>Battle is fought in a wych cult arena
>both get their standard weapons and no outside assistance
who wins?
>Battle is fought in a wych cult arena
>both get their standard weapons and no outside assistance
who wins?
my dick
one of these characters can be killed as many times as the writers feel like without lasting consequence
the other can literally never be wounded without breaking muh canon
Jain Zar is described as running so quickly and so lightly that her footfalls can be mistaken for raindrops hitting the floor. I'm pretty sure she outpaces Lelith in all respects.
do you think lelith would ever be my gf
No. Never.
but Lelith is so good her ordinary unpowered knives and even her HAIR counts as power weapon.
the blender with tits
that is weak shit
She's S3, so...
This motherfucker once he enters the fray.
>jain zar would die, and get a new host and nobody would give two shits.
There is a reasonable chance this has already happened in the cannon.
which one?
Can love bloom?
By Stats Lilith wins. Either Jain Zar looses to weight of attacks from Liliths hair, or she looses to the whole, not having an invuln. Lilith always has more attacks than Zar. Also, she has a 3+ invuln, whereas Jain zar maxes out at a 6+ armour against Lilith. Lilith also has re-rolls to hit.
Lore wise, lilith still wins. Jain Zar is a good fighter, and would probly be the first decent fight shes had in ages, but Lilith is so good at fighting that when fighting one of the contenders for second most powerful succubus in Commoragh, she was bored and tired with the fight, just waiting for it to end. Jain Zar is above that, but still below Lilith.
oh and she has combat drugs now so yeah, shes str 4. Or t 4. Or whatever people want.
>she has combat drugs now
Mathhammer says Lelith wins.
In 7th edition, Jain Zar's main 'shtick' of removing her opponent's best weapon has no effect on Lelith, and Lelith has a better invul. It'll take time, but she'll win.
In 8th edition, the fight is even more unbalanced due to Zar lacking an invulnerable save.
In all seriousness, Lelith wins. I don't even think it would be a competition.
So Lelith basically dominates this fight? Would there be a phoenix lord that's more on her level?
The argument started over Maugan Ra, and my bud was arguing that because Phoenix Lords are on Primarch Level, Lelith wasn't anywhere near their power.
I dunno, in gathering storm they were absolutely destroying everything that came their way. Lords of change were getting one shot in that fight. Still, in a one on one battle, it's hard to say who would win. We've never actually seen lelith go up against something more powerful than her iirc
Original phoenix lords? Possible. These phoenix lods, balanced for a primarch-free meta on the crunchy side? Unlikely to be at primarch strenght. On the fluffy side, the mantle of each phoenix lords has been passed down more than once (or else how would we know the whole "personality override" thing?) which implies that while killing a Lord is nowhere near an easy task, it certainly isn't impossible. Compare to primarchs, Sanguinius broke a Bloodthirster's spine over his knee, and the only primarch to ever be killed by a non-primarch enemy was Dorn (which is disputed anyway) and he was basically swarmed by a ship's worth of chaos marines.
Was she some sort of DEldar straight-edge before?
And wasn't it a nuclear bomb that really did him in too?
She refused to augment herself with combat drugs, since she felt they dulled the sensation and rush of combat and murder.
Does the winner get to hatefuck the other with a strapon?
>Phoenix Lords are on Primarch Level,
Phoenix Lords are on level of Chapter Masters at best, they died to grenades, dreadnoughts and bombs.
Rowboat Girlyman would spin OP bitches on his 1 meter cock.
I'w willing to chalk that one up to an "Index" haste/oversight and that she'll be back to 'not even once' in the 'dex proper where they can give each character a bit of personalized attention.
Eldars are sort of powered up now that they got a new functioning god who looks suspiciously like slaanesh.
I swear if it actually IS slaanesh in disguise, GW will have pulled an actually cool twist for the first time in a decade.
>Phoenix Lords are on Primarch Level
More like on Primarch's dick level
coz they suck
Yes, Lilith was notable for being the ONLY Wych to NOT use combat drugs
>cool twist
but this is even noted in universe, it's the whole reason the Eldars fracture over whether or not to follow the new god
In Mathhammer, Lelith wins.
