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Are any of you planning a elder game now?
>5th editons cliffnotes
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
I might be now but have to finish my current game first. Then I have to convince my players to give dark ages a shot. Probably will dangle elder status as a carrot
>Are any of you planning a elder game now?
I am unsure if i am going to start in the dark ages and have a fast paced game or if i am going to start in modern nights.
Is the C20 book available for public (non-backer) sale yet, and if not, when? I've seen the deluxe edition pop up for sale in a few places and the pdf for download, but not much else.
start in the dark ages, you can then shift time to cool parts of history and try get your players involved.
Yep not really a fan of CofD.
>start in the dark ages, you can then shift time to cool parts of history and try get your players involved.
I figured that too but modern nights are much more appealing as a setting. And i like the notion that a coterie of active neonates not playing by the rules can get dangerous really fast.
My idea was to start off in the 60-70s and have the introduction as fledglings very fast paced so that the actual game starts somwhere in the 80s.
Anyone starting any playtests for the 5th ed kit?
Looking for a virtual tabletop run.
So where did it say you can remove a Beast's Horror with Death arcanum like was said last thread? I'd have assumed Mind or Spirit would be what was required.
>And i like the notion that a coterie of active neonates not playing by the rules can get dangerous really fast
And crazy.
You can only commit amaranth by choice. Even while frenzing you'll only drain other kindred of his blood.
I am not strictly talking about humanity.
Its more about actually having a coterie that works together etc.
Oh and all my players get generation 5 for free. In myWoD the Sabbath has a much higher median generation.
>Are any of you planning a elder game now?
Did someone already share ATYoN?
On a related note, has ANY white wolf game done 'elder' or more powerful versions of regular PC's well? So far it looks like scion 2e is gonna be as close as we get
>Are any of you planning a elder game now?
No, because no one in my group is a Vampire fan. I'll probably create some NPCs inspired by the book.
I look forward to someone statting out Dorjan and making him even more unpleasant.
That’s nice, but that’s Requiem thing and it is done for practical reasons.
Why didn’t Masquerade vampires do that for pleasure?
Have any of you played nWoD as a Space Opera using the World of Darkness: Mirrors - Infinite Macabre book?
How did it go?
I've not used the infinite macabre book. But I've used the setting of outer space for several story arcs in my Mage the awakening game.
Anyone here from the Balkans perhaps? I'm going to be ordering WoD related stuff from DriveThru and I was wondering about the exact cost of postal fees, since the site doesn't exactly list shit.
Why not get the PDFs?
Because I have those already and I want a few of the books as actual physical copies.
Has anyone used 'American Gods' as inspiration for a game? What splat and how did it go?
It wasn't played as a space opera, but my Cyberpunk VtM game ended with my players fighting through an orbital workstation to grab an AI core and bring it back to Earth.
I didn't copy Neuromancer I swear
Why would you do that in WoD and not scion?
On page 226 of the Beast corebook it says a Mage can only take the soul of a Beast when in their Lair and that it takes the same ability with the Arcana as it does to take a Mage's soul.
Why not a fan of CofD?
Because Scion doesn't work. Also, you probably want Mage, Changeling, or maybe a REALLY heavily reskinned Mummy as far as CofD.
Not him. But CofD has too much imbalance for my liking. Mages are too strong / Vampires are too weak / etc
The contrast is much more comparable in OWoD. Mages actually die in a fight with werewolves and vampires and have to kill them from afar instead.
Huh, interesting. Guess there goes my goetic summons idea.
Ah, I've always solved that by houseruling down the more powerful splats and up the weaker ones.
You must be new. I suggest you shut up now.
Real constructive.
2E should be out soon. It may stylistically not be your cup of tea but it will probably work internally at least and is built for gods and their ilk at various power tiers.
>Mages actually die in a fight with werewolves and vampires and have to kill them from afar instead.
>mages dying to vampires and wereturds
Gee, I wonder what happened to all the other 564564 threads discussing the exact fucking opposite.
Oh I know, but the question was why not use it as of before so nonfunctional 1e was the thing in question.
