levels you can learn a wizard spell instead
Divine sense is subtly different to that.
Are you being severely retarded on purpose.
yeaaaah I wouldn't put to much stock in what he says
Someone mind explaining? Divine Sense and Detect Evil and Good seem very similar tome. Main differences being Divine Sense has a larger radius, shorter duration,and doesn't detect aberrations,fey,and elementals.Am I missing something?
Perkins is the lead story developer and in charge of the adventure module development.
Mearls is the lead designer and comes up with a lot of the fundamental design that turn into eventual hardcoded rules for 5e, as well as guiding the general direction 5e as a product goes.
Crawford is a co-designer and editor who has final say over the intention of 5e rules, pic related.
my hive minded brother!
Detect Evil and Good doesn't detect alignment. It detects creatures that are the forces of Good and Evil.
If I remember correctly, the guy taking care of the Mega as well as the 5etools had his Roll20 account locked up. He just took them down because he was hoping to get his account back. If Roll20 was actually watching his stuff, they would've taken down these new ones by now.
He allowed it solely for that one scene in DCA to fuck with Anna. Previous times she used it, he gave no such info on good/evil. I'd hardly qualify a single altered use in a game as an actual ruling. Besides: twitter.com
The intention is that in 5e you're not using this 'objective alignments' and 'paladin runs through town finding out everybody who's evil' shit
And even if you did get pixie's heart sense to detect evil characters, being evil isn't a crime.
Being evil just means you're selfish.
There are evil people who make the world a better place.
So, really, divine sense is divine fucking sense it detects extraplanar creatures of good and evil much like detect good and evil was probably originally intended for.
Yeah, neither does Divine Sense. Both of them just have a list of creatures they detect,and Detect Evil and Good's list is twice as long.
So is that UA the only one coming out in June, or...?
yes, they are back to a monthly release
Yes. Next UA is July 10th since WotC is closed the first Monday due to July 4th.
Yeah, this is weird.
But it should ping at least. Like an impression of evil or good in the vicinity.
Preventing retards is good though.
In regard to an arcane half caster, how much modification would it take to make the Bard fit this roll?
>Decrease from full to 1/2 spell slots
>Increased Bardic inspiration dice
>Roll in some subclass features to main class
more than it would take to just be a fighter/bard
Artificer will be the Arcane half-caster and it will piss off all gish lovers. Which I don't mind because people obsessed with gishes are honestly the worst cancer, followed by "I play nothing but human Battlemasters" and edgy Warlocks.
Just rule it however you want, only autists say otherwise.
What if I had Booming Blade? Should I skip out on the level 5 Extra attack? Thank you for the stat spread.
>Group of adventurers used to fight creatures
>Not using Arcana to determine that stuff
>Doing a one shot campaign
>We're starting at level 5, 4d6 drop 1
>Get good cha, wis, and int
>Make a wizard 2/cleric 1/sorcerer 1/warlock 1
I am the most versatile spellcaster I died super fucking quickly but it was funny
probably to prevent stupid morality debates.
>character does something DM considers evil
>DM forcibly shifts character to evil alignment
>cleric uses Detect Evil and Good
>DM says character pings as evil
>character disagrees, argues that what he did was just neutral or whatever
making alignment into something you can safely ignore without changing any mechanics was a good idea all around
a friend of mine got accused of metagaming for using fire on some plant creatures. We don't play in that game anymore.
What's the edgiest PC you can make?
I was thinking on an Aasimar Paladin of Vengeance with the Haunted One background
Theme song would be: youtube.com
Sure, just make sure to pick up Warcaster so you can hit with it as an AoO.
Add a couple of rogue levels for Assassin or Warlock and you got your answer.