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Redux from: Well, gonna actually make my first build since the new updates the other day. This is gonna be fun!
I'm gonna pick this new species. Seems like fun, and the Best Saber picture doesn't hurt!
>Criminal Record
However, such a being needs a fun complication, and of course she's here because she did Something Wrong and doesn't really wanna talk about it.
In fact, she basically doesn't want to talk about anything. She seems displeased, though not defiant. It isn't personal, either. It's because of her criminal record, not her punishment. Basically a kuudere.
So she's got Lithe, Barefoot, Wrist Bangles, Collar and Leash, along with glorified jewelry, traditional, and modern dresses along with the harem girl standard. She looks super exotic, like, it's obvious she's seen the show I Dream of Jeannie.
Courtesan, Scheherazade, Warrior. She's proud of her knowledge and skills. But she's also, ah, understanding of how humans are and probably figured she'd better get a refresher on fucking...
>Brass Lamp
Yup, we're going Genie Classic here. The fact it improves her room helps too...
Part 2 from here, reposting because honestly, I want to finish it here so it doesn't get lost.
>Two Room Interior (-3)
Because of the bonus from the bottle, she's got two full rooms to deal with! It's her choice how it looks, and she chose things that remind her of ages past. It's very colorful and traditional... though it has a few modern comforts for sanity.
>Patron Haint (-8)
We've got ourselves an old fashioned goddess on our hands, after all. When I made my choice of idea, the genie sister smiled, as if she knew the perfect person.
For she was once worshiped as a minor goddess or guardian of the Home. As a concept it's quite specific. But can be used to great power in the modern age.
For example. "I wish i had a nice house!" Done. "...I wish I had a whole apartment block, with which I could provide the pure-hearted poor with homes for nothing. And of course by having that I mean I don't have to pay for it either." Done.
"...and fuck it, I wish I had several nice homes to rent to the rich, so as to create an income that covers anything outside of my home." Also done.
"...I also want to make a home with you..." I could also shyly state, and probably live with the genie in a much more lovey-dovey way. Probably not something to wish early on, just an example of what I imagine could feasibly do. (Hey, creator, do all these wishes seem within that kind of power?)
This a part of anything or just a one-off? Seems rather bland on its own.
That's it. the rest please.
Now to actually finish. On to Perks!
>Major Psychic Link (Free)
Free from her Numb personality. Which I find a little odd, but alright. She sees my mind and everything within. I probably don't need to speak my wishes aloud. She knows when I want something, and when she can give it. I imagine at first this genie would NOT send her thoughts back. I'd still have her as a cipher, even if I'd rather her share them.
>Illusory Copy (Free)
Based on her Juno powers, she can create one or two copies. She has some pretty nice powers straight out the gate, even before I choose other perks, honestly.
>Loving Heart (-1)
Because... fuck it, even though she's a kuudere who has no outward emotion she wishes to share, who hides things from me about her life and keeps herself at a distance, she chose something dangerous and foolish.
>Lusty Soul (-1)
She practiced her courtesan skills for a reason. She's a former goddess of the Home, after fucking all.
>Friend Upstairs (-2)
She has some help to deal with small prayers outside her purview. Very small ones. When I speak to her about it she makes very clear to only use them if I really need to, because "she'll be mad at me" or something. I have no idea what she's talking about.
>World Atlas (-2)
Honestly, this is basically the best bang for its buck.
>Loves Letters (-1)
She's gonna be gone two days at a time. I wish I could split it up, but basically, she gets weekends off. Even so... she might like receiving letters.
I'm working on it.
Nigga /cyoag/ has been ZBG's and Tokhaar's personal blog for nearly a month now, and summer is just kicking up now that all the kiddies are done with school.
Its only going to get worse.
30 Waifus total! Which one did you end up choosing?
That's why we need SDA and DSA to take back their rightful claim to the thread, Or Italics releasing Pokemon Personified+
I hate both of those ideas
Nobody is going to care about Italics releasing Pokemon Personified+
As everyone who had an investment in the cyoa already made their builds.
So, notice that I'm 3 over the 15 point limit? I need to cover those costs somehow. But first...
>Turbulent Mood (Free)
I had to take this one. Imagine it as the one keeping her cool occasionally getting mad. Or, even more strangely, sharing her more secret feelings. When her mood gets turbulent, I actually feel what she's feeling to some extent, even before the long time passes where I get her to open up. When she acts this way, it's never, ever her "prime" form that does it. It's always an illusory copy that acts in a different way, even while the "main" body is separate, acting normal.
