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It's a shame that it took 3 tries for someone to make a thread with the title in the subject field.
How good are double Soulburner Decimator Dreads?
Wow, they made a game based off DoW.
Is it any good?
Krieg needs Elite platoon commanders and a proper Tank Commander for its Mars-Alpha Leman Russ.
And still forgot "something something edition"
Pretty shitty, you can't make a boardgame of a of a perfect MOBA like DOW III
Ran my Decimator against Kids the other day and pretty much threw him into his tarpit of Gaunts and they could not kill it and it eventually kill a blob of 30 on his own. It kept all those little bastards off my Lascannon Havoks.
That was supposed to say agains NIDS but spellcecked
I'll do better next time Senpai
how am i supposed to get this onto a contemptor ?
I would have settled for DoW I with new engine and graphics.
Deathskulls or Blood Axes?
Maybe they will come out with a contemptor version? Until then I guess Greenstuff and Magnets.
I wanted a mix between DoW I and II, or at least a pre Company of Heroes 3
What would you have kept from 2?
Fellow Marines players, any tips on dealing with hordes? What's the best weapon / platform to face them?
I like 8th, but template and blast gone are pretty shitty.
Missle launchers and heavy bolters have been pretty nice.
So, i don't see any limitation on missiles on the FW index, neither on the amount that can be fired each turn or on the fact that they can only be used once
Is a model with 6 missiles able to shoot all 6 every turn?
Hopefully the codices introduce more wargear options across the board, most factions seem to be a bit bland when it comes to selection, with a few units having no choices at all.
I guess it's worth it to have all factions on the same "page" so to speak, time will tell if future releases ruin the current balance or not.
I think you can just use them every turn unless specified.
Which weapon loadout did you go for? The CC Decimator looks badass, but the 2x2D3 mortal wounds just looks soooo sweet
What do you think of the vulcan? Pretty good for a bit over 350 pts?
I went dual Siege Claws. For the extra attack and double flamer. Those little bastards got burnt to a crisp. They managed to knock off a few wounds but I regained them and never got in too low.
Or alternatively, a hybrid band of blood axes with a fetish for blue warpaint.
Also for a flat 90 points, you he really made a impact.
I'm so glad the Decimator is good again, I have 2 of them laying around but never used them in 7th because of the ridiculous price. Now they seem like the new cheese.
Renegades confirmed worst army in 8th
Why the fuck can't I put a dreadnought in a Drop Pod?
The only macharius I like
The rulebook states flatout that codices will be released later and will feature "warlord traits, strategems, wargear, and unique relics" so we just have to wait for the first one to come out and see if they're lying.
I think first set of codices will be just before the global campaign.
Decimators claws are 30p each though, no?
Cause "buy our new drop pods, only $79.99 each"
The contemptor is no slouch either. It tied up his other blob while my Havocs and Sicaran shot up everything else.
it comes stock with it I thought? Maybe I fucked up then?
>What is "Does not include wargear"
daily reminder against the shills
>Pays a model 90 instead of 150
>Surprised at how effective it is
Yep, I fucked up
Got a 60power game tomorrow as our first game of 8th. What kind of quirky fun IG list can I run without conscripts spam? I was thinking 15 Vet Teams with support officers.
Maybe sprinkle in some heavy weapons?
Why are Obliterators so shit? i've played them and seen them, and cannot figure out the purpose. and it isn't the deep strike as that just opens them up to being charged and their melee skills are non existent
Why would you ever take them? just under 200pts could get you a Las-Pred or a Unit of Havocs with some pts left over
Mutilators actually seem...good in comparison. i might just proxy them from now on
What faction are you fighting?
Has anyone tried to make their own transfers? If so how did it go?
Take them as proxy termo-Lords. That's literally the only use for them now.
Now I have to find a way to get a close combat arm for my Chaos Leviathan since they can't have double guns. Can the loyalist version still double up on weapons?
Where were you when based FW saved Necrons and shit on Eldar?
I hear Scion Command squads are quirky and fun.
Wasn't there a rumor about them getting nerfed? If so, enjoy while you can.
I sadly only own 6 special weapon scions. Back when all I needed was two per squad.
Tyranids most likely. Dude just bought a Trigon he's excited to use.
take 2 wyrven with deathstrike -if you shopot thoes things you cna wipe anything on the fucking table with thoes mortal Wounds
That's all it is - a rumor.
Probably started by some guy who had all his terminators melted by a deep striking command squad of plasma guns. So he wants to see less of them anywhere he goes.
Fucking loyalist scum still getting shooty stuff
8 burna boyz + 1 spanner w/kustom mega blasta
8 lootas
This is to support boyz, a warboss, and a weirdboy
3d6 on 4+ ( with hq 3+) mortal Wounds for 120-140 ptk and you take 2 of them
And thus begins the great unbalancing where Marines get 10 codexes and 5 years later, we're still waiting for something else.
They changed our horde killer to a... I am not sure where it fits now. Also lower power than the Y'Vahra but still more points WTF?
