there isn’t any news, dump soon surely
am i right?
there isn’t any news, dump soon surely
am i right?
yeah, it's mooning for no reason and the volume is drying up.
have fun being poor
congrats to everyone who made a profit though. however if you FOMO bought, haha sucks to be you
Testnet go rewrite done in q1, main net in q2
Gotta get in early
There is news, you're just not in the loop.
This activity is insiders acquiring and buying by fiat price with no shits given to sats. It won't stop until every sell order is cleared out on Binance.
>i don't always have diarrhea, but when i do it's on a street in mumbai.
>dump soon surely
I thought the same thing a few days ago and sold some at 2500 sats, then this happened so I don't know what's going on.
>There is news, you're just not in the loop.
the news was that sergey is still alive...enough for $200M marketcap boost.
lol don't you retards get it? Whales have finished accumulating, they've now lifted the walls to let this shit run like crazy. There won't be any significant dumping - stay poor if you're not on the train
It's actually disgusting watching everyone disregard Chainlink and chase empty pumps instead. This is the most innovative piece of technology that financial and insurance sectors have all been waiting for and it will actually revolutionize the world and strengthen every industry it touches.
Look at Vitalik, Roger, Justin, and Charlie constantly focusing on publicity stunts, shilling, and talking about the pricing of their coins. Sergey is actually the most reliable leader in the cryptosphere focusing only on his technology and development, no bullshitting with publicity stunts. Only honest answers to honest questions when he gets the chance.
I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills watching all of this play out. Etherscan shows that soon 95% of all available circulating LINK will be consolidated into less than 15,000 wallets and that continues to shrink as more people try to chase pumps, they're being shaken into stronger hands. As soon as Sergey's saved up LINK is finally handed over to institutions we'll see the price jump by increments of dollars and it'll be way too for most people by then. This is so fucking ridiculous and scary in showing how stupid most of Veeky Forums actually is.
Bullshit, LINK had a moderately successful PnD culminating in a meandering jargon blog post posing as an "update" and is now well on its way to returning to its true price, 15 cents. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this Christmas Sergey again tests his limit by swimming across a large body of water but this time fails to make it across. That's of course if he isn't already dead in a Thai bathhouse after ODing on all the cocaine that he bought with the ICO funding. Rory probably logs into Sergey's slack account now and then to offer some proof of life in order to keep the con going.
Ya I tried to warn people. Node operators are going to want to squat on as much LINK as they possibly can. Will Chainlink give them free LINK for being a partner? Ya, likely. But every bit more they have will give them an edge, so they're not going to just take their free LINK and call it a day, they're going to buy it up while its cheap af.
They've been buying all the way down after SIBOS. And they're still buying. But the walls are gone, the sell side seems to be shrinking, and the price is blowing out every resistance point it should retrace from.
This is it. Hope you weren't still trying to swing trade yesterday/today.
No-linkers are so cringy, holy jesus fuck
I wish I got in sooner I'm up 50 dollars today alone.
I'm one of em. I suggest you all do the same if you're holding a considerable sum.
The nodes are relatively easy to set up. Can't fucking wait
Whales putting up giant walls to keep the price suppressed so they can buy more cheap. You see this on every exchange it's always a sign of a good investment you guys should know this by now.
operation street shit is a go.
all pajeets are irene
no news, are you retard, few days back Sergey confirmed that they working on swift bond payments+ lot of other project in crypt going to use chinklink. link does not need news to moon unlike shitcoins. whoever see its potential fomo'ing now.
not an argument
underrated. very good sir.
equals Deth to cripple.
Buy now or stay poor.
>Mooned 70% over night
>Still pissed
Please sell you noodle handed faggot, you don't deserve to hodl LINK
LMAO tis goin 300 $ tomorow
It keeps mooning and there's no dump in sight. I missed out on the lows and I can't buy more link than I already have. I just want to kms.
I need to buy rope
im up 2500 on shift right now, if link dumps im selling everything and going all in
please fck yes
Fuck you faggot stop posting in threads with an etherwallet as your name, this isn't some reddit gay giveaway bullshit. No one feels bad for you in fact we're happy, the less people holding large amounts of LINK the better for us.
I just want to die. But I don't even have 1k link
I have 33% of my portfolio which is about 20k links and I FOMO atm anyway.
Oh child have you still not learned the ways of this shitcoin?
I sure hope it dips for a few more weeks, I want to accumulate more before $1. This window is rapidly shrinking
you can set up nodes already?
Can I set up a node as a coding brainlet? I'm fairly computer literate, can follow a guide. Do I need advanced knowledge to operate a node to it's fullest potential? If anything I'll probably stake on a pooled node.
>I need to buy rope
no, you need to buy chainlink...
this shit is about to drop harder than your're are mom dropped you when you were a baby
Idk, I'm joining a pool, I think it will pay off more, I only have 11k anyway, so I think a pool is y best option.
Joke's on you., I got out at 4155 sats
Jokes on you, this is a healthy correction and a continuation pattern.
See you at 6k sats within 12 hours.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about Chain Link, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Coinbase, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret pump and dumps on BitBean, and I have over 300% confirmed gains. I am trained in gorilla crypto trading and I’m the top Link bagholder in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to Chain Link but just another target. I will wipe your coins the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about Linkies over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Pajeets across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the blockchain and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
if by "drop hard" you mean to 3500 sats at worst, lol
>50 dollars
Hahaha haha hewweheew
IF that buy wall isn't fake...
How can the pilot see where he's going?