>Mischievious Mind (+1)
Even with her sometimes cold facade, she likes to... fuck with me in odd ways. If I tell her not to open the door for anyone, she won't open it for ANYONE. Including me. Until I break down and plead. Or maybe a small wish I make is something she can use to play a prank. Or maybe I go home one day to find the whole place missing. Because she moved it to the nearby, similarly named street. It helps me know she isn't emotionless.
>Tragical Realm (+1)
...why do I keep finding myself tied up, anyway?!
>Endless In-laws (+1)
Yup. In-laws! Here to be all cheery and, possibly, express embarrassing things about the girl that she doesn't want to say. Strange, really. After all, they don't look anything like her.. And they keep me on my toes and keep the mood lighter than it otherwise would be...
Okay, make a test build, or something. I'll be doing page 4. Ask w\e, if you want.
>I hate both of those ideas
Then begone for this thread is rightfully SDA and DSA clay
>Nobody is going to care about Italics releasing Pokemon Personified+
>As everyone who had an investment in the cyoa already made their builds.
But I care user and already made a build, So your point is already null user, besides popular cyoa DLC always gets attention because it's still new content
I'm sure Italics is going to be happy when someone can just churn out 100+ builds alone for him.
I just picked powers that I think would make for a nice and secure life.
Sounds like a good mix of spunky and submissive to keep me interested. And that bit at the end about what you can do with virility/endurance is pretty hot.
Inka was an option but I know I'd go too easy on her.
Now, we shift focus for a bit. Because this isn't me, this is her vantage point. The Juno was once considered a goddess, one of home and hearth, a beauty who was married to a king of old who was worshipped as divine. She loved it. And yet, she was betrayed, and her act of vengeance destroyed an entire ancient city state. There's a reason she's now a genie, bound to the wishes of a mortal. And now that she's conscious again after long eons, the feelings of shame, anger, humiliation and contrition still swirling within her soul, she can't respond but in a broken manner as the xian tells her of her choices, of what she must do now. It's fitting, really.
What is her form of Conflict Resolution?
She can't handle not being in control, at least in the ways outside of her immediate bondage. So she will be the boss, she will be the one who says how things go. Her subordinates will follow her lead, and hers alone. No questions, no arguments.
>Intent Intern
Another ally, one who has been on Earth in modern times, she's vital to helping the Juno adapt, and has skills that allow her to actually function and answer wishes ever soooo slightly outside her purview. Can't let Master think her limitations are quite as strict as they are.
>Extended Sham-ily.
Naturally, since it was already chosen elsewhere. This is the truth of the family here to meet master. A group of houri to help deal with the fact that, honestly, the Juno is in no emotional state to handle some of what the Master would expect, even if she WANTED to give it to him. So these people are here to give her a break, to distract and dissemble, to entertain and complicate. And also, it's kind of fun to see him all flustered and dealing with their shit. The old king would never react that way.
Gadget flavour text is not ready yet, I'll write when I make page 5 with mission battles and companions.
No single person owns /cyoag/ user.
It sounds like you need to go and stay go with your cancerous author cocksucking attitude.
>Dumping a CYOA when someone else is dumping another
It's too early to deal with retards. Can ya wait two hours?
As for help upstairs...
>Shoulder Angel
Of course this is a pick. After all, Master wanted someone with a friend upstairs, and who better? She'll help with all those difficulties the Juno has in dealing with this position. And all those little wishes, too.
>Cultured Pearl
Oh, of course it's THIS one. The Juno even knows her. And they shared a bit of competition, considering their focuses. But hey, somebody needs to be able to bear the emotional weight of the stress involved. And reassure her she shouldn't burn this new guy alive because he smiled at a waitress. Pleeeeease convince her not to burn the new guy alive.
>The Unfamiliar
A powerful entity that was once connected to the myths of this Juno, she can help do all sorts of things. For 24 hours every recharge.
>Helping Hands
Why should the Juno clean the house herself, even with magic, anyway?
>The Wheel of Fate
When the Juno made her choice, she closed her eyes and spoke that she wished to have a Loving Heart, and learn to love again. Her superior tried desperately to turn her against this, even more than the norm, but she refused. If she was going to do this, she had to learn. But she swore. If she were to be picked... it had to be someone she would be *able* to love.
In the end, both of them, the player and the genie, made the same choice for a life goal. Companionship...
I can't tell if you all are ironically shitposting or not anymore.
Wait we're not suppose to ironically shitpost?
I didn't get the memo.
