>turn undead
>dont actually turn into an undead
Turn undead
>turn undead
>they don't become vulnerable to flanking
>don't actually excrete a long piece of wood
"Turn", in that context, means "to change or alter the course of". Like turning a blow.
>bootleg scroll of turn undead that just makes any nearby zombies rapidly spin like they're on a turntable
>warhammer 40 thousand
>there are more than 40 thousand warhammers in the setting
>Turn Undead.
>Skelebro rotates 90 degrees.
>Pissed because spell doesn't work right.
>Our dreams of a flying skeleton army are shattered
>Faerie Fire
>faerie still has a job
>traditional games
>board talks about new games and not exclusively ones that are traditional
>lay on hands
>don't actually stick a sausage in their anus OR nostrils
>rebuke undead
>don't actually scold them
>throws fireballs around rather than doing divinations with fire
>dont actually close your eyes and open them again
>combat expertise
>makes you worse at combat
>turn undead
>undead does a 360 and walks away
>not doing this
>turn left
>doesn't actually turn left
>jesus christ brenda taco bell is the other direction
>where the fuck are you taking me
>Be ages ago
>Playing Strahd's Possession
>Run into some kind of tough undead
>Have cleric use turn undead
>They start spinning around in circles.
>still see white people
Gave me a chuckle.
>Ghost Sound
>makes noises besides "boo!"
>Cast Hero's Feast
>Evil party members not allowed to eat
This confused the hell out of me when I was 8 years old playing Icewind Dale.
>Attack of Opportunity
>Opportunity doesn't attack
>most commonly portrayed as persons of European heritage
>rules as written
>still required to comply with unwritten rules and common sense
>Your character doesn't become taller
>is still a wolf currently
>There wolf