Post your Mythological waifu. I'll start with the very best.
Post your Mythological waifu. I'll start with the very best
psssh Get on my level, pleb
Is this a cuckholding?
I didn't see the spear tip right away and almost posted
Children these days. No respect.
She'd force you to watch Batman and Robin over and over for the ice puns.
Jeanne was real, so Pandora for me.
Fuckin' approved.
My nigga.
muh merica waifu
But she was real.
Great taste you've there, actually.
>Best waifu
>Best anything
>Recluse hermit who likes his hobbies and his models more than women.
I don't know about waifus, but Pygmalion is pretty clearly /our guy/.
>No queen Mebd.
Peasants, all of you.
Except you two, you've got taste.
Also you, because even though she ain't my type, you gotta give the Baba Yaga the respect she deserves.
We can at least agree that Poseidon is best husbando, right?
Medea best girl.
>Pygmalion is pretty clearly /our guy/.
While Diogenes was quite clearly That Guy.
>the guy who'd rape you in someone else's temple than pussy out at the speed of sound while you get cursed
>best husbando
He's not even the best rapist in the Greek pantheon.
Honestly Hades is pretty up there, all things considered. Even considering the whole Persephone debacle.
At least he's not Zeus.
Persephone was clearly in on the whole thing, she just didn't want to go against her mom so she set up a plan with Hades.
Oh definitely. It also helps that pomegranates are fucking delicious. It definitely still was a debacle though, what with the shitstorm Demeter threw.
Aphrodite is a lovely woman, it's just a shame her spurned god lovers kill her mortals in fits of jealousy.
Aphrodite is a slut tho
Only makes it more likely for her to be waifuable by a mortal.
>a slut
Neo-/v/, everyone
A waifu don't gotta be pure user, she's just gotta be someone you love, and someone who could love you.
That said, fuck aphrodite, bitch is not worth to the effort or the inevitable Trojan War 2: Electric Boogaloo
>anno domini
>not liking sluts
She only needs to be faithful as long as we're a couple. want your waifu to have nails for teeth?
I'm going with NĂ¼ Wa.
Best snek.
All I can see is the final boss of echidna wars.
Wait, if there's no god then it's impossible to become a god.
Chick is an odd man.
best waifu is obviously the best wife, sadly taken though
Stop kidding yourself, women aren't real.
There WAS no God.
The comic is from before Tyler's ascension.
The Sphinx. Pic unrelated.
>Mab, queen of air and darkness
>Baba yaga
These are not waifu, these are entities you fear from a respectful distance
What can I say, she'd at least make life interesting
She sounds pretty cool.
Hades better. At least he's faithful.
Hathor made me trans
She does have stylin' pants.
Best Mooner coming through.
Hecate/Hekate, goddess of witchcraft and crossroads.
Any girl might as well be a myth to me.
No, these are entities to serve loyally and without compunction, so that perhaps one day they may look upon you with favor.
I don't know if a women so fixated on her job is good wife material
>not a three headed abormination
please stay accurate to the source material
Why have three heads when you can have three silly hat accessories?
Yukari is not mythological. Not mythological at all.
it's because you haven't waifued the goddess of silly hat accessories, if you end up changing what are fundamentals of her character why even bother calling her Hekate?
What a strange distinction to make. What is witchcraft without silly hats?
I'm referencing the ending of Silent Sinner in Blue/Cage in Lunatic Runagate, which, if you haven't read, you really should, since it's actually the best canon 2hu side story.
Eirin isn't even the best Lunar.
I have and it was quite good. But why would you post the worst one in the whole of Eientei?
Mokou you can stop posting now.
thats wizards, any witch that wants be taken serious wears fitting hats, you fell victim to japanese propaganda
Best girl. Is comfy.
>Half of the face isn't rotting.
Fer fucks sake, she's the goddess of the underworld.
Cute and wise but BORING
Aren't there any goddesses that aren't completely boring? I want to waifu one who will be able to make jokes.
while I don't recommend waifuing a diety that is so ethusiatic and in love with her job, she certainly won't let things become boring.
Well... That interpretation at least DID manage to have a successful relationship for quite a while... In fact I can't remember if it ever actually ended
But she's not good at heart :( this is the issue with waifuing an immortal. I need a demigod turned immortal or something, someone with empathy.
He always got my loins a rumbling (::
I'd ride his big blue ox ::)
That was brutal.
>immortal with empathy
>waifuing a demigod
>demigods turning immortal
Th correct choice
I thought those heads had bodies of their own too(?)
It's always foursome night with hecate. Always
because you have erectile dysfunction?
You could chill with her all day
>lovely woman
>ywn be Diomedes
>ywn be Athena's favorite
>she will never ride with you in a chariot and give you council
What makes you think it won't be deleted this time too?
Wait, someone posted it already?
>Not having a grandmotherfu
If it's porn, kinda porn, or even sortof might resemble porn, yeah, it has probably already been posted
You know she is a giantess right.
Where do you think we are?