Pokémon personified will occupy less than a handful of autists who will sperg about any minutia.
Any sane person will hide the cyoa. It will do nothing to quell the shitposting.
That too. They'll cry if their waifu is changed in any way but they won't be posting builds. Only complaining.
So, is it better to put in more choices for personality traits, or for costumes?
>So, is it better to put in more choices for personality traits, or for costumes?
Do both, more options are usually better
Wait we're not supposed to shitpost?
I don't think we're even supposed to post, user.
I don't think we're supposed to be alive user.
I'm not sure I would consider this "living", user.
Because God is dead and the Devil retired.
A Living World
I'm scared as I feel my body begin to dissipate, every cell floating away like dust in the wind. I could have chosen immortality, but the inescapable Collapse would have always been on my mind. At least I can go knowing that I created a universe, who else can make that claim?
Is there an afterlife for me? Will I just disappear? Will I..........
I think that's pretty fucking wonderful.
Man brings ruin
Man brings rot
All things in man
Are all for naught
DSA is in Venezuela, for all we know he is dead.
No way! DSA is one of my favorites... I hope he's OK and safe.
I have a massive crush on Angel
Tough choice between Alora, Zamira, Liriyath, Morathellion, Aster, Nashira, Auva, and Saiph.
I think I gravitate towards the people that I can do something for. Proverbially hold Saiph's hand for support as she finds out about herself, reinforce to Auva that she's beautiful anyway and that scars are not a shame but rather a cool story, encourage and be supportive for Nashira, patiently help Zamira overcome fears, etc. Stuff like that.
As fun as getting flogged by Liriyath all day would be, I think I narrowed it down to Auva. I have a lot of experience talking people through trauma from my job, and I like her scars, and I wouldn't have to lie when I told her she's beautiful, and I would protect her from pirates!
Perhaps it's cheating to look at the profile before choosing the gifts, but since she's a notelf I better take Peretuity to match lifespans. Intelligence to outsmart those pirates, and Proliferation so she can have notelf babies since that's probably important to her or her family or both. I'm sure in the future there will be a way for us to have kids.
Oh God can you fucking stop?
Alien Matchmaker CYOA:
Genetic Boosters: (+3)
Booster Flaws: (+3)
>Endurance: Radiant
>Virility: Flared
If you pick a flawed boost you can pick another intact boost
is saying why you chose what you chose a faux pas? Most people don't but I thought it would be more interesting.
pls help
I think he meant avatarposting, since you are constantly using pictures of that girl.
>tfw wanna make a tabletop/DnD cyoa with Veeky Forums waifus but never played any
I don't know how to write about games and sessions when I never played any.
Do you cook? Order pizza? How long do sessions last? Do you play in the mornings or late nights? On week days?
I saw someone a few threads ago sad there were never any Veeky Forums waifus and I wanna make him happy.
Cheers I didn't see that.
Alien Matchmaker CYOA:
Genetic Boosters: (+3)
Booster Flaws: (+3)
>Endurance: Radiant (+1)
>Virility: Flared (+1)
>Do you cook? Order pizza? How long do sessions last? Do you play in the mornings or late nights? On week days?
Why not make those choices?
I need to remember that's a thing.
I just like posting my waifu but I see what you mean.
You have good taste in dolls, you dike
Ugghhh, Senator Sheev Palpatine was the only good thing about the Prequels.
she's da bess.
>tfw no dom doll gf
yeah, politics star wars is pretty neat. pew pew star wars is best, and zoom zoom star wars is ok.
vrrrr vrrrrr star wars is worst.
Well I would need to know what's normal right?
Why don't you start a thread and ask people on Veeky Forums? Or are you too afraid to interact with the rest of the board?
Finding a 10/10 girl in a DnD groups is not normal either, whatever you think a session should be, is probably better than reality
I enjoy your posts and reasoning but we can do without the doll posting.
What is wrong with the doll?
Nothing is wrong with the doll in of itself, but avatar posting has bad precedents though I personally tune it out myself
I hope you maintain that level of vitriol for when threads get derailed by cuck/pol/memory death arguments, an occasional avatarfag isn't as bad as all that
You're using an avatar. It's bannable for starters not to mention highly annoying.
I don't need nor wish to know which person makes what posts.
You know, I think why I like this one a bit more than most waifu pickers is that you have an extra layer in that choosing whatever set of powers you want for yourself also needs to be balanced with the ones that'll best mesh with your waifu of choice. Its a nice touch that more waifu CYOAs could take on board.
