>tfw 40k 8th get praise by mainstream medias
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Vice is mainstream?
I'm surprised that they aren't castigating GW for not enough minority and LGBTQ2IA+ representation in the game.
Oh, Veeky Forums is the minority at this point. GeeDubs is catering to a more global media and a couple thousand angry grognards aren't really worth Shit to them, especially when we all seem to contradict each other. The only way we're ever going to make an impact on 40k again is if we can meme a story into Canon like we did with Love can Bloom.
So is this going to be like D&D 5e again where the game finds more market success than it has in decades but old players are angry because it changed their favorite thing
General reaction to 8e has been overwhelmingly positive among the grognards too. The shitty balancing decisions and mechanics from 7th are fucking dead and the game is more balanced than it's been in a decade.
Literally the only people complaining are tau and eldar waacfags and people who want the vehicle facing rules back (which will probably return in a supplement)
>D&D 4e again where the game finds more market success than it has in decades but old players are angry because it changed their favorite thing
I dont think it will be that bad. 40k is still stupid expensive and plays more or less the same as it ever did. They basically took this weird abstract durian-shaped blob and buffed it down to a sphere with about 70% the original volume, and Im fine with that.
Personally Im still waiting for the other shoe to drop. The Power system seems woefully unbalanced, though I do like it in principle. The fact that Abaddon, who is still one of the scariest beatsticks in the game, has the same Power cost as a drop-pod is really weird.
4e did not see "more market success than it has in decades"
>Forgetting how good initial sales were.
How did that happen? Dark Imperium has no female space marines, no strong independant womyn and no black LGBT marines. Did the tyranid buff please the female fanbase so much that Vice considers the new edition feminist enough to be praised?
Tabletop becoming a more mainstream market is both good and bad. The bad part is that now companies will market to the lowest common denominator in order to maximize audience appeal, which leaves the older audience somewhat left behind.
The good part is that the market is now open for more people to develop their own games so people actually have a choice in what they can play now, moreover, they can also find more people to game with that might also share their feelings.
If we were so motivated, we could probably build up a new edition of 40k from the ground up that appealed to our very Veeky Forums sensibilities.
That was 4th ed with its gamey mmo shit. 5th has us back.
And were quickly eclipsed by the 5e sales numbers, which were better in the first year than the entirely of 4e.
But thanks for playing!
What does the article say? I went to vice news, and immediately noped out of there when I saw how clear it was which political party they are biased toward
> Vice
> Mainstream
Sure thing op. You know why there were all those shitty 40kg threads asking for Femmemarines?
They were farming for quotes for some shitty "40k players hate wymmnz, GW should hire a pink haired diversity ork or else." Standard MO for shitheels like Vice, Kotaku, etc.
Look up social gentrification sometime. It's what the hipster fucks tried with vidja, but the aspies in GG pushed their shit in.
Idiot, 5e's sales are irrelevant to 4e's. 4e initially sold enough to be above expectations.
Have you ever tried just talking to women? It's pretty easy.
I have no problem interacting with women (included but not restricted to, talking), thank you, but I have a problem with the kind of heavily biased "journalism" that Vice does. They have an agenda to push and there's nothing to be gained from the hobby getting their attention, be it praise or not.
So here's my question in a less sarcastic form: "What changed that suddenly made 40K okay from Vice's point of view?". I don't see the answer., if anything 40K should be even less okay since Gathering Storm.
Just a freelancer writing for them.
>and people who want the vehicle facing rules back (which will probably return in a supplement)
I pray to the omnissiah for that and hope that it'll survive unlike the dogfighting rules, since a lot of players are starting to loathe complexity now
Nah, most people suffer form D&D syndrome
Since they only played one game taht did complexity and tactical depth wrong they'll assume that this'll always be the case and they'll prefer the simplified rules over learning anything on top of that
Even if you have dozens of alterantives that did it right
Go back to /pol/ you neonazi
but muh sjw boogeyman
It's almost as if the real world doesn't actually work in the way the memes and shitposts on this fucktarded site would have you believe.
It's almost as if in reality SJWs are nothing more then an an extremely vocal minority that primarily exists on the internet.
I don't know, reading something like the istanbul convention makes me think that the vocal minority somehow managed to get into the important positions in power that they need.
Nazis were a minority government as well, you know.
yeah yeah.
Those are just a few, there are tons more. The pink haired Marxists have been trying to worm their way into tabletop for a while.
The only reason 40k hasn't been attacked harder is it's just not that big compared to say, Comics and Vidja.
