Starfinder General /sfg/

Starfinder General /sfg/

What class are you going to play first?

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Soldier, so I can be a gunwitch!
Unless there's a better Gunwitch class!

Envoy, as it seems closest to the spacer/scoundrel thing I like to play in Star Wars games.

Solarian, so I can smite the darkness of space.

Fampai, you forgot the last thread line and this thing:

Operative will be your Sniper + Trickster Gunwitch

Envoy will be closer to your big hat with funny Witchguns and a blog ideal, I think

Whoops my bad

I want to play a Soldier (Sharpshooter) modeled after a stereotypical British Victorian Aristocrat on Safari, with his spiffy high-powered railgun built to look like a musket!

How do we build her for starfinder?

We won't as she belongs in /pfg/.

Operative (Idol) with Vilderavn as her calling card/online persona.

It occurs to me that vilderavns are still going to be around.


> you could actually play as a space idol in starfinder

>weebs will try to turn every game into Macross


I'm definitely going with soldier. I want to be a big power-armored behemoth!

We knew this was going to happen from the outset.

But will they look anywhere near as stylish?

>they're PROBABLY that god.

Except that OG Navasi isn't said to look like Weydan, just have tattoos that are Weydan holy symbols. She could easily still have just been a Weydan follower.

>It's like Chekhov's Gun, if you mention the rifle hanging above the mantle it's probably going to be used later in the story.

It was already used in the story. OG Navasi's Weydan following plus her general attitude inspired current-Navasi to live a better life, to stop feeling sorry for herself at the fact that the Diaspora and the life she chose to lead didn't live up to her childish expectations while at the same time reminding current-Navasi to keep fighting for the little guy anyway, because it's something that has to be done.

At this point it doesn't matter if OG Navasi was actually Weydan, and I'd actually argue that it would be better if it's never answered at all. Some mysteries are better when they're not solved. And in either case it's not actually important to current-Navasi if OG Navasi was Weydan. Either OG Navasi was Weydan, and so inspired current-Navasi; or she wasn't, and still inspired Navasi.

Navasi loses nothing for *thinking* that OG Navasi might have been Weydan, and gains a slight bit of mystery and character motivation. How is that bad?

I dunno, man. It seems to me like they'd somehow manage it.

user, where you around when they first announced Themes, and the biggest Theme meme was Macross idols?

The second biggest Theme meme was gun enthusiasts showing off user-submitted weapons and armor in live-fire encounters and adding a commentary after the battle.

They'll look even better, user. Now we just need to work on a backronym for V.I.L.D.E.R.A.V.N.

Honestly, depending on the stuff available on release, I thin Operative sounds the coolest so far. I would love making a magitech sniper with a high-powered railgun.

Idunno, user, what about you?

My boyfriend wants to basically make Markiplier but with real combat instead of video games.

I wasn't but both of these sound amazing


Including the gay hair?

Your boyfriend has good taste, because that's exactly what I want to make as well. Maybe we'll have an entire party of SpaceTubers traveling the stars, submitting everything from weapon reviews to saucy, Patron-locked sex videos with strange new lifeforms or another SpaceTube celebrity while out in the Drift.

Refluff her as a Vesk soldier?

Especially the gay hair.

That's shit, user.

Venerable Intelli-Lewd Decorative Extermination Railgun Argonaut Vinland Nuclearonics.

Yeah I dunno, I fucking tried the best I can without looking in a thesaurus.

>saucy, Patron-locked sex videos with strange new lifeforms
/sfg/ isn't even 24 hours old and it's already been tainted by /pfg/ celeb culture.

Hmm...Operative might be neat, as long as there's some magic to it.

If there isn't any magic, it's no good!

You don't think Tieflings are going to exist in Starfinder? Give me a break, of course they are, and I can guarantee Onryou will be the weirdo Idol with a Cooking series half the people watch for fat Tiefling tits, and the other half watch for genuinely insightful commentary.

Wouldn't Drift travel cause Tiefling births due to contamination? There might be loads of Tiefs.

Observation - Too many squishy meatbags in this thread.

Request - I need more images of superior metal hardware in action!

Actually, this is different. the Celebrity culture in /pfg/ regards specific characters and their players. What and I are talking about is in-universe celebrities - I doubt either of us gives a shit who in /sfg/ wants to bang them.

