Character help thread?
>Kid was a miner in a mountain
>Town was attacked when he was mining
>Cockatrice attacked the town
>Father was a folk hero
>Is now a bard
What do you have to help really that's all I have
Character help thread?
its a bit disjointed, but I would suggest weaving it together. the cocatrice attacked and was driven off by the town milita/ killed by the milita but his farther had the death blow.
he then was inspired and wrote a poem, ect ect now a bard.
if its weaved together it seems nice and orderly not just a broken idea
Much more interesting any other ideas? I was thinking cursed mountain but that is super basic. Any real way top add some more complexity?
>mining community
you know what must be done
OP, here's your character right here
Looks perfect to me.
He used the fame from doing it combined with his music to get groupies. He got banished for fucking everyone's wives and is now addicted to dwarf cocaine. All motives stem from this.
the mountains cursed him to nether mine again but he stilled wanted to help so he started making songs about his dad to entertain the miner.
Try creativity, it works wonders.
Cadian Vet Lieutenant who was discharged after serving for ten years. He trains the pdf grunts in some developing world. Can't interact with civilians worth shit due to most of his life being training and war.
Make it like that except he's a gnome who grew weary of noble life and entered into a pact with an arch-fiend
I don't get it
Wait is this bait to bump the thread?
I've never seen zoolander
You should, it's a funny comedy.
The main character is an extremely metrosexual male model who came from a small mining town.
Not Op
>Update On op
I decided to try and keep his village alive and going with his father was the big hero as suggested by this user So really now It's just developing some simple things.
Also I decided to listen to this user so he is slightly zoolander ish
>dad is a miner
>i wanna be a bard!
>son i am disappoint
>bardic powers dont come from song just from you giving things "the look"
>you name your looks after the spells they cast
Fucking kek
I was immensely disappointed it wasn't the 7 dwarves.
>bardic powers dont come from song just from you giving things "the look"
>you name your looks after the spells they cast
Had a pet rabbit, cat, whatever, that got turned to stone by the cockatrice. He's hoping to find a wizard otr druid that can turn it back.
But don't try snark. It's never as cool or clever as you think it is.