EDH/Commander General

"Demons for Days" Edition

Previous Thread: COMMANDAN NEWS

>Commander 2017 Spoilers

>Latest Commander Ban Announcement

>Latest MTGO Banlist Update


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.

>Veeky Forums EDH General Discord


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question:
Opinions on HoD so far?

Other urls found in this thread:


Your commander is shit.

I want him in my Black Sidisi deck.

Just sundering titan because i know mono and two color will be the biggest threats at my lgs and no one would see it coming in a low artifact deck.
Crypt is banned in 1v1
Prizes are too good to not enter and i have a fair chance with my low power meta.

>mfw his commander can't be a draw, mana, combo, and removal engine when needed

>8 Mana
>Doesn't win the game automatically

I like how the planeswalkers get poop kicked in, and this guy!

Does anyone else like to RP as their commander during games? :3


No, because not all of us are that autistic

Sometimes I bite my opponent. :^)

>Opinions on HoD so far?
The Last cycle is interesting, but the green one is rather uninteresting, and way to vulnerable.
The green and red Eternalize rares are lackluster as well.

I absolutely love the new Gods and that demon. Probably just the timmy in me but I really want to build decks around them.

>tfw recently got a Wheel of Fortune and a Time Spiral
I'm so ready locus man.

Do you also pop that humongous boner when you do?


Super hyped for The Scarab God. I was about to rebuild my zombie tribal after I tore apart my Gissa deck a year ago. This big boy gave me the excuse I needed

Are you guys ready to rise fucking eternal with the new best Mono-Red commander.?

Because I totally am.

Excuse you

The only thing I don't like about this guy and what deters me is he literally paints and staples a bulleye to you

Opinions on Sun Droplet for Orzhov?

>>that fucking goat skull and beard
red zombies best zombies confirmed

Only if it's Creepy Uncle.

In Karlov it's fantastic, but it's not worth it for any other Orzhov commander.

Oh yes I'm ready. He looks fun to build around

Fuck off with your meme shit. He gives mono red a bad name.

I really need those for my Nekusar deck.

>Red's weakness is supposed to be bad ramp
>Literally a ramp commander
>Combos and supports every mainline red strategy
>Can be good without relying solely on artifacts

Where were you when Wizards made red great again?

I'd hate to be autistic here but the flavor of EDH is that your general isn't you, but your, well, the general of your army.

Eh guess I'll hold off on it then, since Kambal is my Commander.

Purphoros is better but Neheb 2.0 looks fun.

ive got some good news then, thats absolutely retarded and makes no sense whatsoever, so you're free to build the deck!

Red's weakness is a lack of card advantage. Rituals and conditional mana production has been Red for a long time.

Purphoros is only better on paper, every single player will target you the minute you reveal your commander with Purphoros. His biggest weakness is how he has to be dealt with to matter.

I was here, praising bolas like everyone else should be doing. And I was worried my invocation aggravated assault was going to just sit in my binder forever.

Red's major weakness is that, even if you DO get that big spike of mana, you have dick-bubkis for card draw so you'll have nothing to spend it on

Show me a list and maybe I can help you out.

>every single player will target you the minute you reveal your commander with Purphoros

Literally true of any tier 1 commander you dipshit, that doesn't make them not tier 1

Wheels? I mean he makes insane amounts of mana, wheeling for extra combat steps is entirely part of the game plan.



Mono red has, what, 5 wheel effects that actually let you draw 7 after discarding? Wheels that just redraw the same number aren't card advantage.

And one of those good wheels is a suspend spell while the other 2 are on creatures that are respectively way too vulnerable or which costs a fuckton and needs to attack to wheel at all.

So in terms of wheels you can actually rely on you have all of 2 cards.

Every time I cast an instant in response to something my opponent does I scream "YOU JUST ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD"

Can I get some input on this?



Thanks, noted

I'm pretty sure your opponents will leave you alone if you keep hitting them on every upkeep since thats how it is on EDH right

Has anyone bothered to build a Morph deck just for the sake of saying they're playing a monster face down?

>archdemon of pizza palazzo

Why would you play this? Might as well use mogis.