Same. Either that, or I try to convert some Pathfinder stuff. An Operative Bloodrager type of thing with the Shadow Bloodline and some Shadowdancer thrown in could be really cool. Doubt it's doable on release, though.

Would prefer it to be "unarmed" but that just adds another layer of complexity.

>and it's already been tainted by /pfg/ celeb culture.

That wasn't the intention in my post at all, I'm simply saying if you can Captain Kirk it up than somebody's going to realize they can webcam that shit for mad money.

Oh, absolutely. Tearing rifts into the Planes leaking planar radiation all over the place will inevitably taint a couple births, producing anything from Undine to Aasimar to Tieflings. Good luck if you tear a whole into Abaddon, the Apocalypse Realm.

I gotchu, senpai.

in fairness it makes a lot of sense in a modern, mass media environment for adventurers to become celebrities, whether they like it or not.

>Implying celeb players won't play in-universe celebs to further stroke their egos

Okay now you're just sounding bitter, there's nothing wrong with that scenario at all.

Hey stud, i like the way you kill those organics. Want to CLANG-CLANG?

let's just leave off it for now, yeah? New thread series, a new start. We can leave that shit behind, where it belongs.

Hmm, I'm now imagining a 1930s serial reel about the latest adventures of a Starfinder character.

Give Starfinder a 1930s pulp feel and it will be perfect.

Actually, I think it's interesting that we know that if you want some magic, you can get that with any class via Archetype.

But what if you don't want magic at all? Will there be Archetypes for that? I can think of only two (class-specific) archetyoes in Pathfinder that allowed you to do that, for the Ranger and Paladin respectively, but they were far more in-depth than the generalized Starfinder Archetypes appears to be intended to be.

Im just hoping for gnolls in space. And if not, well I can always homebrew up a gnoll homeworld run by a brutal matriarchal oligarchy.

Praise - I knew I could count on my fellow mechanical units here!

Seduction - I'd hit that with a spanner if you hit me with a few thousands volts

Violent Invasion, Lethal Demolition, Exfiltration and Reconnaissance Advanced Veteran iNfiltrator unit

>SpaceTube celebrities played by in-thread celebrities hooking up for saucy Patron-locked sex videos written and submitted as pastebin LOGS for the thread

This shit is getting meta, and I kind of like it.

Sorry user, all of the Gnolls died on their way back to their home planet.

The problem with what you're suggesting is that archetypes are meant to be broad-scope in starfinder, and only two out of seven classes will have spellcasting (with a third bearing supernatural powers). there's going to be plenty of options to play non-casters.

Fuck off Rory, we don't want you in /sfg/ either.

Oh yeah? What are the magic archetypes like? What kind of magic can I add to another class?

Check out Danger Patrol. Rules-lite sci-fi pulp TTRPG.

All we know about is the "Phrenic Adept", which is apparently a psychic thing you can add to any class.

We're a little over a month out from release and we've got a thread full of hungry anons who want a game. How long do you think it'll be before the first /sfg/ game starts recruiting? Even with a separate general, how long do you think it'll take for celeb culture to spread here too? I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a waiting room like RotJR's pop up inside of a week if /sfg/ keeps being its own thing.

Yes but what about Rory? Casimir? Etan and Rubio?

Ohhh, my first accusation of being a /pfg/ celeb. My I'm having a good day today.

Pshh. Im going to have gnoll security guards who are a little too trigger happy and you'll like it.

We're getting closer.

I give it about two, maybe three weeks before the first Starfinder games get run; enough time for the GM to work out the system and put together a barebones plot.

Celebrity culture I don't see happening nearly as strong. Too many people are burned out on it, and this is a chance to get away from it. I expect there'll be some, but not a ton.

Last I checked wasn't Rory one of the folks TELLING OFF the /pgg/ gnollposters?

How will you do that when I won't be in any of your games?

It's even worse than we feared, it's that gnollanon that even Rory was embarrassed by.

Oh look, he's already rewriting lore because he knows how gnolls work in other peoples' settings better than their creators.


couldnt they make the space lizards at least interesting looking? the art for them is awful.
the space bugs are awful looking too.
space rats are the worst.

pathfinder has generally had good art, but holy shit those races are awful

pic realted is a alien race that is unique and intersting and cool looking


You know what?

