JumpChain CYOA Thread #1574: Heavens and Wukong Sitting In a Tree

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You had one job, OP.

Did you every buy a bunch of mundane shit like toothpaste for when you went to low-tech places? Everyone prolly buys a home that comes with that stuff or the means to replicate it yourself eventually, but during the beginning of your chain: what did you buy?

Pic completely unrelated


Sorry about the wait lads.

Thank you Wukong.


Yay! Reading now!

Does anything chain-relevant happen if we get turned into Abyssals?

No, fuck off. If this is what I think it is, we don't need more Exalted bullshit.

But you'll just complain about anything else we talk about. So why not bring up a topic yourself?

Is there a list somewhere of where we can get Followers?

>, able to become an expert in a mundane skill in mere days or weeks
Can't Solars learn about that fast at base, anyway?

Jump # 155 Kill la Kill
Club: Academic – computer club
Background: Drop In (0)
Gender: Female
*Cooking (0)
*Radiant Presence (200)
*Dosh King (150) I hate that term Dosh
*Fiber Hybrid (200, Discount)
*Stunt Driver (100, Discount)
*Ki Technique (300)
*Tailor (200)
*Classmates (150, Discount)
*Spool of Life fibers (400)
*Target (+800)

So things didn’t quite go as planned... for anyone really. The first day of school even before Ryuko could make her stand; Gamagori took issue with Doom-chan being dressed in power armor rather than a uniform. She denounces all the gaku as inferior garbage.

Gamagori took exception to that and tried to take it up with Doom-chan physically but promptly got blasted through a wall. Things were about to turn in to a school wide rumble of us vs everyone else when Satsuki Kiryuin Steps out and calls everybody off.

A moment passed and I wasn’t sure if she was going to challenge Doom-chan herself Kiryuin just approved the power armor saying if she had proven her strength so it was fine.

Well not long after that the assassination attempts started Nui and other assassins from Revoc started targeting me. We fought them off, Nui winding up frozen in a block of Ice that we wound up tossing in a pocket dimension.

Apparently that Pissed of Ryogi who responded with a full scale invasion of the school. Kiryun appeared to side so it turned out to be us and Ryuko against almost the entire school. As we fought Kiryun and her Elite 4 hung back and then tried to assassinate Ryogi. She was decapitated but still talking so my companions bombarded her body with Disintegrate spells. Apparently with her heart reduced to dust she died. Somehow I feel like we lost out because things ended so early however Ryuko and Satsuki did find out they were sisters which was good. Also Ryoko wound up with Mako anyways so things worked out in the end.

>28 pages
>for the splat with the most information and content by far
I mean, k. Seems a bit powergrabby, though. I mean, it'd be better to take your time and actually do a good job than rush it out because the thread's impatient. Also, you need to bold your perk/item/drawback titles.

So then... How do we cure the Great Curse?

Thank you very much for this Wukong.
I hope your exams went well and you are in good health.

Out of curiosity, if you kill the Incarnae, how does that affect their Exalted?

~laughter at weak shitposting~
No matter how down I feel, I can just recall that at least I'm not you. And that makes me feel just a little better. Thanks.

IIRC all Celestials are programmed to get an instant broadcast of who did it and where they are, along with an intimacy of hatred at them.

So, can I have different Lunar/Solar mates tied to my different Exaltations at the same time?

Harem route for me, please.

I dont think so, but its not very pleasant. Dunno why you would want to go through some torture seshes with the deathlords like.

Its a bit nebulous really but I dont think its quite that fast.

The formatting is a bit fucked from the conversion. Am trying to fix that currently. Also I didn't think it was particularly rushed or anything, are there any specific issues you could help address?

Magic. There isn't really a way to do it in canon outside of Abyssals redeeming themselves so you'll likely have to look at other jumps for that.

Anyone else think it would actually be kind of interesting to have a God jump?

They get an intimacy of maddened hatred towards whoever did it and... I think Celestials get free XP for Charms+extra motes? Something like that.

I have a minor and petty gripe on the items section. I dislike where you list the price and then all the items underneath.

I said it was minor and petty but I still think it would be better if things were priced individually.. Other than that I really don't know enough to comment looks cool to me.

Gods in Exalted are not that funny. Siderals pretty much already covers the celestial bureaucracy.

I'm thinking of going Abyssal because it strips off the Great Curse, then converting back.


Just saw someone asking about Birth By Sleep in a previous thread. Someone else asked if they could do it and I said yes. Unfortunately I don't remember who that was.