I get what they mean.
I'm just enthusiastic about her but it came off as avatarfaggotry which I don't intend.
don't worry, she's still best girl
Don't mention their names you might end up summoning them
You report SDA and any other namefag too when they post too, right?
Thoth is the rightful god of Veeky Forums infidels
>I hope you maintain that level of vitriol for when threads get derailed by cuck/pol/memory death arguments,
Of course. I can't pinpoint who starts that retard shit. I can with the avatarfag.
Actually engaging with shitposter is the worst you could do. They deserve more hate than someone posting their waifu but it makes more sense to reply to someone who may actually stop if asked
If I'm reading it right, the flawed booster works by giving one of your existing choices a drawback, so your set of powers would have been correct.
>You report SDA and any other namefag too when they post too, right?
When they break rules yes.
Thoth is nothing but a false idol
>so your set of powers would have been correct
so your first* set of power
good man
Yeah, you're right. I'm trying to actively disengage when threads go down in flames these days; I remember after the ZBG thing looking back and realising I'd pretty much spent a whole afternoon of my free time arguing about 2 lines in an imaginary girls bio that I could have spent working on CYOAs.
He literally brought the masses their so much craved Cyoa, he is the god of this board
Than go ahead and make a thread dedicated to Thoth and see what happens.
He is not a god he is a nerd that likes worst girl(s)
The thread will be enligthened by his holy wisdom and knowledge?
Silence infidel, you will burn
You can't burn ash you idiot
Don't worry I can't write 10/10 girls.
I do have some ideas for how to add what kinda player each girl is. So it's actually "pick players oh yeah and they're really cute and possibly romanceable"
I already have lots and lots of ideas. I think I will need a very high number of waifus. Stuff like how long they like the sessions to last, their favorite setting, how "serious/light" they like the games, if they bring anything to the sessions.
Then options beyond waifus like if you order food, someone brings it, you make it together etc.
I mean I only go to this thread on Veeky Forums. Don't really know what the board culture is outside this thread. I don't want to intrude.
Thoth's powers allows me to break the laws of the universe
Who cares?
Clearly you care enough so as to answer
thoth is truly the god of summer.
>You may choose to turn any THREE Boosters into Flawed Boosters. For each Booster affected this way, you may take an additional intact Booster.
You start with three Boosters, turning three Boosters into Flawed ones gives you three more, for total of six Boosters. It does not say that you get the Flawed Boosters for free.
If you want to go by extremely strick interpretation of the rule, it doesn't say that the Boosters that you turn Flawed are ones you pick, so technically you could pick six intact ones and declare that the three unpicked ones are the Flawed. You are an ass if you do this tho.
It's pretty clear the the intent was that going full in gives you three Flawed and three Intact Boosters.
I hate my life
Thanks, have an infantry girl during her african campaign.
>I mean I only go to this thread on Veeky Forums.
If you want to make a cyoa centered around traditional game sessions you're best bet is still to lurk around the other threads on Veeky Forums.
And you're anonymous, nobody cares if you intrude. If they do care, tell them to fuck off because we're all random shitty people wasting time on the internet.
I hate waifus, companions and little-girl options in CYOAs. So what?
>No tan lines above her shorts
So close to "unf"-tier
Looks cool and I'm always a fan of a berserker option.
>Nemesis: Cally Mistpowder
Because I'm going to make an enemy of them anyway...
>Other: Ship sinker
My beast and I get paid handsomely to deal with ships that someone doesn't want making back to port, by smashing great holes in their hulls from below.
>Leenya Norocelli
>Jacob Strauss
A good mix of potential employers and business partners as circumstance warrants.
>War of the Elves
Joining up the the Summer Elves. Consistent pay is fine by me.
Good mix of front liner, mage and ranged attacker; I think Taliss and Elldren would be good influences on each other as well.
>Skirmisher and Scout
Primarily hit and run battles up and down the rivers, wrecking Winter Elf troops trying to travel quickly.
>Control the Waves
Probably more force than diplomacy, but I'm a businessman at the end of the day so I should be able to appeal to their self interest.
>Strike Target: Syl and Khor
Bit of a risk; they're the most likely to match or exceed me in a straight fight, but also the ones I'm going to be best able to lure into fighting on my terms (ie in or near the water). Will have to rely on berserk mode to overpower them.
>Blessing of Life
The money, the fame and the waifu are all tempting in their own ways, but they're all also things I could acquire other ways; the blessing is going be something unique that will also help me more than usual considering the Clawfish fighting style.