You should spend more time learning magics history before saying what it is and isn't doing.
PS; I hang a Nazi flag in my living room and a Northwest Front flag in front of my house.
Fite me.
... are crops no longer?
Mirage was a We Wuz set. And it was okay, because it was thematic.
I'm just gonna stop paying attention until there's a full spoiler up, and hope there's a cute sphinx. Because that's all I wanted from this block.
Negroids have been in magic as long as magics been a thing, it's what pisses me off about SJWs asking for diversity, MAGIC HAS ALWAYS INCLUDED EVERYONE DONT CHANGE MY SHITREEEEEEEFUCKYOUALL!
I just wish they'd stop putting out one shitskinned planeswalker every set.
You're probably right, one per set feels like pandering. Hopefully the next one has three or four. Or maybe a whole plane that's aesthetically 17th century Holland but with only black people. That would be cool.
Really hoping for that black Japanese setting people were talking about earlier this week.
I can agree with that, it should be one set, then move on, like Kamigawa. Asian, ok...I like samurai and shit. Next set is Egyptian? Ok, I like mummies and shit...but we need to be sure to show magic has been multikulti since before it was a thing in the proper and respectful way.
Divirsity hires are racist and demaning and tell exactly that to SJWs because it's the truth.
How about some Planeswalker dudes native to the plane who aren't bad guys?
I know you are joking, but I still hate you right now.
Hey look. It you.
We can't have people other than the Jacetice League be the heroes!
What about a plane that looks like 21st century Sweden but with only black people
Saheeli Rai or Narset, much? Oh, wait, I get it...you colorblind, huh? Fucking shitlord racist.
Ha, mk kiddo.
>What about a plane that looks like 21st century Sweden but with only black people
It would be more realistic if they were only 5% of the population but all the references to that plane made by cards in other sets treat it like it's 95%.
Rai and Narset aren't dudes, dude.
Neither Saheeli or Narset are dudes.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
It's the technical name. Facts are facts, correct is correct. That's how I became pilled.
I ignored feelings and pre-existing beliefs and researched.
Now I can see...everything...
If mirage was made today, Veeky Forums and all the alt-Reich posters would be chimping out like they are now. Muh sjw boogeyman.
Also, they aren't Africans because it's not in real with Africa, you fucking boot!
I have a feeling that around half of those people wouldn't, since it's suppose to be an African like setting. I mean, half definitely would, but I'd like to think there are more people who want some feeling of authenticity to their fantasy, rather than being diverse for diversity's sake.
As far I can tell only one person waving a Nazi is here and he(I) is Correcting The Record™, showing all these lovely cards with our darker friendos.
You seem to have not read the thread correctly or realized how badly SJWs have fucked with the direction of Magic the past few years.
(Boogymen, aww...you should go outside more, perhaps a University!)
Do you even follow WotC or MaRo?
>diverse for diversity's sake.
Colored people trigger you so much that is what you really believe.
You're literally as bad as /pol/.
Isn't it suppose to be "People of Color"?
Anyways, I don't mind black people in Zendikar, since Zendikar is not suppose to be based off of any particular real world culture. Chandra is hard to believe has being from an Indian inspired plane because she looks like she's from Ireland, and an Egyptian plane really shouldn't be so sub-Saharan. It would be like having a bunch of white people in a plane based off of 15th Century Mali.
>"nazi" calling himself a nazi
you think someone would just do that? lie on the internet?
You're right. I'm not a National Socialist, I'm lolbertarian at heart but know sometimes you have to take pooky tasting medicine to get better.
Such is life.
So in other word, you're a frog-posting, meme-loving fuck yet to acquire any genuine political beliefs of your own.
Don't worry, we've all been there. Once you get an attention span and a little bit of critical thinking, you'll be able to think for yourself and you'll no longer be beholden to whatever you consider to be funny at the time.
The only way to end racism is to get rid of skin color. Post skeletons.
If I'm not mistaken that is what the ancestry grouping originally called.
Note found of the term myself because it sounds so off
I actually love mirage, what would happen if they did it to day is the art would be less fanciful and more direct and stupid. Also there would be a clear enemy of the people dynamic.
>Implying race can't be determined through a skeleton
Have you never actually noticed just how pronounced a nigger's jaw is?
Yeah this.
I don't like the sense that people are trying to preach politics to me while I'm playing with coloured cardboard strips.
Black people weren't everywhere just like white people weren't either.
fucking socialists ew.
the bones are different you mong
you're also a sad white kid posting on Veeky Forums
>flavor text
The crown since you have a palace to be inside of.
Blue really is pic related
I wish I had one tenth of the autism that people like you have
Just a total inability to even understand world history played back through a filter of being angry at children's card games
>black people weren't everywhere
Did you fail world history in high school? Never taken an anthropology course? I don't know if you dumbfuck pedants are any better at all than the bitter 15 year old virgins recycling the same jokes a full two years later
I don't even get what you are pushing at.
>clearly suburban house
>blinds drawn on the front door so bystanders don't see your nazi flag
How long has it been since a woman has even talked to you, I mean other than just saying, "Why are you staring at me?"
This is a magical fantasy land. Despite whatever takeoff they're doing to it, this isn't historical fiction. It's ultimately fantasy.