Yeah I know gods are mostly garbage compared to even Dragon-Blooded, but I honestly like the flavor. Kind of a moot point, I guess, since I'm never going to make the jump.

any chance of an item stipend? also, does Hope have a minimum baseline or is its power
"as strong as your jumper"?

Pretty sure it'd be faster and easier to just wait for the jump to end, man.

Can I import a gun into Hope?

Awesome. Time to become shiny in a new way.

>Creature of Darkness
Though, it seems a bit generous to give 300cp for this? Holy charms aren't /that/ common...

Gonna be honest here, I'm not sure Unconquered is worth 500 CP.

Why charge for the non-Drop-In backgrounds? I doubt very much that memories of a life as a mortal will help you much.

So do Unholy Charms pretty much work at their fullest in D&D settings? Because even "demons" in Exalted aren't really "objectively" unholy or demonic, and usually even not in most settings.

*pretty much only

>Mind of the Sun capstone boost
Taking a full 2e stance for the jump then? Because this is standard for 3e Solars.

If so, can I request a +0 option to go to the superior version?

>incredible fighters
So does this pretty much just make every Dragonblooded a scaling enemy? I'm not sure it gives enough for that, honestly.

Constant pain to use any of your charms, getting on the shit list of most of the newly incarnated solars, and a massive vulnerability to holy magic I thought was worth the +300 to be honest.

I thought 500cp was reasonable for capstone boosting as well as making you a lot faster to learn basically anything but I'll mention it to heavens as he did the background perks.

Honestly I really didn't want to just because it feels like that would cheapen a lot of the flavour and the style of Hope but if people do want that then I will add it in.

I'd assume they would work on anything that has been established as something similar to creatures of darkness, although I /think/ there was a charm that lets you put things on the Sun's list but I'll double check that for you.

Fair point mate. The wip I had my notes in for the longest time is nearly two years old at this point, I think thats a holdover from standards back then.

Unless you're talking things that are strictly game mechanics, all 3e has going for it is a freeform sorcery system.

>Glorious Golden Smug Technique
Solars could easily replicate the effects of this perk without using charms.

>Heart of the Sun
If you are taking the virtue mechanics seriously you pretty much have to offer something like this either cheaply or for free.

If you aren't taking them seriously (and you shouldn't) this should still be cheaper and have the virtues bit just be a side benefit to your immunity to emotional manipulation rather than the other way around.

>Iron Forged In Light
Not applicable, any solar with any interest at all in combat or tactics is already better than this.

This is just a description of solar combat, a solar in a fight is already like this due to being a solar. Their entire deal is be awesome, look awesome. The latter part of the perk is just a description of stunts, which any solar can do anyway.

>Sword of the Sun
A solar will be this in short order anyway if they seriously focus on large scale warfare, either it isn't clear what it does and needs to be clarified or it is too weak for a capstone.

>Just A Humble Merchant
This is really easy for a Solar, if they care enough to be subtle they easily can. The kind of have to be until they are far away from the dynasts or conquer their first city state.

>All that Glitters
This is once again something that any solar who cares even slightly about it can do easily, not worth a perk.

>Tangled Webs
Again easy for any solar who takes the time to look into politics and scheming.

>Prosperity of the Sun
This one is actually rather powerful, a young solar good enough at bureaucracy to uproot the fucking Guild? This is the kind of thing you would expect from a perk that improves a solar's abilities. A solar could still reach this level eventually without worry but it would be when they are of elder essence levels.

*Perks for a solar kind of have to be interesting, when it comes to skills it would be very hard to offer anything that would be worthwhile to a solar.

Is...is Vegeta looking at that guy's crotch and giving a thumbs up?

I think user was expecting something in the same scope and size as the Infernal or Lunar Jumps.

Also I agree that the Backgrounds don't need to cost CP.

Also, while I don't mind not being able to Import something as Hope, maybe you could flavour it as taking the Imported firearm and having it disassembled and integrated into Hope, maybe describing it as being the most recent improvements made to it by a Twilight Caste (or some such).

>all this bullshit entitlement
Fuck off, Timmy.

>Fire-Forged Comrades Method
So... you know Tiger Warrior Training Technique?

Creature of Darkness offers too much CP, and Burning Bright doesn't offer enough. Also, you could use more drawbacks, at least three in each tier. You shouldn't really have no drawback limit when there are so little to choose from.

Why are you charging vast amounts of CP for things Solars can do either innately or with one or two Charms?

By that logic all Infernal stuff should be free. That makes no sense.

