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>WIP Math-hammer doc

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First for lava bases are hard

Second for Wolves are best chapter

>didn't add the new rulebooks to the op

1 job you nigger


So do Eldar Corsair's not exist? they have rules for them but no pictures?


brb buying a hierodule and a couple malanthropes

>links still don't work in Firefox

are they in pdf?

I think I want to paint the Primaris Captain as a Crimson Fist. They're cool.

Also, has anyone mathhammered whether he should be using his fist or his sword?

Anything above 90pts per wound is horrendous. Awful. Sad!

Corsair stuff is pretty much just upgrade kits, but pics of finished ones should be easy to find

I will never not love this image and am glad that a drawfag made it


Well Kreigs just lost their "platoon" commander its equivalent, Field Officer takes a HQ slots instead of an Elite one.

Primaris Marines just make me want to play Stormcast Eternals.

At the very least, the Stormcasts didn't replace an existing army - they were new from the ground up.

AoS seems to still be more balanced than 8th.

He's a Crimson Fist, so of course he's going to be using a Power Fist. What are you, stupid?


>Being a part of a botnet

Ok cause I didn't know what was what.... ebay has like nothing and forge world only had heavy weapons kits....I'm guessing I have to fix up their bandoleers of pistols myself?

Pedro doesn't have a sword ya dimwit

What happened to ABG? Where's my Company Command and Commissar tank? I must have missed them somewhere, I want my tank commanders to be able to use FW Leman variants.

oh the old Peter the singer

>implying i use 9gaggle chrome

Hows my list look?
2k pts


Is this from a preview or an early look at the book/pdf?

>T7/3+/5++/Regain a wound per turn/10W/Ignore multi-damage weapons


Guys; I know Wolves have been given Primaris... but would they still look like Chads with short hair and tidy armour? I want to Wolf up my Primaris captain in grav armour and stop him looking so fucking plain.

I mean th primaris captainye halfwit

>Points per wound.
Over abstracted nonsense.
If you just want best points per stick to memescripts.

What language is this?

Looks like Scottish. I can only base this assumption from experiencing Scottish twitter, though.

Armored Battle Group (or Battlegroup), basically HQ, Elite and Troop choice Leman Russ tanks.

I'm trying to find the page where I had special ammunition like Infernus and Beast Hunter shells.

We're talking about a vehicle that literally only outputs wounds. It moves, it loses efficiency. In the Fire Prism's case, points per wound is critical. The Falcon can at least transport units, War Walkers and Vypers can take objectives. The Fire Prism just sits there and shoots.

Best unit per faction in the FW index?

No im just a reatrd, user. Now gimme that mathhammer!

Necrons is probably the Sentry Pylon with Heat Ray, though the Gauss Pylon and the Tomb Sentinel are close seconds.

In the Epub, Kreig have 4 own characters that can give orders and all of them are HQ, Named Marshal, Marshal, Field commander and Death Rider Commander.

They have normal Commisar and Quartermaster (medic) as elites

While Elysians have Elite Platoon Commander and HQ Lord Commissar without normal Commissars.

i have a bunch of fire prisms...where can I gets stuff to make them into wave serpents? Like ebay doesn't have the things I need.....also looking for corsair stuff too


Ok, so been out of the game for a long while, looking at the Renegades to suit my old LatD army.

Do they just not have much flavor to them, far as I can tell? Beyond the random leadership and some interesting stuff with the psykers, most of the army just doesn't seem to do anything different from normal guardsmen. I remember that I used to be able to bring units back if they died, is there anything like that that I missed?

Space marines is the levithan dreadnought.

Space yiffs are worst chapter
Dumb barbarians

It can start shooting turn 1, can keep shooting because tough. Can take objectives, won't compete for models, but it's fast and flies.
Things ignored by points per wound.

And saying that only one firing mode is effective doesn't even fit the mathhammer.
Dispersed is more effective against t3-4 single wound 2+ than nightspinner. Focused is more effective against multiwound t-7+ 2+ than nightspinner.

In the Xenos book?
Nids; Malanthrope because -1 to hit on all units within 3" for only 90 points
Tau; Supremacy Armour, only because its a battlesuit and not a vehicle so you can put a billion drones in front of it so it will never die.
I haven't read the other factions yet.

Well it seems they are squated or maybe they are going to re released them in the future.

Give me some of your vintage memes.

Can't hear you over my "meat, cheese, bread and ale" punch each other drunk party.

posting flying mystery machine of rape

So if I decided to do my Primaris Marines as multi-chaptered like in Dark Imperium n shit, how would I do chapter tactics once those roll down the line?