In fluff. Jain Zar is, IIRC, the canon best duelist in the galaxy. She's got 10,1000 years of experience on Lelith, has a stronger, more durable body, and never gets tired. She SHOULD absolutely wreck Lelith.
>On the fluffy side, the mantle of each phoenix lords has been passed down more than once (or else how would we know the whole "personality override" thing?) which implies that while killing a Lord is nowhere near an easy task, it certainly isn't impossible. Compare to primarchs
Primarchs were only around for a few hundred years.
The Phoenix Lords have been battling Chaos for more than ten thousand. It's kinda a given that they'd have 'died' more times than the Primarchs, especially since the Primarchs only need to die once to stay dead.
I mean, shit, Lion was fatally injured by some guy who wasn't even an Astartes.
He's sleeping inside the Rock, totally healed.
Are you perhaps unfamiliar with DEldar?
Of course they do.
He had to go into a coma to heal, dude.
He may not be dead but he was put out of commission by the guy.
>Or whatever people want.
Seems like people have consensus that Lelith will win. So what if we replace Jain Zar with a different melee Phoenix Lord?
That's not the Master of Blades
>Lelith wears Jain Zar armour
How fucked is everybody else?
Dies even faster, perhaps only Azuryan would fight on equal footing against lelith
Has Lelith and Drazhar ever fought eachother?
>Phoenix Lords are on Primarch Level
>Lion was fatally injured by some guy who wasn't even an Astartes
Luther was amped by the Chaos Gods. I can't believe you just accepted what you claimed as fact without even bothering to look into it. Confirmation bias at it's finest.
You assholes want to know how strong a Primarch is? Lorgar, THE weakest Primarch, beat An'ggrath, the strongest Bloodthirster ever. Nothing in the setting short of entire armies or gods can stand against Primarchs.
>Bobby G pimpslaps her into paste
We're good.
I feel like this is the case.
>the canon best duelist in the galaxy
Did Fulgrim die while i wasn't looking?
I thought Alpharius was the weakest Primarch, with him only standing a chance because Omegon would be with him.
>You assholes want to know how strong a Primarch is? Lorgar, THE weakest Primarch, beat An'ggrath, the strongest Bloodthirster ever. Nothing in the setting short of entire armies or gods can stand against Primarchs.
Anngrath loses every fight he's ever in
Hes also lost to an Inquisitor and Marneus Calgar, does that make them on the level of Primarchs?
Remember in GW land the immortal character will almost always die against the mortal one, to preserve the status quo.
Its more to do with shitty writers than actual power level.
Except she was wounded during the Gathering Storm. Just a scratch, but still.
True, but we do have examples of immortal characters defeating mortal ones. Case in point, the Swarmlord soundly beat the shit out of Marneus Calgar in the Battle for Macragge, so we can pretty easily put him as being a better fighter than Papa Smurf. (Yes I know Calgar later killed the Swarmlord, but that was a surprise attack with large numbers of Ultramarines, rather than a one-on-one fight in an open field like their first bout was.)
Well in fluff Jain zar also 'dies' to a squad of chaos HH veterans led by an apothecary.
Technically she gets finished off by the dreadnought, and killed a bunch of CSM offscreen but First Claw basically did all the damage.
>Hes also lost to an Inquisitor and Marneus Calgar, does that make them on the level of Primarchs?
Depends on the circumstances of how they won.
>Hes also lost to an Inquisitor
Hector Rex is ''an Inquisitor'' almost as much as a Space Marine is a guardsman. And he had an army of Grey Knights with him.
>and Marneus Calgar
And the circumstances of that were?
>Its more to do with shitty writers than actual power level.
Primarchs are pretty consistent in beating the absolute shit out of anything that isn't a Primarch or an army, even when they job.
And Leileth would have done better?
Lilith wins the sexiness contest for sure..
>Hector Rex is ''an Inquisitor'' almost as much as a Space Marine is a guardsman.
Congratulations, you fail at equivalence. Space marines, aren't guardsmen at all by virtue of being part of a totally different organization, but Hector Rex absolutely was an Inquisitor.
Here are examples of things you could have posted that would have made more sense:
>Hector Rex is ''an Inquisitor'' almost as much as a Macharius is a guardsman.