Sex and D&D has been linked since before you were ever fucking born.

How's that strike you?

1978, the Arduin Grimoires.

Slut magic, slavers, and sex fiends aboud..

You'll NEVER get rid of it.

I agree with the one user, space dragonborn would have been cool.

Silly user, I'm just a random nobody who doesn't play in or do anything with /pfg/. Not everybody who comes here is part of your weird little group. I'm a strictly offline person when DMing, and I doubt any of you live in my city.

She's even got character art ready for her transition over to Starfinder.

>some old people did it so that makes it okay!

Fuck off.

They'll shopw up later, but not be called dragonborn.

After all there's an entire planet of dragons in the system.

RotJR confirmed for switching over the pathfinder instead of running through JR?

Not okay - it makes it INEVITABLE.

There's a difference.

Fuck off gnollfag, not even Rory likes you. Take your weird fetishistic gnoll shit to whatever tables you play at.

Wait, that's right, you said you're a strictly offline person? Not part of the thread? So why the FUCK are you here in the first place? What, you just want to shit up the thread? Fuck off! Jesus Christ will you ever learn?

>Not being a soldier that tests out guns for his loyal fans on space youtube.

It's like you lack imagination.

>Less than two threads in and /sfg/ is full of shitposting while /pfg/ is languishing in inactivity

Is this game any better than Pathfinder?

I wish the bugs had been more like pic related

It's not even out yet and we have polarized opinions.


Sup gramps.

>Wait, that's right, you said you're a strictly offline person?
>Not part of the thread?
Well, ive been posting since the last thread. And this is the thread to talk about Starfinder and what your hopes of it are, along with what you might do with it.
>So why the FUCK are you here in the first place?
To post in a thread about Starfinder and what you want and hope for it. Why the fuck are you posting in it, when you have /pfg/ and its discord to use for your silly little celeb shit and weird as fucking clique?

And I have literally no idea who gnollfag is. There can be more than one person who likes gnolls. Veeky Forums has hosted plenty of them with plenty of posters within them.

Your cranial unit is comically large and foolish looking.

>[run laugh_track.avi]

Operative (Idol) like suggested
Soldier (Idol)
Solarian (Idol)
Soldier (Scholar)
Operative (Mercinary)
Operative (Bounty Hunter)

Exasperated decree - Assassination is an art, anyone can strap an XZ-002 mega cannon to their chest and roll up to the front gates. You newer iterations had best learn that.

I think what I'm most interested in will be how various users of necromancy will intereact with each other. aside from wanting to do Event Horizon in Starfinder I have this idea for a pair of recurring enemies. Basic premise is they are Bonnie and Clyde style outlaw/killers who are famous for wielding matching a matching pair of pistols. Such was their love they were blessed by an unknown god to essentially become liches with their pistols becoming inidestructable phylacteries.

If a man and a woman each wields the respective pistol their souls are consumed and the souls of the lovers inhabits their bodies and they will keep going on a rampage until someone stops them. The last time this happened they both turned their guns on each other which allowed them to become part of their pistols to begin with.

>Bonnie and Clyde style outlaw/killers who are famous for wielding matching a matching pair of pistols

>TFW Thorn and The Last Word

>Solarian (Idol)
>Soldier (Scholar)
>Operative (Mercinary)
>Operative (Bounty Hunter)

Explain these picks to me famalam

Actually that would be The First Curse and the Last Word.

Forgot to add it in as a reply. Here it is, fixed

Meme player picks the memiest class and theme.
He's a fighter and a scholar, not much to it.
Operative to reflect his combat and magical abilities, mercenary for dat daddy derring do.
Operative for same reasons as Etan and bounty hunter for a slightly more honor-focused take on Etan's mercenary.

Oh that's right, the Thorn's antipode was the Rose. I haven't paid much attention to Destiny since Y1 and I'm a little rusty.

>still no beta leak

Leakanon is a butthurt /pgg/fag.

>Memiest class and theme
For what purpose

What about other memegames and memeteams?

I didn't think there was a playtest this time?

Oh dang is the full thing out?

Why don't you give in a shot user? Who's your favorite and how would you build it?