What's your most disgustingly broken d&d 5e character build?
What's your most disgustingly broken d&d 5e character build?
Assume level 2 wizard with one point in cleric and one point in Wizard. Standard point buy with 15 in INT and 14 in DEX. Variant human increases INT to 16 and DEX to 15. Take the "Resilient" feat for +1 to DEX for 16 DEX. Then cast mage armor for 13+3(DEX mod) AC. Equip a shield for +2 AC. Cast Shield of Faith for +2 AC. 13+3+2+2=20AC level 2 plus casting the “Shield” spell as a reaction against crits brings it to 25AC with proficiency in Dex, Cha, and Wis saving throws.
But wait, there's more:
Hit level 3 and take the School of Abjuration and each time you cast an abjuration spell you gain a warding shield that takes hit points equal to twice your wizard level + your Intelligence modifier (6+3=10). Mage Armor, Shield of faith, and shield are all abjuration spells giving you 30hp worth of shield effectively tripling your health pool
>How to burn all your spell slots in 5 minutes: the post
Unlimited money. Play the rogue with high charisma and double on you performance and insight. Become the greatest grambler.
Doesn't money run out of value pretty quickly as top end gears are all loot?
>he optimizes individual characters and not whole parties
Also: Variant Human Champion Fighter 20. Lawful neutral with a soldier background. Start with a greatsword and maul.
Runner-up: Variant Human Life Cleric 20, healer feat, war caster. Lawful good acolyte background. Bless every combat. Make a fancy excel sheet that tells you how many hp you can give everyone with preserve life. Shamelessly wait for the party to get low before hitting them with preserve life and mass healing word. Prepare every status-removal spell you have access to.
Ok, bit of an opposite direction for bit of derailment.
What's the thing NOT to build in 5th ed?
We got a start of a game tomorrow and we our group is a tiefling rogue, kenku warlock, and Orc bard, lizardfolk Druid
I have the sinking suspicion that someone will die very quickly.
When you can fund army to exhaust your foe and just excavate dungeons, then you will know what it like to have dragon's hoard.
There really isn't one, as character creation in 5e has all the options of a gender studies degreeholder and all the freedom of a Soviet gulag. Most caharcters are pretty similar, good luck trying to differentiate yourself mechanically even from other characters in your party. Oh and thanks to proficiency being one- size- firs - all, fighters are no better at hitting things than any other class. Martials get fucked again.
Does that logo kind of look like the dragon is sucking a dick to anyone else?
It's just you.
The point of the build is to not need spell slots. Each spell you cast is an abjuration spell that refreshes your shield. All you need to do is attack with shocking grasp cantrip and later levels use vampiric touch that consume barely any spell slots in addition to you never getting hit and tanking shitloads of damage
Base Ranger is pretty bad desu. I don't think anything is legitimately garbage-tier in 5e, but Rangers being unable to attack with pets and shoot in the same round is 100% retarded.
Hope your group never get lost without a RANGER.
No fucking idea. I'm playing a game with a sadistic dm and playing without a raging barbarian or super high AC paladin is suicide hence my post
So you've burned literally all of your resources to become hard to hit for a short while, once a day, and compensate for your poor hit die with a class feature like every other abjurer. You can't deal damage or control. Congratulations, you've become a boulder.
Also, the ward doesn't recharge to full with every spell - only with the first.
Way of the four elements monk
Simple Big Dick Damage:
- Human variant bearbarian, GWM feat at level 1, Reckless Attack to destroy everything in sight.
- Human variant battle master, archery fighting style with Sharpshooter feat at level 1, use Precision Attack maneuver to ensure your +10 damage hits destroy everything.
Meme builds:
- Sorclock, Warlock 2/sorcerer X. Use quickened spell metamagic to cast Eldritch Blast twice with +cha on each bolt. Easy, simple, maintainable DPS.
- Sorcadin, paladin 2/sorcerer X. Start with heavy armor and get those smites, use twinned metamagic with the Booming Blade cantrip to hit two enemies at once, or quickened metamagic to get two attacks off in a round. Expend your highest spell slot whenever you crit. If you have UA access, take a single level of Hexblade warlock so you only need Charisma and no Strength.