>Heavy Rail Cannon is a Macro Weapon
>Macro Weapons can't fire if the unit has moved, unless it has the TITANIC keyword
>Tiger Shark doesn't have that
>Tiger Shark is a flyer with minimum movement and with no hover capability
Holy kek, Tiger Shark can't fucking fire it
I hope not.
Probably going to be Chaos Space Marines vs Space Marines, then Tyranids vs Orks.
Reece said in a stream that anyone building an army based around them should probably enjoy it while it lasts.
No idea if that means he expects them to get nerfed, or if he knows they're getting nerfed.
>nids and Orks
>getting a Codex
who is reece?
Has the xenos forge world index leaked yet?
>Redemptor Dread size is between Contemptor and Leviathan, it's not that big.
Fucking kek.
I have the feeling their point costs were switched.
Check the mega.
I really want to convert my tomb blades because I hate the models
something canoptek inspired would be cool. Any Ideas?
The Octarius war between them has been going on, it's probably gonna happen.
Probably even gonna be another starter kit with more cheap fit snap models sold for an exorbitant price. GW loves that shit.
Roster Builder is down.
Anyone know of a good alternative?
So... Shadow Wars question.
How would you best start an inquisition warband, model wise?
I have nothing right now. My plan was to make something like:
- Inquisitor: Power Armour, Camo Gear, Storm Shield, Needle Pistol with toxic rounds, digital weapons
5 Acolytes with Storm Bolters and Camo gear
I am willing to mix and match boxes, but I don't want to use shit like ebay.
Levi still looks way better
The cover system, heroes, vehicles mechanics ala Company of Heroes and supression and retreat.
Mach Vulcan is great. It's too bad though, all the other variants and every single Malcador are useless. Way overcosted for their durability and weapons.
v.1.04 of the Mathhammer Math Engine is out. Looking through the index, there's afew more unique abilities that I have to include into it. Take a look!
>20 shoota boyz vs 30 slugga boyz
Sluggas flubbed their 7-inch charge (with re-roll) and got BTFO. Is this the power of melee?
not a fair comparison, but that overwatch dakka would have given me a boner desu
It's probably just a wild guess on his part. He might be right, he might be wrong.
Wanna get back into 40k. Used to run the 'nids back in the day but hated painting and keeping track of such a lot models.
Gonna try some elite army now that I'm aesthetically into. Love TS and space vikings, but vikings feels like more models and harder to paint (I'm shit at painting). What should I run? TS with termis and Magnus for point heavy few cool models? Would love other recommendations
New to game but painting up my Cron army. I'm intimidated by the resin on my heavy destroyers and characters, if I find out it's not so bad what unit are you excited about? The tomb sentinel looked pretty good or maybe the pylon?
I can get behind that.
Resin is easy friendo. Just remember to wash/soak it.
Frontline gaming, one of the playtesters who was writing faction focus articles for the warhammer community site.
What's the most brotherhood of Nod army I could build.
Black and red themed R&H?
Genestealer Cults.
Burnaz if you have a trukk for them
Otherwise lootaz
>Guilliman comes to help Blood Angels fight off huge Tyranid fleet
>STILL no Guilliman vs. Swarmlord fight
How do you fuck up THAT bad?
What? NOD has cyborgs and high-tech stuff
Funny enough, humanified Necrons could do NOD well
or heavily converted AM with weird stuff like Hades breaching Drill
Land raider crusader has worked well for me
>Power Armour, Storm Shield,
That feels redundant.
Power armour and storm shield doesn't make sense does it? Pretty sure they dont stack, and you'll always use the storm shield for the 3++ invul. Could be missing something, I dont know.
Camo and SB on everything seems kinda cancerous, but alright. I assume everything has +BS?
I feel like you are going a tad too heavy on the melee inquisitor. Sure, it is not a bad one, he is extremely durable and will royally skull fuck most beginner kill teams, and camo helps him close in, but... just keep in mind that you are throwing your leader into melee by himself. It might work out, but chances are you will just get charged by 8 dudes and lose your leader.
5 storm bolsters should be able to do fairly well on their own though. Usinh the inquisitor as a defender rather than an offensive blender is probably best.
Considering the models, I would suggest just converting bolters to storm bolters (pretty easy to do well enough), and getting some IG with Camo gear as the base models.
With so many marinefag buying Dark Imperium, soon enough there will be a lot of Death Guard for cheap.
Other models will came out soon enough, like termiantors and that big nurgly ultralisk .
They are all big models (poxwalker are not, but you can avoid that), and they are Nurgle, so if you are shit at painting is not as big a deal as other stuff.
>humanified Necrons
Aka the admech.
There's already a ton of death guard for cheap, I picked up the plague marines for 20$ with free shipping and poxwalkers for 15$.
How can dreadlets even compete?
Seriously though, they both look great to me. Love me some boxy dreads.
Just can't get behind nurgle looks. All other chaos variants, just not Slaanesh or Nurgle.
For all the anons who wanted to paint a Red Scorpion.