I like the idea of doing 20+ Marines in all the different chapters I've never done, but don't wanna be screwed out of stuff on the table. Would YOU be okay with me just doing whatever tactics (once they're out) the rest of my chapter is?

also, pour one out for Grey Knights. Not only are they lame rulewise, their lore has lost all charm and any coolness now. RIP anti-daemonniggas

i have 10 infantry models and 15 scion models
whats the best set up for these right now?


You are thinking of the old R&H 7th ed rules. R&H are rather bland now and probably will function better under regular IG rules

>What happened to ABG?
its now just the spear head detatchment.

Maybe with the codex they will release rules for the Primaris Greyshield

Reread, son.

That's not a Vulture, though.

Bless you for now, FW.

Yea, I'm just not seeing anything that makes them interesting at all.

Are they cheap, I guess? I know nothing about the system, so I can't tell.

Yeah but we need a new commander for the FW variants and ammunition rules.

malanthropes only buff models within 3 not units.

also its a typo of 190 points and sure to be FAQd soon. i wouldn't build my army around 90 point malanthropes.

Works the exact same way shrouding did in 7th. It is a conferred rule, it is units.

Tigershark ax-1-0 can't fire its railguns

When Chaos rules come in, it could help liven up the bunch with rules for Marks and all that.

Still, they were always worse Guard, so there isn't much change.

So do I buy 3 from my recaster and piss people off later, convert them and piss people off now, or proxy them until my recasts come in to piss people off now AND later?

Are Fallen any good? What is best way to use them?

Well i just picked up the Nugle half of the boxed set for $50 usd. did i do good?


People get pissed at conversations?
Non shitty ones?

I don't mind that, I just want something interesting for choosing LatD instead of just playing guard with chaos models.

It looks like they get uncertain worth and nothing to benefit.

I am curious about using the Standard of Hate though.

Buy 4 from Z because they're $16

Z does magic with big nids

should i buy khorne berzerkers? i feel like GW is going to release new models when they release the real world eaters codex

>malanthropes only buff models
Conferred rule.

>also its a typo of 190 points and sure to be FAQd soon.
Said no official source.

Don't they get chaos keyword so you can mix in daemons and csm?

Thoughts on this list? only things i dont have are the 2 las predators. Played a few ganmes of 8th and came to the realizaton i really need more AT weaponry, figure 8 lascannon shots per turn should do the trick

Rules for phantom titan?

Are there other places than eBay and Craigslist to sell armies? Im so sick of playing marines I want to try something new

1 tempestor prime, 1 Scion command squads, 2 Scion squads and 1 infantry squad, using the patrol detachment

Do people in real life really get mad about forge world, or is that just Veeky Forums autism? I'm pretty new to the hobby and I want to buy some rapier quad heavy bolters from forge world, but I don't wanna do it if people won't play vs them.

From last thread.

I don't know enough about 8th to know if that's a thing or not.

If that's true, I'm still not sure. I played LatD to avoid playing CSM.

There's probably a typo somewhere. IIRC they gave it a power level of 10, which is consistent with a points cost of ~200.

should i turn them to veterans and use an autocannon?

>Confired rule.
Where does this happen in this edition?
I don't see any rules for that in 8th

Are we looking at different charts? Because it sucks across the board, points per wound wise.

Well it's more "reeeee you are clearly only converting this unit to get an advantage because this unit is good and you don't want to shell out for FW"
Probably going through my usual recaster who has them for 25s, Z will probably be busy af rn and he has really long turnaround times.

Well aren't daemons mixed with guard cool at least?


I'll have to see. I loved the mass wave tactics I could do.

And again, I don't know enough about the system to really judge. I'm curious if I can set up a banner of hate unit behind huge waves of dudes and then just drown them in corpses, which is what my goal is anyways.

Its 100% a typo. This book is utter dog shit.

The same place where it says how aura buffs, that effect only models, effect units.

then why the carnifex is powerlevel 6 and 67 points ?

Night Spinner can shoot without LOS from turn 1 and is better against ALL targets.

The starcannon on this seems out of place. Every weapon it has is hitting at a higher range, number of times, and strength than the starcannon. Which is just downright puny compared to everything else.

I hope so because right now it looks like I can't run Pask or other tank commanders in these FW variants. At least Atlas and Trojans look nice, something I can turn my Lemans and Chimeras into instead of just shelving them.

He's pulling shit out of his ass, but he's still correct because Reese confirmed it should be units.

because its 67 ass naked

No FW xenos yet?

A similar issue. But so far in the GW books, power level is about 20 points per level.

What should I put in my 3 Dreadclaws? I'm thinking a Contemptor/Brute, Melee CSM, and Plasma Chosen with a Lord.

toe-in-ing units has never felt so good. You can easily get a full 2k army covered in 2 malenthropes.

this seems stupid amirite guys?