>No Filename Thread
Let's fix that.
>No Filename Thread
Let's fix that.
Let me try.
Please no bully
i told you weebs ruin everything
>Obvious Plant
>walks into Chuck E Cheese and complains about shitty pizza and kids everywhere
I found the "chemtrail" item number funnier.
Oh wow. That channel is something else.
Fuck I need to keep reading that
I stopped after OP John woke up
Holy shit, that's fucking hilarious.
It works so well when you realize that it's still King Arthur saying the quote.
I want Fate with Monty Python Arthur Saber now.
Extropia is a silly place. You can sell minors to heroin here.
>If the heroin consents
I tried looking for more of this comic, but a ton of it is drawn by some shitty artist who's style I cant stand, and another who really wants it to be green lantern. What gives?
>when the last session is really unclear in its resolution, and its wholly possible that the DM's aggressively meta bard DMPC retroactively convinced your players to become actors and never show up for the plot.
I actually don't get that one.
It was brought back and rebooted from a really 90's Anti-hero comic into a space opera around #40, but it didnt change the numbering.
The fact it isnt a reboot, but a continuation set way into the future when the original Prophet has been cloned a lot is a major twist.
>when it's been far too long since I last watched the film, and I really should watch it again
Oooh, that IS subtle. Also quite funny.
>another who really wants it to be green lantern.
Please elaborate on this, user.
Math, not even once.
>Fulgrim post-heresy.jpg
I smirked.
Pretty sure thats a rule violation, what with the decapitated body parts and all.
What in the fuck
Is that a HDMI-to-Garden Hose?
And an ethernet to...fuck, I dunno?
Gardena to HDMI
220V to Ethernet
Again, what the fuck
I prefer the AC to USB adapter more, to be honest.
With AC to Ethernet there is a chance that only the network card will be affected. AC to USB definitely kills the motherboard.
>tfw virgin sit guy is literally me
>not even virgin
haha :^(
That's pure art. Well done, I'd watch that for a half hour a day for a full season.
Ask /g/. i think it was there i found those pics a long time ago
That could well be AC to optical fibre.
Network through AC, bro
He's started on doing episodes for the 2nd game.
>tfw chronic back pain which means I twitch around like an idiot when I sit down for too long
>tfw Pole
>tfw can't tell which initial is the significant one
What's this hot new meme?
So far it's pretty good.
Sad panda isn't that obscure, is it?
No, but pretty much every other thread on /d/ has someone asking how to get past it, because so many people can't pass that check at DC 5
Is Sweden really that bad, or is this """news""" cherry-picking minor things that happened in Sweden or making shit up? It can't be that bad.
Then again I think I would refuse to believe that Sweden is that self-destructive, even if an unassailable tide of evidence bitchslapped my face. Wishful thinking is one hell of a drug.
Also don't let things get derailed by current events. Stay on topic.
>it might not be beautiful, but this is what peak performance looks like
They're called etherkillers and I think they were cooked up by an IT department to fry outdated equipment so the company would finally authorize replacements.
>paranormal ace combat
I never realized how much I wanted this.
Sauce me homie, this shit is off the chain