Hunger pains edition.
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>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>WIP Math-hammer doc
Hunger pains edition.
>Latest news :
>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>WIP Math-hammer doc
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Freakshow lists are back baby!
For the Dark City and it's many delights!
2nd for the Dark Mechanicum!
Continuation from last thread:
The T-34 was a fantastic tank for what it did. But the parts from a tank made in one factory were rarely compatible with a tank made in another. The quality of Soviet steel also varied. There are so many issues with it. Heck upwards of 80% of them were lost.
This is a fairly good article on the topic. Shows the good, the bad and the ugly.
Power Fists or Power Axes on termis?
Combi-bolters or Combi-meltas?
Also I found this, but I'm too tired to fully process it. Math make brain hurt.
Alright anons, we had a good tank discussion last thread, here's a question:
What would be the best real life tank to base a redesign of the Leman Russ around?
Rate my Rhino rush list.
Reposting from last thread.
I've got the starting for a feral ork army, and I'm thinking of dusting them off for 8th, but I need some ideas for standins. Some are easy, cyboar boys for bikers, boar pulled carts for trukks and buggies, small squiggoth for battlewagons, but there's still a few things I want to use that aren't so clear. I was thinking maybe Ironjaw Orruks for meganobs and jet-powered flying cyboars as deffkoptas, but I'm not sure about Flashgits or dreads.
As in 40kise a Abrams?
Nah, I don't mean to imply anything with the picture, I'm just wondering what people want a redesigned Leman Russ to be inspired by. Could be a tank from any era.
The chart lists efficiency and wounds dealt in a single round, against various common toughness/save combos, to help you choose how to kit out your dudes. Both stats are useful. Sometimes you want high efficiency (that is, points paid per wounds dealt). This would be if you plan to use the unit in an attrition style role. You want it to kill as many enemy points as possible before dying itself. But other times, you just want to deal as many wounds as possible in a single turn. This would be if the unit's goal in your army is to take out a specific type of enemy unit that hoses you, and to do it fast.
So first decide the roll for your termis, and then see what weapon provides you the best stat for that roll. Green is good, the darker the shade the better.
>two valks
>one loaded with bullgryns, the other with an inquisitor and acolytes with mauls+ needle pistols
>priest for +1 attack
>bullgryns charge first to take the overwatch
Good idea or back to the drawing board?
Taken from the previous thread.
>Nurgle is the Great Lord of Decay and the Master of Plague and Pestilence. All things, no matter how solid and permanent they seem, are liable to eventual corruption, and Grandfather Nurgle sows the seeds of that entropy with carefully brewed infections and epidemics. Yet despite this grim work he is not a morose or dolorous god. Life begets death, and in turn death gives birth to new life, in the form of pallid, wriggling things that crawl free from mouldering corpses. Thus, the Plague God sees himself as a benevolent fellow, and goes about his business with laughter and honest joy. He sees mortal souls not as things to be dominated and destroyed, but naïve children to be plied with flesh-rotting gifts, and thus enlightened as to the true wonder of disease and decay.
>There was precious little malice in the workings of Nurgle. Cruelty, yes, as life was cruel. Rapaciousness, even. But the horror of Nurgle was one of cosmic consideration. Khorne cared not from whence the blood flowed, but Nurgle cared for every life, no matter how tiny. Nurgle noticed every life. Every soul that crossed the threshold of the Lord of All Things received a splinter of his attention, and suffered for it.
-8th ED Nurgle lore
If Nurgle is truly a good Chaos God, then why isn't he more popular among the fandom?
I mean you guys always bitch that the Chaos Gods are always LUL-EVIL. Nurgle seems to be nuanced and deep.
Who wins?
I think I want to have them deepstrike with a Chaos Lord and have them charge at something, probably other terminators since my friend wants to make a deathwing army and I want to do Word Bearers. I wish Dark Apostles could take terminator armor like the book I read, that'd be cool.
Also, is it me or is the Dark Apostle' leadership bonus meh unless he's leading Cultists, since the Chaos Undivided icon is +1Ld, which means every sergeant is as brave as him?
why did you post this again after everyone explained how dumb you were?
Nurgle is a literal autist incapable of noticing that living things don't want their organs to agonizingly rot into black sludge.
Not a bad idea. Especially considering as long as you move exactly 20" there's no issue in disembarking. Also considering it's a disembark move you can charge etc as you normally would.
>mfw Bullgryn Gravchuting
Pic related.
Imotekh since no of the other combatants have the means to perma-kill him.
Sly Marbo stomps.
Gonna have to model like 4 jump packs onto them.
But they didn't though? Why do you hate Nurgle being discussed? Not enough Khorne for you?
is forgeworld finally auto accepted?
>guh-yuck! why don't you like the dang ole chaos god what's 's'post'a been good?