Go do your homework and leave said homework out of your games. You're reaching to fill in gaps to impress a teacher who isn't there to pat you on the head.
The strawmanning is strong here.
> When you don't know what to attack, attack what you know.
Try harder, read more, think less.
Trick question, it's the jester cap.
Colorless is Best always and forever !
Amateur phrenology courtesy of people on Veeky Forums who can't even do race realism right
I mean duh? You're autistic enough to be considering faux "real world" demographics when critiquing a fantasy card game that you yourself just mentioned that a major clearly-white character comes from an "indian inspired" plane
Oooooo are you gonna accuse me of strawmanning because you're literally a fucking child so shame compromised you think that being edgier than your classmates will eventually earn you acceptance in a fantastical world where facts matter more than feelings?
Except they weren't you fucking mongoloid loving shit bag, The out of Africa theory is total bullshit and several ground breaking find in archeology have found that Europeans evolved from a completely separate race from nigs. nobody wants to talk about it since it shatters that "hurr were all one race da HOOMAN race shit."
Ooh, I like this card. I've never seen it played, but this could be useful to me.
Again, my blinds are closed because im sensitive to light, have to always wear sunglasses.
..but please, you guys, keep it up...know the screen is now a mirror into your souls and look at how ugly it is
Yeah, here's someone who did not go to college that thinks links they got off /pol/ from stormfront related blogs are the authority on human anthropology
idk maybe if you weren't so busy being a bitter virgin in high school you could have gotten a third tier private school to send some scholarship cash your way
>Did you fail world history in high school?
some of my best courses it's my major right now.
>Never taken an anthropology course?
Are you talking about the out of Africa theory?
Which was the out of Asia theory before.
And the start of the out europe theory recently.
user, those ancestors DO NOT resemble human being. We were talking Tool using apes right about then.
This might be a bit wonky but to my knowledge nothing resembling modern humans appeared till about 5000 years ago.
did you fail anthropology or something?
Isn't that a small minded way of looking at it.
Hahahahahaahahhahahahaha GOT EM!
>literally a shut-in nazi who can't go outside and has no social contact outside of interactions with anonymous strangers of Veeky Forums and other sad white kids on maybe, steam?
you got me shaking in my boots pal, what are you gonna do? have a fucking coronary trying to get down the stairs?
>out of europe theory
lol yeah you haven't set foot on a campus in your life
he's mostly wrong, though they have found a jaw bone to an ancestor that predates i think it was lucy.
Point is you only need to find older bones to dismiss something. we might find it was likely asia minor yet again
>u-u-u-hhhh yeah it-t-t's my major right now actually, I'm double majoring in White Nationalism and Revisionist History at the local Dumbfuck U, you haven't heard of it because it goes to school in Canada
>went to a famous state university
>took several anthro courses and dealt with anthro majors
>Got pussy in high school
Fuck me I love when people straw man me so hard they literally get everything about me wrong. Go read a few journals and come talk to me you fucking boosted baboon
First I'm a child, now I'm a 'feable old man? Strike three, sausage link.
> Lick'em, cause you ain't going to anything better.
I'm pretty much the only one posting magic cards, can we PLEASE keep it Veeky Forums for the most part, I get the discussion has diverged but come on, post your point with cards as well. Not hard.
What I am saying is that by making everything look like a bowl of skin colored skittles by mixing ethnicities the game loses some authenticity when trying to do things based off of real world cultures and mythology, and that doesn't add to the game, it distracts from it.
I also implied it was a poor choice to have Chandra come from an Indian plane. Next time I'll explicitly say it.
>i don't believe you
I'm also a non-white leaf too (so i don't get where this "white nationalism thing came out of")
A leaf university would also be unable to run those things and i don;t know what my claims suggests white nationalism.
Like i said, no matter what happens in this out of theory those creatures do not resemble modern humans in the slightest and would eventually die. It to that effect doesn't matter where they come from. Intuitively i think people producing the out of europe theory are assbackwards but if they found a jaw bone well that's their business to fap about.
>lol yeah you haven't set foot on a campus in your life
on of my class mates was a turkish man who did not believe in science you get all kinds on campus (he was a pretty cool guy, knew his shit).
Hell I've met my very first conservative who wants to start up his own company for exploring biblical sites.
We also have anti-fa on campus, as part of the revolutionary student's union.
My favorite of which is gay Muslims for socialism (I wish i was joking, there's like an LGBTQ flag with a crescent moon embedded in it in the background of socialist art work).
Celebrate difference and kill the kikes.
This isn't hard to understand and ITS NOT MORALLY WRONG.
It's because they're trying hard to fit into society...to get the admiration from those that will never accept them. Truly sad to watch, worse if they get power.
This thread is so fucking cancer. I wish there was a this thread is cancer button. The report button is inadequate.
Haha, check it out fags, I bought the KKK card because "I'm an ebil natzi LARPer!" yukyukyuk!
WE this and you shitty thread!
>Really hoping for that black Japanese setting people were talking about earlier this week.
I feel like "land of the black weebs" would actually be hugely popular among actual black magic players.
But user, skeletons are racist against Chinese people.