>Hector Rex is ''an Inquisitor'' almost as much as a Kaldor Draigo is a space marine.
>Hector Rex is ''an Inquisitor'' almost as much as a Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka is an ork.
What about Khan? You don't believe that horse-smelling mongoloid is still doing donuts in the webway, do you? He's probably in Uriel WIP pile.
so this means that the swarmlord is a better fighter than anngrath then since Swarmlord>papasmurf>An'ggrath
No. Ynnead will lead the Eldar to reclaim their glory and cast down that tranny Slaanesh, saving every Eldar soul ever.
lelith beat an alpha legion chaos lord and renowned swordmaster like a red headed stepchild after slaughtering his entire army in a wych cult raid
it was single combat, they were both uninjured and lelith had to fight to reach him
the chaos lord couldn't even touch her.
so I guess she would.
Who wins if they fuck?
Oh, most anyone can beat Alpharius. But then they realize that was Alpharius's plan all along. And that the guy they killed wasn't even Alpharius. Ask Gill-a-mon.
I'd give 50 % odds that instead of Lelith's mind getting subsumed by the Phoenix Lord's soul-pool, she eats Jain-Zar and becomes the new PL.
Hm... good question, can't say.
But Yvarrine is the loser.
>That moment when Trazyn joins the fight to add them both to his collection for the lulz
The real question in 8E Is Lelith vs Fuegan. He's a beast now in CC.
Fuegan cannot die so that's gonna be easy.
There is no saying where Khan is. Every headcanon is equally wrong, because we don't actually know.
Of course, given that Russ is apparently still raiding and pillaging with his viking war band, Khan could be still very well doing the same n the webway. or maybe not. There is no way to tell.
Defeated, but couldn't kill him, then marneus came back and killed swarmlord
Named character won (and im a nidfag)
She was killed in the Night Lords Trilogy. She fucking obliterated a bunch of Night Lords but Talos managed to cut her leg with his power sword. Then she fucking murdered all the other Night Lords until she go to Talos. As she was gloating and about to kill him, he detonated a belt of grenades fucking her up.
Then as she was near death, the dreadnought came over and literally stomped on her head/body killing her.
Wasn't it some Red Corsairs chuckle fuck who thought it would be fun to interrupt one of their raids? Iirc, she didn't actually kill him. He's the one she literally disarmed, then kept alive by Vect and mounted on his wall.
Harlequins' masterful use of checkered patterns allows them to secretly channel the power of da WAAAGH
Didn't batman get offed by a Callidus?
Replace Jain-zar with raiden, now who wins?
I'm not sure but it should be a hairowing battle.
On the other hand, PL's have been beating the fuck out of Greater Daemons left and right in fluff.
I wouldn't take a BL book with Chaos protagonists as a good example of a non-Chaos character's powerlevel.
Angron Squat lifted a Titan. It was really cool.
Is he in ripper mode?
Phoenix Lords cannot fuck. They have no physical bodies. They are spirits sealed within their suits of armor.
Get some imagination.
He was going to kill him but his honor guard got in the way. That's outside interference changing the battle, like how Marneus killed the Swarmlord by deep striking on top of him with a bunch of marines and terminators.
Swarmlord wrecks Calgar one vs one.
What if we make this a fair fight? Maugan vs All of the Tyranids
calgar and the swarmlord are smart enough to know never to fight fair, the first time he had his tyrant guard lead away calgars honour guard and played mindgames to fuck with him. the second time calgar dropped half the first company on top of him
is that even a question?
To be fair Maugan is the Doomguy of 40k
did you think I was supporting the tyranids?
I predicted such an outcome.
Is this a standard match or are we in the Jello pit
>"Now I get why the Mon-Keigh put skulls on everything!"
You're a lying nidfaggot. Marneus Calgar got gangfucked by the Swarmlord and all his Tyrant Guard totally alone. He "fought like a hero of legend" but there were too many of them.
On Ichar IV he faced the Swarmlord alone while his Honour Guard beat up the Tyrant Guard and pummeled him like a little bitch.
Nah, they have a body in there. It's just that the spirit of the armor possesses the body and largely overrides the original body's identity.
It's also balanced out by the fact that Phoenix Lords can keep coming back and have literal plot armor until the end of the fucking world.