I kind of agree with most of this. A lot of the Perks are just "You are really good at X." This would be okay in a lot of Jumps, but as he says, it's pretty easy for Solars to meet most of these feats. You could maybe make the argument that the Perks are good because they don't require you to spend Essence or XP or anything, but if that's the case, as it's laid out right now it's almost like it's better for members of a given Caste to avoid Perks from their own Caste, because they can develop those as Charms cheaper than they could the Charms of another Caste.

Also, balancing aside, I get that Solars are generally the most straight-forward and blandest of the different types of Exalted, but wow most of these Perks are exceptionally boring.

He does this to any new jump if he thinks he can shitpost it away. It's getting obvious.

>All criticism is shitposting!

Yes, you're right. What was the point of stating the obvious, again?

It's not entitlement, that user is literally just pointing out that Solars can do all of those things with minimal effort.

The perks would be better suited to being things that Solars don't get so easily - for example, there's no explicit sorcery initiation, or anything about the Great Curse, or options for being one of the near-human races that can exalt.

>It's another "let's play both sides and hope no one notices" episode.

That's Solars in a nutshell though.

Like, there's literally no way they could have avoided this. Solars have no fluff and nothing beyond "do X better than anyone else."

This is why Solars shouldn't have been even remotely thought about being made.

>A perk that gives you an entire custom Charmset and has you mostly auto-freed from the Yozi's influence
>A perk that makes you scale infinitely with percentage-based increases to all aspects of yourself with each victory
>A perk that makes absolutes not apply to you
>A perk that makes Fate unravel around you
>A perk that in the update will let you bypass the requirements for learning Sorcery and apply Yozi aesthetics to any magic
>A perk that allows you to recover from any spiritual mutilation, no matter how severe
Just a few of the things off the top of my head you can get in Infernals that is definitely not standard Infernals fair.

He's always whined about Exalted so you can't be surprised he'd try and attack this jump.

Now look at the Savant tree.

So what you're saying is, all perks should be powerwanking bullshit with absolutely no basis in the setting. Nice to know your opinion can be safely discarded.

Rolled for The Imperial City- With Wyld Hunt Resurgent? This is gonna be a Benny Hill sketch isn't it?
Zenith Caste
Free Glorious Golden Smug Technique
Discount Heart of the Sun
Discount A Shepherd of Light
Lunar Mate- DON'T JUDGE ME!- Also her name is Maria
Discount Bands of the Bronze Tiger

The Great Curse+0
The Age of Jumper+0- I prevented Gem's destruction, I rebuilt House Iselsi from the ground up, I escaped Malfeas and smacked TED back inside, I dealt with new Exalts as well as a mad Inferal, and I was a Lunar. BRING IT ON!
The Wyld Hunt Resurgent300- LET'S FIGHT BRO! I'll take you all on! And not kill a single one!
Yozi-Friend+200- Hi guys, they still mad at me for becoming a Primordial?

It's their fucking gimmick, and all a Solar is good for.

Would it be wierd for Solars to have something that gives an option to become either a Devil-Tiger or mini-Unconquered Sun?
Like a D-T retricted to using Solar themes; or getting the UC's cool alternate mode

Yeah. Lunars had shapeshifting, Infernals had transhumanims, Dragonbloods have the dynasty and bloodlines and all that, Sidreals have their fate ninja role and the things that come with that.
Solar are really flexible, almost too much. They don't have one conveinent trait outside of being good at stuff.
It's going to be a challenge for Wukong and Heaven to make this an exciting jump.

Oh boy, more Exalted shit.

I'm going to go ahead and take responsibility for this since I did a good chunk of the perks this time around. My Exalted-fu is a lot weaker than some of the lore buffs here and most of this was drawn from a re-reading of the books I possess.

I'm going to start by saying...yeah. You're right the perks are a bit bland and uninspired. But here was the problem I ran into.

>Most perk content is doing x better than (this group) or being good at doing x in this context
>Most Solar Charms in general are doing x better than anyone ever

Solars don't have much uniqueness that's immediately apparent compared to Lunars, Dragon-Bloods, Sidereals, or even their sister Exalts Infernals and Abyssals. So I mostly drew off of that theme and made the background perks similar, from a combination of my own ideas and Wu's old notes.

I am very aware of how bland and boring they are, and Unconquered was my attempt at applying how XP growth works to most abilities a Jumper gets in general.

That said, I sincerely have no idea how to fix this. If anyone has some ideas of how to make Solar perks less bland or less circumvent-able by Charms, I really do want to hear it from yall because I'm stumped. Most I can do off-hand is probably suggest a less generic base capstone booster effect?

If it has an option that's suitably appropriate for The Drifter archetype, I'll fanwank that as the drop-in origin. Otherwise, skip.