Shut the fuck up, idiot
Swarmlord comes in ass last
>Nurgle cared for every life, no matter how tiny. Nurgle noticed every life. Every soul that crossed the threshold of the Lord of All Things received a splinter of his attention, and suffered for it.
Can he see blanks? I wonder how he would interact with the T'au
>inb4 endless TTSD marbo memes
Deff Dreads could be even bigger mega-orkz. Maybe use an Ogre Kingdoms conversion.
Flashgitz... maybe weaponized weirdboys?
So I bought an entire Grey Knights army today. Feels good.
>shit phase
Eversor and Custode are overrated.
I don't mind discussing nurgle, he's my favorite god after Slaanesh.
My problem is with pretending that he's a good guy.
I know who you are. Damn I wanted that deal badly. :-( I really wish he would have taken my $380
I feel like the Aesthetic of the AM is more Interwar period. Would be good to see a Vickers A1E1 Independent in 40k Definitely has enough turrets.
I like how a naked eldar with some knives gets to be on the same list as everyone else here.
I'm glad you were able to get that off your chest user. I know what a burden it can be, hiding what you are from friends and family, but now you're finally free to be who you are.
Nice brother, list and damage?
Make the central turret a lascannon and those little guys heavy/storm bolters, and you're set.
Why the FUCK would you CONTINUE a fucking DERAILMENT in the NEW THREAD you STUPID piece of SHIT?
Anyone got FW astra militarum index?
Googled Ogryn Grav Chute.
not disappointed.
A lot more than I expected or wanted to pay, but I'm glad I got an army for 8th figured out.
Pic Related for list.
do you guys really use these kind of charts to play? you bring flamers because burning guys is awsome, or power fists because having a giant powered gauntlet surrounded in an energy field that can crump tanks is fucking grand? this chart honestly bums me out
>user didn't know it's Lelith Hesperax
a leman russ should take inspiration from the Sherman since it had lots of variants.
I like that list user, but those termies look vulnerable, you sitting them in a ruin or striking them in?
Also R8 my list m8s
Tanks for the feedback user.
>Not using GOAT Drop Ogryn.
You disappoint me user.
>My problem is with pretending that he's a good guy.
It straight out says that Nurgle has zero malice and hate for mortal beings and doesn't desire to destroy or dominate them. He merely desires to share his gifts with them and make them happy.
That's as good as a Chaos God can get.
Depends on the writer. For some bits of Canon, Nurgle is a pretty nice guy. I mean, sure, he'll rot your lungs out, but you'll feel pretty good while it's happening thanks to his gentle touch. And I think there's some canon slices where Nurgle is just doing what he actually thinks is good: you gotta kill everything so new wondrous life forms can emerge after they're gone.
But I think that believing the Chaos gods are evil or good is wrong. They're a cross between forces of nature, and mirrors of the sentient beings in the galaxy. If the galaxy could get beyond war for a bit, the chaos gods would begin embracing their nobler aspects: perfection, hope, acceptance, and honor, over their darker aspects.
You wouldn't say a Tsunami is guilty of mass murder if it kills a lot of people. You also wouldn't put a reflection on trial.
>someone analyzing which weapon is best at what makes me sad
How fucking retarded are you?
I feel like Sly would dip into the jungle while everybody else fought it out, and then demo-charge whoever was left.
Ok that is fucking awesome.
I'm sorry to disappoint senpai
That naked elf is WS10, matrix dodges faster than Genestealers, and doesn't even need power weapons to ignore your armor.
>don't hate their hosts
Yeah no shit. Parasites are evil even if they like being parasites. Why do you think women are the way they are? They evolved to be parasites which makes them unable to feel empathy.
I know who it is. It's just that it's still funny to me.
IIRC she had the highest weapon skill of anyone in 7th edition. Higher than Gully.
Didn't mean she could beat big bads in a fight though, since she was still a naked elf and could only dodge for so long before a powerfist crushed her 3 toughness into pulp.
I like winning though.
/r9k/ or /pol, I can't tell.
Lol 7th fag
>Zero Malice
>He thinks this means it's okay
Nurgle is a lot like a tard with a hugging problem in a petting zoo. He means well, but that doesn't fix all those snapped necks.
so my GW gave out all those old 7th edition books.i got like, 40-50 of them, mostly still wrapped and completely new. thinking about selling most of them. do you guys think i can get them off ebay for a good price?
Can't the grey knight do it...
Since his force weapon will rip Imotekh's mind and essence apart?
If Bloodthirsters count, then they were her equal, as all Thirsters have WS and BS10.
For some reason, the idea of old big game hunters keep popping in my head for Flashgits. British safari style, pith helmets, bushy mustaches, 3 to 5 elephant guns and blunderbusses strapped together to make one big gun.
