it's never gonna come out, is it?
It's never gonna come out, is it?
Doubt it. If it does, it'll likely to be disappointing somehow.
>liberal whiner can't finish the job
Is anyone surprised?
Supposedly it's largely out of his hands at this point in development and the actual crunch folks are slacking.
he shouldnt have handed it over to some no-name indie studio.
It'll never see the light of day.
it was apparently playtested and allegedly fun, but nothing seems to have come from that
>some one trick pony show based on a bunch of immature grossout comics isn't being released
Oh no! Whatever will we do? Maybe play one of the tons upon tons of roleplaying systems available? For fuck's sake, I even used to RP on a forum where half the guys made their own homebrews, me included. We had a lot of fun, too. If some guys claiming to be professionals can't knock out this system, it's not worth it.
Lemme give you a rundown of his recent content
>*jerking off to poison type*
>you know what ice type needs? A SNOWMAN
Isn't that all it ever was?
I don't think so, sadly.
I just want my cool monster game, is that too much to ask?
are there any good monster tamer rpgs out there like this one allegedly is?
He complains about "anime/dbz eyes" on Pokémon, ignoring that they all have anime eyes. He just doesn't like the triangular style. He also seems o not want Japanese people to sell to their base
oh yeah, that shit.
the "heres how I would IMPROVE this pokemon" bits were so incredibly pretentious.
But user, Pokémon needs flies and fleas and microbes
>waaah ludicolo is racist
>"I'm an actual mexican, I think it's rad"
>no you just don't understand
I'm Mexican and I never cared for Ludicolo one way or another, but now I'm gonna love him out of spite.
Sick of sheltered white fucks telling me what I should find offensive and what I shouldn't, thats for no one but me to decide.
what is this?
I mean it says what it is right there my man.
don't get smart m8
all I'm gleaming from google is grimdark pokemon
I'm not getting smart, you're getting retarded.
nigga how tf am I suppose to know what 'mortasheen' is from the goddamn title? whats it about? what kind of game is it?
the monsters look rad but thats all I'm getting from it
Go back to Mexico, Trump is building the wall.
Okay, so Mortasheen is more like a Grimderp, incredibly cartoonish macabre setting set on a continent-wide megalopolis that would be like paradise if you were a member of the Addams family.
Originally Mortasheen was just the project of some nerd who is obsessed with creepy stuff. His birthday is on Halloween, so it's to be expected. Now Bogleech (the creator) has a modicum of internet fame but not enough to actually get a game done. I bet Veeky Forums could but together a game faster than the supposed developers.
I actually think he's an okay guy at heart, he just has some annoying aspects some folk find unforgivable, like being kind of liberal.
As long as he keep producing cool monster art, I'm cool with whatever baggage comes with it.
BTW Mortasheen is named after the mythological disease spread by the Nuckelavee.
Lombre and Ludicolo were a pretty clever way to add a little Hispanic flavor to the pokemon version of the kappa.
I don't think my Mexican friends and family would be bothered by it, and I certainly am not. There are a lot more important things to be offended about right now.