If you would make the 40k Equivalent of Warhammer: The End Times - Verminitide,
(Basicly same plot, some imperial agents, Inquisitor, Psyker, Arbites, Techpriest etc. meet in a Hive City, when Shit happens and now must work together to survive & save the day.) From a lore, and to some lesser extent gameplay perspective, what would be the best replacement of the Skaven? I first thought about genestealers, but im not that into Tyranid Lore, and from what I know, they would be to OP. Maybe Mutants, that are revolting from the Underhive?
How would you do a game like Vermintide, but instead in Warhammer 40k?
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Nids or daemons, maybe orks.
My first thought, but my point is, that the characters are humans, peoble from the Imperial Society that meet each other random and could have discussions from their perspecitve.
the hrud who are literally space skaven
genestealers dumbass
For the enemies I'd go a chaos cult. Lots of human-like enemies with lots of options for the big foes. A Chaos Space Marine, a Chaos Spawn, a Psyker etc.
For the main characters I'd go with:
Arbite: Really good at melee, decently tough and becomes ungodly tough with a shield.
Sister of Battle: Bloody tough, good at both melee and range but with serious ammo issues
Imperial Guard: Fragile but has the longest range (Sniper Rifles and such) and more reliable ammo than any of the others.
Mechanicus: The 'Mage' of the group. Very powerful effects but if he overstresses his power supply it will drain his own life.
- Inquisitor or interrogator investigating this shit. The Salty.
- Inquisitorial stormtrooper form his retinue. The Kruber
- Sanctioned psyker from. Sienna siwn lightnings instead of fireballs.
- Arbiter caught in the chaos and cut off from his (now overrun) district fotress. Dorf equivalent.
- Hive gang chick, lone survivvor of her gang's battle against invaders. Elf equivalent.
I think SoB are not that often randomly anywhere, but I like the the idea to include a techpriest, if done right, that could be awesome character to play.
Thats actually the very first thing, I thought of, but I put the Arbites as Krubers Equvalent. But if I think about it, using a big Shield, wielding blunt weapons, using a shotgun, he actually fits the dorf role better.
Genestealers Claws can tear Ceramite apart, if I remember correctly, and as I said, my point is, that you play humans instead of space marines.
Have their ever been descripitons of mutants fighting as a larger army, for example to take over a city? Wasn't there some mutant warband in Necromunda? What was there tactics?
I'd be down for a game like Mass Effect, but 40k. Start off as an Interrogator, your mentor dies early on and his connections ensure that you're elevated to full Inquisitor status, you track down his/her killer and undo their plot.
Ordo Xenos Kill Team. You could have various characters like the Inquisitor, Deathwatch Marine, Acolyte, Arbite, etc.
Enemies would be the hard part since most things in 40K are deadly in serious numbers.
A Genestealer Cult could work though. As long as it was something along the lines of it being before the uprising so they can't bring their full forces to bear for fear of being found.
The Kill Team could be trying to make its way off planet to get word out or something. Or having to complete objectives themselves since they don't know who is compromised yet.
For enemies, go with a chaos backed uprising in the underhive/lower hive. Start with the underhive gangers/mutants (including mutants that didn't start off human), escalating to chaos space marines/daemons.
For the PCs, I'm thinking three sources for them:
- Enforces sent from the upper hive to quell unrest in the lower hive
- Local gangs.
- Inquisitorial acolytes. They hadn't met each other until they got into the elevator down into the underhive. Their mission: Reach a specific location, take some pics, get out.
The acolytes step out of the elevator near the bottom of the lower hive. They see the enforcers enforcing. Then shit hits the fan forcing the survivors down into the underhive. Shit hitting the fan could be as simple as the floor crumbling beneath their feet because it can't handle all the explosions caused by the enforcers.
>left 4 dead 4
No, at least vermintide was focused more on melee 40k would just be regular l4d with some mods.
Inquisitorial storm trooper.
A blood axe mercenary.
Tau fire warrior.
They must try and not get eaten by the tyranids.
>I think SoB are not that often randomly anywhere
The SOB are the guards for a lot of cathedrals. They turn up a heap in the Arbites books as a result as they are some of the heaviest support the Arbites can require from another organisation.
Yeah, but without lags, DC, preformance problems, shit weapons that either do no dmg or you cant aim with that shit.
Deathwing is garbage. Im glad it died.
Enemies: Deamons, nids cant talk, cant use magic and are just poor version of skaven.
Are the Flamers still put out?
You don't need to model the characters even in role and functionality to the fantasy group. If you really want an excellent L4D copycat then make the game and characters unique to 40K and not Vet min tide in Spess
Dont know, I doped it long time ago. Seen some youtube vid about tham haing 190 players at peak. Went for a spin, everything is the same. Its dead. I rly salty about that game cuz they had great feel to whole Space Hulk but butchered it on every turn and ocasion.
Left 4 dead reskin, with Ciaphas Cain characters for the banter and some Vermintide Melee mechanics.
Enemies would be some weird brand of Tyranid splinter that only produces gaunts and few others, or a world being attacked by Nurgle cultists
It's called Space Hulk: Deathwing
They've already made it, it's called Space Hulk: Deathwing.