How do the other gods feel about Malal?
How do the other gods feel about Malal?
Angry and afraid.
Every time someone swears allegiance to Malal the dark gods shudder knowing that Malal is still out there watching and waiting for the day he comes to power.
His servants hunts down thier greater snd lesser demons like cats hunt mice.
This too.
the chaos god of intellectual property
Let it go you autistic faggot.
Not canon. Even Solkan is more canon, and Solkan doesn't even exist!
Like hell he's not. Black Library even still sells the short story that features the Sons of Malice and Malice by name.
Malal never existed in 40K. Malice is just some call back and nothing more.
Malal, no. Malice, yes, although the two are one in the same in spirit, Malal was copyrighted already, so GW changed the name for later references. And, of course, indulged in other subtle references as well.
>The Chaos Gods are attempting an Imperial Truth-style complete information blackout in attempt to starve Malal
I could see it.
But information and worship doesn't stop feeding the Gods, you think they themselves would have known that after the Emperor tried it.
Besides, it seems like Malice likes quality over quantity when it comes to his followers, seeing as he keeps very select company.
Nothing, on account of him not being canon.
I think he represents a lot of possibilities for a GM to craft a story around, or for a theme that a wargamer could design an army around.
I actually like Malal as an obscure, mostly (in-universe) unheard-of renegade god that is only heard of or spoken about in rumors and whispers. It makes him feel more ominous and mysterious, like a chaos god rightfully should.
Hey guys so if I wanted to make a Malal themed army, what would be better? Some flavor of Space Marine, or Grey Knights for their anti Chaos abilities?
>But information and worship doesn't stop feeding the Gods, you think they themselves would have known that after the Emperor tried it.
It doesn't stop feeding CERTAIN gods. There's all sorts of evidence that there were loads more chaos gods before, squabbling over their little fiefdoms, and the "big 4" (and previously the big 3) were just some of them. It just so happened that they chose an ephemeral food-source that didn't require knowledge or worship, just resonating with one of the four humors. If anything, that's how they became the big 4. Malice/Malal, on the other hand, seems to be more particular in his fuel-of-choice in a way that requires at-least an understanding of what chaos is, and preferably who Malice/Malal is.
You've quoted me twice, but I actually agree. I like it the way I like "Your Dudes," the idea that in the grand narrative of the 40k setting, there's backwaters and small, unheard of Chapters, and weirdos and renegades populating the fringes and dark spaces of the 40k galaxy.
Shit like what comes out of a Blanche painting or some weird obscure artwork, or any number of strange cults hiding around the fringes.
Malice's own select company could be to attract little attention and avoid the Big 4. But from lore it seems they feed off of parasitism and betrayal; sacrifice and back-stabbing being one in the same, where only the strongest and most cunning make it to the top ranks. Consider how often the Big 4 and their minions betray and backstab each other; Malice seems to feed on the nature of The Great Game itself.
Malice feeding on the concept of Betrayal? That might do more to explain how strong and how few his followers are than anything else.
The book posted in implies as much. There can be only a single champion in each game, so betrayal is a necessity when it gets down to the wire.
Even old lore reiterates as much: Malice doesn't tend to have many followers, and those he does have don't tend to last very long, but those ones who do manage to stick around are not your average mook. Quality over quantity, which is why Malice is so small and insignificant in size, but also so menacing.
>Malice feeding on the concept of Betrayal
So what you're saying is the best way to put skaven into 40k is as daemons of Malice/Malal?
Maybe, although he seems to have his own Daemons already. Skaven could be a pretty good stand-in for Beastmen units, though. Tzeentch gets Tzaangors, Nurgle gets Poxwalkers... Malice could get himself some abhuman space-ratmen as cheap cannon fodder to put in front of his Sons of Malice.
How would Skaven look in a Black/White scheme? I know black and white and mottled variations thereof are common colors for rats.
They're concerned that he's actually an Ash Vampire in service to Dagoth Ur.
Is Dagoth Ur more powerful than the chaos gods?
TES powerlevels get wonky and weird. Sure, Chaos is a fundamental underpinning of the universe, but in TES such underlying constants start to lose their free will and turn into fundamental forces of nature rather than remaining distinct entities.
I'd flatly say they're on scales that don't play at all with each other mechanically, but if we have to choose, I'd say he's probably on the playing field.
It doesn't help that the mechanics of their respective universes are fundamentally different.
My Guardian of Contradictions, ready to be painted for Malal's service.
Nice. I'm still waiting for mine to get here.
Yes, actually. What the fuck? How the hell does that work so well?
I could see it: an army with a few badass heroes who managed to backstabb their way to the topp, followed by hordes of backstabbing rat-men who just manage to reproduce even faster than they can backstabb. When they finally get to releasing that Heretics list that's basically Chaos+Guard, that'd be a damn good use of that list, I mean you could do it now with cultists.... but why would you?
That's a nice bloodletter
Cultists make a good counts-as. Renegades and Heretics would have more flavor to them, but Cultists are the simple answer.