>He's never seen some Arete 3 fuckboy Euthanatos try to be Blade against a Vamp and get absolutely destroyed.
That's called being a dumb excuse for a mage
God, I hate melee wizards. Other than Gandalf.
I had a pretty good IX melee character once. But aside from that, all but maybe 2 Mages I've seen in oWoD got their asses kicked in close combat with other supernaturals.
Did you not invent personal acceleration devices using time to mimic celerity?
I like the idea of a mage meeting with the old gods of mankind.
Perhaps they've managed to exist in the real world and the Temenos simultaneously. Maybe they're potent spirits that mankind worshipped. Maybe they're something else entirely.
IDK, I think it would be fun.
That's why my IX character was good. Main spheres were Ent and Time. And had all the Background points dumped into Enhancements.
Ironically one of the mages getting stomped by a Vamp did something similar, but has the unfortunate happening of rolling the most ill timed botch I've ever seen.
TLDR, he was trading accelerated punches with a Vamp, neither was doing much damage, then he rolled something like 9 1s on his Brawl check, after which the Vamp got more 10s then I had ever seen on it's next turn. It was like that vid where the guy throws a watermelon into a lawnmower blade.
Anyone have the Thousand Years of Night PDF ready to be posted?
Is that round area where his ghost dog piddled on the floor?
Does he need to hire a Wraith to get a relic newspaper?
which can still kill them
Not every mage is omnipotent or omnipresent. Not every mage is an absolute master of their powers. Not every mage creative. Not every mage is prepared. Many mages are overconfident and underestimate their foes. Not all mages know all spheres. Not all mages have their shields up at all times. Not every mage is an archmage, or even an experienced or elder mage. Not all mages have friends. Not all mages have a cabal of powergaming neckbeards behind them deciding every possible thing they could do no matter how out of character or impractical it may be.
If they were, not even Mage would be fun to play because you're enemies would kill you in some bullshit way.
I don't care how powerful the Vamp is, mindfuckery and a flaming sword will always put a crimp in his style
>Not doing a ritual with ur Sabat Pack so fire doesn't bother, specifically so your pack can be assholes with torches. Provides nice fringe bonuses if you need to commit an arson for some reason. Also the more common boring mage ideas like 'flaming sword'. its so common even a vampire might think a mage would do it.
Still doesn't help with the mindfuckery and sword aspects
>implying fire is all you need to obliterate scores of kindred
So mages are the strongest playable in Old. What's the most efficient way to change that?
Could I switch Spheres out with Sorcerer Paths instead? Would that change anything?
>Could I switch Spheres out with Sorcerer Paths instead? Would that change anything?
Depends on if you can change things like cannon crossover events to make sense with Sorcerer Paths. For example, which ones were used when the Ravnos Anti woke up during the Week of Nightmares?
Why does it matter?
This is house ruling. Canon need not apply.
>This is house ruling. Canon need not apply.
Then why even ask?
People don't like the idea of old men fireballing pretty undead people into oblivion.
Blame Anne Rice and all her fans
Are you retarded? People tweak things all the goddamn time. This isn't exclusive to WoD.
Why even bother with canon when you're going for inner balance?
Not every mage is what you say here, but the ones that survive night to night tend to have some of these traits.
As an oMage, much like a D&D Wizard, you play smart or you die. That means powergaming, that means prep time, that means taking high Arete and good Willpower so you can make your casting checks, that means thinking outside the box or using modern hard science to get the most out of what Awakening calls the Gross Arcana.
It sucks for the Mage players who get caught out, the Vamp players who get lawnchaired, and everyone who has to play with the little munchkin shits selected by mechanical pressure, but them's the breaks.
If that is untenable, there's enough Thaum and enough tries at Sorcerer to make a Mage-adjacent, crossover friendly game.
I thinks its more a lot of people are sick of every thread becoming mage cock sucking
I'm pretty sure wizards are generally stronger than vampires throughout the vast majority of fictional works.
It's called bias. It is the death of common sense.
Vampire's going around blowing up countries are if anything more out of character w/ irl mythology.