I think its because feral orks were more hunter orks, and the big game hunter was the rich show-off of hunters.
some fa/tguy who got spurned by a woman most likely.
You might be able to dump a few of them to people who are sticking with 7th (won't be many though).
Hang onto them, in a decade or so they'll have nostalgia value.
Let me just get the entire line of posts and responses out of the way so we can skip ahead without ruining the thread
>you're a safespace
>no you're a safespace
>female spacemarines did nothing wrong
>yeah, well neither did hitler
>repeat until the thread is in auto sage and everyone is sick of your shit.
Okay, let's continue to discuss 40k, and not take obvious b8.
Force Weapons only work against beings with souls. Necrons are soulles abominations, which is why neither Chaos nor the Imperium likes them. Chaos because no souls = no food for teh gods. Imperium because not having a soul is inherently a bad thing.
>Bloodthirster swings giant axe with demonic might and speed
>Naked elf parrys with a knife
>not even a power knife
>just a combat knife
Imotekh is soulless and his mind is digital.
Going hunting with a blunderbuss the size of a trashcan. I can dig it.
$20 on eBay. Go like $10-$15 starting price
I agree that interwar tanks would be best for the IG/AM to keep in line with the overall 40k aesthetic.
That said, somebody already went and made a Leman Russ alternative that is basically a Tiger with quite a few more rivets and baroque armor design. Similar dimensions, too.
Fuck. One of these days, I won't be able to hold myself back from ordering an elysian army from glorious china
Not bad. No sponsons though?
That particular Grey Knight would be well suited for destroying Imotekh since it's Crowe and the blade he wields is actually a daemon weapon, not a force sword.
I always found it amusing that they had 10 BS.
I'm sure at least once someone has taken over a rampart with a bloodthirster and had it fire the emplaced guns more accurately than a vindicare.
They're a nasty surprise for enemy vehicles/a pincer into the back lines, as needed.
Why no Weirdboy in your list?
ARL 44 is the ONLY choice
Do it.
Literally the best decision I ever made. Drop Troops and Valks.
No sponsons, unfortunately.
I'm going to buy one anyway and just glue or magnetize a couple of heavy bolters to the side of the tank anyhow.
You do know that in Crowe'a hands said blade is pretty much just a sharp metal stick?
Reminder that Bloodletters has WS/BS5 too.
We're redesigning user. Not using the same tank ;)
>could only dodge for so long before a powerfist crushed her 3 toughness into pulp.
>Unbeatable champion in Arena where weapons are lightning fast and coat in poison, got hit by slow as ass power-fist.
Her match is the Solitaire, and even Solitare is faster than her.
Where do you buy them from?
games supposed to be about fun. thast why its a game, not a math session
Outrider Detachment
Big Mek (1) - 100pts
1 Big Mek: Shokk attack gun,Choppa,Stikkbombs
Stormboyz (30) - 265pts
1 Boss Nob: Power klaw,Slugga,Stikkbombs
29 Stormboy: Slugga,Choppa,Stikkbombs
Stormboyz (30) - 265pts
1 Boss Nob: Power klaw,Slugga,Stikkbombs
29 Stormboy: Slugga,Choppa,Stikkbombs
Stormboyz (30) - 265pts
1 Boss Nob: Power klaw,Slugga,Stikkbombs
29 Stormboy: Slugga,Choppa,Stikkbombs
Stormboyz (30) - 265pts
1 Boss Nob: Power klaw,Slugga,Stikkbombs
29 Stormboy: Slugga,Choppa,Stikkbombs
Stormboyz (30) - 265pts
1 Boss Nob: Power klaw,Slugga,Stikkbombs
29 Stormboy: Slugga,Choppa,Stikkbombs
Stormboyz (30) - 265pts
1 Boss Nob: Power klaw,Slugga,Stikkbombs
29 Stormboy: Slugga,Choppa,Stikkbombs
Flash Gitz (10) - 155pts
1 Kaptin: Snazzgun,Stikkbombs
4 Flash Git: Snazzgun,Stikkbombs
5 Ammo Runt
How's my list look?
But I like the original so much more than the shitty imperial guard clone :(
You're going to buy a tank for the aesthetics, then make it look awful by just sticking guns onto it? Wut?
Someone failed Math.
boys i love my grey knight librarian with stormshield and warding stave. 2+ invul in close combat is awesome.
in addition he does not have rites of banishment and can cast smite with d3 and d6 dmg
>Unbeatable champion in Arena where weapons are lightning fast and coat in poison, got hit by slow as ass power-fist.
Well if they gave her a rerollable 2++ dodge (3% chance of getting hit) they'd have to increase her cost insanely.
That is such a vast improvement
I tried my hand a list, but I really don't know what I'm doing