Look at how many people support Val's jumps. That's exactly what he's saying.

>One of its more unique features however is the ability for its feathers to become razor sharp and to use the wings as a tool to attack and slice its wearers enemies, an extra included by its original night caste commissioner.
>its original night caste commissioner.
Shouldn't that be dawn caste, considering it's discounted to them?

Maybe perks for being able to better use charms from other types of exalts for eclipses.
Perks for becoming well, see the first bit.
Perks that effect how well others do in comparison to you, perhaps.
Solars build off of human perfection so maybe a perk to give you a great bod, or give other people great bods?
Perks based on the artifacts of the UC and their connection to virtues would be cool I think.
A perk to allow you to keep benefitting from Solar charms in an inhuman body would be good, as apparently that's a thing.
Just some ideas, hope it's useful.

>Pages and Words
>given about a day at most, you can quickly study and learn all public knowledge about an area you’re in simply through investigation and reading
Being able to do this at low essence and without any charms is impressive
>You’re also now an incredible speed-reader, to boot - you can read a large encyclopedia from front-to-back in an hour or less.
This however is a problem, in order for the other effect to be possible you would have to be faster than that and it isn't even notable for a solar.

"Comment about basic Solar scholars here"

>Brought to Light
"Comment about basic Solar scholars here"

>Mind of the Sun
All the yes. First age science is a great capstone.

Solars learn at bullshit speeds already, they can literally learn their favored and Caste abilities just by growing stronger without any training. This is just a description of how they learn things they aren't talented at.

The boosts would be better as normal 400-600 perks for the relevant origins.

>Army of One
Solars are already like this on the battlefield, there is an entire rules section on how Solars tear though the enemy army.

>A Shepherd of Light
Zeniths can already use their bullshit religion building however they want, they have no need to focus on Sol Invicus if they don't want to.

>From the Shadows
Once again for the night caste this comes naturally and easily.

>Creed of the Night
Yes we know that the Night Caste has Athletics as a caste ability but where is the perk?

*Seriously don't try to focus on skill or power in places Solars already get it, it will either be way to OP or not worth taking. Interesting and/or hard to get things are much better than skills or powers Solars can easily reach anyway.

I feel like there should be more perks? And drawbacks to fund those perks. I guess I expected something similar to the other jumps in terms of content over fluff.

We're more than fucking aware that Solars are generic.

>Like, there's literally no way they could have avoided this.
Maybe stuff like:
>Perk that make your rebellions more successful
>Perk for inventing/discovering new forms of magic (Brigid discovering Sorcery)
>Being mkre likely to attract divine blessings and the like (the fact that they Exalted in the first place)
>Perk for letting your children inherit some of the stuff you have even it doesn't make sense (Half-Castes)
>Making people happy under your rule so they don't rise up like the Dragon-Blooded
>Perk for binding people into oaths like the Yozi and their demons
>Perk for making it so your soul can be damaged and changed but not ultimately broken (like the Exaltations)
Just some ideas?

Let's see here. Exalted Combos, post-Errata, are a great place to create a "you're good at using all of your powers in combination with one another" perk. Super good training that will apply to all skills would be neat. There's a set up for the whole social-fu thing that could be used here. First Age tech is awesome! Priest who actually Priests for the Eclipse would be neat, maybe with a benifit of being a ligit guy who divinities will respect as an ambassador of his religion even after the Jump? I'll pop p to list off any more I can think of later.


That's literally their gimmick user.

Maybe focus more on things that aren't skills to be learned, since Solars get that naturally? I like the Great Radiance and Fog of Legend perks as well as the Prosperity of the Sun capstone boost, for example.

>Priest who actually Priests for the Eclipse would be neat
You mean Zenith?

Ah yeah,my bad.

To fix the general trees I have to give general advice. Other anons have pointed out the faults, and to fix it you can either double down to go even further beyond, or improve upon what minimal weakpoints there are. I see no other viable alternatives than just going for general meta perks, or trying to base yourself off what unexplained yet amazing deeds they performed since the beginning of exalts. Warriors who laid low the makers of the world, diplomats who charmed living stories and the souls of their enemies to their every desire, merchants who controlled the world's flow of trade and thus stabilized reality, god kings who lead the entire world with their bearing, and the elusive shadows that moved throughout the world dealing with what went unseen.

Doesn't matter. There's a build already. This shit is set in stone, so stop complaining.

Exactly and the perk would make them even better. A normal Solar would "kill" a Primordial and make it into a Neverborn, but you could truly kill one. A normal Solar could find a way to break the Great Curse, but you could actually improve on the Exaltations beyond their original form. Etc. A normal Solar can do something impressive and do it perfectly. For you to so is to GO EVEN FURTHER BEYOND!