Even then, the past 2 years has seen fairly regular "40k would be great if not for all these fucking 40k players" type articles.
>diversity is evil!
Oh, so you're one of those "girls have cooties" straight white men?
Take that tinfoil hat off and follow 's
They won't bite unless you want them to
the fact you are so repulsed by a non - political Vice article shows how you cant function outside your political bubble, just relax, chill, grow some thick skin and stop being a snowflake
>such a triggered snowflake he cant even look at a website
wew lad
>tfw this thread descends into a 300+ post /pol/ fest
Surprisingly apolitical for Vice. The article is literally praising 8e for some of the same reasons we did. What a fucking surprise, good rule changes are appreciated by everyone across the spectrum. So unless you find that controversial in and of itself, there's no reason for anyone to get offended.
I do wonder how long before Veeky Forums's intrinsic need to be contrarian makes it turn on 8e because of the fear that liberals, minorities, and women might also like it.
> straight white man
Not even close, user. The problem isn't diversity, it's hipsters trying to force GW to change for the sake of change.
There's something very insidious about how people like you simplify and distort other people's arguments. It's as if being disingenuous is now something you do reflexively in any kind of conversation.
I like Vice by the way but that and whether the guy you're replying to does has nothing to do with this. It was a question of what will happen to 40k as it becomes more mainstream. You made it overly political by infantilizing what you assumed his point of view was.
>I don't mind blacks, i just hate those fucking niggers
Sure, it's totally something different and you're not just sugarcoating your insecurities.
Poltards GTFO
>>I don't mind blacks, i just hate those fucking niggers
Devils advocate but hasn't this been a stand up bit of every black comedian ever since Richard Pryor?
To be fair, OP started the bait with vice
Blacks aren't openly oppressing and killing blacks in the streets like white cops do. There's a reason that has been their media stereotype for over a decade now.
Yeah, that reason being called lying journalists
I used to think I was pretty middle of the road politically.
I think this post gave me some sort of right-wing cancer.
That has nothing to do with what I just said
Also, the only people who hate minorities more than white cops are other minorities. Sure the black cops wouldn't oppress black people, but you bet your ass they'd come down on those goddamn chinese
>You're just twisting his words
Reading the article now.
Basically, it's just reiterating the major consensus that Veeky Forums seems to reach when we talk about GW; Kirby stepped in and fucked it all by being an idiot, and Roundtree is turning it back around. Then it talks about what went wrong and what went right again.
It gets into more specifics, but this is the general gist of it.
I think you might be retarded.
Sure, you were an upstanding citizen, but one Veeky Forums post made you a /pol/tard, it's just that you go there every day for your 5 minutes of antifeminist hate speech seminars
Fucking fascists, they're everywhere these days
>Fucking fascists, they're everywhere these days
You should go punch some it'll make you feel better.
I suggest you educate yourself and go to a women's studios class to broaden your cis horizon a bit, your toxic masculinity and androcentrism is showing
Don't worry, i punch my fair share of them.
They can be happy i'm anti-gun.
>things that really happen
>The problem isn't diversity
Literally the opposite of true.
>Blacks aren't openly oppressing and killing blacks in the streets like white cops do.
Except statistically the vast majority of blacks are killed by other blacks.
Literally fake news.
Whites just don't get arrested and the few that do have much better and more cooperative lawyers who don't work against you because of their ingrained racism
There's more than enough information out there how the prison system is set up to be modern slavery, there is no excuse not to educate yourself
get out of Veeky Forums you sjw
Not really. D&D has gotten bigger yes but table top gameing in general has not in anyway.
>being this much of an autsitc manchild
Did i stop you from shitposting hatespeech?
>le sjw boogeyman
Sure, just pretend they are real, just like santa claus and the tooth fairy
>literally being this retarded
Look at what I replied to very closely, then back at what I said.
I have been away. When did we get a new edition?
>pretend they are real
at this point if you don't think SJW are real, you are literally retarded or a SJW.
But GW has tons of black people already! Orks.
>there is no excuse not to indoctrinate yourself
>just pretend they are real, just like santa claus and the tooth fairy
Santa and the tooth fairy are real though. They're just different names for your legal guardian(s) when you're 8 years old.
And yet again, /pol/ fucks up a thread by bringing politics into it for zero fucking reason. Nice going /pol/.
