How would you run a game about nothing?
How would you run a game about nothing?
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Do what I do, have no games.
Run your games on Veeky Forums.
Have a bunch of lolsorandumXD chucklefuck players who view the world over the tops of their iPhones through a blur of ADHD medication and Red Bull.
Same way Seinfeld did it, except I would use a dramatic premise to lure the players in. But before they knew it they would be planning out a raid to do a guy's laundry or something.
Inside a Berniebro's head
Run a Seinfeld-Esque campaign using the PrimeTime Adventures system. The issue is making sure everyone learns the rules. Not of the system, but of comedy. Nobody ever analyzes WHY something is funny, they just observe that it is indeed funny.
Trying to make people at a table play a game where the result is tv-style situational comedy is a retarded idea.
why are americans still obsessed with the election/primaries? that shit ended like a year ago chill the fuck out
Provided you have people who are actually funny, that sounds like a great idea.
Because trump supporters don't know what to do now that he finally won. I guess you could say they have nothing to do... how convenient that their in the right thread.
>you have to learn how to be funny by the rules
I was going to scoff, but actually it might be the only way a typical group of emotional cripples could ever get to see that skyline.
it's not just trump supporters though, people go autistic about this on all ends of the political spectrum
I was on here in 2012 and the Obama/Romney shit died down after at least a few months (except in pol) what changed?
I think because this most recent one was even more polarizing and the effects are still being felt (the whole Russia thing, whether it's real or a lie it's influencing opinions) so everyone is still yelling about it.
Also trolls just doing it to bait people.
Primetime Adventures for the system. Maybe a modified Fiasco.
Make the campaign episodic in nature. Each session, set up a pretty mundane problem. Have the players try to solve it, and each time they do, throw in a complication that makes it worse. If they get a win, have it be a setup for an even worse problem. If someone is "getting away with it", have it work for a while until the exact right circumstances come about to ruin them.
Have the players flail about desperately until they invent a suitably hilarious solution, or go down in flames as their schemes collapse, or take a way out that makes things far worse than the original problem.
Man I wish I had players for a game like this. Or a dedicated system to help encourage the comedy.
Comedy is tricky for everyone. And there are good, reasonable rules such as how often someone can use a joke, and how often someone can OVERUSE a joke.
For instance, young children, and spergs, when they hear a joke, will repeat it endlessly because it got a laugh the first time, right? It must be funny every time. At most you should use three variations of one joke during a routine, to keep freshness.
However, there's an exception: overusing the joke until the sheer spamming of it is hilarious. The best example here, is, of course, Monty Python's Spam sketch.
Look up the homebrew game tg made called Nightshift, its a game about working at a gas station overnight
Hey, why do they call it "running" a game? When I do it there's not that much exercise going on!
My DM makes me spar him with a longsword whenever I make an attack roll because I complained about not being able to just roll Diplomacy.
Why do people call Seinfeld the show about nothing? I really don't get it. It's a good show for sure, but most episodes usually had a pretty fucking standard sitcom plot. And, to be clear, I'm not saying it's cliched, because I know it's influential and blahblahblah. I mean it's no more "nothing" than any other Sitcom. It had plots, goals, etc, etc.
It was advertised as such.(Don't worry, it's one of the good nostalgia critics, where he doesn't make it a bad sitcom)
Time Wizards
West Marches campaign
One guy gets randomly seleted to be Jerry though so no matter what happens, for him things always even out.
Make the game as close to my life as possible
ask my gm on hiatus how hes doing it
1. Run D&Dfinder
2. Allow everything
Congratulations! Your campaign now is as bad as Seinfield was.
Got a deep chuckle from me.
Better question: Why would you want to?
Each player plays as the one on their left.
The GM plays the cops when hey start killing each other
It's called a westmarches campaign
People realized they have made a horrible mistake and are desperate to maintain their confirmation bias, Republicans that Trump was/is a good candidate and president, Democrats that cheating Sanders out of the nomination (and more recently continuing to back Pelosi and the left establishment) was/is a good idea
Incidentally none of these things were/are good ideas, and I am laffin
Make an open sandbox game with no plothooks and have some uncreative, reactionary players. You'll get your game about nothing right there.
>Players ask me to run this type of game
>They don't know what to do and sit in the opening tavern the entire session not even managing to meet each other
>Most interesting thing in the session was when the incredibly bored lolrandom sorcerer sucked off an npc bard in the bathroom in an attempt to get a reaction from the other players
>Next session they asked to be railroaded.
I would have the players make mundane characters in a contemporary setting and start each session with some small setup like
>Alright, Jerry, this week you met a girl who you initially found attractive and only recently found out has a really weird laugh. Go!
>People realized they have made a horrible mistake
How exactly? How long has Trump been a president, a half a year? Has he managed to fuck up many things already? I'm being sincere here, I'm not american.