For some kind of globetrotting adventure, what are the coolest countries to exoticize and meet weird people in? Japan and France are the obvious, but what else?
For some kind of globetrotting adventure, what are the coolest countries to exoticize and meet weird people in...
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Walmart. It's not a country, but it has the weirdest people imaginable.
>Ancient aztec ruins.
>Day of the Dead festivities.
>Names that sound like Inigo Montoya.
>Good food.
>Better music.
Alternatively, Spain is pretty good for some of the same, but you can't quite beat a citywide chase during a Dia de los Muertos parade.
The entirety of south america.
What? French people are not weird at all.
When will people stop fetishizing other cultures?
Middle east and eastern europe
Italy, Morocco and Vietnam are the first that spring to my mind. Probably Greece too. Turkey if you don't mind being familiar with dangers from time to time.
You'd typically want countries used to tourist presence but with a living culture not entirely similar to your own.
Also, frenchfag here. When you american faggots go to other countries, do please take a cursory glance at what behavior are considered rude, offensive and annoying, for everyone's sake.
>middle east
He said best places to meet people, not get blown up by an inbred goat herder.
Chinese tourists are far worse than Amerifats.
True, but going on safari in Saint-Denis or Marseille is... unique.
>a frenchman spouting that kind of bullshit
I hate Americans too, but as tourists they are way better than the French.
It is kinda like the melting pot of Asia. OR that was the feel I got when I went
The only thing better about them is that they tip heavily. In all other ways they're demanding, obnoxious, over-familiar and culturally ignorant.
Had a GM who would occasionally just take a real world culture but give them the names and speech patterns of another group.
The one I remember best was the super Japanese island nation with tea ceremonies, paper walls, and multifolded swords. And then the leader greeted us with "How?" introduced himself as Big Chief Fast As Horses and promised us heap many wampum if we saved his daughter from the continental devils. Who were every Chinese stereotype ever, except they sounded like NYC Eyetalians.
>do please take a cursory glance at what behavior are considered rude, offensive and annoying, for everyone's sake.
Clapping intensifies.
Spend a good few minutes looking at YouTube videos that come from that country, you'll see some real crazy stuff.
South France, esp. Bordeaux, Cahors, Toulouse are lit as fuck. Lots of castles and amazing landscapes. Stay away from Paris unless you just want to see the museums it is a tourist trap full of rude people.
A chase in the Military Museum/Napoleon's Tomb would be p. awesome tho.
What's wrong with having a fetish?
But they are.
What is cool about France, specifically?
Just a memorable place with a lot of history.
The same can be said of pretty much anywhere in the old world. Just wondering why OP singled it out.
Gaul mummies.
>coolest countries to exoticize
cringe af
>Gateway between Europe and Africa for centuries
> Reputation throughout the Islamic world as a land thick with sorcerers
>Was an ostensibly-neutral gathering place and arena of spies for decades
>Centuries-long history of piracy
>Society in tension between urban polis and tribal loyalties
>One of the last monarchies on earth
I'm talkin' 'bout Morocco ofc.
Tbh most capital cities tend to be among the more boring places of their respective countries with the actually interesting stuff being hidden among the rural communities and smaller cities.
Blame the popular culture that seems to paint France as the center of old world culture&charm and instead of another rather meh Romance country.
france is islamabad now so there you go - want to go aginst talaran desert riders that will rape your GF and then you - go to france (lots of IG present at every corner and they even have their own flashlights - albait famas is even worse then that)
>Big Chief Fast As Horses and promised us heap many wampum if we saved his daughter from the continental devils
I'm dying.
The Beirut and Tel Aviv nightclub scenes are pretty awesome, though. Better than even London, New York, and LA. And if you're talking Bedouins, they're chill af with everyone not actively fucking with them, plus an exotic unique culture.
The french asshole is right. Morocco and Vietnam are pretty unique. India too. Kazakhstan's wild areas. Mexico as others have said.
America's South and Central regions are always a shock for visitors. Not much like the coastal areas and absolutely nothing like what the movies and TV shows made in LA and NYC paint them as. I have an Indian friend who fell in love with the rural deep South and would just drive around visiting small towns and meeting people.
Iceland is pretty interesting, as much for the people as the climate.
If it's historical, pre-revolutionary Persia was awesome. Or if it's near-future, post-second revolution.
Japan, obviously.
West Africa, places like Nigeria and Ghana, are fantastic if you are around when things are politically quiet. The parties are super chill.
We French are horrid tourists, of that I am keenly aware. We tend to be blunt, entitled, rude, haughty and we're probably the greediest assholes when it comes to tipping.
Yes, most of us are dicks abroad and I find it embarrassing.
It does in no way excuse the exact same kind of behavior from people of other countries, Americans being the worst offenders and Chinese being not too far behind either.
>Meh Romance country
Because people mix France with Paris, and sometimes the Mont St Michel and the Provence Coast. There's so much more to this country than just that, from the quaint villages of Alsace to the bucolic southern hinterlands, to the historic towns of Montpellier, Colmar or Rouen, to name but a few.
But being the arrogant fucks that we are, we don't advertise it for fear of filthy tourists ruining muh authentic setting. And they're not entirely wrong.
Since everyone's probably naming their own countries in this thread anyway why not the Netherlands?
This, plus old cities, huge abandoned Soviet factories, endless plains, thick woods where mythical creatures still dwell, polar stations, Yakut shamans, fields full of dead WW2 soldiers, catacombs under Kremlin, Metro 2, hidden monasteries and churches, secret military bases, kurgans of Tatar-Mongol Hans, Ural mountains ruled by Mistress of Copper Mountain, old Slavic pagan sites, and so on.
To anyone who thinks this guy is joking, I came across the fascinating world of Walmart Cringe videos a few days ago.
Even though I'm American, I don't often go to Walmart. How bad could it really be?
Varies depending on how remote and poor the location is. At least that's my experience, there aren't a lot of weirdoes out and about when we did inventory on them with RGIS. Or WIS but I was only in WIS for 3 days because holy shit, they're awful.
Limburger here. Get typhus, faggot.
blonde speed skaters sound nice
Ayy, I've been to kutna hora last year. Quite something if you enjoy skellie onrnaments