Would make a better capstone booster, in my opinion.

>The Hall of the Perfect Circle
>a far cry from the ostentatious grandeur of the later years.


Alright, these are all good ideas. I'll probably be reworking a good score of the perks and making Unconquered something that isn't a universal learning boost, which Solars already get for skills and their own Charms. Maybe I'll keep the passive spiritual growth? Probably not. Thanks to everyone who chimed in.

The end result will probably look a bit more esoteric as a consequence, but I'll try and draw more from a 'heroic fantasy' theme like vanilla Solars are usually intended, and focus less on skills and more on the end result and their long-ranging impact, since Solars tend to be bad at long-term solutions IF THE FUCKING FIRST AGE WERE ANY INDICATOR.

I'll also crack open Glories of the Most High and see if I can make anything from Shiny Four-Arms viable in a perk mode.
I'll see what I can do. Lemme go grab Wu and give these another look.

You know, if you just went to SB, you wouldn't have to deal with this shit. They're certainly more deserving of your talents.

Here are some perk ideas:

>Use your connection to the Sun, king of Heaven, to cow spirits into obeying you.
>Repeat the act of exaltation itself to give mortals a fraction of your power to rise up against their oppressors.
>Bonus for championing the weak against the strong, especially mortals against godlike beings.
>Make your legend/creations/empires resistant to the passage of time.
>Force everyone who interacts with you to acknowledge that you're a hero, even if they oppose you.
>Be resistant to the great curse while you have it, then prevents you from abandoning your ideals or being corrupted against your will.
>Help remind other people of their previous heroism and ideals, including curing the great curse/ GoD addiction with enough work
>Minor versions of the UCS's virtue powers (stronger when being Valorous, more resistant to harm when being Temperant, etc.)
>Be able to transgress against limits on your power and learn things you normally shouldn't be able to, like SMA.
>Always know what the UCS would judge as the moral action.
>Hero of Hell from Infernals but backwards. When you fail, you get stronger and stronger as long as you keep trying until you eventually succeed.
>Bonuses for being worshipped as a god king.
>An opposite to kill anything perks: you can always fix/heal something if you're smart enough and can put enough effort in.
>The Salinian Working applies to you in other dimensions: as long as someone knew a fact, there will always be a way for you to somehow uncover that fact.
>Your efforts to spread hope work far better than usual.
>Once per jump, when all hope is lost, the UCS will send the Mice of the Sun to save you and humiliate your enemy.

It's like you're not even trying.

>since Solars tend to be bad at long-term solutions IF THE FUCKING FIRST AGE WERE ANY INDICATOR.
I mean, aside from them going bugfuck crazy because of the Curse... They were doing pretty damn well?

>I'll also crack open Glories of the Most High and see if I can make anything from Shiny Four-Arms viable in a perk mode.
Don't you fucking dare. The Exalted powerwanking is bad enough already. If you did that, assuming that somehow the thread didn't evict you on the spot, it would only get worse.

>implying the thread wouldn't praise him or not give a shit
You're funny.

What's really sad is that I could literally just point you guys to the Generic Exalted jump for inspiration, and it would actually be solid advice. I shouldn't have to tell you how unfortunate that is.

Oh. I just had an idea.

You know how all of Exalted's history can basically be explained as supremely competent people making stupid decisions which they carry out with superhuman skill, fucking everything up?

Maybe a perk for that, to help you actually use your power and skill with wisdom? Because there's no Charms to helps with that in Exalted, yet it would have helped the Solars so, so much.

Mostly referring to thinks like the factions and the mess that was the Deliberative and what was leading up to that.
These are good ideas. Thank you both!

>tfw have story ideas you know you have to use, but can't fit it in any of your chains

Pretty sure you are thinking about dreams of the first age, glories was much tamer by comparison.

Will see about changing that up for you, its a pretty minor thing.
Also I am intending to work on more drawbacks tomorrow so there should be a bit more to pick from. Might have to go to bed soon as its super late but I'll read the thread(s) in full once I get up.

Companion prices are unbalanced. Why would I want one Lunar for 200 when I could get four Solars for 300?

He's shitposting, he's not thinking of anything.

Yay one jump down now only like a dozen I'm still waiting for before starting my chain.

Anyway good job. I give it a 8.5/10 which for me is something to be proud of. I like the items a lot. Most of the one in the Dragonblood jump didn't really interest me but these are really good. I am a bit disapointed that there is only one Manse option.