- Nuclear Druid. Arcana cleric 1/twilight druid 17/fighter 2. Use action surge to cast a 9th and 8th level magic missile with half your Harvest's Scythe dice on each cast. Due to how Magic Missile's damage dice work (a single roll of 1d4+1 applied to each missile) each missile deals the Harvest's Scythe damage, allowing you to output almost 1,000 damage in a single turn, auto-hit, no save, few resistant or immune.
>burned literally all of your resources
Worst case scenario you burned 3 spell slots level 3. Take shocking grasp cantrip and you hit the same as anyone else but don't take damage. Take a short rest and you get half your level rounded up in spell slots back.
Plus you can choose not to cast those spells except and have 2 spell slots open with 16 AC level 3 as a wizard.
The point is you can be a huge bolder or you can be a rolling bolder, but you can change speed and hardiness based on the incompetency of your team and the viciousness of your DM
my bad it's 13+3(dex mod)+2(shield)=18 unarmored defense for 1 spell slot
um, you can only cast 1 non-cantrip spell a turn. Nuke druid doesn't work.
The only applies when bonus action spells are cast. Action Surge is purposely set up for multiclassing to allow two leveled spells to be cast in a turn.
>Make thread for OP builds
>2 posts are even relating to OP builds
This is a fun one because you only have to be level 2. Life Cleric 1/ Druid 1. Due to the RAW for life cleric, every time you heal with a spell effect, not just once per spell, you add 2+ spell level extra healing. The druid spell Goodberry allows you to make 10 berries that each heal 1 hit point each. After the life cleric buff, it becomes 4. That's a forty health healing spell at level 2 using a level 1 spell slot, and the berries are good for 24 hours. The berries take an action to use, but if you only use them to stabilize downed teammates or use them after encounters (which is how you should be healing anyway) they can be really strong. Also once you get to level 6 in cleric you receive the heals whenever somebody else eats one, although by then there are probably better healing options.
Diviner Wizard with the Luck feat. Pre-roll a couple of ones and cast dominate person with no chance to save.
If you take cleric, it may as well be a Life cleric and grab you Full Plate, so you don't need Dex.
But then you need enough armor to make up for the mage armor spell (+6)
Full plate gives you +8.
Wot4E monk, so OP
Better yet, though it comes online later, be a lore bard/life cleric and take both goodberry and aura of vitality.
I am a big fan of the Sorlock. I gave the go ahead for a player to play one in a campaign I ran and it was always fun to see the crazy amount of consistent damage it can do.
>optimizing whole parties
Toto, we're not in 4E anymore
So, you can only cast one spell of 1st level or higher per turn.
You can't cast magic missile twice.
You are mixing it up with the bonus action restriction. You can absolutely shoot off 2 spells with action surge.
Champion fighter isn't even the best fighter build.
Step 1: Cast Wish, use it to imitate the Simulcarum spell WITHOUT MATERIALS OR COSTS and with a casting time of only 1 round. You could at this point just make a 1/2 HP Tarrasque and call it a day, but...
Step 2: Make an identical copy of yourself who has Wish prepared. (EDIT: copy a different caster or a non-wish simulacrum so that you definitely make simulacrum with a 9th level, non expended slot)
Step 3: Use a bonus action (or no action, whatever) to ask you Simulcarum to cast Wish to create a copy of you, and tell it to pass the message down the line...
Step 4: Repeat...
You should soon have a horde of Simulacrum, increasing at a rate of about 2 a round. They will be vulnerable to dispel magic, but as wizards/sorcerers they probably have counterspell. Build your horde in a remote location to give you maximum time before wizard's guilds / dieties start trying to dispel your horde. Killing or dispelling the most recent Simulacrum would disrupt the process, admittedly, but you can always take 12 hours to long rest whilst the remaining Simulacrum craft additional Simulacrum with their 7-8 level spell slots.
Step 5. Conquer or destroy the world at leisure.
Except they get more opportunities to hit things than any other class, I don't understand your whining.
They also get the most ASIs so they're the most likely to max their relevant stats and still have room for feats. Have you even played the game?