I cut that out and forgot to take it off the list, in v1.0 it was a 2B 5/4 flyer which was good enough to make the cut

no, you need to declare dramatically "IN RESPONSE, I PLAY AN INSTANT SPELL, _______ _____! IT DOES ___, TARGETING YOUR ______!" otherwise you look a fool

unless you actually have a trap card

That fucking art though, feels good after shit like Samut

ah yea i love me some mindbroken traps

>I play Divination!
>This card allows me to draw two new cards!
>Divination is goooood.

Oh, I see.

Anyways, vial smasher seems like she would make a nice adaption to your deck.

You could also consider staff of nin and palace siege. Maybe words of war and polluted bounds?

Imagine him with a Rakdos Lord of Riots. So much value

Not enough to stop me. Aside for however much he costs, I only need about 50 dollars to build him

Razaketh is so good and so bad at the same time.
>Cast Razaketh from the command zone, Sac two nigglets, get Buried Alive and Victimize, win for 14 mana and 2 life.
>Cast Demonic Tutor for Triskelion, cast Mikaeus from the command zone. Cast Triskelion. Win for 14 mana.
Yes, theoretically Razaket is more versatile but we all know mono-black tutors wincons not game stalling faggotry like blue, so the result will always be the same anyway.

I'll give him a try, mono black pillowfort or something. Or I just slap him into the scarab god as something to eternalize.

i highly suggest against monoblack unless you enjoy aggressive, linear decks with little versatility

Yes and? You're Dimir, unless everyone else is in UG, you're winning. And if everyone else is in UG they'll be literally retarded to ignore Kruphix, AIDzuri or Animar to focus on you.

Palace siege is in it, again missed it in the new list, but the others sound nice too, thanks

Well, I enjoy "fundecks" but the powerlevel of my group is pretty low so no matter what I build people will hate me.

>>Red's weakness is supposed to be bad ramp
Red's weakness is not being able to touch enchantments and your cards decreasing in value as their CMC increases.

>your opponent manages to prevent you from ever resolving your commander during a game

How fucked are you?

monoblack basically forces you down the deck archetype of "the only way i can stop others from winning is winning really hard myself" which honestly made it pretty unfun for me in my casual meta

i ended up doing lots of things with my monoblack except now finally i've dropped all pretenses of niceness built it into skithiryx, now i just use it to annoy people who try too hard

Sitting pretty good. If they don't want me to play "fair" magic they won't have any countermagic left for me to run my combo

For roughly half my decks, pretty fucked. For the other half, frustrated, but fine otherwise.

>Thread Question
I'm personally interested in getting a copy of Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh as well as some of the new Cycling Deserts, but other than a few cute items, I'm not all that invested in it. That, and those Ixalan spoilers look infinitely more interesting to me.

It's not about my Commander being shit. It's about playing what you love.

Irritated, but okay.
>Jace Tribal
Pretty good.

Well the current situation is, either I play underpowered shit and someone else whipes out his superfriends deck or I play my tryhard shit.

So might as well build monoblack tax you for breathing or something like that.

you could play UW or something that can be laser-accurate about hate. just build ephara or something, and use tons of UW etbs and flickers to build an unkillable board while also doing tons of controlly shenanigans and keeping the top dogs down.

monoblack just hates everyone out at the same rate. you end up killing a useless player while trying to kill someone actually relevant.

The deck falls apart

Hard to say currently

>The Ur-Dragon
Still getting Eminence!

I was thinking about doing something with brago actually since flickering looks like fun.

Booty Bothered
Rump Rustled
>Queen Marchesa
Pooper Pained
Shitter Shattered
Orifice Obliterated
>Bruse and Reyhan
Perfectly fine.

So fucking what? Play what you want.

Bruh, if you can ignore a general that means they're shit, no amount of mental gymnastics will make that not true.

Are you running Steel Hellkite, Myr Battlesphere, Blightsteel, and some eldrazi titans?

Save up and but them user. I recently did too and don't regret it. $100 will easily get you both of them. Now the only big wheel/timetwister effect I don't have is actual Timetwister and I'm going to get one sooner or later.

