No hogs will be wild here !
Cyoa throg
Other urls found in this thread:
I summon forth the Fatposter
>tfw real life stuff stops you from finishing your cyoa
I want to be a carefree teenager again waaah
Throgs do not satisfy me.
Nothing satisfies you, no matter how much of it you get. That's why you're so fat.
>this is the greatest place to talk about 40k
>there is no good 40k CYOAs
Explain yourselves, Veeky Forums
Pint-Size PK.
I don't need recognition, in fact, people not taking me seriously would be better.
I just want to make the world a better place, and there are certain groups of people (murderers, tyrants, other undesirables, etc) that need to go for the true beauty of the world to come to flower.
If nobody can take me seriously?
All the harder for them to suspect me of anything.
Leading or influencing people? Just leave them little notes. Carved into the inside of their front doors. They never see 'me' to take seriously. They take the ominous notes and related threat of violence seriously.
All in all, I become the badguy that nobody suspects, but who is only trying to make the world a better place.
Hell of an improvement over my current life.
Rebellion cyoa when?
>Explain yourselves, Veeky Forums
You haven't made one dumbfuck
Make one
When you make it.
Absolute power. Sure it might kind of suck for me, but I feel it kind of a responsibility to keep mankind safe
There are a few but they are kinda meh desu
I think what we need is something as varying as Overlord but in a space opera setting.
I agree. Make it.
Perhaps I will, user.
Feed me ideas..
Pint-Sized PK
Mumen rider the best though
I have plans.
Tell me more!
NCYOA sequel.
In space.
which is NCYOA?
>the job in which you do in the world
What if I would rather not do the world in? Or would at least prefer to keep my work and any world-destruction goals separate?
Final page. Remember to have fun.
Pokemon Personified Plus+ will be done soon or whenever possible.
The Necromancer CYOA.
oshit dog, now i feel like an idiot.
also, IN SPACE.
Two-thirds of the wives don't have any limiters, even though the first three or four should be Fantasy-only.
Archives and other resources:
Last thread:
gib some good ideas then
Bless you user
I have a rough outline, as well as a timeline of what happened between the CYOAs to explain the differences.
This is cyowg now. All is over. Resistance is futile.
Well this is a big one, but what the hell.
>Name: Bob
>mech:Navajo IV
>Attire:Local,Enviromental suit,Heavyhull
>Misc:Bussiness,chart,AI,TV,vidya gaems,internet,movies,bar,workout,shield,holocomm,medic cache, medical lab
>Companions: Stanley, Benjamin, Lunefree, Bronze, Tzarva, Enrico,Ellie,Uzo,Mahnkro.
Perks:family, conscripts, tax lax, stay low
I hope I'll be able to get enough money for pods before the ship explodes
Space Opera Refuge Adventure CYOA: (+13,000)
Training: (+2)
>Traders Apprenticeship
>Spiritual Mentoring
>Zoology Training
>Sky Beast: Male Heavy + Biome Outfitted (-3200)
>Sky Beast: Female Heavy + Biome Outfitted (-3200)
>Sky Beast: Male Heavy + Biome Outfitted (-3200)
>Sky Beast: Female Heavy + Biome Outfitted (-3200)
>Standard Issue Jumpsuit (Free)
>Local Attire (Free)
>Spiritual Attire (-200)
>Hydra Shotgun (-450)
>Tractorgun (-400)
>Portable Medic Cache (-250)
>Spiritual Fetish (-250)
>Biochrono Bath (Free)
>Buisness Investment (-650)
>Home: Bought House (-1000)
Special Misc:
>Tutition Fee (-2000)
>Work and Play: Work x3 (+4500)
Companions: (+5)
>Vega Hjort
>Nameless Familiar
Citizen Perks: (+4)
>Tax Lax (+500)
>Night Eyes
I noticed.
.....why would I have to worry about being of legal age?
Medical and Science degrees 13250
Gravship 10250
Synthskin and light shields under finer clothing 8750
I'm not really the fighting type but being unarmed is unwise so a revolver since it can have stun bullets (?) 8600
Medic Bag 8600
Map 8100
Eroticorp stuff of course 7750
Escape Pods 7500
Flares, shields, repairs 6200
med, bio, engineering, and physics labs for maximum science on our journey 4800
all the entertainment 4400
holodisk Library for educating our younger crewmates 2400
Stanley Harrison. He can be our backseat leader, and every crew needs a father figure. Plus someone who knew my parents will be nice to have along.