I'm not sure why masquerade took a left turn into blood fueled dragon ball z.
Masquerade authors had a bad habit of trying to one up the other lines.
It was really pretentious. They even tried denying the Week of Nightmares happened the way it did in the Gehenna supplement.
>It was really pretentious
So the 90s?
no they didnt
the way its describe in gehanna and how it went down is the same.
its mages that try to one up everyone
>They even tried denying the Week of Nightmares happened the way it did in the Gehenna supplement.
I've skimmed that book a few times, but I've never bothered to actually sit down and look, what did they do to deny/retcon it in that book?
>They even tried denying the Week of Nightmares happened the way it did in the Gehenna supplement
"no human weapon killed Ravnos!"
"wrong. nukes nearly did then satellites finished him"
Things like this make me glad i restrict gnosis/arete advancement to time skips.
because they suffer the same if not more problems, pretty sure there are plenty of back stories of vampires having commited diablerie while in frenzy in masq, theres nothing that says you need to be compus mentus, you just keep drinking, infact it says the hearts blood is even tastier than actual vitae so your more inclinded to keep drinking while in frenzy, right till theres only dust left.
They tried denying that human technology was responsible for Ravnos' demise. Which is entirely what happened.
It was pretty funny.
Human tech, aka, a fucking mirror, killed Ravnos tho.
id like to see evidence where it says you cant commit amaranth while in frenzy in 1e/2e requiem please..
The nukes nearly killed Ravnos as well. They weren't even intended for him.
>ds and supernatural curses) apply to Resolve + Stamina rolls. Furthermore,
if the attacking character is in frenzy or “rides the wave” (see
p. 181) when attempting diablerie, rolls suffer an additional -
3 penalty.
So one can commit it in frenzy its just harder in 1e requiem, dunno if its changed from 2e.
Aren't Antediluvians supposed to be unbeatable horrors?
get fucking rekd
by other vampires yes, by archmages, master mages no. next question
No, just near unbeatable horrors. All you gotta do, like any vampire, is lure em into the sun.
cept if your ravnos or have fortitude 10 ya know cos he fought for like 3 days and shit?
Ravnos was one of the founders of Fortitude. He got disintegrated nonetheless. On the spot.
Weakened or not. That's just pathetic.
Nigga he took not!HELIOS One to the face after getting nuked and fighting with kung fu Vampire demigods for several days.
It was already decided that Caine loses to an Archmage. And he's the original.
Can we please discuss something else? Like the book that was JUST released?
The mage one? m20 book of secrets, that lets them fuck vampires. Or the vampire one that doesn't let them beat mages? Thousand Years of Night?
>It was already decided that Caine loses to an Archmage
Umm no?
on the spot by a mirror that had the power of x amount of suns after he had been fighting 3 v 1 for 3 days and had been nuked twice for 3 or more days.
go fuck yourself, simply fighting him in normal sunny day time most non archmasters would get their ass handed to him
>lets them fuck vampires
I don't know about you, but a hole that cold always makes my little wizard lose it's power
um yes it was. caine looses, the curse is undone via fate, hes gone, nadda. Next
But user, every Mage in /wodg/ is an Arete / Gnosis 9 Archmaster with 8 dots in every sphere and infinite Mana / Quintessence.
>had been nuked twice for 3 or more days.
Wrong. The nukes were only deployed at the end to get rid of the Bodhisattvas. He was then promptly ended via satellite shenanigans.
4-5 dots maximum. No Archmages were even involved. I'm also convinced you're a baiter.
Ummm yes?
The Union had the last say in the matter. They appeared just like 'Murica and saved the day whilst destroying a chunk of India like dumbasses.
It may have been a silly scenario, but mages really did prove their supremacy. I just wish they handled it better.
I thought the Ravnos antediluvian died to Forces 4?
He did. Technocratic Paradigm.
some idiot was suggesting you just need to take EVERY vampire out into sunlight to end them. I pointed out it might take alittle bit more than that.
Everybody fucking argues over the details.
Fuck off, simple sunlight wont end EVERY vampire.
oh yes it will, unless you are talking about yang aspect kuei-jin