After reading through the books, playing a bit, and all, 8th is actually pretty good stuff. Better balanced, and your super expensive Land Raider is no longer as easily chopped to bits in a 1 turn Melta Drop Pod with Fucking Vulkan'd. Your Tanks now have HeroClix like stats, where if it don't kill it, it'll get a bit weaker but still be in the fight. The Dreads are fucking AWESOME now. Saves are reminiscent of 2nd edition, where a bigger gun reduced the actual save instead of just punching through shit/not.
Guys, this is the perfect edition for either noobs to get in and enjoy or folks who have (no joking, dead serious) LD with like math and shit. THIS edition is really super friendly towards casuals and can really kick ass with us old crustys.
So, IMHO, if you are so salty about it, either you have
A: not tried the damn game yet
B: are so stuck on the shit in the past that you cannot see that GW actually fucking listened to all of us. NOT SOME of us, (here's looking at YOU Bungie), ALL of us. They took the good from the past, brought in some great from the new, and actually fucking made storyline sense!
Plus, CYPHER. FINALLY. Geez....
They rebalanced everything, and made everything better, at the expense of losing armor facings.
>Implying it was pol and not rabid sjws
Blacks get arrested because they are genetically programmed to be dumb and violent, which is the same reason literally no society they've ever had has been any more than an impotent backwater shithole.
/pol/ is the most popular board on 4 chan. if you don't like it, you can fuck off back to tumblr
>t. fundamental christian about evolution in school
Yeah, if you keep pretending maybe they'll show up
>nu-40k is a new thing
Cat jumped the roof with Gathering Storm, user.
You are late.
Because this entire genre is filled with turbo-autists who could give less of a shit about what SJW's have to say. GW knows where their money is, and it isn't with the whiny bitches.
Another good factor for keeping out the SJW's is the high price of entry. You need about $100 to buy an army second-hand, about twice as much if you want it on the sprue. The codex and rulebook costs another $100, and then you have to exhaustively study the rules and your codex to find a good playstyle. That's waaaaaay too much effort for most SJW's, they want a game they read about on wiki then post it to their blog.
/pol/ is at it again
Nice strawman you got there, apparently anyone who disagrees with or is even neutral is a sjw
Only sith deal in absolutes.
>storyline makes sense now
As saint anita has shown us, you don't need to play a game to critique it.
>mainstream opinion is le evil sjw
>Only sith deal in absolutes.
I can tell the concept of what your post is trying to say, but then following it with
>The good guys do this too
isn't really a good choice.
Doesn't black people kill most black people?
Sadly I did not play last edition so I have no idea how bad it was to get better from but I am glad to hear it is better.
Your grammar perfectly displays the level of intellect who believe that
It was only terrible if you were a tournament or chaos player desu
40k universe has never noted to be particularly racist. The Imperial Creed is all about humanity fuck yeah and a big parody of grimderp fascism and oh no religion is terrible. The truth is 40k is one big mockery of the right wing when it comes down to it, that's why Rogue Trader and 2nd edition were so satirical. Vice will ignore the legions of neckbeard men who play the actual game and focus on some guys being painted black now, or the novels never focusing on gender roles or whatever the fuck those goons care about. Saying that you'd be surprised how many people look at space marines or the Imperium in general and think it's 'cool' when the whole system is one big 'fascism is bad' piss take.
I guess in conclusion both sides take what they want out of the setting, the left is pleased that in the grim dark future hellhole women and niggies are treated equally while the right content with cool looking muscle men in power armour fighting something.
Name literally a single society populated and run exclusively by black people that ever rose above that level.
You can't.
they even have spaceship.
Weird, last 40kg was explaining to everyone how the setting isnt sophisticated enough for that
Or nids.
Ancient egypt before that greek whore cleopatra came
Rome was actually blackruled as well, if you look at modern findings
No, not really.
I am not sure if you are just being contrary, or serious.
Flyrants was the only playable army.
>claiming your retard opinion is mainstream
shiggy diggy
Last week.
How's that retarded afrocentrism going for you?
I can't tell if you're really this deluded or just trolling.
Uh, yeah? Where have you been?
Vice became mainstream media right around the same time pic related became a mainstream male.
>Black people ran some places that weren't shitholes
Although I will agree that Rome was a bad choice for that guy, especially considering that the post he was replying to said "run exclusively by black people". Egypt and Carthage are a bit iffy too, considering their proximity to the Mediterranean Sea and the trade and travel between Africa and Europe that that would provide.
And I have no clue what Aksum is.
Personally, I'd recommend trying further south, maybe look at some Sub-Saharan places, or perhaps Ethiopia (and before you meme me about starvation and famine, I'm talking about ancient civilisations, from before it became a shithole). Ethiopia did once have an Emperor, after all.