Biscuit&Tin. We'll be good role models, and a spaceship crew who care about you is a good a family as any.
Sebastian Quan. A heart of gold fits into our crew, and Biscuit&Tin will like playing with his monkey. Plus finding new animals to learn about can be the mcguffin for our crew.
Tina Haywood. Need someone to fly the ship, and maybe being around the friendly crew will get her to expand her horizons. If she wants to of course, everyone should be themselves. Sometimes having good friendos gets people more upbeat.
Vega Hjort. The face of the party. A heroic and confident role model for Biscuit&Tin and myself. Plus following superman around on her adventures would be another good mcguffin for the crew.
Space. We'll be Firefly wannabes. Plus this ship cost all my credits.
Lifejacket, Helmsan for if Tina is tired or sick, Gut Feeling, and To the Lab.
This looks AMAZING!
Still going over it though, so my build won't be for a while.
Re:Style of Life CYOA:
Style: (+24)
>Fantasy (+2)
>Castle (-6)
>Court Mage (-6)
>Magical Staff (-6)
>The Holy Grail (-8)
>Richalle I
>This and That
>The Holidays
>Family Hobby
Barely any Waifu CYOAs
This isn't a bad thing
Wood Elf (invisibility and animal aid, fuck yeah)
Nyctashas Blessing
Charisma (extremely useful and without drawbacks, unlike Intimidate)
Problem-Solving (essential, without it I would be completely dependant on others to solve my problems)
Occultist Skills: Clayflesh, Sacrifice
Druid of the Hunt Skills: Tranquil Priest, Bestial Resilience, Bestial Might, Regeneration, Bestial Swiftness
Fighter Skills: Blocking Mastery, Unarmed Master
Ultimate monster build
Ring of the Kindhearted (together with the Wood Elf nature I basically have the Calming perk)
Reforged Steel (not nearly as complex as the alternative)
Siege of the first Son
Clan Gold-Hand (seems doable)
Clash of Clans
The Bastard Queen
Lumber Mills
The Balrog
Tunnel Crisis
Dragons Helm
The Rogue Necromancer
The Two-Lovers
Treaty of Love
Brynjolf the Pirate King
Snake in the Grass
Companions: Valeria Romula (my right hand), Grozikh Hotkettle (the cook is always the most important companion), Xejis (obvious choice), Diosna Arvangati (I'll leave the court to her), Shamila Flower-Hair
Bodyguards: Breakbones Knight, Balanar
Princess Willonia, really cute and I gotta have heirs
Yep, you can see more quality CYOA's already
>posting v2 when there's a v3
>Hi-Tech Apartment
>Giant Mecha
>Power Armor
Just a regular wageslave, working for the man. With my mecha and power suit.
>No daughter, I don't care for the sci fi ones, the fantasy kitsune is cute though
>Usual Hangout
To blow off the stress of being fighting giant monsters in my robot for corporate script
>This and That
>Cooking Dinner
Seems nice.
Some people like older versions
Whether for the fluff or to reminisce
Or just to compare
>says there's a newer version
>doesn't post it
>Toughened Hide
>Create Centurion
>Land Mine
>Winter is Coming
>Priest of Zivurna
>Cull the Cyclops
>Dark Cult Clearing
>Lovers, Lovers
>Ebony Fist
>Peasant Revolt
>Harpy Raids
>Black Knight
>Runa Helgadottir
>Beri the Kind
>Semvra Borchim
>Tenyria Loregus
>Silvertongue Pin
>Princess Willonia
Normally I like to write about why I make the choices I do, maybe even a little in character stuff, but jesus there are not enough hours in the day for this one.
Would you buy this explanation?
>You always wondered why ships girls are only girls?
>Well, its svery simple. Even silly.
>When cores arrived, they didn't have time, or abilities to study intercepted human communications to find the most efficient combat form. So, they decided to use weapons that humans created to kill each other instead.
>They had troubles understanding what crew was, but since almost all of human weapons were manned, they copied that too, using the history of each ship as a basis for personality. And since they first appeared in a region dominated by English and ships are female in English, well...