It'd be more appealing if they had their own Mark of Chaos, though I suppose you could just steal Khorne's and write "Sons of Malice" in the keyword. Malice has often been described as Khorne but more elite, intense, and spooky.
Yeah, Malice is Doom Guy. Rip and tear. Rip and tear your guts. (But it's specifically Chaos's guts.)
Well, everyone's guts. Chaos, Imperium, Xenos... It's all on the menu. Quite literally on the menu, actually, since they make living feasts of captured foes. The Labyrinth also has our main character eating a Plague Marine as a part of that feast, only able to survive doing so because of Malice's protection.
Imperial Guard vs Skaven.
Good god. People are going to be confused and executing ratlings on sight. Skaven are going to sit on each others shoulders in Commissar uniforms and get away with it. Ogryns are no longer the most odorous things on the battlefield.
>Skaven are going to sit on each others shoulders in Commissar uniforms and get away with it. Ogryns are no longer the most odorous things on the battlefield.
I want to model this army soooo bad now. Rat ogre ogryn. Rat Commisars. Stormvermin militarum tempestus...
And there are a group of really dimwitted guardsmen trying to work out why their leadership are so much nicer, the ogryns so much smarter and cleaner, and why the stormtroopers aren't giving them so much shit anymore.
At first they think to report it to higher authorities but morale is higher than ever and casualties are down so they just go with it.
I am in-fact already in both threads, and the blending of the ideas of the two is at-least in part my intentional doing (though others seem to be cooperating between threads as well.)
Thanks though, if I hadn't known about that thread, I'd have been quite grateful. Cheers.
Kids that joined 40k after 3rd should not post.
They know less that Jon Snow and he was retard.
If something dosnt exist in your space yiff codex it dosnt mean it not canon you git.
Mate, they've always been doing that, namely Tzeentch. Or did you not notice how Tzeentch, the driving force for change both had Daemons in his name set the key players in the heresy into motion, or how Lorgar, the Head of Chaos undivided and the guiding father of the faith, and thus is the one responsible for conduct and change in it has NEVER stepped foot outside of his fortress citiadel after the heresy, currently kept "meditating" for this long via "Visions"
Tzeentch is the only Chaos God that would ever have reason to seek self-preservation of his intrigues and interests, and most importantly Malal is the Warp's natural response to the cluster-fuck the War in heaven caused.
Effectively, it's Malal's job, if not by nature or result from it's ensuing actions to flush the thing back down to 0 returning the realm of souls to it's natural state.
It's daemons caputre others to toture by denying their nature, and his gifts and boons literally make his few agents the effective combination of a Blank, Grey Knight, and significant named character's kill ratio, rendering Daemons up to princes and Greater fucking sitting ducks in a fight.
Never mind what happens if one were jump in the way of a Chaos Champions ascension as a way to steal it, via the parasites Malal gives his loyal, because of his yes/no nature.
It's been a while since I talked about it, but effectively, Tzeentch has aims and goals thanks to him being able to pretty much datamine every thought made ever, and this is evidenced by his involvement in the heresy.
I always wonder what goes on in Malalfags heads.
The Chaos Gods are often called The Four, the Four Powers, and so on. There are countless sources describing their champions, their demonic legions, incursions, feuds, even their realms in the Immaterium.
At the same time the only little snippets of material about Malal, all of it outdated and practicaly unreferenced by anyone or anything.
There is no such thing as Malal for fucks sake. If you like the fluff, sure, 40k is huge for this purpose, there totaly can be renegade warbands worshipping the concept of Malice. Make it a daemon prince or Tzeentchian Daemon acting just as planned.
But accept the fact that the fifth, anti Chaos god of Chaos is no more, has been gone for years.
I kinda expected this kind of reply.
No, my post is not "stop liking what I don't like"
My problem is not Malalfags headcanon, to each his own and all that.
Problem is, oftentimes ppl just forcibly try to push Malal's existence down everybody's throat, he kinda becomes a hipster chaos god because of that. And everybody that uses the same three useless arguements all the fucking time to convince people to accept a concept many tomes proven wrong/nonexistant indeed rustles my jimmies.
How cool would an Elder Scrolls 40K style game be?
>what is scrollhammer
You're right, Malal's gone, there's no way he's ever making a comeback. But I still think he's a fun concept to imagine and try to work into 40k, even if it's all just headcanon shit. But I don't think I'd be happy wrapping him up as a lesser daemon or being working for another chaos god, because Malal's shtick has so much potential as its own thing working against everyone, destroy chaos and inevitably all things. He may not be on the same level as one of the big four chaos gods, but I still gotta imagine him as his own unique force with a small but proud following that can never quite be crushed by the other gods. Will they ever succeed in ending the universe? Probably not. Will they keep trying? Absolutely.
How buttblasted would you be if they announce the return of Malal?
I'm curious
I wouldn't be at all my dear fellow warhammer enthusiast.
One people actually play.
Good answer
If we're talking about Gork and Mork...
That annoying lil' git they stuffed in their punching bag way back in the day and still haven't let out yet (the two have no problems with his servants or anything, they just fine the guy really annoying).
Nothing because he does not excist