[s]I'll just get a Collector's Edition version if possible but it's very hard to find[/s]

Wheel of Fortune, Wheel of Fate, Reforge the Soul, Dragon Mage, Mind's Eye, and if applicable, Skullclamp is a reasonable amount of draw for a monored deck.


I'm missing something here.

Well on magiccardmarket you can get both timespiral and wheel for 60€ in near mint, seems pretty sweet actually.

Time twister on the other hand is like 600€, fucking hell..

lewd. literally posted the first trap card that showed up for me. that is also my fetish, sir of patrician taste.

and jace is one too now apparently. what did wizards mean by this?

Time to find a noose

Quite upset, but I should be able to work my deck

I will miss the free zombies, but ill get over it

How did he beat me in a counter war?

Sad, but migut be alright

>planned Scarab God deck
Perfectly fine

Considering the deck is also about generating huge mana through damage...
Memory Jar
Staff of Nin
Sword of Fire and Ice
Chandra, Flamecaller
Sin Prodder
Knollspine Dragon
Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
Tower of Fortunes
Combustible Gearhulk

Yeah there are a bunch of options for Red card draw and advantage. The whole point of Neheb is to take extra combat phases and then use the mana to dig for more combat phases through aggressively digging while you load up your table and wipe lands.

Timetwister and all of the other cards that cost more than about $100 are much cheaper if you buy them through some other source. Basically if you buy them at an event or on ebay you can save hundreds of dollars compared to tcgplayer or mkm.

people get mad when I sit on them

That's the P9 tax for you.

Whats the best out of the box Commander deck?
My LCS is having a stock deck Commander tournament, and I'm a bit conflicted as to which to pick, though I'm leaning towards Freyalise.

Probably Meren, but then you'll be the asshole Meren player.

There's a shitposting group for Commander on Facebook that's basically Veeky Forums. It's called "Commander for Bad."

I really like the scarab god but holy shit his head just looks retarded.

There's a shitposting namefag for EDH on Veeky Forums that's basically cancer. It's called V. Wish.

>want to play mardu
>the sickest looking commander that seems my style is kind of shit
Is this guy as bad as I think he is?
I mean I can obviously make it so every creature in my deck has atleast 1 white symbol to play with but he seems pretty shit.
Any tips?

Deathtouch and lifelink

YeAh, I already have the Stoneforge and the basilisk collar

Ill have to draw a backup plan, I havent gotten locked out of nekusar since ema so itll be pretty shakey
>omnath rage
This is normal, i gotta pray
I have other cost reducers and wincons that dont need mizzix, itll be a lot longer but i can get there
>archangel avacyn
Itll suck to lose my indestructible source and a lot of my tricks arent as cool without ber, but the core deck needed to work without her so it would be fine. Id probably reanimate her from the gy.


Jokes on them. Geth is my real commander

lol who cares Kruphix is in the 99 and he's the real MVP

Up shit creek with a paddle made of shit

More annoyed that he still ate something from my graveyard

Whatever the deck plays itself

I play a lot of kitchen table with noobs so if the deck can't function as a Singleton 100 it's useless. It's Yasova's biggest flaw at the moment and I'm think I'll start rotating in token producers for sustainable Sac fodder

Molimo - I'm fine. I've got the fatties in here somewhere to stomp you, it just won't be as quick.

Zada - Probably fucked, though if I can get Purphoros down, maybe I can win through token spam alone.

Kambal - Fine, I'll do it through Extort.

Sliver Overlord - I'm not as bad off as I would be if you Enslaved him. I can Slivercycle my way to victory.

Brago - I'd be fucked, but hey, I'm playing Blue, I have to be able to stop you from stopping me at some point, right?

Niv-Mizzet - I'll need to get Psychosis Crawler out, or maybe rely on Sphinx-Bone Wand, but I bet I can still pull it off.

Honestly, it's one of the more accurate to mythology gods.

>Surrak Dragonclaw
No fucks given
>Olivia, Mobilized for War
Annoyed, but fine
Starting to get a bit flustered
>Glissa, the Traitor
Blood pressure rising
>Omnath, Locus of Rage
1000% MAD